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List of the 1000 most common Danish words

To produce this list of the 1000 most common Danish words, we processed a large number of Danish texts. Vocabulary words were converted to their dictionary form (inflections were removed) through a process called lemmatization.

The purpose of this list is to provide a resource for language learners who want to focus on assimilating the most frequently used Danish vocabulary words.

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  1. og

    So the most common Danish word is the conjunction “og” (which translates to “and”). With only two letters, this is a short word. In fact, linguists have observed across many languages that frequently used words tend to be shorter, a phenomenon known as the “brevity law” or “Zipf's law of abbreviation”. What may surprise you is that the most common word in Danish is not a definite article, as is the case in many languages; we explain the reason for this below, in the entry for the word “den”.

  2. være
    (to be)
  3. i
  4. en
    (a, an)
  5. at
  6. den

    In many of the languages that have them, the definite articles appear right at the top of the most commonly used words. This is not the case in Danish. The reason is that in Danish, the definite article is often a postpositive article (which means that it is attached to the end of the noun like a suffix). In Danish, it is only when the noun has an adjective or a genitive that the definite article is a separate word placed in front of the noun.

  7. til
  8. [preposition]
  9. af
  10. med
  11. det

    The Danish word “det” is very common because not only does it serve as the definite article (for nouns with neuter grammatical gender), but in addition, it is also used as a pronoun —in which case it can be translated as “that” or “it”.

  12. have
  13. for
  14. der
  15. kunne
  16. jeg
  17. som
  18. ikke
  19. du

    In the modern Danish language, the informal pronoun “du” has become more common, and the formal pronoun “De” has become rarer. This is due to a shift that started in the 1970s in Danish society towards a more egalitarian and informal culture. This reflects a broader societal trend towards flattening social hierarchies and promoting a more casual and friendly atmosphere.

  20. vi
  21. om
  22. [adverb]
  23. blive
    (to be)
  24. fra
  25. skulle
  26. men
  27. [verb]
    (to get)
  28. de
  29. ville
  30. man
  31. denne
    (this one)
  32. eller
  33. også
  34. meget
  35. mange
  36. ved
  37. han
  38. al
  39. nogen
  40. anden
  41. sig
    (oneself, itself)
  42. god
  43. hvor
  44. se
    (to see)
  45. stor
  46. komme
    (to come)
  47. din
    (your, yours)
  48. år
  49. ny
  50. efter
  51. her
  52. hvis
  53. ud
  54. når
  55. over
  56. min
    (my, mine)
  57. gøre
    (to do)
  58. nu
  59. da
  60. dag
  61. op
  62. [verb]
    (to go)
  63. sin
    (his, her, its)
  64. vores
  65. tage
    (to take)
  66. give
    (to give)
  67. hun
  68. sige
    (to say)
  69. selv
  70. finde
    (to find)
  71. bruge
    (to use)
  72. gang
    (a time, a time)
  73. lille
  74. hvad
  75. lidt
    (a little)
  76. tid
  77. deres
  78. lige
  79. dansk
  80. kun
  81. helt
  82. end
  83. arbejde

    The spelling difference between this Danish word and its German counterpart, “Arbeit”, illustrates a linguistic phenomenon called the High German consonant shift. This is discussed in this language comparison article on Danish versus German.

  84. ind
  85. hel
  86. to
  87. godt
  88. måtte
  89. lave
    (to make)
  90. under
  91. barn

    In linguistics and among language learners, a word like this is called a “false friend” because it resembles a word from another language (in this case the word “barn” in English), but it has a completely different meaning.

  92. derfor
  93. mod
  94. Danmark
    [proper noun]
  95. sted
  96. første
  97. klokke

    The reason why the word “klokke” is frequently used in Danish is that in addition to meaning “bell”, it is also used when telling the time. For example, the phrase “Klokken er fem” means “It's five o'clock”.

  98. del
  99. mere
  100. både
  101. hver
  102. bare
  103. uden
  104. stå
    (to stand)
  105. skrive
    (to write)

    Danish is not a Latin-based language, but it has adopted some Latin words over time. One such example is the Danish verb “skrive,” meaning “to write.” It is derived from the Latin verb “scribo,” which shares the same meaning and is the root of several words in modern Romance languages like “escribir” in Spanish and “écrire” in French.

