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The complete list of the 1000 most common Portuguese words

This list of the most common Portuguese words was produced by a statistical analysis of a large number of documents written in Portuguese (news articles and other web-based content).

As a Romance language, Portuguese has evolved from Latin, and as a result most of the common Portuguese words are descendents of Latin words.

This vocabulary list is ordered by frequency (the words near the top are more frequently used than the words near the bottom). It is interesting to notice that the more common words tend to be shorter than the less common words. This phenomenon is common to most languages and is called the “brevity law” or “Zipf's law of abbreviation” by linguists.

Available resources for learning Portuguese include courses from Babbel, Pimsleur, and Rocket languages, as well as tutors from Italki.

List of the 1000 most common Portuguese vocabulary words

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  1. o [determiner] (the)
  2. de [preposition] (from)
  3. e [conjunction] (and)
  4. que [pronoun] (what) The origin of this Portuguese word is the Latin word “quid”.
  5. ser [verb] (to be) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “sum”.
  6. um [determiner] (one) This Portuguese word has the same origin as the French word “un” and the Italian word “uno”. These words all derive from the Latin word “ūnus”.
  7. em [preposition] (in)
  8. para [preposition] (for)
  9. com [preposition] (with) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “cum”. That Latin word appears in the expression “cum laude” meaning “with honors”.
  10. a [preposition] (to)
  11. ter [verb] (to have)
  12. não [adverb] (not)
  13. por [preposition] (by)
  14. seu [determiner] (yours)
  15. se [pronoun] (if)
  16. mais [adverb] (more) This Portuguese word has the same origin as the Spanish word “más”. Both originate from the Latin word “magis”.
  17. estar [verb] (to be)
  18. como [preposition] (as)
  19. este [determiner] (this)
  20. poder [verb] (can)
  21. ou [conjunction] (or)
  22. todo [determiner] (all)
  23. ano [noun] (year)
  24. fazer [verb] (to do) This Portuguese verb has the same origin as the French verb “faire” and the Spanish verb “hacer”. These all originate from the Latin verb “facere”.
  25. mas [conjunction] (but) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “magis”.
  26. ir [verb] (to go) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “īre”.
  27. muito [adverb] (very much) This Portuguese word has the same origin as the Spanish word “mucho” and the Italian word “molto”. These words all derive from the Latin word “multus”.
  28. também [adverb] (also) This Portuguese word is similar to the Spanish word “también” which has the same meaning.
  29. outro [determiner] (other)
  30. ele [pronoun] (he)
  31. [adverb] (already) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “iam”.
  32. dia [noun] (day)
  33. novo [adjective] (new) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “novus”, which is also the origin of the words “nuevo” in Spanish, and “neuf” in French.
  34. haver [verb] (to have) This Portuguese verb has the same origin as the Italian verb “avere” and the French verb “avoir”. These all originate from the Latin verb “habēre”.
  35. grande [adjective] (great)
  36. ainda [adverb] (still)
  37. sobre [preposition] (on)
  38. até [preposition] (until)
  39. dizer [verb] (to say) This Portuguese verb has the same origin as the Spanish word “decir” and the French word “dire”. These words all derive from the Latin word “dīcere”.
  40. mesmo [adjective] (same) This common Portuguese adjective is similar to the Spanish adjective “mismo”.
  41. pessoa [noun] (person)
  42. entre [preposition] (among, between)
  43. dever [verb] (should) This Portuguese verb has the same origin as the Spanish verb “deber” and the French verb “devoir”. They all derive from the Latin verb “dēbēre”.
  44. esse [determiner] (that)
  45. nosso [determiner] (our)
  46. caso [noun] (case)
  47. eu [pronoun] (I)
  48. dois [numeral] (two) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin term “duo”, which is also the origin of the words “dos” in Spanish and “deux” in French.
  49. bom [adjective] (good) This common Portuguese adjective has the same origin as the French word “bon” and the Italian word “buono”. They all derive from the Latin term “bonus”.
  50. dar [verb] (to give)
  51. algum [determiner] (some) This Portuguese word resembles the Spanish word “alguno” and the Italian word “alcuno”.
  52. forma [noun] (form)
  53. segundo [preposition] (second)
  54. vez [noun] (time)
  55. empresa [noun] (company)
  56. primeiro [adjective] (first)
  57. sem [preposition] (without) The origin of this Portuguese word is the Latin word “sine”. This Latin word “sine” appears in the expression “sine qua non” which refers to an indispensable condition.
  58. quando [adverb] (when) This common Portuguese adverb has the same origin and meaning as the French word “quand” and the Spanish word “cuando”. These all derive from the Latin term “quandō”.
  59. Portugal [proper noun] (Portugal) Portugal is one of the countries which has Portuguese as the official language. It is not surprising to see the word “Portugal” appear among the most Portuguese words.
  60. isso [pronoun] (that) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “ipsum”.
  61. país [noun] (country) This Portuguese word originates from the French word “pays”.
  62. tempo [noun] (time) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “tempus”.
  63. bem [adverb] (well) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “bene”. This Latin root is also the origin of the words “bien” in Spanish and French, as well as “bene” in Italian.
  64. [adverb] (only) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “sōlus”. This Latin root is also the origin of the words “solo” in Spanish and Italian, as well as “seul” in French.
  65. serviço [noun] (service)
  66. ficar [verb] (stay)
  67. nós [pronoun] (we)
  68. querer [verb] (to want)
  69. trabalho [noun] (job) This Portuguese noun has the same origin as the Spanish word “trabajo” and the French word “travail”. These words all derive from the Latin word “tripālis”.
  70. público [adjective] (public) Just like its English equivalent, this Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “pūblicus”. Unlike Portuguese, English is not a Latin-based language, but there are still many English words which come from Latin.
  71. onde [pronoun] (where) Just like the Spanish word “donde”, the Portuguese word “onde” originates from the Latin term “unde”.
  72. estado [noun] (state)
  73. parte [noun] (part)
  74. assim [adverb] (thus)
  75. desde [preposition] (since) This Portuguese word has the same form in Spanish.
  76. passar [verb] (to pass)
  77. cada [determiner] (each) The origin of this Portuguese word is the Latin word “cata”.
