The Easiest Languages to Learn (for English speakers)

Here is a list of some of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn:

We will now go over these languages, one by one, and explain what makes them relatively easy to learn.


Even if you have never studied Italian before, you can likely guess the meaning of many Italian vocabulary words.

Let’s give it a try.

Look at the Italian sentence “L'italiano è una lingua facile.” We will provide the translation in a moment, but for now, try to guess what this sentence means.

You probably noticed that the Italian word “lingua” resembles the English word “language.” And it also resembles the word “linguistic.” That is because these terms come from the same Latin root.

Although the Italian adjective “facile” doesn’t resemble the English adjective “easy,” it does look similar to the English verb “to facilitate.”

So, yes, the Italian sentence “L'italiano è una lingua facile” translates to “Italian is an easy language.”

This vocabulary overlap is one of the reasons why Italian is among the easiest languages for English speakers to learn.

The most frequently used Italian words include many terms that English speakers can easily understand. Some of these Italian words have the same Latin origin as their English translations.

Italian English
soluzione solution
spazio space
difficoltà difficulty
silenzio silence
società society
sistema system
realtà reality
attenzione attention
esperienza experience

Even when an Italian word is unrelated to its English translation, there is often an English word with the same Latin origin and a related meaning. Some examples are provided in the table below:

English Italian English
love amore amorous
moon luna lunar
earth terra terrestrial
water acqua aquatic
ship nave naval
life vita vital
truth verità veritable
son figlio filial
brother fratello fraternal
sky cielo celestial
book libro library
easy facile facilitate


Imagine you traveled back in time and found yourself in a Viking village a thousand years ago. Learning the local language would surely be a struggle.

Not only because it might be difficult —centuries before the invention of the printing press— to find a good textbook for the Old Norse language (that’s the language they spoke) but also because that language itself is very different from Modern English.

But if, in this day and age, you were to travel to Olso (the capital of Norway), you would find the local language much easier to learn —even though Norwegian is a language that evolved from Old Norse.

Over time, many of the complicated linguistic features of Old Norse have been simplified; as a result, modern Norwegian is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn.

Since both English and Norwegian belong to the Germanic language family, English speakers can easily identify and understand several of the most frequently used Norwegian vocabulary words.

Norwegian English
dag day
eksempel example
informasjon information
morgen morning
kvalitet quality
musikk music
tekst text
aksjon action
økonomisk economic
grønn green
hånd hand
håp hope

Another factor that makes Norwegian an easy language for English speakers to learn is its straightforward verb conjugation. Unlike many other languages, Norwegian verbs are not conjugated based on the subject of the sentence.

If you already speak English (which presumably you do because you are reading this), then Norwegian is a relatively easy language to learn. It is the easiest Scandinavian language.


There are plenty of opportunities for English speakers to practice learning Spanish. Not only is Spanish the most widely-spoken Romance language in the world, but in addition, there are over 40 million Spanish speakers in the U.S. — almost as many as in Spain.

As a Romance language that evolved from Latin, Spanish has quite a few vocabulary words that are similar to their English equivalents. Here are some examples:

Spanish English
información information
actividad activity
situación situation
familia family
comunidad community
sociedad society
estudiante student
educación education
realidad reality
comunicación communication
compañero companion
difícil difficult

Learning Spanish is also made easier by the close alignment between the pronunciation of Spanish words and their spelling.

English vocabulary words often have double consonants that don’t change the pronunciation (but cause spelling mistakes when forgotten); in Spanish, there are fewer double letters, and in most cases, they represent a distinct sound.

For example, notice the absence of double letters in the following Spanish words: comunicación (communication), comunidad (community), and difícil (difficult).


The national motto of France is: “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” If you compare it to its English translation, “liberty, equality, fraternity,” you can’t help noticing how similar these French words are to the corresponding English terms.

That’s because those three English words came from French.

One of the reasons that French is a relatively easy language to learn is that English has many words that come from French. There is a historical reason for this.

The Norman conquest of England in 1066 brought French-speaking Normans to England, and French became the language of the English court for several centuries.