  106. dog

    The Danish word “dog” is an example of what is called a “false friend” in the context of language learning: it resembles an English word, but it has an entirely different meaning. In Danish, the word “dog” has no relation to the canine animal. It is an adverb that translates to “however”.

  107. sammen
  108. side
  109. mulighed
  110. hos
    (at x's place)
  111. holde
    (to hold)
  112. rigtig
  113. igen
  114. mellem
  115. samt
    (as well)
  116. vise
    (to show)
  117. forskellig
  118. sætte
    (to put)
  119. siden
  120. læse
    (to read)
  121. samme
  122. hvordan
  123. ingen
  124. følge
    (to follow)
  125. sidste
  126. inden
  127. nok
  128. ligge
    (to lie, to be located)
  129. hvilken
  130. krone

    “Krone” is a common word in Danish because it refers to the Danish currency. The Danish krone has been the official currency of Denmark since 1875 and is also used in the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The word “krone” literally means “crown” in Danish.

  131. egen
  132. ønske
    (to wish)
  133. I
    (you - plural)

    In Danish, the word “I” is a second-person plural pronoun used to address multiple people. It is translated to English as “you.” This may confuse English speakers learning Danish because “I” in English is the first-person singular pronoun. (see this guide to Danish pronouns)

  134. vælge
  135. sådan
    (like that)
  136. gerne
  137. før
  138. billede
  139. altid
  140. måske
  141. spille
    (to play)
  142. fordi
  143. gammel
  144. måde
  145. høj
  146. ske
  147. vide
    (to know)
  148. land
  149. tilbage
  150. pris
  151. omkring
  152. købe
  153. ret
  154. endnu
  155. uge
  156. sende
  157. by
  158. lang
  159. vej
  160. brug
  161. køre
    (to drive)
  162. hans
  163. kommune

    “Kommune” is a frequently used Danish word because it refers to an important administrative subdivision in Denmark. The country is divided into approximately a hundred of these units, each one being responsible for local governance and urban planning.

  164. liv
  165. frem
  166. møde
    (to meet)
  167. blandt
  168. tro
    (to believe)
  169. tale
    (to speak)
  170. lade
  171. synes
    (to seem)
  172. plads
  173. forhold
  174. vigtig
  175. menneske
  176. skabe
    (to create)
  177. ned
  178. ung
  179. mand
  180. lægge
    (to lay)
  181. område
  182. ting
  183. kamp
    (struggle, battle, match)
  184. verden
  185. par
  186. cirka
  187. gennem
  188. problem
  189. tre
  190. kort
  191. mulig
  192. mest
  193. medlem
  194. klar
  195. stadig
  196. høre
    (to hear)
  197. prøve
    (to try)
  198. længe
  199. kommentar
  200. fortælle
    (to tell)
  201. først
  202. måned
  203. hjælpe
    (to help)
  204. række
  205. mens
  206. bog
  207. mene
    (to think)
  208. produkt
  209. starte
    (to start)
  210. betyde
    (to mean)
  211. København
    [proper noun]

    The word “København” is frequently found in Danish texts because it is the Danish name for the city of Copenhagen, the capital and largest city of Denmark.

  212. næste
  213. time
  214. spørgsmål
  215. person
  216. samtidig
    (at the same time)
  217. allerede
  218. samle
  219. skole
  220. begynde
  221. hjem
  222. tænke
    (to think)
  223. findes
    (to exist)
  224. sidde
    (to sit)
  225. grund
  226. søge
    (to search)
  227. sag
    (thing, affair)
  228. projekt
  229. tur
    (turn, tour)
  230. form
  231. forbindelse
  232. penge
  233. burde
    (should, ought)
  234. vand
  235. samarbejde
  236. rundt
  237. stille
    (to put)
  238. sikre
  239. masse
  240. folk
  241. deltage
  242. ofte
  243. hold
  244. hjemmeside
  245. vinde
  246. aldrig
  247. resultat
  248. hus

    Danish and Dutch are both Germanic languages and they have some similar words in common. For instance, the Danish word “hus,” meaning “house,” resembles its Dutch counterpart, “huis.” For more similar words, see this language comparison of Danish and Dutch.