  78. informação [noun] (information)
  79. último [adjective] (last) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “ultimus”.
  80. sempre [adverb] (always) This common Portuguese adverb has the same form in Italian, whereas in Spanish it is spelled “siempre”. These terms are all derived from the Latin word “semper”.
  81. hoje [adverb] (today)
  82. depois [adverb] (later)
  83. presidente [noun] (president) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “praesidēns”.
  84. durante [preposition] (during)
  85. vida [noun] (life) This common Portuguese noun has the same form in Spanish, whereas in Italian it is spelled “vita”. These terms are all derived from the Latin word “vīta”.
  86. área [noun] (area)
  87. apresentar [verb] (to introduce)
  88. porque [conjunction] (because)
  89. ver [verb] (to see) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “vidēre”.
  90. social [adjective] (social)
  91. apenas [adverb] (only)
  92. quem [pronoun] (who)
  93. qualquer [determiner] (any)
  94. além [adverb] (beyond)
  95. qual [pronoun] (which) This Portuguese pronoun has the same origin as the Spanish word “cual”, the Italian word “quale”, and the French word “quel”. These words all derive from the Latin word “quālis”.
  96. mês [noun] (month)
  97. após [preposition] (after)
  98. chegar [verb] (to arrive)
  99. meu [determiner] (mine)
  100. saber [verb] (to know) This Portuguese verb comes from the Latin verb “sapeō” which has also produced “sapere” in Italian, “savoir” in French, and “saber” in Spanish.
  101. milhão [numeral] (million)
  102. vir [verb] (to come)
  103. realizar [verb] (perform)
  104. número [noun] (number)
  105. receber [verb] (to receive) This Portuguese verb comes from the Latin verb “recipere” which has also produced “recibir” in Spanish, “ricevere” in Italian, and “recevoir” in French.
  106. momento [noun] (moment)
  107. cidade [noun] (city) This Portuguese word has the same origin as the Spanish word “ciudad” which also means “city”. Both derive from the Latin term “cīvitātem”.
  108. casa [noun] (house) This is one of the first Portuguese vocabulary words which language learners encounter. Of course it is among the most Portuguese words.
  109. português [adjective] (Portuguese) It is not surprising to see this word appear in this list of the most Portuguese words.
  110. permitir [verb] (to allow)
  111. Lisboa [proper noun] (Lisbon) Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. It is not surprising that this word appears in this Portuguese frequency dictionary.
  112. valor [noun] (value)
  113. acordo [noun] (agreement)
  114. local [noun] (location)
  115. agora [adverb] (now)
  116. afirmar [verb] (assert)
  117. mil [numeral] (thousand)
  118. três [numeral] (three) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “trēs”.
  119. processo [noun] (process)
  120. medida [noun] (measure)
  121. mundo [noun] (world) This Portuguese noun has the same form in Spanish. The corresponding Italian word is “mondo” and the French term is “monde” . These words all originate from the Latin term “mundus”.
  122. encontrar [verb] (to meet)
  123. tudo [pronoun] (everything)
  124. através [adverb] (through)
  125. pouco [adverb] (little) This Portuguese word has the same origin and meaning as the Spanish word “poco”, the Italian word “poco”, and the French word “peu”. They all derive from the Latin term “paucus”.
  126. próximo [adjective] (next)
  127. pequeno [adjective] (small) This common Portuguese adjective has the same origin, and almost the same spelling as the Spanish word “pequeño”.
  128. situação [noun] (situation)
  129. Brasil [proper noun] (Brazil) Brazil is the country with the largest number of Portuguese speakers. It is not surprising to see the word “Brasil” appear among the most Portuguese words.
  130. sistema [noun] (system)
  131. deixar [verb] (to leave) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “laxāre”, which is also the origin of the Spanish verb “dejar”.
  132. criar [verb] (to create) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “creāre”.
  133. contar [verb] (to tell) The origin of this Portuguese word is the Latin word “computāre”.
  134. final [noun] (final) This Portuguese word can be used either as an adjective or as a noun. It
  135. dado [noun] (given)
  136. nível [noun] (level)
  137. meio [noun] (middle)
  138. São [proper noun]
  139. pandemia [noun] (pandemic)
  140. contra [preposition] (against)
  141. possível [adjective] (possible)
  142. grupo [noun] (group)
  143. mercado [noun] (market) This Portuguese word has the same Latin origin as the Italian word “mercato”. Both come from the Latin word “mercātus”.
  144. ela [pronoun] (she) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “illa”, which is also the origin of the Spanish pronoun “ella” and the French pronoun “elle”.
  145. levar [verb] (to take)
  146. governo [noun] (government)
  147. saúde [noun] (health)
  148. resultado [noun] (result)
  149. semana [noun] (week)
  150. começar [verb] (to start)
  151. espaço [noun] (space) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “spatium” which has also produced “espacio” in Spanish, “spazio” in Italian, and “espace” in French.
  152. conseguir [verb] (to get)
  153. nem [conjunction] (nor)
  154. ponto [noun] (point)
  155. importante [adjective] (important)
  156. produto [noun] (product)
  157. partir [verb] (leave)
  158. continuar [verb] (to continue)
  159. direito [noun] (right)
  160. nacional [adjective] (national)
  161. próprio [adjective] (own)
  162. falar [verb] (to speak)
  163. rede [noun] (network)
  164. hora [noun] (hour)
  165. eles [pronoun] (they)
  166. programa [noun] (program)
  167. antes [adverb] (before)
  168. cerca [adverb] (around)
  169. relação [noun] (relationship)
  170. profissional [noun] (professional)
  171. região [noun] (region)
  172. menos [adverb] (less)
  173. utilizar [verb] (to use)
  174. jogo [noun] (game)
  175. família [noun] (family)
  176. lugar [noun] (place)
  177. fim [noun] (end)
  178. considerar [verb] (to consider)
  179. Paulo [proper noun] (Paul)
  180. acontecer [verb] (to happen)
  181. existir [verb] (to exist)
  182. aqui [adverb] (here)
  183. conta [noun] (account)
  184. Saúde [proper noun] Saúde is a district of São Paulo.
  185. projecto [noun] (project)
  186. problema [noun] (problem)
  187. período [noun] (period)
  188. conhecer [verb] (to meet)
  189. necessário [adjective] (necessary)
  190. usar [verb] (to use)
  191. apoio [noun] (support)
  192. principal [adjective] (main)
  193. precisar [verb] (to need)
  194. seguir [verb] (to follow) This Portuguese verb has the same form in Spanish. The corresponding Italian word is “seguire” and the French term is “suivre” . These words all originate from the same Latin root.
