In contrast to adjectives that qualify nouns, an adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or even another adverb.
Here is an example of a Swedish phrase where the adverb modifies the verb:
Remark about the direction of the arrows: These diagrams are dependency trees that represent the syntactic structure of a sentence. The direction of the arrows goes from the head word to its dependent word.
Next, an example of a Swedish phrase in which the adverb modifies the adjective:
Finally, an example of a Swedish phrase in which the adverb modifies another adverb:
In Swedish, adverbs of frequency are called “frekvensadverb.” They are used to indicate how often something occurs. From “alltid” (always) to “aldrig” (never), there is a whole range of them. Here are the most common ones:
Adverb | translation |
alltid | always |
ständigt | constantly |
dagligen | daily |
vanligtvis | usually |
oftast | most often |
ofta | often |
normalt | normally |
ibland | sometimes |
stundom | sometimes |
stundtals | occasionally |
emellanåt | occasionally |
sällan | rarely |
aldrig | never |
In Swedish, like in most languages, adverbs of frequency are frequently used (pun intended). Here are some example sentences that illustrate their use:
Swedish adverbs of degree are called “gradadverb”; they indicate “to what extent” or “how much” an adjective or another adverb applies.
Adverb | translation |
fullständigt | completely |
helt | entirely |
avsevärt | considerably |
synnerligen | particularly |
mycket | very / a lot |
väldigt | very |
allra | very |
ganska | quite |
tämligen | rather |
någorlunda | fairly |
tillräckligt | enough |
nästan | almost |
delvis | partly |
förhållandevis | relatively |
något | somewhat |
lite | slightly |
knappast | hardly |
Here are some example Swedish phrases which illustrate the use of these adverbs of degree:
If you talk in Swedish about your vacation trip, you’ll likely use some adverbs of place (or “rumsadverb” as they are called in Swedish). They provide information about where something happens.
Adverb | translation |
här | here |
härifrån | from here |
hit | to here |
där | there, where |
därifrån | from there |
dit | to there |
någonstans | somewhere |
annanstans | elsewhere |
överallt | everywhere |
ingenstans | nowhere |
utanför | outside |
utomhus | outside |
inomhus | indoors |
bort | away |
undan | away |
iväg | away |
utomlands | abroad |
Here are some example phrases which show the use of these Swedish adverbs of place:
Swedish adverbs of time are called “tidsadverb.” Their purpose is to indicate when an event occurs.
Adverb | translation |
nu | now |
redan | already |
ändå | still |
fortfarande | still |
förr | before |
efteråt | afterwards |
i dag | today |
i går | yesterday |
häromdagen | the other day |
nyligen | recently |
snart | soon |
snarast | as soon as possible |
omedelbart | immediately |
genast | immediately |
direkt | immediately |
tidigt | early |
tidigare | earlier |
sent | late |
senare | later |
samtidigt | at the same time |
numera | nowadays |
Below are some examples of Swedish phrases which illustrate the use of adverbs of time:
Adverbs of manner are called “sättsadverb” in Swedish. They provide information about “how” or “in what way” something happens.
The table below shows some of the most common Swedish adverbs of manner:
Adverb | translation |
väl | well |
riktigt | really |
verkligen | really |
snabbt | quickly |
hårt | hard |
gärna | gladly |
plötsligt | suddenly |
fort | fast |
rakt | straight |
allvarligt | seriously |
dåligt | badly |
illa | badly |
oväntat | unexpectedly |
noga | carefully |
sakta | slowly |
Below are some Swedish phrases which illustrate the use of these adverbs of manner:
Adverbs of probability (which are also known as “adverbs of certainty”) are used to indicate how likely something is, or how sure the speaker is about something.
Here is a table with the main Swedish adverbs of probability:
Adverb | translation |
definitivt | definitely |
uppenbarligen | obviously |
visst | certainly |
förvisso | certainly |
kanske | perhaps |
nog | probably |
förmodligen | probably |
troligen | probably |
troligtvis | probably |
antagligen | presumably |
möjligen | possibly |
eventuellt | possibly |
Below are some example phrases that illustrate the use of these Swedish adverbs of probability:
The purpose of conjunctive adverbs is usually to connect two clauses or sentences. For this reason, they are also called “connective adverbs” or “linking adverbs”.
Conjunctive adverbs indicate the relationship between the clauses or sentences that they connect. Examples of such relationships are “cause and effect” and “contrast”.