  249. videre
  250. bil
  251. gælde
    (to be valid)
  252. løb
  253. ja
  254. faktisk
  255. opgave
  256. således
  257. mål
  258. udvikling
  259. familie
  260. dejlig
  261. aften
  262. fin
  263. kvinde
    (a woman)
  264. kende
  265. navn
  266. historie
  267. udvikle
    (to develop)
  268. lide
  269. opleve
    (to experience)
  270. betale
    (to pay)
  271. blot
  272. netop
  273. hjælp
  274. næsten
  275. lære
    (to learn)
  276. hendes
  277. nemlig
  278. igennem
  279. desuden
  280. farve
  281. nummer
  282. glæde
    (to delight)
  283. film

    The wide use of the word “film” in the Danish language reflects the fact that Denmark has a vibrant film industry that has produced many critically acclaimed movies. Danish cinema is also known for an influential film movement, “Dogma 95”, founded by Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg, which advocated for a more back-to-basics approach to filmmaking.

  284. rejse
    (to travel, to raise)
  285. modtage
    (to receive)
  286. falde
    (to fall)
  287. handle
  288. tilbyde
  289. aftale
  290. begge
  291. kalde
    (to call)
  292. million
    (a million)
  293. gruppe
    (a group)
  294. fri
  295. virke
    (to function, to have an effect)
  296. let
  297. passe
    (to attend to)
  298. svar
  299. ramme
    (to affect)
  300. ende
    (to end)
  301. mindst
  302. behov
  303. hurtigt
  304. især
  305. kræve
    (to require)
  306. start
  307. direkte
  308. spændende
  309. tak
  310. kunde
  311. leve
    (to live)
  312. stykke
  313. bag
  314. procent
  315. sen
  316. dermed
  317. selvfølgelig
    (of course)
  318. hvorfor
  319. information
  320. elev
  321. sælge
    (to sell)
  322. kvalitet
  323. svær

    The Danish word “svær” is an adjective that means “difficult” in English. It is interesting to note that this word also exists in Norwegian but with a different meaning. In Norwegian, “svær” means “heavy” instead of “difficult.” For more on this, see this language comparison of Danish and Norwegian.

  324. ændre
    (to change)
  325. ord
  326. støtte
    (to support)
  327. tidlig
  328. tilbud
    (an offer, a proposition)
  329. [verb]
    (to reach)
  330. bestå
    (to pass an exam)
  331. selvom
  332. fantastisk
  333. heller
  334. tæt
  335. grad
  336. bo
    (to live)
  337. spise
    (to eat)
  338. sort
  339. vare
    (a product, a commodity)
  340. mad
  341. uddannelse
  342. hånd
  343. lov
  344. marts
  345. maj
  346. føle
    (to feel)
  347. dyr
  348. oplysning
  349. ekstra

    The Danish word “ekstra” and the English word “extra” are cognates, meaning they share the same etymological origin. Both words can be traced back to the Latin term “extrā.” Interestingly, while the Danish alphabet includes the letter “x,” it is not often used in spelling Danish vocabulary words. Instead, many words that would traditionally be spelled with “x” in other languages are spelled with “ks” in Danish.

  350. medarbejder
  351. mærke
    (to mark)
  352. senere
  353. glad
  354. håbe
    (to hope)
  355. lokal
  356. eksempel

    The Danish word “eksempel” translates to “example” in English, and it comes from the Latin word “exemplum.” However, the Danish language typically avoids using the letter “x,” so the word is spelled differently. Many Latin words that contain “x” are spelled with “ks” in Danish.

  357. forsøge
  358. slå
    (to beat)
  359. hinanden
    (each other)
  360. gratis
  361. ven
  362. forstå
    (to understand)
  363. bygge
    (to build)
  364. minut
  365. tidligere
  366. trække
  367. ude
  368. periode
  369. artikel
  370. desværre
  371. fire
  372. april
  373. mangle
  374. levere
    (to supply)
  375. føre
    (to lead)
  376. hund
  377. forvente
    (to expect)
  378. huske
    (to remember)
  379. billig

    The Danish adjective “billig” translates to “cheap” in English. Interestingly, this word has its origin in the German language. The term “billig” in German also means “cheap”, and it is likely that the word was introduced into Danish through trade and commerce relations between the two countries.

