150+ English vocabulary words which come from Latin
English is a Germanic language which means that unlike the Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian) the English language does not originate from Latin.
There are however hundreds of English vocabulary words which come from Latin. Many of these have entered the English language as loanwords from French (a large part of French vocabulary words come from Latin).
List of English words which come from Latin
Here is a list of 160 English vocabulary words which come from Latin:
- Alien: from Latin aliēnus (which means “outsider” or “foreigner” )
- Senior: from Latin senior (meaning “older”), which is the comparative form of senex (meaning “aged”, “old”)
- Election: from Latin ēlectiō (meaning “choice” or “selection”)
- Extreme: from Latin extrēmus which is the superlative of the Latin word exter (which means “outward”)
- Senate: from Latin senātus (meaning “council of elders” or “senate”) itself from the Latin adjective from senex (meaning “old”)
- Amateur: from Latin amātōr (meaning “lover”), itself from the Latin verb amāre (which means “to love”)
- Aquatic: from Latin aquaticus (meaning “relating to the water”) itself from the Latin word aqua (meaning “water”)
- Beneficial: from Latin beneficium (meaning “kindness”, “service” or “favor”)
- Claim: from Latin clāmō (which means “to cry out” or “to proclaim””)
- Extraordinary: From Latin extrāōrdinārius, itself from extrā ōrdinem (meaning “outside the order”)
- Absence: from Latin absentia
- Family: from Latin familia
- City: from Latin cīvitās
- General: from Latin generālis
- Public: from Latin pūblicus
- College: from Latin collēgium
- President: from Latin praesidēns
- Common: from Latin commūnis
- Education: from Latin ēducātiō
- Similar: from Latin similis
- Single: from Latin singulus
- Council: from Latin concilium
- Final: from Latin fīnālis
- Region: from Latin regiō
- Addition: from Latin additiōnem
- Music: from Latin mūsica
- Special: from Latin speciālis
- Union: from Latin ūniō
- Position: from Latin positio
- Royal: from Latin rēgālis
- Information: from Latin īnfōrmātiō
- Male: from Latin masculus
- Social: from Latin sociālis
- Act: from Latin ācta
- Division: from Latin dīvīsiō
- Air: from Latin āēr
- Active: from Latin activus
- Civil: from Latin cīvīlis
- Human: from Latin hūmānus
- Population: from Latin populatio
- Culture: from Latin cultūra
- Province: from Latin prōvincia
- Structure: from Latin structūra
- Station: from Latin statiōnem
- Native: from Latin nātīvus itself from the Latin nātus (meaning “birth”)
- Professor: from Latin professor
- Certain: from Latin certus (meaning “fixed” or “certain”)
- Industry: from Latin industria (meaning “activity”, “diligence”)
- Distribution: from Latin distributio
- Section: from Latin sectiō (meaning “cutting”)
- Space: from Latin spatium
- Source: from Latin surgō (meaning “to rise”)
- Variety: from Latin varietās (meaning “diversity, difference”)
- Create: from Latin creātus
- Capital: from Latin capitālis (meaning “of the head”)
- Operation: from Latin operātiō, itself from the Latin opus which means “work”
- Separate: from Latin sēparātus
- Museum from Latin mūsēum (meaning “library”, or “study”)
- Person: from Latin persōna ( meaning “mask used by actor” or “role”)
- Administration: from Latin administratio
- Secretary: from Latin secrētārius (meaning “person entrusted with secrets”)
- Edition: from Latin ēditiō, itself from the Latin verb ēdere ( meaning “to publish”).
