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The full List of the 1000 Most Common Norwegian Words

We have compiled this list of the most frequently used Norwegian vocabulary words through a statistical analysis of a vast collection of Norwegian-language documents, including news articles and other online articles.

The list is sorted by frequency, with the most commonly used words appearing at the top. This frequency dictionary aims to help language learners prioritize by focusing on the vocabulary words they will most likely encounter in real life.

There are several official forms of the Norwegian language; here, we use Norwegian Bokmål, the most common of the official standards.

Norwegian is a language that has developed from Old Norse; therefore, many of the Norwegian vocabulary words have their roots in Old Norse.

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If you are interested in learning Norwegian online, check out this Norwegian course.
  1. i
  2. og
  3. være
    (to be)
  4. en
    (a, an)

    In Norwegian, the definite article is placed in front of the noun, while the indefinite article is in most cases a suffix which is added to the end of the noun.

  5. det
  6. [preposition]
  7. ha
    (to have)
  8. å
  9. til
  10. som
  11. for
  12. av
  13. med
  14. at
  15. de
    (they, those)
  16. ikke

    This common Norwegian word comes from the Old Norse word “ekki” which means “not”.

  17. bli
    (to become, to stay)
  18. vi

    interestingly the pronoun “we” ranks above the pronoun “I” in this list of the most common Norwegian words. This linguistic observation may be seen as an indication of the collectivist rather than individualistic nature of Norwegian society. For more on this, see this article on Janteloven.

  19. om
    (around, about)
  20. jeg
  21. kunne
  22. den
    (the, it)
  23. du
  24. [verb]
    (to get, to receive, to be allowed to)

    This Norwegian verb comes from the Old Norse verb “fá”. Swedish and Danish, which are languages that like Norwegian descend from Old Norse, also have the verb “få”.

  25. fra
  26. han
  27. men
  28. skulle
    (should, would)
  29. si
    (to say)
  30. ville
    (will, would)
  31. seg
    (oneself, itself)
  32. mye
    (a lot, much)
  33. mange
  34. god

    The Norwegian adjective "god" means "good". It is one of the most common words in the Norwegian language. Its opposite, "dårlig", meaning "bad", also appears in this list of common Norwegian words.

  35. [adverb]
  36. også
  37. etter
  38. dette
  39. år
    (a year)
  40. ta
    (to take)
  41. annen
  42. eller
  43. komme
    (to come)
  44. gjøre
    (to do)
  45. ut
  46. se
    (to see)
  47. [adverb]
  48. måtte
  49. stor
  50. sin
    (his, her)
  51. ny

    The opposite of this word, which is “gammel” and means “old” is also in this list of common Norwegian words.

  52. noen
    (somebody, someone)
  53. [verb]
    (to go)
  54. ved
  55. da
  56. dag
    (a day)
  57. hun
  58. hel
  59. over
  60. opp
  61. når
  62. man
    (people, one, they)
  63. gi
    (to give)
  64. mot
  65. denne
  66. all
  67. inn
  68. her
  69. to
  70. før
  71. selv
  72. bruke
    (to use)
  73. enn
  74. vår
  75. slik
    (like this, in this way)
  76. Norge
    [proper noun]

    Unsurprisingly, the most frequent proper noun in this list is “Norge” which means “Norway”. The names of major Norwegian cities also appear among the most common Norwegian words, but further down the list.

  77. foto
  78. bare
  79. der
  80. hva
  81. liten
  82. tid
  83. mene
    (to mean)
  84. gang
  85. finne
    (to find)
  86. sist
  87. politi
  88. hvor
  89. noe
  90. litt
    (a little)
  91. legge
    (to lay)
  92. norsk
  93. under
  94. både
  95. vise
    (to show)
  96. ønske
    (to wish)

    This word comes from the Old Norse word “ósk”. See here for a comparison of Norwegian and Old Norse.

  97. barn
  98. stå
    (to stand)
  99. viktig

    This Norwegian word originates from Middle Low German, and the corresponding modern German word is “wichtig”.

  100. tidlig
  101. din
  102. lang
  103. første
  104. mann
    (a man)
  105. sette
    (to set)
  106. tro
    (to believe)
  107. mellom
  108. tre
  109. siden
  110. sak
    (a case)
  111. skrive
    (to write)
  112. hvordan
  113. del
  114. egen
  115. blant
  116. rett
  117. kommune
  118. disse
  119. land
  120. hver
  121. igjen
  122. uten
  123. veldig
    (very, really)
  124. fortelle
    (to tell)
  125. hvis
  126. kamp
    (a battle)
  127. ingen
    (nobody, no one)
  128. rundt
  129. sammen
  130. uke
    (a week)
  131. gjennom
  132. nok
  133. burde
    (to should)
  134. holde
    (to hold)
  135. Oslo
    [proper noun]

    Oslo is the capital city of Norway, making it a common Norwegian word. It is the largest city in Norway and has a population of over 700,000 people. Oslo is also the political, economic, and cultural center of Norway. It is home to the Norwegian parliament, the royal palace, and many museums, galleries, and theaters.