  380. alligevel
  381. smuk
  382. lyde
    (to sound)
  383. ligesom
  384. sjov
  385. kontakt
  386. spil
    (a game)
  387. øje
  388. vente
  389. krav
    (a requirement)
  390. regel
  391. antal
  392. fuld
  393. lys
  394. januar
  395. september
  396. eneste
  397. fald
  398. almindelig
  399. åben
  400. fylde
    (to fill)
  401. aktivitet
  402. indenfor
  403. offentlig
  404. ene
  405. endelig
  406. indtil
  407. ifølge
    (according to)
  408. pige
  409. varm
  410. december
  411. forælder
  412. benytte
    (to use)
  413. forslag
  414. forening
  415. spørge
    (to ask)
  416. sikker
  417. system
  418. lukke
    (to close)
  419. fortsætte
    (to continue)
  420. nødvendig
  421. flytte
  422. stærk
  423. krop
  424. musik
  425. lørdag
  426. stige
    (to increase)
  427. søndag
  428. social
  429. politisk
  430. væk
  431. regering
  432. hvid
  433. svare
  434. åbne
    (to open)
  435. besøge
    (to visit)
  436. herunder
  437. lav
  438. økonomisk
  439. hvem
  440. adgang
  441. morgen
  442. viden

    Given the Danish emphasis on education and lifelong learning, it comes as no surprise that the word “viden” (which translates to “knowledge”) is an extensively used term in the Danish language.

  443. ligne
    (look like)
  444. november
  445. sikkert
  446. oktober
  447. ansætte
  448. kigge
    (to look)
  449. anbefale
  450. vis
  451. valg
  452. rød
  453. foregå
    (to happen, to take place)
  454. formål
  455. vende
    (to turn)
  456. kendt
  457. salg
  458. øge
    (to increase)
  459. februar
  460. sidst
  461. derefter
  462. bedst
  463. mor
  464. spiller
  465. rest
  466. international
  467. vel
  468. lyst
  469. hedde
    (to be called)
  470. formand
  471. løbe
    (to run)
  472. fungere
    (to function)
  473. lejlighed
  474. naturligvis
    (of course)
  475. råd
  476. tidspunkt
  477. trods
  478. fælles
  479. grøn
  480. fredag
  481. juni
  482. bestemt
  483. tanke
  484. klub
    (a club)
  485. jeres
  486. selskab
  487. fremtid
  488. fordel
  489. slags
    (a kind of)
  490. kæmpe
  491. størrelse
  492. imod
  493. millimeter
  494. klasse
  495. død
  496. velkommen
  497. dansker
  498. indhold
  499. egentlig
  500. snart
  501. dække
  502. bruger
    (a user)
  503. bede
    (to ask)
  504. borger
    (a citizen)
  505. august
  506. besøg
    (a visit)
  507. marked
  508. hente
  509. skifte
    (to change)
  510. sæson
  511. interesse
  512. dårlig
  513. kilometer
  514. personlig
  515. koste
  516. perfekt
  517. bane
    (track, lane)
  518. slet
    (at all)
  519. politi
  520. forskel
  521. emne
  522. ad
  523. aktiv
  524. nævne
    (to mention)
  525. hurtig
  526. mindre
    (smaller, lesser)
  527. enten
  528. Peter
    [proper noun]
  529. sød
  530. elske
    (to love)
  531. arrangement
  532. samfund

    The frequent usage of the word “samfund” (which can be translated as “community” or “society”) reflects the strong sense of community and social cohesiveness in Denmark.