During that period, many French words entered the English language.

Among the most frequently used French words, there are quite a few that English speakers will recognize.

English French
choice choix
activity activité
society société
color couleur
idea idée
real réel
victory victoire
author auteur
event événement
interest intérêt
master maître
garden jardin
difficult difficile


Dutch is an easy language for English speakers to learn because not only are Dutch and English both Germanic languages, but in addition, they belong to the same branch within that language family: they are West Germanic languages.

Many Dutch vocabulary words are similar to their English counterparts. As a result, English speakers can easily learn some of the basic Dutch vocabulary.

Here are some examples of words which are similar in Dutch and English:

Dutch English
boek book
water water
woord word
straat street
dochter daughter
nieuws news
kwaliteit quality
groen green

Not all Dutch words are similar to their English counterparts. For example, it may not be immediately obvious to an English speaker that the Dutch sentence “Nederlands is een makkelijke taal” means “Dutch is an easy language”.

To learn more about the Dutch language, you can read our comparison of English and Dutch and this list of the thousand most common Dutch words.


The sentence “Romanian is an easy language” when translated to Romanian, becomes “Româna este o limbă ușoară” — a sentence that may not look all that simple because of a few unfamiliar letters.

The Romanian alphabet, however, is really just a variant of the Latin alphabet used in English —but with five additional letters, three of which appear in the sentence above. Yes, those are considered additional letters rather than letters with accent marks.

A Romance language with Slavic neighbors

Romanian is among the easiest languages to learn because it’s a Romance language. Not everyone knows or remembers this linguistic fact; Romanian has been called “the forgotten Romance language”.

Romania is in Eastern Europe, where many neighboring countries speak Slavic languages. But Romanian is a language that evolved from Latin, and although it has absorbed some Slavic vocabulary words, a large part of its core vocabulary has Latin roots.

Among the many Romanian vocabulary words that come from Latin, quite a few are similar to their English counterparts. This contributes to making Romanian an easy language for English speakers to learn.

Romanian English
serviciu service
număr number
muzică music
capitală capital
teatru theatre
muzeu museum


The Romance languages (languages that evolved from Latin) are well represented on this list of the easiest languages. Here is another one: Portuguese.

A large part of Portuguese vocabulary comes from Latin; in many cases, English speakers can recognize some Portuguese words by comparing them to similar English words.

Take, for example, the sentence “Portuguese is an easy language to learn”; the corresponding sentence in Portuguese is “Português é uma língua fácil de aprender”.

Notice how the Portuguese word “língua” and its English equivalent, “language”, look similar. That’s because they have the same origin; they both come from the Latin word “lingua” which also means “language”.

The Portuguese verb “aprender” comes from Latin; its English counterpart, the verb “to learn”, has Germanic roots. But English speakers may notice the similarity of this Portuguese verb to the English word “apprentice” and may infer its meaning from that.

The Portuguese word “fácil” is different from the corresponding English word (“easy”). But its resemblance to the English verb “to facilitate” makes it easier to figure out its meaning.

Here is a table with some examples of vocabulary words that are similar in Portuguese and English.

English Portuguese
information informação
number número
situation situação
solution solução
result resultado
quality qualidade
cause causa
document documento
force força
music música


There is a common misconception that Swedish is a difficult language to learn. This is understandable, considering that some words can be rather lengthy and seem hard to pronounce.

Admittedly, some Swedish vocabulary words aren’t exactly easy:

Apart from a few rather complicated Swedish words, Swedish is an easy language to learn. One reason is that verb conjugation is simple. Imagine not having to worry about how the spelling of the verb changes depending on its subject.

In English, verbs have to agree with the subject. In Swedish, the spelling of the verb remains the same:

jag studerar
“I study”
du studerar
“you study”
han studerar
“he studies”
vi studerar
“we study”
de studerar
“they study”

Now, when it comes to the alphabet, did you know that Swedish uses the same Latin Script that English does? That’s right! All 26 letters that the English language uses. Plus three additional letters. But these three letters Å, Ä, and Ö, have pronunciations that are very easy to memorize.