  136. møte
    (to meet)
  137. ligge
    (to lie down, to be situated)
  138. min
    (my, mine)
  139. vite
    (to know)
  140. krone

    This word refers to the currency of Norway.

  141. like
    (as, equally)
  142. skje
    (to happen)
  143. sted
    (a place)
  144. samme
  145. følge
    (to follow)

    This Norwegian word comes from the German word “Folge”.

  146. derfor
  147. høy
  148. jobbe
    (to work)
  149. person
    (a person)
  150. lese
    (to read)
  151. gammel
  152. ned
  153. bil
    (a car)
  154. klar
  155. vei
  156. alt
  157. folk
    (a people)
  158. ifølge
    (according to)
  159. øke
    (to increase)
  160. én
  161. bilde
  162. hos
  163. mulig

    This adjective is related to the noun “mulighet”.

  164. spille
    (to play)
  165. mål
    (target, measurement)
  166. mens
  167. velge
    (to choose)
  168. grunn
  169. prosent
  170. måte
  171. tillegg
    (an addition)
  172. kveld

    A synonym of this word is “aften”.

  173. tilbake
  174. kanskje
  175. sende
    (to send)
  176. lenge
    (for a long time )
  177. vid
  178. jo
  179. kvinne
    (a woman)
  180. lag
    (a layer)
  181. million
    (a million)
  182. lage
    (to make)
  183. trenge
    (to need)
  184. fordi
  185. mulighet
    (a possibility, an opportunity)

    This noun is formed by adding the suffix “-het” to the adjective “mulig” which means “possible”. The Danish language also has the same word, except that it is spelled “mulighed”. That word is among the most common Danish words.

  186. plass
    (a place)
  187. kjøre
    (to drive)
  188. alle
  189. starte
    (to start)
  190. skole
    (a school)
  191. tenke
    (to think)
  192. vinne
    (to win)
  193. bruk
  194. enkel
  195. dersom
  196. fortsatt
  197. svær
  198. område
    (an area)
  199. dere
  200. skade
  201. bra
  202. frem
    (forward, forth)
  203. ulik

    This adjective is formed by adding the prefix “u-” to the adjective “lik” which means “equal”. The Norwegian prefix “-u” corresponds to the English prefix “un-”.

  204. liv
  205. gjelde
    (to apply)
  206. fire
  207. verden
  208. løp
    (a run)
  209. neste
  210. menneske
    (a human being)
  211. sterk
  212. samtidig
  213. spesiell
  214. nær
  215. forhold
  216. synes
    (to think, to consider, to seem)
  217. arbeid

    The origin of this Norwegian word is the German word “arbeit”.

  218. jobb
  219. side
    (a page)
  220. hvilken
  221. sitte
    (to sit)
  222. ofte
  223. slå
    (to beat)
  224. allerede
  225. klare
    (to clear)
  226. melde
    (to report)
  227. spørsmål
    (a question)
  228. lett
  229. leder
    (a leader)
  230. vanskelig
  231. fin
  232. problem
  233. begynne
    (to begin)
  234. ting
    (a thing)
  235. heller
  236. kun
  237. likevel
  238. time
  239. først
  240. by
  241. hans
  242. skape
    (to create)
  243. dermed
  244. snakke
    (to talk)

    Double consonants frequently appear in the spelling of Norwegian words. This is because they serve to indicate vowel length. A double consonant indicates that the preceding vowel is short.

  245. eksempel
    (an example)
  246. kjøpe
    (to buy)
  247. informasjon
  248. minutt
    (a minute)
  249. pris
  250. be
    (to pray)
  251. aldri

    This Norwegian adverb is covered in our guide to Norwegian adverbs. Its opposite (its antonym) is “alltid”.

  252. bak
  253. finnes
    (to occur, to be found)
  254. full
  255. prøve
    (to try, to test)
  256. bidra
    (to contribute)
  257. føre
    (to lead)
  258. fjor

    This Norwegian word is used in the prepositional phrase “i fjor” which means “last year”.

  259. stille

    As an adjective or as an adverb this Norwegian word means “silent” or “silently”, but as a verb its meaning can be “to place”, “to set”.