  533. materiale
  534. natur
  535. inde
  536. nær
  537. byde
  538. Jensen
    [proper noun]
  539. kirke
  540. dele
  541. positiv
  542. job
  543. sommer
  544. fem
  545. Hansen
    [proper noun]
  546. venstre
  547. bred
  548. leder
  549. ringe
    (to call)
  550. nyde
  551. hverdag
  552. træ

    Given Denmark’s commitment to sustainability, biodiversity, and environmentally friendly living, it comes as no surprise that the word “træ” (meaning “tree”) is often used in the Danish language

  553. ansvar
  554. læge
  555. udfordring
    (a challenge)
  556. dreng
  557. bygning
    (a building)
  558. kontakte
    (to contact)
  559. bank
  560. herefter
  561. undervisning
    (education, instruction)
  562. skøn
  563. tvivl
  564. stand
  565. hoved
  566. Nielsen
    [proper noun]
  567. stemme
  568. tekst
    (a text)
  569. lækker
  570. beslutte
  571. fortsat
  572. voksen
  573. vokse
    (to grow)
  574. oplyse
  575. torsdag
  576. hård
  577. bolig
  578. værdi
  579. hyggelig

    “Hyggelig” is a frequently-used word in Danish because it is a key part of Danish culture and values. It is a difficult word to translate directly into English, but it can be described as a feeling of coziness, comfort, and warmth, often associated with spending time with friends and loved ones in a relaxed and informal setting.

  580. interessere
    (to interest)
  581. sørge
  582. placere
  583. betydning
  584. færdig
  585. ren
  586. jord
  587. oprette
    (to create)
  588. hotel
  589. afdeling
  590. nej
  591. liste
    (a list)
  592. weekend
  593. kraft
  594. bringe
    (to bring)
  595. meter
    (a meter)
  596. spare
    (to save)
  597. Tue
    [proper noun]
  598. selve
  599. fejl
  600. niveau
  601. køb
  602. lykkes
    (to succeed in)
  603. løse
    (to solve)
  604. vejr
  605. hensyn
  606. vurdere
  607. undgå
    (to avoid)
  608. rette
    (to adjust, to rectify)
  609. net
  610. onsdag
  611. tabe
    (to lose)
  612. enhver
  613. øjeblik
  614. universitet
  615. behandle
  616. far
  617. fysisk
  618. producere
    (to produce)
  619. amerikansk
  620. skade
  621. senest
  622. ændring
  623. tøj
  624. træne
    (to train)
  625. forklare
    (to explain)
  626. klare
    (to handle)
  627. beskrive
    (to describe)
  628. Århus
    [proper noun]
  629. idet
    (since, because)
  630. tysk
  631. opmærksom
  632. patient
  633. Europa
    [proper noun]
  634. omfatte
    (to include)
  635. effektiv
  636. vin
  637. ferie
  638. sygdom
  639. funktion
  640. pakke
  641. stof
  642. computer
  643. tirsdag
  644. sund
  645. engang
  646. mandag
  647. sejr
  648. forbi
    (finished, over)
  649. hjemme
    (at home)
  650. idé
  651. etablere
    (to establish)
  652. lede
    (to lead)
  653. konkurrence
  654. adresse
  655. telefon
  656. øvrig
  657. rum
  658. opdatere
    (to update)
  659. nat
  660. Lars
    [proper noun]
  661. sang
  662. forår
  663. tv
  664. jul
  665. halv
  666. fisk

    Denmark has a long coastline along the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Because of this, Danes have been fishing for centuries and seafood is an important part of the local cuisine. That explains why the word “fisk” is a common term in the Danish language.

  667. føde
    (to deliver, to bear)
  668. Aarhus
    [proper noun]

    The word “Aarhus” frequently appears in Danish texts because it is the name of the second-largest city in Denmark, located on the eastern coast of the Jutland peninsula. Aarhus is home to Aarhus University, one of the top universities in Denmark, and the ARoS Aarhus Art Museum.

  669. forbedre
  670. godkende
    (to approve)
  671. frisk
  672. vægt
  673. eksistere
    (to exist)
  674. nem
  675. bestille
    (to order)
  676. miste
    (to lose)
  677. pludselig
  678. undersøge
  679. stat
    (a state)
  680. dør
  681. Andersen
    [proper noun]
  682. gæst
  683. daglig
  684. behøve
    (to need)
  685. medie
  686. beslutning
  687. udtryk
  688. succes
  689. naturlig
  690. stoppe
    (to stop)
  691. bord
    (a table)
  692. point
    (a point)
  693. Odense
    [proper noun]

    The word Odense frequently appears in Danish texts because it is the name of Denmark’s third-largest city, located on the island of Funen. In addition, it is the birthplace of the famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, known for his fairy tales such as “The Little Mermaid” and “The Ugly Duckling”.

