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Danish adverbs: the complete guide

An overview of Danish adverbs

While adjectives are used to qualify nouns, an adverb can modify a verb, an adjective or even another adverb.

The following example shows a Danish phrase where the adverb modifies the verb:

Example of a Danish adverb which modifies a verb (translation: “He always studies linguistics”)

Remark about the direction of the arrows: These diagrams represent the syntactic structure of a sentence. The arrows go from head word to dependent word.

The next example shows a Danish phrase in which the adverb modifies the adjective:

Example of a Danish adverb which modifies an adjective (translation: “very good grammar”)

Finally, here is an example of a Danish phrase where the adverb modifies another adverb:

Example of a Danish adverb which modifies an adjective (translation: “He pronounces very well.”)

Adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency are used to describe how often an action or an event occurs.

Table: Some examples of Danish adverbs of frequency
Danish adverb translation
altid always
stadig constantly, still
ofte frequently
tit often
sædvanligvis usually, normally
indimellem sometimes, once in a while
sjældent rarely, seldom
aldrig never

The Danish adverb “altid” resembles the Swedish adverb “alltid” except for a small spelling difference. In fact, Danish and Swedish are fairly similar languages. On a related note, see this guide to Swedish adverbs.

Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree indicate “how much” or “to what extent” an adjective or another adverb applies.

Table: Some examples of Danish adverbs of degree
Danish adverb translation
fuldstændig completely, utterly
helt completely, quite
særdeles particularly, a lot
især especially, particularly
vældig very, mighty
meget much, very
temmelig quite, rather, fairly
nok enough, sufficiently
mest mostly, most
nogenlunde somewhat, to some degree, approximately
næsten nearly, almost
lidt slightly, little
næppe barely

The Danish adverb “fuldstændig” is derived from the German adverb “vollständig” and they share the same meaning. There are in fact a number of linguistic similarities between Danish and German.

Adverbs of place

Adverbs of place describe “where” an event or an action occurs.

Table: Some examples of Danish adverbs of place
Danish adverb translation
der there, at that place
her here, in this place
derfra from there
herfra from here
inde inside
derinde in there
ud out
ind in
overalt everywhere
udenfor outside
herinde in here
udefra from the outside
nær near, nearby
indenfor indoors, inside, within
derude out there
væk away
bort away

Adverbs of time

Adverbs of time describe “when” an event or an action occurs.

Table: Some examples of Danish adverbs of time
Danish translation
nu now
endnu still, yet
allerede already
før before, prior
snart soon
tidligere sooner, earlier
endelig finally
efter later, afterwards
umiddelbart immediately
straks immediately, right away
nylig recently
forleden the other day
engang one time, one day
tidlig early
herefter from now on, hereafter
efterhånden over time, gradually
samtidigt at the same time, simultaneously
hidtil so far, up to now
længe for a long time
nogensinde ever, at some time
bagefter subsequently, afterwards

The Danish adverb “allerede” is identical to the Norwegian adverb “allerede”. In fact, Danish and Norwegian are fairly similar languages.

Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner describe “how” an event or an action occurs.

Table: Some examples of Danish adverbs of manner
Danish translation
so, to the extent that
godt well
gerne gladly
bevidst knowingly, deliberately, consciously
offentligt publicly, in public
delvis partly, partially
hurtigt quickly
tæt closely
pludselig suddenly
let easily
sagtens easily
dårligt badly
pludseligt suddenly, all of a sudden

The Danish adverb “pludselig” resembles the Dutch adverb “plotseling”. Although Danish is closer to German than it is to Dutch, there are some similarities between Danish and Duch.

Adverbs of probability

Adverbs of probability describe “how likely” something is.

Table: Some examples of Danish adverbs of probability
Danish translation
bestemt definitely, certainly
sikkert certainly
måske perhaps, maybe
åbenbart apparently
sandsynligvis apparently, likely, probably

The adverb “sandsynligvis” is formed by ading the suffix “-vis” to the adjective “sandsynlig”. This pattern of word formation can be noticed in several other Danish adverbs, for example: “nødvendigvis”, “tilfældigvis” and “eksempelvis”.

Conjunctive adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs serve an important grammatical purpose as they indicate the relationship between thoughts. The relationship can be “cause and effect”, “contrast”, etc.. Here is a list of the most common Danish conjunctive adverbs:

Some examples of Danish conjuctive adverbs
Danish translation
også also, as well
derfor therefore
dog however
samtidig also, furthermore, simultaneously
således thus
dermed thus
tværtimod on the contrary
desuden furthermore, moreover, in addition
alligevel anyway, nevertheless, either way
derefter thereafter, afterwards
ligeledes likewise
imidlertid however, meanwhile
derved thus, thereby
hellere instead, rather
imens meanwhile
derpå thereafter, then
følgelig consequently, accordingly
derimod but, however, on the contrary

More Danish adverbs

Here is a list of some more Danish adverbs which are commonly used:

More examples of Danish adverbs
Danish translation
ikke not
hvor where
lige just, recently
videre further
kun only
bare just
sammen together
hvordan how
igen again
frem ahead, forward, forth
tilbage back
først first of all, firstly
sådan such, in this way
rundt around, round
netop precisely, exactly
selvfølgelig of course, naturally
ude out
desværre regrettably, unfortunately
direkte directly
hvorfor why
mindst least
naturligvis of course, naturally
herunder under here, below
egentlig actually
helst preferably
dels partly
mindre less
endda even
gratis free of charge
hverken neither
generelt generally, in general
simpelthen simply
utrolig incredibly
rent purely
vidt widely, broadly
eksempelvis for example
fint fine
overhovedet at all, whatsoever
omkring about, around
udelukkende solely, exclusively
nede down
forbi finished, past
nødvendigvis necessarily
præcis precisely, exactly
hvornår when
imellem between
uanset regardless, whatever
forhåbentlig hopefully
omvendt on the other hand, conversely
forkert wrongly, erroneously
tilsyneladende seemingly, apparently
nedad downwards, downhill
henholdsvis respectively
snarere more accurately, more like, rather
selvsagt of course, needless to say
billigt cheaply
ligesom sort of, kind of
forresten by the way, incidentally
overvejende predominantly
atter again
sjovt funny
skriftligt in writing
væsentligt significantly
tilfældigvis coincidentally, by chance
More Danish language articles

We also have other articles focusing on Danish pronouns and Danish prepositions.

To learn more Danish vocabulary, see this list of the 1000 most common Danish words.