  260. søndag
  261. fram
  262. sen
  263. alltid
  264. måned
  265. bygge
    (to build)
  266. hjelpe
    (to help)
  267. lite
  268. håpe
    (to hope)
  269. støtte
  270. fredag
  271. kreve
    (to demand)
  272. dårlig
  273. kort
  274. ung
  275. rask
  276. prosjekt
    (a project)
  277. tur
    (a trip)
  278. selskap
  279. sesong
    (a season)
  280. behov
    (a need)
  281. fortsette
    (to continue)
  282. kjenne
    (to feel)
  283. lørdag
  284. ansette
    (to employ)
  285. bety
    (to mean)
  286. klubb
    (a club)
  287. sikre
    (to ensure)
  288. slutt
  289. mandag
  290. fem
  291. kontakt
    (a contact)
  292. oppleve
    (to experience)
  293. gjerne
  294. torsdag
  295. reise
    (to travel)

    This Norwegian word comes from the German word “reisen” which also means “to travel”.

  296. innen
  297. klokke
  298. betale
    (to pay)
  299. bok
    (a book)
  300. resultat
  301. familie
    (a family)
  302. krav
    (requirement, a demand)
  303. ute
  304. rekke
    (a line)
  305. situasjon
    (a situation)
  306. nesten
  307. vente
    (to wait)
  308. natt
  309. seier
    (a victory)
  310. deres
  311. føle
    (to feel)
  312. onsdag
  313. vurdere
    (to consider, to evaluate)
  314. tirsdag
  315. vanlig
  316. levere
    (to deliver)
  317. hjelp
  318. løsning
    (a solution)

    Except for a small difference in spelling, this Norwegian word resembles its Swedish counterpart, “lösning” which is also among the most common Swedish words.

  319. imidlertid
  320. sykehus
    (a hospital)
  321. gjennomføre
    (to implement)
  322. begge
  323. elev
  324. kjent
  325. spiller
    (a player)
  326. regjering
    (a government)
  327. sikker
  328. poeng
    (a point)
  329. vel
  330. la
    (to let)
  331. utenfor
  332. selge
    (to sell)
  333. utvikle
    (to develop)

    This Norwegian verb originates from the German verb “entwickeln”

  334. åpne
    (to open)
  335. høre
    (to hear)
  336. samt
  337. enda
  338. lav
  339. tilby
    (to offer)
  340. behandling
  341. utvikling
  342. søke
    (to seek)
  343. samle
    (to collect)
  344. plan
    (a plan)
  345. hjem
  346. valg
  347. grad
  348. passe
    (to fit)
  349. parti
  350. sommer
  351. riktig
  352. tips
  353. handle
    (to act)
  354. bo
    (to stay)
  355. enkelt
  356. helg
    (a weekend)
  357. dele
    (to divide)
  358. feil
  359. lære
    (to learn)
  360. form
  361. faktisk
  362. lokal
  363. pasient
    (a patient)
  364. produkt
    (a product)
  365. hjemme
  366. redusere
    (to reduce)
  367. lov

    The word "lov" in Norwegian means "law". While the term "lov" may appear similar to the English word "love", it is an example of what is referred to in the context of language learning as a "false friend". A false friend is a word in a foreign language that looks or sounds similar to a word in one's native language but has a different meaning.

  368. offentlig

    The Norwegian adjective "offentlig" means "public" and it comes from the German adjective "öffentlich". It is commonly used in the context of government, services or spaces that are accessible to everyone. For example, "offentlig transport" means "public transportation", "offentlig skole" means "public school", and "offentlig park" means "public park".

  369. delta
    (to participate)
  370. altså
  371. samarbeid
    (collaboration, cooperation)

    The Norwegian noun "samarbeid" means "collaboration" or "cooperation". It's formed by combining the prefix "sam-" (meaning "co-") with the word "arbeid" (meaning "work"). "Samarbeid" is a common Norwegian word because collaboration and cooperation are highly valued in Norwegian culture. Norwegians are known for their social democratic values, and the idea of working together towards common goals is deeply ingrained in society.

  372. jente
    (a girl)
  373. avtale
  374. forskjellig
  375. trekke
  376. politisk
  377. ekstra
  378. kunde
    (a customer)

    The Norwegian word "kunde" refers to a customer and is derived from the German word "Kunde". It is commonly used in business when referring to people purchasing goods or services, for example, in the phrase: "Kundene er fornøyde" (the customers are satisfied). The word "kunde" is also used in marketing to refer to the target demographic of a product or service. For example in the phrase "Denne reklamen er rettet mot kunder i aldersgruppen 18-35 år" (This advertisement is aimed at customers in the age group of 18-35 years).

  379. fast
  380. opplyse
    (to inform)
  381. mat
  382. gruppe
    (a group)
  383. hus
    (a house)
  384. hvem
  385. ansvar
  386. tiltak
  387. drive
  388. erfaring
  389. bedrift
    (a company, a business)
  390. akkurat

    This Norwegian word comes from the Latin word “accūrātus”. Since the letter ‘c’ is typically not used in the spelling of Norwegian words, the letter ‘k’ is used instead.