  694. melde
  695. ligeledes
  696. mail
  697. stilling
  698. tal
  699. køkken
    (a kitchen)
  700. engelsk
  701. hænge
    (to hang)
  702. chance
  703. praktisk
  704. regne
  705. imellem
  706. juli
  707. dens
  708. præsentere
    (to present)
  709. Aalborg
    [proper noun]
  710. søn
  711. leje
  712. typisk
  713. effekt
  714. nyhed
  715. skyldes
    (to be caused by)
  716. sol
  717. efterhånden
    (gradually, over time)
  718. virkelighed
  719. sikkerhed
  720. blød
  721. Jens
    [proper noun]
  722. helst
  723. snakke
    (to talk)
  724. overfor
  725. uanset
  726. fest
  727. forsøg
    (an attempt)
  728. Søren
    [proper noun]
  729. smag
  730. udgave
    (an edition)
  731. økonomi
  732. væsentlig
  733. såkaldt
  734. populær
  735. vild
  736. optage
  737. inspirere
    (to inspire)
  738. drive
  739. grænse
  740. sprog
  741. bund
  742. lærer
  743. Per
    [proper noun]
  744. tilføje
    (to add)
  745. slutte
    (to end)
  746. opstå
    (to arise)
  747. anderledes
  748. dreje
    (to turn)
  749. luft
  750. kold
  751. gengæld
  752. fed
  753. forfatter

    The Danish word “forfatter” means “author”. It is a common Danish word because Denmark has a well-developed literary tradition, with well-known authors such as Hans Christian Andersen, who is known for his fairy tales “The Little Mermaid” and “The Ugly Duckling”. Other famous Danish authors include Karen Blixen, who wrote “Babette's Feast”, and Søren Kierkegaard, who wrote important philosophical works.

  754. hverken
  755. ben
  756. love
    (to promise)

    The Danish verb “love” is a false friend to English speakers as it does not have the same meaning as the English verb “to love”. Instead, “love” in Danish means “to promise”. The Danish equivalent of the English verb “to love” is “at elske”.

  757. årsag
  758. studerende
  759. beskrivelse

    “Beskrivelse” is a Danish noun that translates to “description” in English. The word is derived from the verb “beskrive”, which means “to describe”, and is constructed using the suffix “-else”. This suffix is commonly used in Danish to transform verbs into nouns.

  760. link
  761. klassisk
  762. blad
  763. risiko
    (a risk)
  764. ejendom
  765. højre
  766. restaurant
  767. produktion
  768. Thomas
    [proper noun]
  769. interessant
  770. blog
  771. dels
  772. miljø
  773. Henrik
    [proper noun]
  774. butik
  775. presse
    (to press)
  776. glemme
    (to forget)
  777. anmeldelse
    (a review)
  778. præcis
  779. sammenhæng
  780. the
  781. strand

    The word “strand,” which means “beach,” is widely used because Denmark has a long coastline with many beautiful beaches. For example, “Skagen Strand” is located at the northernmost tip of Denmark and is known for its scenic dunes and clear water. Another example is “Amager Strandpark,” a large urban beach in Copenhagen.

  782. generelt
  783. tegne
  784. skov

    “Skov” is a Danish word that means “forest”. It is a common word because Denmark has several famous forests that attract visitors from all over the world. For example, “Rold Skov” and “Grib Skov” are two of Danemark’s largest forests.

  785. omgang
  786. blande
    (to mix)
  787. slippe
    (to let go)
  788. bedre
  789. Christian
    [proper noun]
  790. havn
    (a port, a harbour)

    The Danish word “havn”, which means “harbor” or “port”, is a frequently-used word because Denmark is a coastal country with over 8000 km of coastline and has many ports, including the Port of Copenhagen and the Port of Aarhus. Tourists may visit Copenhagen’s famous “Nyhavn” (New Harbor) to experience the city’s maritime atmosphere and enjoy fresh seafood.