  195. acesso [noun] (access)
  196. equipa [noun] (team) The origin of this Portuguese word is the French word “équipe”.
  197. criança [noun] (child)
  198. disponível [adjective] (available)
  199. exemplo [noun] (example)
  200. cliente [noun] (customer)
  201. longo [noun] (long)
  202. decisão [noun] (decision)
  203. trabalhar [verb] (to work)
  204. coisa [noun] (thing)
  205. manter [verb] (to maintain)
  206. projeto [noun] (project)
  207. desenvolver [verb] (to develop)
  208. lado [noun] (side)
  209. população [noun] (population) The origin of this Portuguese word is the Latin word “populus”. This is an example of the spelling differences between Portuguese and Latin.
  210. passado [adjective] (past)
  211. tipo [noun] (type)
  212. condição [noun] (condition)
  213. ação [noun] (action) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “āctiō”.
  214. tanto [adverb] (so much)
  215. solução [noun] (solution)
  216. presente [adjective] (present)
  217. desenvolvimento [noun] (development)
  218. incluir [verb] (to include)
  219. alto [adjective] (high)
  220. mulher [noun] (woman) This Portuguese vocabulary word has the same Latin origin as the Spanish word “mujer”.
  221. voltar [verb] (to come back)
  222. garantir [verb] (To guarantee)
  223. necessidade [noun] (need)
  224. obra [noun] (work)
  225. estudo [noun] (study)
  226. segurança [noun] (safety)
  227. ajudar [verb] (to help)
  228. tal [determiner] (such) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “tālis”.
  229. jovem [noun] (young) This Portuguese adjective has the same origin as the Italian word “giovane” and the French word “jeune”. These words all derive from the Latin word “juvenem”.
  230. você [pronoun] (you)
  231. município [noun] (county)
  232. início [noun] (beginning)
  233. homem [noun] (man)
  234. abrir [verb] (to open) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “aperīre”.
  235. qualidade [noun] (quality)
  236. questão [noun] (question)
  237. enquanto [adverb] (while)
  238. euro [noun] (euro)
  239. então [adverb] (then)
  240. actividade [noun] (activity)
  241. viver [verb] (to live) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “vīvere”. Most romance languages use this Latin root, for instance we have the words “vivre” in French, “vivere” in Italian, as well as “vivir” in Spanish.
  242. história [noun] (history)
  243. formação [noun] (formation)
  244. aluno [noun] (student) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “alumnus”.
  245. vários [determiner] (several)
  246. ideia [noun] (idea)
  247. risco [noun] (risk)
  248. mostrar [verb] (to show) This Portuguese verb has the same form in Spanish. The corresponding Italian word is “mostrare” and the French term is “montrer”. These words all originate from the same Latin root: “mōnstrāre” .
  249. escola [noun] (school) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “schola”.
  250. entrar [verb] (enter)
  251. pensar [verb] (to think)
  252. recurso [noun] (resource)
  253. total [noun] (total)
  254. quatro [numeral] (four)
  255. gestão [noun] (management)
  256. colocar [verb] (to put)
  257. site [noun] (site)
  258. político [adjective] (political)
  259. doença [noun] (disease)
  260. nunca [adverb] (never) This is a word which Portuguese and Spanish have in common. It originates from the Latin word “numquam”
  261. internacional [adjective] (international)
  262. nome [noun] (name)
  263. água [noun] (water) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “aqua”.
  264. morte [noun] (death)
  265. explicar [verb] (to explain)
  266. quanto [adverb] (how much)
  267. técnico [adjective] (technical) This Portuguese word comes from the French word “technique”.
  268. isto [pronoun] (this)
  269. responsável [adjective] (responsible)
  270. base [noun] (base)
  271. utilização [noun] (use)
  272. Porto [proper noun]
  273. instituição [noun] (institution)
  274. tão [adverb] (so)
  275. artigo [noun] (article)
  276. atividade [noun] (activity) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “āctīvitās”. This Latin root is also the origin of the words “actividad” in Spanish, “attività” in Italian, and “activité” in French.
  277. confirmar [verb] (to confirm)
  278. pois [conjunction] (because)
  279. tomar [verb] (to take)
  280. negócio [noun] (business)
  281. Rio [proper noun]
  282. experiência [noun] (experience)
  283. único [adjective] (unique)
  284. quase [adverb] (almost)
  285. função [noun] (function)
  286. entanto [noun] (however)
  287. gente [noun] (people)
  288. acabar [verb] (to finish)
  289. informar [verb] (to inform)
  290. produção [noun] (production)
  291. conjunto [noun] (set)
  292. zona [noun] (zone)
  293. ocorrer [verb] (to occur)
  294. apesar [adverb] (despite)
  295. várias [determiner] (several)
  296. iniciativa [noun] (initiative)
  297. aumentar [verb] (to increase)
  298. unidade [noun] (unity)
  299. futuro [noun] (future)
  300. pretender [verb] (intend)
  301. objectivo [noun] (aim)
  302. organização [noun] (organization)
  303. utilizador [noun] (user)
  304. brasileiro [adjective] (Brazilian)
  305. novembro [noun] (November)
  306. preço [noun] (price)
  307. referir [verb] (to refer)
  308. pedir [verb] (ask)
  309. junto [adverb] (together)
  310. tentar [verb] (to try)
  311. dentro [adverb] (inside)
  312. diferente [adjective] (different)
  313. aquele [determiner] (that)
  314. proposta [noun] (proposal)
  315. nada [pronoun] (nothing)
  316. divulgar [verb] (to spread)
  317. médico [noun] (doctor)
  318. evento [noun] (event)
  319. cinco [numeral] (five)
  320. uma [determiner] (one)
  321. perder [verb] (to lose)
  322. parecer [verb] (to seem)
  323. efeito [noun] (effect)
  324. sentido [noun] (sense)
  325. sair [verb] (to exit)
  326. livro [noun] (book)
  327. investigação [noun] (investigation)
  328. imagem [noun] (image)
  329. João [proper noun] (John)
  330. devido [adverb] (due)
  331. equipe [noun] (team)
  332. esperar [verb] (to wait)
  333. financeiro [adjective] (financial)
  334. centro [noun] (center)
  335. plano [noun] (plan)
  336. causa [noun] (cause)
  337. resposta [noun] (answer)
  338. modo [noun] (mode)
  339. aumento [noun] (increase)
  340. tornar [verb] (to become)
  341. anterior [adjective] (previous)
  342. fase [noun] (phase)
  343. publicar [verb] (to publish)
  344. capacidade [noun] (capacity) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “capācitās”. There are many Portuguese words ending in “-dade” which come from Latin words ending in “-tās”. This is the case for example of the words “oportunidade”, “entidade” and “autoridade” which appear in this Portuguese frequency dictionary.