  391. vann
  392. dra
    (to drag)
  393. type
    (a type)
  394. internasjonal
  395. morgen
  396. forslag
    (a suggestion, a proposal)

    The Norwegian noun "forslag" means "a suggestion" or "a proposal" and shares the same origin as the German word "Vorschlag". Here is an example of a phrase which uses this word: "Jeg har et forslag til hva vi kan gjøre denne helgen" (I have a suggestion for what we can do this weekend).

  397. ti
  398. vare
    (goods, merchandise)
  399. endre
    (to change)
  400. åpen
  401. antall
  402. periode
    (a period)
  403. benytte
    (to use)
  404. myndighet
  405. forelder
    (a parent)
  406. hvorfor
  407. film
    (a film)
  408. medium
    (a medium)
  409. seks
  410. fungere
    (to function)
  411. endring
    (a change)
  412. miste
    (to lose something, to miss something)
  413. ende
    (to end)
  414. alvorlig
  415. glede
    (joy, gladness, happiness)
  416. utfordring
    (a challenge)
  417. styre
    (a board of directors)
  418. uansett
    (regardless of, anyway)
  419. hente
    (to get)
  420. forklare
    (to explain)
  421. positiv
  422. ganske
  423. slippe
    (to escape)
  424. sosial
  425. stemme
    (to vote)
  426. eneste
    (single, sole)
  427. særlig
    (particular, special)
  428. medlem
    (a member)
  429. historie
  430. tilbud
    (an offer)
  431. kalle
    (to call)
  432. egentlig
  433. lede
    (to lead)
  434. flott
    (splendid, excellent)
  435. virke
    (to function, to work, to have an effect)
  436. par
    (a couple)
  437. meter

    Norway uses the metric system like most European countries.

  438. inne
  439. svar
    (an answer)
  440. bestemme
    (to decide)
  441. nødvendig

    "Nødvendig" is a Norwegian adjective that means "necessary" and comes from the German language, where the corresponding adjective is "notwendig". The word is commonly used in Norwegian to describe something essential or required, such as in the phrase "det er nødvendig å lese boken før eksamen" (it is necessary to read the book before the exam). The adjective can also be used in a negative context to describe something that is unnecessary, for example, "det er ikke nødvendig å bekymre seg så mye" (it is not necessary to worry so much).

  442. svare
    (to reply)
  443. høst
  444. melding
  445. forrige
  446. foran
    (in front of)
  447. rapport
    (a report)
  448. dyr
    (an animal)

    This Norwegian word comes from the Old Norse word “dýr”, and is cognate with the German word “Tier”.

  449. tanke
  450. forstå
    (to understand)
  451. fall
    (a fall)
  452. start
    (a start)
  453. merke
    (to mark)
  454. kontroll
  455. Bergen
    [proper noun]
  456. tilfelle
    (an instance, a case)
  457. aktivitet
  458. tjeneste
  459. gutt
    (a boy)
  460. spennende
  461. fornøyd
  462. ja
  463. kvalitet
  464. flytte
    (to move)
  465. går
  466. knytte
    (to tie)
  467. økonomisk
  468. spørre
    (to ask)
  469. forbindelse
    (a connection)
  470. bekrefte
    (to confirm)
  471. trygg
  472. total
  473. samfunn
  474. direkte
  475. stenge
    (to close)
  476. stadig
    (constant, unceasing)
  477. bort
  478. kurs
    (a course)
  479. amerikansk
  480. leve
    (to live)
  481. hard
  482. kunnskap

    This Norwegian noun is formed by adding the suffix “-skap” to the verb “kunne” which can mean “to know”.

  483. president
    (a president)
  484. tall
  485. avis
    (a newspaper)

    This is another common Norwegian vocabulary word which comes from French.

  486. student
    (a student)
  487. ferdig

    The antonym of this word is “uferdig”.

  488. virkelig

    This Norwegian word comes from the German word “wirklich”.

  489. regel
    (a rule)
  490. rom
  491. tape
    (to lose)
  492. trening
  493. ord
    (a word)
  494. falle
    (to fall)
  495. bolig
    (housing, residence)
  496. styrke
    (to strengthen)
  497. huske
    (to remember)
  498. topp
    (a top)
  499. anbefale
    (to recommend)
  500. behandle
    (to treat, to process)

    The Norwegian verb "behandle" means "to treat" or "to process" and is derived from the German verb "behandeln". An example of a phrase containing this word is "å behandle noen med respekt" (to treat someone with respect).