In the table below are some of the most common Swedish conjunctive adverbs:
Adverb | translation |
också | also |
även | also |
då | then |
sedan | then |
dessutom | furthermore |
därför | therefore |
dock | though |
däremot | however |
emellertid | however |
därmed | thus |
således | thus |
annars | otherwise |
istället | instead |
äntligen | at last |
slutligen | eventually |
likaså | also |
Adverb | translation |
ut | out |
upp | up |
därefter | thereafter |
nämligen | namely |
hur | how |
bara | only |
så | so |
ju | right |
fram | forward |
allt | all |
just | just |
ännu | yet |
vidare | further |
ytterligare | further |
tillbaka | back |
igen | again |
mest | mostly |
ner | down |
länge | for a long time |
när | when |
tillsammans | together |
lika | in the same way |
först | firstly |
bra | well |
runt | around |
längre | longer |
varför | why |
för | too |
hem | home |
heller | either |
över | above |
långt | far |
fast | fixed |
minst | at least |
ihop | together |
hemma | at home |
mindre | less |
alltså | consequently |
helst | preferably |
ned | down |
precis | precisely |
egentligen | actually |
faktiskt | actually |
särskilt | particularly |
ute | outdoors |
bäst | best |
hittills | so far |
ens | even |
främst | mainly |
alls | at all |
var | where |
säkert | for sure |
förstås | of course |
stort | largely |
än | yet, still |
inne | in |
kraftigt | strongly |
naturligtvis | of course |
exempelvis | for example |
borta | away |
igång | started |
rätt | correctly |
alldeles | quite |
någonsin | ever |
ungefär | approximately |
fullt | fully |
överens | in accord |
åtminstone | at least |
enkelt | simply |
absolut | absolutely |
strax | soon |
enbart | solely |
endast | only |
senast | latest |
lätt | easily |
knappt | hardly |
totalt | in total |
annorlunda | differently |
snarare | sooner |
alltför | overly |
fel | incorrectly |
extra | extra |
förbi | past, over |
gott | well |
bättre | better |
högt | highly, loudly |
någonting | anything |
högst | at most |
framåt | forward |
ända | all the way |
sist | lastly |
nere | down |
uppåt | up, upwards |
givetvis | of course |
tyvärr | unfortunately |
tvärtom | on the contrary |
starkt | strongly |
närmast | nearest |
samman | together |
visserligen | admittedly, although |
relativt | relatively |
närmare | closer |
ordentligt | properly, thoroughly |
mera | more |
speciellt | especially |
rent | purely |
cirka | about |
respektive | respective |
återigen | once again |
uppe | up |
klart | clearly |
ytterst | extremely |
efterhand | afterwards, with time |
ekonomiskt | economically |
alltmer | increasingly |
åter | again |
fritt | freely |
längst | farthest |
vart | to where |
självklart | of course, obviously |
svårt | with difficulty |
oftare | more often |
hellre | rather, preferably |
djupt | deeply |
tydligen | apparently |
förut | before, previously |
framförallt | above all |
liksom | as well as |
öppet | openly |
förhoppningsvis | hopefully |
sammanlagt | in total |
norr | north |
lågt | lowly |
dubbelt | twice |
litet | a little |
extremt | extremely |
småningom | gradually |
tätt | tightly |
utifrån | from the outside |
frivilligt | voluntarily |
därtill | thereto |
generellt | generally |
bakåt | backwards |
värst | worst |
varav | of which |
näst | next |
medvetet | consciously |
varifrån | from where |
lagom | just righ |
gemensamt | commonly |
automatiskt | automatically |
billigt | cheaply |
successivt | gradually |
personligen | personally |
igenom | through |
väsentligt | essentially |
gratis | free (at no cost) |
nedåt | downward |
nyss | just recently |
förgäves | in vain, for nothing |
söder | south of |
jättebra | great |
isär | apart |
utmärkt | excellently |
kontinuerligt | continuously |
ovanligt | unusually |
långsiktigt | long term |
vilt | wildly |
sämre | worse |
officiellt | officially |
fortsättningsvis | hereafter |
allmänt | generally |
onekligen | undeniably |
rimligen | reasonably |
bitvis | at times, partially |
verkligt | really |
självfallet | of course |
indirekt | indirectly |
parallellt | in parallel |
perfekt | perfectly |
inledningsvis | initially |
därutöver | additionally, beyond that |
likadant | similarly |