- Complex: from Latin complexus
- Empire: from Latin imperium, itself from the Latin verb imperare (meaning “to command”)
- Competition: from Latin competītiō
- Student: from Latin studēns
- Increase: from Latin increscere
- Conference: from Latin cōnferēns
- Cause: from Latin causa
- Money: from Latin monēta
- Police: from Latin polītīa (meaning “the state”, or “the government”)
- Evidence: from Latin evidentia
- Justice: from Latin iūstitia
- Valley: from Latin vallēs
- Experience: from Latin experientia
- Material: from Latin māteriālis
- Influence: Latin īnfluēns (which means “flowing in”)
- Decision: from Latin dēcīsiō itself from the Latin verb dēcīdō (meaning “to decide”)
- Feature: from Latin factūra itself from the Latin verb faciō (“to do” , “to make”)
- Formation: from Latin fōrmātiō
- value : from Latin valēre
- Continue: from Latin continuāre
- Congress: From Latin congressum which is the past participle of the Latin verb congredior ( which means “to come together”)
- Creation: from Latin creātiō
- Potential: from Latin potentia (meaning “power”)
- Marine: from Latin marinus (meaning “of the sea”), itself from the Latin noun mare (meaning “sea”)
- Mountain: from Latin montānus, itself from the Latin word mōns (meaning “mountain”)
- Face: from Latin faciēs (meaning “appearance” )
- Ability: from Latin habilitās, itself from the Latin word from habilis (meaning “fit” or “able”)
- Necessary: from Latin necessārius (meaning “inevitable”, or “required”)
- Distance: from Latin distantia
- Double: from Latin duplus (meaning “twofold”)
- Figure: from Latin figūra (meaning “shape” or “form”)
- Peace: from Latin pāx (meaning “peace”)
- Festival: from Latin fēstīvus (meaning “festive”)
- Victory: from Latin victōria
- Urban: from Latin urbanus
- Mayor: from Latin maior (meaning “bigger, greater”), which is the comparative form of the Latin asjective magnus ( meaning “big, great”)
- Supreme: from Latin supremus, which is the superlative of the Latin word superus (which means “which is above”)
- Tradition: from Latin trāditiō
- Normal: From Latin normālis (which means “according the rules”)
- Generation: from Latin generātiō, itself from generō ( meaning “to generate”)
- Liberal: from Latin līberālis
- Equal: from Latin aequālis
- Institution: from Latin institūtiō
- Positive: from Latin positivus
- Machine: from Latin māchina
- Naval: from Latin nāvālis
- Religion: from Latin religiō
- Labour: from Latin laborare
- Metal: from Latin metallum
- Selection: From Latin sēlēctiō
- Doctor: from Latin doctor
- Mobile: from Latin mōbilis (meaning “moveable”)
- Translation: from Latin trānslātiō
- Medieval: from the combination of two Latin words, medium (which means “middle”) & aevum ( which means “age”)
- Couple: from Latin cōpula
- Opinion: from Latin opīniō
- Element: from Latin elementum
- Exception: from Latin exceptiō
- Sequence: from Latin sequentia (“a following”) itself from the Latin verb sequi ( which means “to follow”)
- Coalition: from Latin coalitiō
- Credit: from Latin crēditum
- Reputation: from Latin reputationem
- Legend: from Latin legenda (meaning “a thing worth reading about”) itself from the Latin verb lego (meaning “to read”)
- Merchant: from Latin mercātus (meaning “market”)
- Session: from Latin sessiō (meaning “a sitting”)
- Diverse: from Latin diversus ( meaning “various”, “different”)
- Offensive: from Latin offensivus, itself from the Latin verb offendere (meaning “to offend”)
- Ordinary: from Latin ōrdinārius (meaning “regular” or “orderly”) iself from the Latin word ōrdō (meaning “order”)
- Noble: from Latin nōbilis
- Spiritual: from Latin spiritus
- Intention: from Latin intentiō
- Regime: from Latin regimen (meaning “direction” or “government”)
- Copy: from Latin cōpia
- Procedure: from Latin procedere (meaning “to go forward”)
- Instrument: from Latin īnstrūmentum
- Charity: from Latin cāritās
- Variable: from Latin variare (meaning “to change”)
- Conclusion: from Latin conclūsiō
- Excellent: from Latin adjective excellēns which is the present participle of the Latin verb excello (which means “to be eminent” or “to excell”)
- Ideal: from Latin ideālis (which means “existing in idea”)
- Moral: from Latin mōrālis
- Liberty: from Latin lībertās (meaing “freedom”, or “liberty”)
- Neutral: from Latin neutralis
- Statue: from Latin statua, which itself comes from the Latin verb statuō ( which means “to set up” or “to erect”)