  501. oppgave
    (a task)
  502. tross
  503. venn
    (a friend)
  504. kropp
    (a body)
  505. forsøke
    (to attempt)
  506. nordmann
    (a Norwegian)
  507. system
    (a system)
  508. oppdatert
  509. daglig
  510. sånn
    (like that)
  511. navn
  512. ramme
    (a frame)
  513. vond
  514. årsak
    (a cause)
  515. nemlig
  516. video
    (a video)
  517. aller
    (at all, ever)
  518. eventuell
  519. arbeide
    (to work)
  520. glad
  521. alternativ
  522. avslutte
    (to finish, to complete)
  523. milliard
    (a billion)
  524. trolig
  525. spise
    (to eat)
  526. mars
  527. slite
    (to toil, to work really hard)
  528. brann
  529. sentral

    The Norwegian adjective "sentral" means "central" and is derived from the Latin word "centralis". Since the letter 'c' is not typically used in the spelling of Norwegian words, the letter 's' is used instead. In Norwegian, the term "sentral" can refer to a central location, such as a central office, or something essential, such as a central idea. Here are some examples of the usage of this word: "en sentral rolle" (a central role) or "et sentralt punkt" (a central point).

  530. utføre
    (to perform)
  531. mai
  532. fort
  533. spill
    (a game)
  534. aktuell
  535. hevde
    (to assert, to claim)
  536. hverandre
    (each other)
  537. barnehage
  538. kraftig
  539. lure
    (to wonder, to deceive)
  540. via
  541. fri
  542. ungdom
  543. snar
  544. innenfor
  545. privat
  546. fjerne
    (to remove)
  547. sjanse
    (a chance)
  548. planlegge
    (to plan)
  549. ettermiddag
  550. fokus
  551. [verb]
    (to die)
  552. enig

    This Norwegian adjective comes from the German word “einig”.

  553. butikk
    (a shop)

    The Norwegian noun "butikk" means "a shop" and is derived from the French word "boutique". Here are some usage examples: "å gå i butikken" (to go to the store) or "butikkens åpningstider" (the store's opening hours).

  554. tilgjengelig
  555. utsette
    (to postpone, to expose)
  556. hennes
  557. organisasjon
    (an organization)
  558. fly
    (airplane, aircraft)
  559. sørge
    (to care for, to mourn)
  560. program
  561. nett
    (a net)
  562. stoppe
    (to stop)
  563. motta
    (to receive)
  564. regne
    (to rain)
  565. virksomhet
    (a business)
  566. fantastisk
  567. fengsel
    (a prison)
  568. tak
  569. mor
    (a mother)
  570. nivå
    (a level)

    This Norwegian vocabulary word which originates from the French word “niveau”.

  571. ball
  572. deretter
  573. ledelse
  574. mangle
    (to lack)
  575. sikte
  576. trener
    (a trainer)
  577. fylle
    (to fill)
  578. normal
  579. tilgang
  580. Tromsø
    [proper noun]
  581. naturlig
  582. utgangspunkt
    (a starting point)
  583. debatt
    (a debate)
  584. undersøkelse
    (an examination)
  585. hånd
    (a hand)
  586. aktiv
  587. nettopp
  588. lege
    (a doctor)
  589. dømme
    (to judge)
  590. Sverige
    [proper noun]

    Sverige is a common Norwegian word because it refers to the neighboring country of Sweden. In addition, Norway and Sweden share a long history of political and cultural ties and have many similarities in language and traditions. As such, it is natural for the word "Sverige" to be used frequently in Norwegian, whether in the context of travel, trade, or general conversation.

  591. unna
  592. påvirke
    (to influence)
  593. Stortinget
    [proper noun]

    Stortinget is a common Norwegian word because it is the name of the national parliament of Norway. The Stortinget is the supreme legislative body in Norway, responsible for passing laws and overseeing the government. As such, the word "Stortinget" is frequently used in Norwegian political discourse, media, and everyday conversations.

  594. pågripe
    (to apprehend)
  595. miljø
    (an environment)

    This Norwegian vocabulary word comes from the French word “milieu”.

  596. marked
    (a market)
  597. januar
  598. råd
  599. rolle
    (a role)
  600. endelig
  601. inneholde
    (to contain)
  602. meget
  603. trene
    (to practice, to train)
  604. ulykke
  605. juni
  606. registrere
    (to register)
  607. enten
  608. sjekke
    (to check)
  609. hotell
    (a hotel)
  610. båt
    (a boat)
  611. utrolig

    The antonym of this word is “trolig”.

  612. forvente
    (to expect)
  613. nasjonal
  614. stat
    (a state)
  615. foreløpig
    (provisional, tentative)

    This Norwegian word comes from the German word “vorläufig”.

  616. Stavanger
    [proper noun]

    Stavanger is the name of a fairly large Norwegian city.

  617. runde
    (a round)
  618. tema
    (a theme)
  619. svensk
  620. dekke
    (to cover)
  621. lys

    Those who travel to Norway sometimes get to see the northern lights (aurora borealis) or “nordlys” as they are called in Norwegian. That is a compound term formed from the word “lys” (which means “light” in Norwegian).