  345. prazo [noun] (deadline)
  346. equipamento [noun] (equipment)
  347. nenhum [determiner] (none)
  348. procurar [verb] (look for)
  349. participar [verb] (to participate)
  350. obter [verb] (to get)
  351. representar [verb] (to represent)
  352. oportunidade [noun] (opportunity) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “opportūnitas”.
  353. ganhar [verb] (to win)
  354. modelo [noun] (model)
  355. especial [adjective] (special)
  356. anunciar [verb] (to announce)
  357. março [noun] (March)
  358. política [noun] (politics)
  359. edição [noun] (edition)
  360. facto [noun] (fact)
  361. documento [noun] (document)
  362. outubro [noun] (October)
  363. marca [noun] (brand)
  364. taxa [noun] (rate)
  365. venda [noun] (sale)
  366. pessoal [adjective] (personal)
  367. tema [noun] (theme)
  368. entidade [noun] (entity)
  369. prever [verb] (to predict)
  370. objetivo [noun] (objective)
  371. pagar [verb] (to pay)
  372. investimento [noun] (investment)
  373. ministro [noun] (minister)
  374. linha [noun] (line)
  375. alteração [noun] (alteration)
  376. atingir [verb] (to reach)
  377. frente [noun] (front)
  378. junho [noun] (June)
  379. lei [noun] (law)
  380. filho [noun] (son)
  381. economia [noun] (economy)
  382. aplicação [noun] (application)
  383. pagamento [noun] (payment)
  384. crise [noun] (crisis)
  385. conhecimento [noun] (knowledge)
  386. noite [noun] (night) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “noctem” which is the accusative form of “nox”. In most Romance languages, the word for “night” comes from this same Latin root: for example “noche” in Spanish, “nuit” in French and “notte” in Italian.
  387. Europa [proper noun] (Europe)
  388. registrar [verb] (to register)
  389. fora [adverb] (outside)
  390. geral [adjective] (general)
  391. data [noun] (date)
  392. curso [noun] (course)
  393. José [proper noun] (Joseph)
  394. decorrer [verb] (to elapse)
  395. evitar [verb] (to avoid)
  396. vítima [noun] (victim)
  397. pedido [noun] (order)
  398. comunicação [noun] (communication)
  399. sociedade [noun] (society)
  400. prática [noun] (practice)
  401. setembro [noun] (September)
  402. uso [noun] (use)
  403. professor [noun] (teacher)
  404. promover [verb] (to promote)
  405. membro [noun] (member)
  406. domingo [noun] (Sunday)
  407. marcar [verb] (to mark)
  408. indicar [verb] (to indicate)
  409. tratar [verb] (treat)
  410. capital [noun] (capital)
  411. achar [verb] (to find)
  412. concelho [noun] (county)
  413. clube [noun] (club)
  414. antigo [adjective] (old)
  415. económico [adjective] (economic)
  416. integrar [verb] (integrate)
  417. campanha [noun] (campaign)
  418. forte [adjective] (strong)
  419. pai [noun] (father)
  420. cujo [determiner] (whose)
  421. prova [noun] (test)
  422. abril [noun] (April)
  423. destacar [verb] (to highlight)
  424. chamar [verb] (to call)
  425. sessão [noun] (session)
  426. conteúdo [noun] (content)
  427. europeu [adjective] (European)
  428. comunidade [noun] (community)
  429. custo [noun] (cost)
  430. elemento [noun] (element)
  431. jogador [noun] (player)
  432. determinar [verb] (to determine)
  433. contrato [noun] (contract)
  434. papel [noun] (paper)
  435. [adverb] (there)
  436. candidato [noun] (candidate)
  437. sábado [noun] (Saturday)
  438. acção [noun] (action)
  439. paciente [noun] (patient)
  440. positivo [adjective] (positive)
  441. maio [noun] (May)
  442. interesse [noun] (interest)
  443. oferecer [verb] (to offer)
  444. operação [noun] (operation)
  445. ambiente [noun] (environment)
  446. participação [noun] (participation)
  447. dezembro [noun] (December)
  448. construção [noun] (construction)
  449. decidir [verb] (to decide)
  450. veículo [noun] (vehicle)
  451. julho [noun] (July)
  452. diversos [determiner] (miscellaneous)
  453. ensino [noun] (teaching)
  454. acompanhar [verb] (to accompany)
  455. intervenção [noun] (intervention)
  456. mão [noun] (hand) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “manus”, which is also the origin of the words “mano” in Spanish and Italian, as well as the word “main” in French.
  457. energia [noun] (energy)
  458. razão [noun] (reason)
  459. presença [noun] (presence)
  460. maioria [noun] (majority)
  461. sentir [verb] (to feel)
  462. trabalhador [noun] (worker)
  463. revelar [verb] (to reveal)
  464. humano [adjective] (human)
  465. século [noun] (century)
  466. âmbito [noun] (scope)
  467. prefeito [noun] (mayor)
  468. fundo [noun] (background)
  469. possibilidade [noun] (possibility) This vocabulary term is one of the words which are similar in Portuguese and in English. These help to make Portuguese one of the easiest languages for English-speakers to learn .