  791. imidlertid
  792. hvornår
  793. blå
  794. højt
    (loudly, aloud)
  795. udsigt
  796. krig
  797. efterår
  798. hest
  799. styre
  800. udgøre
  801. endda
  802. tillade
    (to allow)
  803. hår
  804. evne
  805. bryde
    (to break)
  806. konkret
  807. politiker
  808. vejledning
  809. vurdering
  810. Hans
    [proper noun]
  811. alder
  812. fremgå
    (to appear)
  813. punkt
  814. afslutte
  815. Michael
    [proper noun]
  816. forkert
  817. eje
  818. overveje
    (to consider)
  819. data
  820. Tyskland
    [proper noun]

    The term “Tyskland” frequently appears in Danish texts because it is the Danish word for Germany. The two nations share a border and have a long history of trade and cooperation. The proximity of Denmark and Germany has led to a significant cultural and linguistic exchange between the two countries.

  821. gemme
    (to hide)
  822. Pedersen
    [proper noun]
  823. fange
    (to capture)
  824. stil
  825. bibliotek
  826. praksis
  827. Anders
    [proper noun]
  828. direktør
    (a director)
  829. kategori
  830. kultur
  831. institution
  832. milliard
    (a billion)
  833. afgørende
  834. avis
  835. rapport
    (a report)
  836. detalje
    (a detail)
  837. Niels
    [proper noun]
  838. opdage
    (to discover)
  839. påvirke
    (to affect)
  840. simpelthen
  841. europæisk
  842. bold
  843. aktuel
  844. forlade
    (to leave)
  845. invitere
    (to invite)
  846. derimod
  847. foto
  848. vækst
  849. Morten
    [proper noun]
  850. kaffe
  851. retning
  852. beløb
    (an amount of money)
  853. værelse
  854. smage
    (to taste)
  855. frivillig
  856. debat
  857. standard
  858. seks
  859. kærlighed
  860. grundlag
  861. måle
  862. ens
  863. tilfreds
  864. skære
    (to cut)
  865. Sverige
    [proper noun]
  866. video
  867. eksempelvis
    (for example)
  868. fod
  869. hud
  870. hjerte
  871. Roskilde
    [proper noun]
  872. fransk
  873. politik
  874. anvendelse
  875. forventning
  876. mængde
  877. lege
    (to play)
  878. yde
    (to provide)
  879. minde
    (to remind)
  880. værk
  881. alternativ
  882. utrolig
    (incredible, unbelievable)
  883. felt
  884. brev
  885. kaste
    (to throw)
  886. runde
    (a round)
  887. bære
    (to carry)
  888. central
  889. titel
    (a title)
  890. dygtig
  891. lyd
  892. sove
  893. traditionel
  894. umiddelbart
  895. forsvinde
    (to disappear)
  896. koncert
  897. befolkning
  898. betaling
    (a payment)
  899. arrangere
  900. røre
    (to touch)
  901. tjene
    (to serve)
  902. gram
  903. holdning
  904. knap
  905. værd
  906. eftermiddag
  907. smide
    (to throw)
  908. Larsen
    [proper noun]
  909. turde
    (to dare)
  910. vinter
  911. maskine
  912. score
    (to score)
  913. myndighed
  914. kurs
  915. tredje
  916. kunst

    The Danish word “kunst” means “art”. Denmark has produced many renowned artists, including painters such as Vilhelm Hammershøi, known for his atmospheric interiors, and P.S. Krøyer, known for his luminous landscapes and portraits.

  917. udtale
    (to pronounce)
  918. udenfor
  919. Gud
    [proper noun]
  920. hav

    In terms of its geography, Denmark consists of the Jutland Peninsula and a multitude of islands; as a result, the country is surrounded by sea on almost all sides, except in the south where it borders Germany. This is reflected in the frequent use of the Danish word “hav” (which means “sea”)

  921. følelse
  922. svensk
  923. drikke
  924. slem
  925. skyde
    (to shoot, to push)
  926. skærm
  927. vindue
  928. Rasmussen
    [proper noun]
  929. frugt

    The frequent use of the word “frugt” in Danish can be explained by the fact that —just like its English counterpart— it can refer to both a fruit in the botanical sense as well as in a figurative sense, in which case it refers to the result of an effort.