  622. prosess
  623. kompetanse
  624. verdi
  625. inkludere
    (to include)
  626. interesse
  627. politiker
  628. nei
  629. basere
    (to base)
  630. desember
  631. utvalg
    (a selection)
  632. Trondheim
    [proper noun]

    Trondheim is a Norwegian city

  633. død
  634. voksen
  635. arrangere
    (to arrange)
  636. tydelig
  637. sentrum
  638. score
    (to score)
  639. ellers
  640. åtte
  641. varsle
    (to warn)
  642. far
    (a father)
  643. unngå
    (to avoid)
  644. koste
    (to cost)
  645. nevne
    (to mention)
  646. besøke
    (to visit)
  647. felles
  648. opptatt
  649. grei
    (nice, good)
  650. opplevelse
    (an experience)
  651. bestå
    (to consist)
  652. vurdering
  653. Europa
    [proper noun]
  654. rest
  655. personlig
  656. følelse
  657. august
  658. beskrive
    (to describe)
  659. forskjell
  660. forsker
    (a researcher)
  661. effekt
    (an effect)
  662. effektiv
  663. hund
  664. kjempe
    (to fight)
  665. midt
    (in the middle)
  666. per
  667. lærer
    (a teacher)
  668. foreslå
    (to suggest)

    This Norwegian verb comes from the German verb “vorschlagen”

  669. omgang
  670. omtale
    (to mention)
  671. september
  672. bryte
    (to break)
  673. bakgrunn
  674. innhold
  675. tett
  676. april
  677. konsekvens
    (a consequence)
  678. forskning
  679. juli
  680. overfor
  681. salg
  682. treffe
    (to hit)
  683. dessuten
  684. telefon
  685. grunnlag

    The origin of this Norwegian word is the German word “Grundlage”.

  686. tredje
  687. stilling
  688. presentere
    (to present)
  689. digital
  690. helse
  691. perfekt
  692. tøff
  693. praksis
  694. fremtid
  695. fordel
    (an advantage)
  696. utover
  697. alene
  698. sikkerhet
  699. helst
  700. farge

    This Norwegian word is similar to the German word “Farbe” which also means “color”.

  701. buss
  702. henge
    (to hang)
  703. nettside
    (a website)
  704. opplysning
  705. utstyr
  706. fysisk
  707. etablere
    (to establish)
  708. tilpasse
    (to adapt)
  709. bane
    (a track, a trajectory)
  710. overraske
  711. frykte
    (to fear)
  712. tung
  713. vekt
  714. ren
  715. grense
    (a border)

    This is another Norwegian word which originates from German. The corresponding German word is “Grenze”. For more similar words, see this article on the similarities between Norwegian and German.

  716. oversikt
    (an overview)
  717. bytte
    (to change)
  718. takke
    (to thank)
  719. risiko
    (a risk)
  720. halv
  721. kaste
    (to throw)
  722. generell
  723. besøk
    (a visit)
  724. havne
    (to end up)
  725. vær
  726. innebære
    (to imply)
  727. imot
  728. hendelse
    (an event)
  729. slett
  730. vedta
  731. enhet
    (a unit)

    This Norwegian word comes from the German word “Einheit”.

  732. musikk
  733. lyst
  734. hode
  735. oktober
  736. konkurranse
  737. februar
  738. ene
  739. fotball
  740. tap
  741. borte
  742. produsere
    (to produce)
  743. rette
    (to correct)
  744. teknisk
  745. journalist
    (a journalist)
  746. invitere
    (to invite)
  747. skikkelig
  748. understreke
    (to stress)
  749. publikum
  750. politikk
  751. løse
    (to solve)
  752. hete
    (to heat)
  753. leilighet
    (an apartment)
  754. vokse
    (to grow)
  755. innlegg
  756. liste
    (a list)
  757. forsvinne
    (to disappear)
  758. bruker
  759. trykk
  760. bord
    (a table)
  761. hensyn
  762. modell
    (a model)
  763. betydelig
  764. felt
  765. gjest
    (a guest)

    Despite the difference in spelling, this word is similar to its English counterpart. In fact, Norwegian and English are both Germanic languages.