  470. reduzir [verb] (to reduce)
  471. dinheiro [noun] (money)
  472. página [noun] (page)
  473. janeiro [noun] (January)
  474. teste [noun] (test)
  475. tarde [noun] (afternoon)
  476. terceiro [adjective] (third)
  477. acreditar [verb] (believe)
  478. aprovar [verb] (to approve)
  479. claro [adjective] (of course)
  480. certo [adjective] (right)
  481. iniciar [verb] (to start)
  482. tratamento [noun] (treatment)
  483. volta [noun] (return)
  484. surgir [verb] (to emerge)
  485. responder [verb] (to answer)
  486. sob [preposition] (under)
  487. seis [numeral] (six)
  488. gostar [verb] (to like)
  489. força [noun] (force)
  490. crescimento [noun] (growth)
  491. série [noun] (series)
  492. análise [noun] (analysis)
  493. mudar [verb] (to change)
  494. amigo [noun] (friend) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “amīcus”. In many Romance languages, the word for “friend” comes from this same Latin root: for example “amigo” in Spanish, “ami” in French and “amico” in Italian.
  495. texto [noun] (text)
  496. rua [noun] (road)
  497. palavra [noun] (word)
  498. reunião [noun] (meeting)
  499. definir [verb] (to define)
  500. altura [noun] (height)
  501. contribuir [verb] (to contribute)
  502. caminho [noun] (way)
  503. minuto [noun] (minute)
  504. opção [noun] (option)
  505. Câmara [proper noun]
  506. crime [noun] (crime)
  507. mudança [noun] (change)
  508. difícil [adjective] (difficult)
  509. defender [verb] (to defend)
  510. lançar [verb] (to throw)
  511. criação [noun] (creation)
  512. dificuldade [noun] (difficulty)
  513. enviar [verb] (send)
  514. embora [conjunction] (although)
  515. eleição [noun] (election)
  516. baixo [adjective] (low)
  517. sector [noun] (sector)
  518. regra [noun] (rule)
  519. importância [noun] (importance)
  520. constituir [verb] (to constitute)
  521. natural [adjective] (natural)
  522. entrada [noun] (entry)
  523. funcionar [verb] (to work)
  524. mensagem [noun] (message)
  525. produzir [verb] (to produce)
  526. identificar [verb] (to identify)
  527. época [noun] (season)
  528. seguinte [adjective] (following)
  529. tecnologia [noun] (technology)
  530. Deus [proper noun] (God)
  531. corpo [noun] (body)
  532. algo [pronoun] (something)
  533. sucesso [noun] (success)
  534. hospital [noun] (hospital)
  535. desafio [noun] (challenge)
  536. apontar [verb] (to point out, to indicate)
  537. associação [noun] (association)
  538. envolver [verb] (to involve)
  539. setor [noun] (sector)
  540. atendimento [noun] (attendance)
  541. apoiar [verb] (to support)
  542. autoridade [noun] (authority)
  543. realidade [noun] (reality)
  544. trazer [verb] (to bring)
  545. fechar [verb] (to close)
  546. encontro [noun] (meeting)
  547. preciso [adjective] (accurate)
  548. Maria [proper noun] (Mary)
  549. falta [noun] (lack)
  550. sofrer [verb] (to suffer)
  551. assumir [verb] (to assume)
  552. policial [noun] (the police)
  553. transporte [noun] (transport)
  554. escolher [verb] (to choose)
  555. elevar [verb] (to raise)
  556. campo [noun] (field)
  557. fonte [noun] (source)
  558. organizar [verb] (to organize)
  559. avaliação [noun] (evaluation)
  560. logo [adverb] (soon)
  561. cumprir [verb] (to fulfill)
  562. escrever [verb] (to write)
  563. vista [noun] (view)
  564. porta [noun] (door)
  565. partido [noun] (party)
  566. instalação [noun] (installation)
  567. crescer [verb] (to grow up)
  568. referência [noun] (reference)
  569. estratégia [noun] (strategy)
  570. entregar [verb] (to deliver)
  571. título [noun] (title)
  572. registar [verb] (to register)
  573. termo [noun] (term)
  574. visita [noun] (visit)
  575. nota [noun] (note)
  576. responsabilidade [noun] (responsibility)
  577. aplicar [verb] (to apply)
  578. estrutura [noun] (structure)
  579. comercial [adjective] (commercial)
  580. contexto [noun] (context)
  581. prémio [noun] (prize)
  582. disponibilizar [verb] (make available)
  583. vídeo [noun] (video)
  584. apresentação [noun] (presentation)
  585. deputado [noun] (deputy)
  586. sim [adverb] (yes)
  587. oficial [adjective] (official)
  588. morrer [verb] (to die)
  589. verdade [noun] (truth) This Portuguese word has the same origin and meaning as the Spanish word “verdad”, the Italian word “verità”, and the French word “vérité”. They all derive from the Latin term “vēritās”.
  590. servir [verb] (to serve)
  591. atenção [noun] (attention)
  592. fácil [adjective] (easy)
  593. simples [adjective] (simple)
  594. voto [noun] (vote)
  595. diferentes [determiner] (different)
  596. material [noun] (material)
  597. Santa [proper noun]
  598. edifício [noun] (building)
  599. território [noun] (territory)
  600. música [noun] (music)
  601. terminar [verb] (to finish)
  602. estudante [noun] (student)
  603. compra [noun] (purchase)
  604. entender [verb] (to understand)
  605. prefeitura [noun] (prefecture)
  606. viagem [noun] (travel)
  607. vírus [noun] (virus)
  608. fundamental [adjective] (fundamental)
  609. particular [adjective] (private)
  610. estabelecer [verb] (to establish)
  611. privado [adjective] (private)
  612. Coimbra [proper noun] (Coimbra) The reason for this word appearing in this Portuguese frequency dictionary is that it is the name of a city in Portugal, in addition to being a common Portuguese last name.
  613. atual [adjective] (current)
  614. Silva [proper noun] (Silva)
  615. bastante [adverb] (enough)
  616. emprego [noun] (job)
  617. ligar [verb] (to call)
  618. cidadão [noun] (citizen)
  619. registo [noun] (registration)
  620. municipal [adjective] (municipal)
  621. plataforma [noun] (platform) This Portuguese word comes from the French word “plate-forme”.