  930. sæt
  931. automatisk
  932. middel
  933. smule
    (a little bit)
  934. glas
  935. udstyr
  936. smart
  937. enhed
  938. udgift
  939. bestemme
    (to determine)
  940. overraske
    (to surprise)
  941. vidt
  942. [verb]
  943. syg
  944. bevare
  945. brænde
    (to burn)
  946. begyndelse
  947. skyld

    The Danish word “skyld” can be translated to “guilt” or “fault” in English, but it can also mean “debt” or “obligation.”

  948. datter
  949. forskning

    The Danish word “forskning” means “research.” Denmark has a long tradition of scientific and academic research, dating at least as far back as the 18th century with the founding of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. Today, Denmark has many universities and research institutions, and a reputation as a leader in fields such as renewable energy, environmental science, and biotechnology.

  950. aktieselskab
    (stock-based company)
  951. acceptere
    (to accept)
  952. art
    (a kind, nature)
  953. samtale
  954. olie

    Just like its English counterpart, the Danish word “olie” can be used to refer to both edible oils as well as petroleum. The word has been used a lot in discussions about Denmark's plans to phase out its oil and gas extraction in the North Sea.

  955. uddanne
  956. slutning
  957. Jan
    [proper noun]
  958. unik
  959. element
  960. kombinere
  961. Sørensen
    [proper noun]
  962. udsætte
    (to postpone)
  963. kæreste
    (boyfriend, girlfriend)

    The Danish word “kæreste” refers to a romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend). It is derived from the adjective “kær,” meaning “dear” or “beloved”. In Danish, the word “kæreste” is gender-neutral and can refer to a partner of any gender.

  964. angreb
  965. besked
  966. gave
  967. konsekvens
  968. ejer
  969. udnytte
  970. rent
  971. Ole
    [proper noun]
  972. bevæge
    (to move)
  973. lager
  974. bevægelse
  975. gade
  976. ledig
  977. fag
    (a subject)
  978. fællesskab
    (a community)
  979. Martin
    [proper noun]
  980. post
  981. straks
  982. Erik
    [proper noun]
  983. historisk
  984. Christensen
    [proper noun]
  985. henholdsvis
  986. overhovedet
    (at all)
  987. løfte
  988. udland

    “Udland” is a Danish word that comes up a lot in conversations about travel, foreign policy, and global issues. The term translates to “abroad” or “foreign”, and it refers to parts of the world outside of the Danish borders.

  989. nede
  990. foreslå
  991. Jørgen
    [proper noun]
  992. museum

    The word “museum” appears among the frequently used Danish words. This is probably because Denmark has several world-class art museums, including the National Gallery of Denmark (SMK) in Copenhagen, the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebæk, and the ARoS Aarhus Art Museum.

  993. tung
  994. derved
    (thus, thereby)
  995. vedrøre
    (to concern)
  996. beskytte
  997. opfordre
  998. økologisk
    (ecological, organic)

    The Danish adjective “økologisk” means “ecological”. When used in the context of agricultural products, it translates to “organic” and refers to food grown without pesticides. The frequent use of the word “økologisk” in Danish reflects the importance of environmental sustainability in Denmark.

  999. fint
  1000. hygge
    (to have a nice time)

    In Danish, the word “hygge” can be used as a noun. The noun form has been translated as “coziness”. When used as a verb, it can be translated as “to enjoy oneself”. This frequently-used Danish word is difficult to accurately translate into English because it represents a concept that is specific to Danish culture.

  1001. pause
  1002. seng
  1003. henvende
  1004. øl

    Denmark has a longstanding tradition of beer brewing, dating at least as far back as the Viking era. Today the country has a large number of breweries, including the globally famous Danish brand, Carlsberg. All this explains the frequent usage of the term “øl” in Danish conversations.

  1005. karakter
  1006. træt
  1007. afstand
  1008. heldig
  1009. henvise
    (to refer)
  1010. ansøgning
    (a request, an application)
  1011. magt
  1012. mørk
  1013. diverse
  1014. ryg
  1015. and
  1016. kommunikation
  1017. Anne
    [proper noun]
  1018. spor
  1019. ro
    (calmness, rest)
  1020. dukke
    (doll, puppet)
  1021. oprindelig
  1022. [noun]

    Denmark has an enormous number of lakes (over 120,000 in total). That explains why the Danish word “sø” (which means “lake”) is a very common term in the Danish language.

  1023. drift