  766. selvsagt
  767. november
  768. statsminister
    (a prime minister)
  769. anledning
  770. såkalt
    (so called)
  771. presse
    (to press)
  772. innsats
    (an effort)
  773. mening
    (an opinion)
  774. vinter
  775. løpe
    (to run)
  776. økonomi
  777. serie
    (a series)
  778. teste
    (to test)
  779. ennå
  780. undersøke
    (to examine)
  781. andre
  782. oppnå
    (to achieve)
  783. avhengig
  784. dør
    (a door)
  785. hverdag
  786. involvere
    (to involve)
  787. tilsvare
  788. sammenheng
  789. søknad
    (an application)
  790. uttale
  791. gratis
  792. dessverre
  793. praktisk
  794. tvil
    (a doubt)
  795. lik
  796. skjønne
    (to understand)
  797. selve
  798. øye
    (an eye)
  799. drift
  800. usikker
  801. artikkel
    (an article)
  802. syk
  803. love
    (to promise)
  804. varm
  805. psykisk
  806. nummer
    (a number)
  807. pause
    (a pause)
  808. teknologi
  809. reagere
    (to react)
  810. ressurs
    (a resource)
  811. omfattende
  812. anlegg
    (a facility)
  813. inntil
    (up to)
  814. innføre
    (to introduce)
  815. nettsted
    (a website)
  816. økning
    (an increase)
  817. kritikk
  818. derimot
  819. produksjon
  820. utdanning
  821. advokat
    (a lawyer)
  822. oppdage
    (to discover)
  823. direktør
    (a director)
  824. samtale
  825. ødelegge
    (to destroy)
  826. ordfører
    (a mayor)
  827. masse
  828. selvfølgelig
  829. hvit
  830. kilometer
  831. kommentar
    (a comment)
  832. nekte
    (to deny)
  833. kultur
  834. kritisk
  835. ringe
    (to ring)
  836. arrangement
  837. vedtak
    (a decision)
  838. diskutere
    (to discuss)
  839. avgjøre
  840. bygg
  841. vold
  842. skille
    (to separate)
  843. slags
  844. innrømme
    (to admit)
  845. vekst
  846. viss
  847. oppstå
    (to arise)
  848. negativ
  849. bred
  850. takk
    (an acknowledgement, a thank-you)
  851. betydning
    (a meaning)
  852. ingenting
  853. samarbeide
    (collaborate, to cooperate)
  854. Russland
    [proper noun]
  855. redde
    (to rescue)
  856. data
  857. slutte
    (to conclude)
  858. trafikk
  859. populær
  860. tjene
    (to serve)
  861. forsøk
  862. varme
  863. farlig
  864. billig
  865. plassere
    (to place)
  866. aktør
  867. påpeke
    (to point out)
  868. sekund
    (a second)
  869. fisk
    (a fish)
  870. nylig
  871. avdeling
    (a department)
  872. minne
    (to remind)
  873. beskjed
  874. øvrig
  875. inngå
    (to enter into)
  876. oppfordre
    (to encourage)
  877. nyhet
  878. natur
  879. enorm
  880. bank
    (a bank)
  881. kostnad
  882. hytte
  883. alder
  884. kontrakt
    (a contract)
  885. oppdrag
  886. kilde
  887. drikke
    (to drink)
  888. gate
    (a street)
  889. ytterligere
  890. tekst
    (a text)
  891. frisk
  892. variere
    (to vary)
  893. fremover
  894. bekymre
  895. kraft
  896. dom
  897. utgjøre
    (to constitute)
  898. ni
  899. bestille
    (to order)
  900. moderne
  901. streng
  902. mengde
  903. retning
  904. Molde
    [proper noun]

    Molde is the name of a city in Norway.

  905. frivillig

    This Norwegian adjective resembles the German adjective “freiwillig”.

  906. foregå
    (to take place)
  907. unik
  908. våpen
  909. ordning
    (an arrangement)
  910. imponere
  911. sammenligne
    (to compare)
  912. godkjenne
    (to approve)
  913. fremdeles
  914. dukke
  915. konkret
  916. redd
  917. Kristiansand
    [proper noun]

    Kristiansand is a large Norwegian city.

  918. inntekt
    (an income)
  919. faglig
  920. funksjon
  921. spare
    (to save)
  922. interessant
  923. langs
  924. Østfold
    [proper noun]

    Østfold is a common Norwegian word because it is the name of a region in southeastern Norway located between the Oslofjord and the Swedish border. The term "Østfold" literally means "east of the fjord," which refers to the area's location on the eastern side of the Oslofjord.