  622. impacto [noun] (impact)
  623. interior [noun] (interior)
  624. gerar [verb] (to generate)
  625. Santos [proper noun]
  626. cuidado [noun] (caution)
  627. oferta [noun] (offer)
  628. médio [adjective] (medium)
  629. preparar [verb] (to prepare)
  630. essencial [adjective] (essential)
  631. contacto [noun] (contact)
  632. posição [noun] (position)
  633. carro [noun] (car)
  634. reconhecer [verb] (to recognize)
  635. movimento [noun] (movement)
  636. ouvir [verb] (to hear)
  637. educação [noun] (education)
  638. global [adjective] (global)
  639. redução [noun] (reduction)
  640. olhar [verb] (to look)
  641. dúvida [noun] (doubt)
  642. seguro [adjective] (safe)
  643. comum [adjective] (common)
  644. vencer [verb] (to win)
  645. idade [noun] (age)
  646. isolamento [noun] (isolation)
  647. cultura [noun] (culture)
  648. possuir [verb] (to possess)
  649. militar [adjective] (military)
  650. parceria [noun] (partnership)
  651. agosto [noun] (August)
  652. Pedro [proper noun] (Peter)
  653. banco [noun] (bank)
  654. pesquisa [noun] (research)
  655. órgão [noun] (organ)
  656. causar [verb] (to cause)
  657. fevereiro [noun] (February)
  658. manhã [noun] (morning)
  659. reforçar [verb] (to reinforce)
  660. ligação [noun] (link)
  661. líder [noun] (leader)
  662. lembrar [verb] (to remember)
  663. prestar [verb] (give)
  664. exposição [noun] (exhibition, exposure)
  665. ninguém [pronoun] (nobody)
  666. consumo [noun] (consumption)
  667. avaliar [verb] (to evaluate)
  668. científico [adjective] (scientific)
  669. rápido [adjective] (fast)
  670. lista [noun] (list)
  671. estrangeiro [adjective] (foreign)
  672. bairro [noun] (neighborhood)
  673. cair [verb] (to fall)
  674. sobretudo [adverb] (above all)
  675. histórico [adjective] (historical)
  676. terra [noun] (land)
  677. controlo [noun] (control)
  678. ontem [adverb] (yesterday)
  679. futebol [noun] (football)
  680. digital [adjective] (digital)
  681. real [adjective] (real)
  682. cargo [noun] (office)
  683. melhorar [verb] (to improve)
  684. atender [verb] (to answer)
  685. avançar [verb] (to advance)
  686. defesa [noun] (defence)
  687. específico [adjective] (specific)
  688. físico [adjective] (physical)
  689. mãe [noun] (mother)
  690. suspeito [noun] (suspect)
  691. acrescentar [verb] (add)
  692. recente [adjective] (recent)
  693. realização [noun] (realization)
  694. porém [conjunction] (but)
  695. termos [noun] (terms)
  696. origem [noun] (origin)
  697. cultural [adjective] (cultural)
  698. fato [noun] (fact)
  699. governador [noun] (governor)
  700. respeito [noun] (respect)
  701. contudo [adverb] (however)
  702. analisar [verb] (to analyze)
  703. autor [noun] (author)
  704. familiar [adjective] (familiar) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “familiāris”.
  705. arte [noun] (art)
  706. exigir [verb] (to require)
  707. leitura [noun] (reading)
  708. face [adverb] (face)
  709. regime [noun] (regime)
  710. maneira [noun] (manner)
  711. princípio [noun] (principle)
  712. ordem [noun] (order)
  713. Carlos [proper noun] (Carlos)
  714. entrevista [noun] (interview)
  715. construir [verb] (build)
  716. assegurar [verb] (to ensure)
  717. filme [noun] (movie)
  718. quarto [noun] (bedroom)
  719. vitória [noun] (victory)
  720. jogar [verb] (to play) This Portuguese word has the same origin and meaning as the Spanish word “jugar”, the Italian word “giocàre”, and the French word “jouer”. They all derive from the Latin term “iocāre”.
  721. versão [noun] (version)
  722. nomeadamente [adverb] (namely)
  723. igualmente [adverb] (equally)
  724. aparecer [verb] (to appear)
  725. parceiro [noun] (partner)
  726. comprar [verb] (to buy)
  727. cor [noun] (color)
  728. concluir [verb] (to conclude)
  729. concurso [noun] (competition)
  730. partida [noun] (departure)
  731. bilhão [numeral] (billion)
  732. via [noun] (way)
  733. competência [noun] (competence)
  734. acima [adverb] (above)
  735. animal [noun] (animal)
  736. grave [adjective] (serious)
  737. crédito [noun] (credit)
  738. ao [preposition] (to)
  739. secretário [noun] (secretary)
  740. quadro [noun] (painting)
  741. vender [verb] (to sell) This Portuguese verb has the same form in Spanish. The corresponding Italian word is “vendere” and the French term is “vendre” . These words all originate from the same Latin root: “vēndere”.
  742. perceber [verb] (to notice) This Portuguese verb has the same origin as the Spanish word “percibir” and the French word “percevoir”. These words all derive from the Latin word “percipere”.
  743. exercício [noun] (exercise)
  744. diverso [adjective] (diverse)
  745. livre [adjective] (free) This Portuguese adjective has the same origin as the Spanish word “libre” and the French word “libre”. These words all derive from the Latin word “līber”.
  746. procedimento [noun] (procedure)
  747. notícia [noun] (news) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “nōtitia”.
  748. federal [adjective] (federal)
  749. especialista [noun] (specialist)
  750. dedicar [verb] (to dedicate)
  751. atuar [verb] (to act)
  752. assunto [noun] (subject)
  753. António [proper noun] (Antonio)
  754. vacina [noun] (vaccine)
  755. queda [noun] (a fall)
  756. dimensão [noun] (dimension)
  757. ciclo [noun] (cycle)
  758. online [adjective] (online)
  759. freguesia [noun] (parish)
  760. andar [verb] (to walk)
  761. participante [noun] (participant)
  762. relacionar [verb] (to relate)
  763. funcionamento [noun] (functioning)
  764. doente [noun] (sick) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “dolēns”.