Swedish is a good entry point to learning the Scandinavian languages because Norwegian is similar to Swedish. In addition, Danish is similar to Swedish although Danish pronunciation is more difficult.


Afrikaans is —as one can tell by its name— an African language. It is one of the official languages of South Africa, the southernmost country on the African continent.

Afrikaans is an easy language (for English speakers) simply because it’s a language that evolved from Dutch. Afrikaans is, therefore, a Germanic language (and so is English).

The Dutch settlers brought their language to the region during the colonial period; that language gradually changed, first into a dialect, then into a separate language.

The word “Afrikaans” features double vowels that are characteristic of Dutch spelling, and the Dutch adjective “Afrikaans” simply means “African”.

Afrikaans is, in some ways, an easier language than Dutch. In Afrikaans, nouns don’t have grammatical genders, whereas in Dutch they do.

Conjugation tables are particularly simple in Afrikaans: in contrast to English and Dutch, verbs in Afrikaans keep the same form regardless of their subject.

English Dutch Afrikaans
I am ik ben ek is
you are jij/u bent jy/u is
he/she is hij/zij is hy/sy is
we are wij zijn ons is
you (pl.) are jullie zijn julle is
they are zij zijn hulle is

Indonesian and Malay

For English speakers, the easiest languages to learn are, in most cases, European languages. Asian languages are, generally, more difficult because most do not use the Latin alphabet that English speakers are familiar with.

A few Asian languages do, however, use the Latin alphabet. Two of these are Vietnamese and Filipino, but neither is particularly easy to learn (and Vietnamese is a tonal language).

Indonesian and Malay are exceptions: they are Asian languages that are relatively easy for English speakers to learn. They use the Latin alphabet, and they are not tonal languages.

What makes Malay and Indonesian more accessible to English speakers, aside from their use of the Latin script, is the simplicity of their grammar.

For example, in these languages, verbs do not change their endings according to tenses. Instead, extra words are used with the verbs to describe when the action takes place.


If you’ve seen “The Lion King” then you have heard some Swahili phrases, because some of the characters in that animated movie speak and sing in Swahili.

Swahili is neither a Germanic language nor is it a Latin-derived Romance language. But it is still considered a fairly easy language to learn.

In many parts of East Africa, Swahili serves as a lingua franca —a language used for communication between people who have different native languages. For a large proportion of Swahili speakers, it’s their second rather than their first language.

When a language serves as a lingua franca, it often becomes simplified over time because non-native speakers often don’t use the more complex grammatical structures. So many of the complicated structures gradually disappear from the language.

An overview of the easiest languages

Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, and Afrikaans are among the easiest languages to learn (for English speakers) because they are Germanic languages, and so is English.

Not all Germanic languages are simple, however. Danish has difficult pronunciation, and Icelandic —which resembles Old Norse, the language of the Vikings— has complicated grammar.

French, Italian, Portuguese, and even Romanian are among the easiest languages (for English speakers to learn) because they evolved from Latin (they are Romance languages) and have many similar vocabulary words in common with English.

Romance languages have vocabulary similarities with English because many English words come from Latin. The Norman Conquest of England in 1066 is the main reason: Old Norman (a French dialect) was used by the Anglo-Norman government in England, which led to an influx of Latin-derived French words.

Common characteristics of the easiest languages

The easiest languages to learn (for English speakers) share some common traits, the most noticeable being their use of the same Latin alphabet as English (with sometimes a few extra letters), which eliminates the need to learn an entirely new writing system, one of the difficulties of languages like Japanese or Chinese.

The second common trait among the easiest languages is their ease of pronunciation. In particular, they do not use tones like in Chinese or Vietnamese, where a change in intonation can change one word into another.

The third characteristic of the easiest languages is a partial vocabulary overlap with English. These languages contain a sizable percentage of words with the same meaning (and a similar spelling) as the corresponding English terms.


In this list of the easiest languages, we have focused on languages that are widely spoken. In addition, some languages are easy to learn but less widely spoken, such as Frisian (a Germanic language) and Catalan (a Romance language).

We have also published an article on the hardest languages.