  925. innbygger
    (an inhabitant)
  926. fare
  927. befolkning
  928. nærhet
  929. rød
  930. spor
    (a trace)
  931. svak
  932. deltaker
    (a participant)
  933. fremme
  934. forlate
    (to leave)
  935. snakk
  936. størrelse
  937. avgjørende
  938. publisere
    (to publish)
  939. hud
  940. intervju
    (an interview)
  941. brev
    (a letter)
  942. plutselig
  943. forfatter
    (an author)
  944. nord
  945. eie
    (to own)
  946. dommer
    (a judge)
  947. fart
  948. ferd
  949. energi
  950. flertall
    (a majority)
  951. klasse
    (a class)
  952. oppmerksomhet
  953. snø
  954. opprette
    (to create)
  955. eier
    (an owner)
  956. vakker
  957. kommentere
    (to comment)
  958. formiddag
  959. standard
    (a standard)
  960. absolutt
  961. prege
  962. konflikt
  963. test
    (a test)
  964. innsyn
  965. rykke
  966. materiale
  967. tusen
    (a thousand)
  968. leie
  969. oppdatere
    (to update)
  970. true
    (to threaten)
  971. stand
  972. glemme
    (to forget)
  973. budsjett
    (a budget)
  974. ansvarlig
  975. kald
  976. relativ
  977. verktøy
    (a tool)
  978. vitne
    (a witness)
  979. hyggelig
  980. peke
    (to point)
  981. tale
  982. videregående
    (pertaining to high school)
  983. velkommen
  984. klage
  985. sju
  986. formål
    (a purpose)
  987. strøm
  988. evne
  989. konsert
    (a concert)
  990. utvide
    (to expand)
  991. språk
  992. jevn
  993. enhver
  994. ekstrem
  995. prioritere
  996. vegg
    (a wall)
  997. kirke
  998. stund
    (a while)
  999. punkt
  1000. hest
    (a horse)
  1001. press
  1002. håndtere
    (to handle)
  1003. middel
  1004. snu
  1005. møtes
    (to meet)
  1006. årlig
  1007. hindre
    (to hinder)
  1008. foreta
    (to undertake)
  1009. søk
    (a search)
  1010. utland
    (a foreign country)
  1011. andel
    (a share)
  1012. bakke
    (a hill)
  1013. kontor
    (an office)
  1014. ferie
  1015. fjell
    (a mountain)

    Mountains cover a large part of Norway. No surprise, therefore, that the Norwegian word “fjell” (which means “mountain”) is widely used.

  1016. tysk
  1017. tillate
    (to allow)
  1018. hundre
  1019. tilstand
  1020. Drammen
    [proper noun]
  1021. kontakte
    (to contact)
  1022. arbeidsplass
    (a workplace)
  1023. tidspunkt
  1024. sønn
    (a son)
  1025. grønn
  1026. tradisjonell
  1027. rettighet
    (a right)
  1028. savne
    (to miss)
  1029. Kina
    [proper noun]
  1030. an
  1031. olje
  1032. gal
  1033. utenlandsk
  1034. Bodø
    [proper noun]
  1035. ettersom
  1036. forståelse
  1037. idé

    The Norwegian word "idé" is a noun that means "idea". It originates from the French language, where the corresponding word is "idée". Here is an example of a phrase using this word: "Jeg har en god idé" ("I have a good idea").

  1038. stoff
  1039. annerledes
  1040. dreie
    (to turn)
  1041. mistenke
    (to suspect)
  1042. kontrollere
    (to control)
  1043. dokument
    (a document)
  1044. datter
    (a daughter)
  1045. morsom
  1046. Finnmark
    [proper noun]
  1047. verdt
  1048. engasjere
    (to engage)
  1049. dyp
  1050. jord
  1051. representere
    (to represent)
  1052. næringsliv
    (the business world)

    The Norwegian word "næringsliv" refers to the business sector or the economy. It is composed of two separate words, "næring" which means "livelihood", and "liv" which means "life". The word "næringsliv" is frequently used in discussions of the Norwegian economy and in policy debates about supporting and regulating businesses operating in the country.

  1053. stolt
  1054. kutte
    (to cut)
  1055. fange
    (to catch)
  1056. design
  1057. flink
  1058. klær
  1059. skyldes
    (to be caused by, to result from)
  1060. omtrent
  1061. fransk
  1062. løfte
    (to lift)
  1063. luft
  1064. elske
    (to love)
  1065. tog
    (a train)

    The Norwegian word “tog” means “train.” It is a fairly common word because Norway has a well-developed train system. You can even travel from Norway to Sweden by train.

  1066. Danmark
    [proper noun]

    The word "Danmark" is the Norwegian name for Denmark, a neighboring country of Norway. "Danmark" is a common Norwegian word due to the close geographical and historical ties between Norway and Denmark. Norway and Denmark were part of the same political entity known as the Kalmar Union for over a century. Even after the union dissolved in the 16th century, the two countries maintained close cultural and economic ties.

  1067. maskin
    (a machine)
  1068. håp
  1069. favoritt
  1070. eksistere
  1071. omfatte
    (to include)
  1072. vekk
  1073. koble
    (to connect)
  1074. krig

    Sadly, this is still a common word, in Norwegian as well as in other languages. This word often appears in news articles.

  1075. ivareta
    (to take care of)
  1076. samisk
  1077. reaksjon
    (a reaction)
  1078. skuffe
    (to disappoint)
  1079. måle
    (to measure)
  1080. tyde
    (to decipher)
  1081. beholde
    (to keep)
  1082. Telemark
    [proper noun]

    Telemark is a region in southern Norway.

  1083. opplæring
  1084. uttrykk
    (an expression)
  1085. bære
    (to wear)
  1086. kombinere
    (to combine)
  1087. fag
  1088. aksjon
  1089. sjelden
  1090. gøy
  1091. idrett
  1092. engelsk
  1093. forbedre
    (to improve)