  765. funcionário [noun] (employee) This Portuguese word originates from the French word “fonctionnaire”.
  766. administração [noun] (administration)
  767. ferramenta [noun] (tool)
  768. sala [noun] (living room)
  769. espécie [noun] (species)
  770. ajuda [noun] (help)
  771. esforço [noun] (effort)
  772. resolver [verb] (to solve)
  773. receita [noun] (recipe)
  774. passo [noun] (step)
  775. povo [noun] (people)
  776. percurso [noun] (route)
  777. time [noun] (a team)
  778. agência [noun] (agency)
  779. Costa [proper noun] (coast)
  780. candidatura [noun] (candidacy)
  781. capaz [adjective] (capable)
  782. correr [verb] (to run)
  783. contrário [noun] (contrary)
  784. agente [noun] (agent)
  785. relatório [noun] (report)
  786. significar [verb] (to mean)
  787. ler [verb] (to read)
  788. combate [noun] (combat)
  789. Luís [proper noun] (Luis)
  790. polícia [noun] (police)
  791. [adverb] (there)
  792. mundial [adjective] (worldwide)
  793. sinal [noun] (signal)
  794. visitar [verb] (to visit)
  795. conforme [conjunction] (according)
  796. evolução [noun] (evolution)
  797. perto [adverb] (close)
  798. excelente [adjective] (excellent)
  799. sete [numeral] (seven)
  800. máscara [noun] (mask)
  801. nascer [verb] (born)
  802. declaração [noun] (declaration)
  803. destinar [verb] (to destine)
  804. câmara [noun] (chamber)
  805. enfrentar [verb] (to face)
  806. ocupar [verb] (to occupy)
  807. estadual [adjective] (state)
  808. reunir [verb] (to gather)
  809. formar [verb] (to form)
  810. dez [numeral] (ten)
  811. valer [verb] (worth)
  812. óbito [noun] (a death)
  813. cenário [noun] (scenario)
  814. descobrir [verb] (to discover)
  815. diferença [noun] (difference)
  816. buscar [verb] (fetch)
  817. executivo [noun] (executive)
  818. vaga [noun] (vacancy)
  819. opinião [noun] (opinion)
  820. verificar [verb] (check)
  821. justiça [noun] (justice)
  822. alguém [pronoun] (someone)
  823. natureza [noun] (nature)
  824. relativo [adjective] (relative)
  825. solicitar [verb] (to request)
  826. provocar [verb] (provoke)
  827. China [proper noun] (China)
  828. aula [noun] (class)
  829. visar [verb] (to aim)
  830. aceitar [verb] (to accept)
  831. ambos [determiner] (both)
  832. limite [noun] (limit)
  833. recuperar [verb] (to recover)
  834. vigor [noun] (vigor)
  835. subir [verb] (go up)
  836. actual [adjective] (current)
  837. aproveitar [verb] (enjoy)
  838. alcançar [verb] (reach)
  839. ar [noun] (air)
  840. jornal [noun] (newspaper) The Portuguese language has borrowed this word from the French term “journal”.
  841. tradicional [adjective] (traditional)
  842. festa [noun] (party)
  843. propor [verb] (to propose)
  844. década [noun] (decade)
  845. adquirir [verb] (to purchase) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “adquīrō”. which is also the origin of the Spanish verb “adquirir”, the French verb “acquérir” and the Italian verb “acquisire”.
  846. associar [verb] (to associate)
  847. principalmente [adverb] (mainly)
  848. enorme [adjective] (huge)
  849. mal [adverb] (bad)
  850. relativamente [adverb] (relatively)
  851. permanecer [verb] (to stay)
  852. depender [verb] (to depend)
  853. característica [noun] (characteristic)
  854. adotar [verb] (to adopt)
  855. matéria [noun] (matter)
  856. assinar [verb] (to sign)
  857. indústria [noun] (industry) The origin of this Portuguese word is the Latin word “industria”.
  858. entrega [noun] (delivery)
  859. luz [noun] (light) This Portuguese word originates from the Latin word “lūcem”, which is the accusative form of the word “lūx”.
  860. restante [adjective] (remaining)
  861. amor [noun] (love)
  862. média [noun] (average)
  863. saída [noun] (exit)
  864. Algarve [proper noun] (Algarve)
  865. econômico [adjective] (economic)
  866. loja [noun] (store)
  867. estabelecimento [noun] (establishment)
  868. resultar [verb] (to result)
  869. respeitar [verb] (to respect)
  870. motivo [noun] (reason)
  871. memória [noun] (memory)
  872. Espanha [proper noun] (Spain)
  873. escolha [noun] (choice)
  874. portanto [conjunction] (therefore)
  875. aprender [verb] (to learn)
  876. consumidor [noun] (consumer)
  877. efectuar [verb] (carry out)
  878. central [adjective] (central)
  879. missão [noun] (mission)
  880. adequado [adjective] (adequate)
  881. oito [numeral] (eight)
  882. talvez [adverb] (perhaps)
  883. norma [noun] (norm)
  884. promoção [noun] (promotion)
  885. proteção [noun] (protection)
  886. orientação [noun] (orientation)
  887. manutenção [noun] (maintenance) This Portuguese word originates from the French word “manutention”.
  888. canal [noun] (channel)
  889. compor [verb] (to compose)
  890. alterar [verb] (to change)
  891. automóvel [noun] (automobile)
  892. vontade [noun] (will)
  893. comportamento [noun] (behavior)
  894. Jesus [proper noun] (Jesus)
  895. pena [noun] (sadness)
  896. mar [noun] (sea)
  897. declarar [verb] (to declare)
  898. elas [pronoun] (they)
  899. aquilo [pronoun] (that)
  900. Francisco [proper noun] (Francisco)
  901. exterior [noun] (outside)
  902. protocolo [noun] (protocol)
  903. conselho [noun] (advice)
  904. comércio [noun] (trade)
  905. completo [adjective] (complete)
  906. carreira [noun] (career)
  907. comunicar [verb] (to communicate)
  908. debate [noun] (debate)
  909. proporcionar [verb] (to provide)
  910. sede [noun] (thirst)
  911. expectativa [noun] (expectation)
  912. abertura [noun] (opening)
  913. benefício [noun] (benefit)
  914. despesa [noun] (expense)
  915. interno [adjective] (internal)
  916. imprensa [noun] (the press)
  917. financiamento [noun] (financing)
  918. observar [verb] (to observe)
  919. obrigatório [adjective] (mandatory)
  920. civil [adjective] (civil)
  921. ciência [noun] (science)
  922. existente [adjective] (existing)
  923. servidor [noun] (server)
  924. revista [noun] (magazine)
  925. mau [adjective] (bad)
  926. consequência [noun] (consequence)
  927. preocupação [noun] (worry)
  928. atribuir [verb] (to assign)
  929. posto [noun] (post)
  930. localizar [verb] (to locate)
  931. fornecer [verb] (to provide)
  932. branco [adjective] (white) This Portuguese word has the same Latin origin as the words “blanco” in Spanish, “bianco” in Italian and “blanc” in French.