- Fortune: from Latin fortūna (which can mean “fate”, “luck”, “prosperity” or “wealth”)
- Proportion: from Latin prōportiō
- Assume: From Latin assūmō (which means “to accept” or “to take”)
- Inclusion: from Latin inclusio, itself from the Latin verb inclūdō
- Precise: from Latin praecisus
- Destination: From Latin dēstinātiō, itself from the Latin verb dēstinō (which means “to destine”)
- Passion: from Latin passio (meaning “suffering”)
- Feminine: from Latin fēminīnus, itself from the Latin word fēmina (meaning “woman”)
- Glory: from Latin glōria
- To compare: from Latin comparare
- Color: from Latin color
- Innocent: from Latin innocens
- Examine: from Latin exāmināre
- Intelligent: from Latin intellegēns
The reason there are so many English words that come from Latin
As a Germanic language, English did not originate from Latin. The large number of Latin words in English is remarkable given that other Germanic languages (such as German or Norwegian) contain far fewer Latin words.
This linguistic phenomenon has a simple historical explanation.
Many of the Latin vocabulary words found in English have entered the English language as loanwords from French. As a Romance language which is derived from Latin, a large majority (about 80%) of French words come from Latin.
The presence of so many French vocabulary words in the English language is in part due to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.
At the time, Old Norman (which is a dialect of French) became the language of the Anglo-Norman government in England. This lasted for several centuries.
During that time this French dialect was widely used in the royal court as well as in the church and the justice system of England.
This historical event had wide-ranging linguistic effects on the English language and is the reason why English contains so many words originating from Latin.
How to identify English vocabulary words which come from Latin?
The most reliable way to know if an English vocabulary word originates from Latin is to use a dictionary which provides etymological information (information on the origin of words).
Heuristics to determine whether an English word is likely or not to have originated from Latin can be obtained from a basic knowledge of Latin. This is because some letters are not used (or rarely used) in Latin.
For instance, the letter 'w' was not part of the classical Latin alphabet, so an English word that contains that letter most likely doesn't come from Latin.
In addition, the presence of the letter ‘k’ in an English word indicates that the word is unlikely to have come from Latin.
Although the classic Latin alphabet contains the letter 'k', it hardly ever appears in Latin vocabulary words. The reason is that in Latin the letter 'c' is pronounced like a 'k' (There is no soft 'c' in Latin). This made the letter 'k' redundant and hardly ever used in Latin.
The letter 'z' is typically not found in Latin vocabulary words. Although the letter 'z' was part of the early forms of the Latin alphabet it disappeared because of sound changes in the Latin language. Later, it was reintroduced to accommodate loanwords from Greek.
An English word that contains the letter 'z' is unlikely to have originated from Latin.
English words which end “-ion” are likely to have come from French and previously from Latin.
To learn more about Latin, see this list of the 1000 most common Latin words, and this comparison of Italian and Latin.
Modern English words which come from Latin
Latin is considered to be a dead language which means that it's no longer the native language of any community. This has been the case for several centuries now.
In spite of this, Latin has been used to create new words, especially in scientific and technical fields.
For example, the word “casein” which refers to a protein that is found in milk comes from the Latin word “caseus” meaning cheese.
Another example is the word “lactose” which refers to the sugar found in milk and comes from the Latin word “lac” which means ‘milk’.
There are many English words that are derived from Latin, and most of these have come as loanwords from French.
Understanding the Latin roots of those English vocabulary words provides linguistic insights and enables us to understand the vocabulary in English and in several other languages.