  933. contato [noun] (contact)
  934. conferência [noun] (conference)
  935. prisão [noun] (prison) This Portuguese word comes from the French word “prison”.
  936. horário [noun] (time)
  937. melhoria [noun] (improvement)
  938. advogado [noun] (lawyer)
  939. tirar [verb] (take away)
  940. eleitoral [adjective] (electoral)
  941. diretor [noun] (director)
  942. empresário [noun] (businessman, entrepreneur)
  943. artista [noun] (artist)
  944. luta [noun] (fight)
  945. procura [noun] (search)
  946. atleta [noun] (athlete)
  947. ativo [adjective] (active)
  948. liberdade [noun] (freedom)
  949. publicação [noun] (publication)
  950. conceito [noun] (concept)
  951. individual [adjective] (individual)
  952. confiança [noun] (confidence)
  953. respectivo [adjective] (respective)
  954. jornalista [noun] (journalist) This Portuguese word comes from the French word “journaliste”.
  955. igual [adjective] (equal)
  956. vereador [noun] (councilor)
  957. destaque [noun] (featured)
  958. dívida [noun] (debt)
  959. busca [noun] (searching)
  960. negativo [adjective] (negative)
  961. ataque [noun] (attack)
  962. imediato [adjective] (immediate)
  963. idoso [noun] (elderly)
  964. expressão [noun] (expression)
  965. competição [noun] (competition)
  966. acidente [noun] (accident)
  967. salário [noun] (salary)
  968. Madeira [proper noun] (wood)
  969. verdadeiro [adjective] (true)
  970. normal [adjective] (normal)
  971. prender [verb] (arrest)
  972. estudar [verb] (to study)
  973. Oliveira [proper noun] (olive tree)
  974. instalar [verb] (to install)
  975. Aveiro [proper noun] (Aveiro)
  976. consulta [noun] (consultation)
  977. orçamento [noun] (budget)
  978. demais [determiner] (too much)
  979. temporada [noun] (season)
  980. sequência [noun] (sequence)
  981. vantagem [noun] (advantage)
  982. matar [verb] (to kill)
  983. dirigir [verb] (to drive)
  984. demonstrar [verb] (to demonstrate)
  985. geração [noun] (generation)
  986. favor [noun] (please)
  987. dispor [verb] (to dispose)
  988. atualmente [adverb] (currently)
  989. universidade [noun] (university) This Portuguese word comes from the Latin word “ūniversitās”. There are many Portuguese words ending in “-dade” which come from Latin words ending in “-tās”. For example, this is the case for the words “capacidade”, “entidade” and “autoridade” which appear in this Portuguese frequency dictionary.
  990. investir [verb] (to invest)
  991. aquisição [noun] (acquisition)
  992. erro [noun] (error)
  993. distribuição [noun] (distribution)
  994. abordar [verb] (to address)
  995. guerra [noun] (war)
  996. tendência [noun] (trend)
  997. Janeiro [proper noun] (January)
  998. superior [adjective] (higher)
  999. companhia [noun] (company)
  1000. exame [noun] (examination)
  1001. alimentar [adjective] (food-related)
  1002. domínio [noun] (domain)
  1003. França [proper noun] (France)
  1004. leito [noun] (bed)
  1005. associado [noun] (associate)
  1006. transformar [verb] (to transform)
  1007. obrigar [verb] (to force)
  1008. olho [noun] (eye)
  1009. ambiental [adjective] (environmental)
  1010. desejar [verb] (to wish)
  1011. carta [noun] (letter)
  1012. sintoma [noun] (symptom)
  1013. diário [adjective] (daily, everyday)
  1014. afetar [verb] (to affect)
  1015. morador [noun] (resident)
  1016. francês [adjective] (French)
  1017. voz [noun] (voice) This Portuguese word is derived from the Latin word “vox”. In many Romance languages, the word for “voice” comes from this same Latin root: for example “voz” in Spanish, “voix” in French and “voce” in Italian.
  1018. medicamento [noun] (medicine)
  1019. transmitir [verb] (to transmit)
  1020. desempenho [noun] (performance)
  1021. categoria [noun] (category)
  1022. instrumento [noun] (instrument)
  1023. recuperação [noun] (recovery)
  1024. volume [noun] (volume)
  1025. transmissão [noun] (transmission)
  1026. urbano [adjective] (urban)
  1027. comentar [verb] (to comment)
  1028. Jorge [proper noun] (George)
  1029. suporte [noun] (support)
  1030. ilha [noun] (island)
  1031. pra [preposition] (to)
  1032. corte [noun] (cut)
  1033. foto [noun] (photo)
  1034. potencial [noun] (potential)
  1035. regional [adjective] (regional)
  1036. administrativo [adjective] (administrative)
  1037. existência [noun] (existence)
  1038. legal [adjective] (legal)
  1039. alvo [noun] (target)
  1040. fiscal [adjective] (tax)
  1041. Fernando [proper noun] (Ferdinand)
  1042. americano [adjective] (American)
  1043. cabeça [noun] (head) This Portuguese word differs in spelling from its Spanish counterpart: “cabeza”.
  1044. ressaltar [verb] (to highlight)
  1045. impedir [verb] (to prevent)
  1046. etapa [noun] (stage) This Portuguese word originates from the French word “étape”.
  1047. rapidamente [adverb] (quickly)
  1048. praia [noun] (beach)