The 1000 most common Afrikaans words [Complete List]

Afrikaans is a language that evolved from 17th-century Dutch brought to South Africa by settlers from Holland. It gradually diverged from its parent language during the 18th century until it became a separate language. It is estimated that over 90% of Afrikaans vocabulary words are of Dutch origin.

We produced this list of the 1000 most common Afrikaans words by performing a statistical analysis of a large collection of texts written in Afrikaans, such as news articles and other web-based content.

Words appearing in the texts were converted to their dictionary form by removing inflections, then they were counted and sorted by frequency of occurrence.

The purpose of this list is to provide a resource for language learners which enables them to focus on acquiring the most frequently-used vocabulary words.

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  1. die

    In Afrikaans, nouns do not have grammatical genders (unlike in Dutch). As a result, the Afrikaans language has only one definite article, whereas Dutch has two.

  2. en
  3. wees
    (to be)

    This is one of the two Afrikaans verbs for which there is a distinction between the infinitive and present forms. For this verb, “wees” is the infinitive form, and “is” is the present form.

  4. van
  5. [verb]
    (to have)

    “hê” is the infinitive form of this verb, its present form is “het”. In Afrikaans, verbs do not conjugate differently for different subjects.

  6. in
  7. nie
  8. te
  9. wat
  10. dit
  11. vir
  12. op
  13. word
    (to become)
  14. met
  15. dat
  16. se
  17. ons
  18. as
  19. sy
  20. kan
  21. ek
  22. hy
  23. hulle
  24. aan
  25. sal
  26. baie
  27. ook
  28. by
  29. maar
  30. moet
  31. daar
  32. deur
  33. of
  34. oor
  35. my
  36. jy
  37. [verb]
    (to say)
  38. tot
  39. al
  40. gaan
    (to go)
  41. mens
  42. hierdie
  43. jou
    (you, your)

    The word “jou” in Afrikaans can be used to mean “your” or “you”.

  44. maak
    (to make)
  45. so
  46. net
  47. goed
  48. uit
    (out of)
  49. jaar
    (a year)
  50. hul
  51. soos
    (such as)
  52. een
  53. toe
  54. groot
  55. wil
    (to want)
  56. kom
  57. haar
  58. nog
  59. doen
    (to do)
  60. nou
  61. hom
  62. laat
    (to let)
  63. dié
  64. waar
  65. dan
  66. teen
  67. hoe
  68. boer
    (a farmer)

    This term ranks highly among the most frequent Afrikaans words because it has several meanings. In addition to meaning “farmer”, it also refers to the descendants of the Dutch farmers who arrived in South Africa from the 17th to the 19th century.

  69. twee
  70. kry
    (to get)
  71. nuut
  72. gee
    (to give)
  73. werk
  74. dag
    (a day)
  75. gebruik
    (to use)
  76. onder
  77. land
  78. eerste
  79. elk
  80. hou
    (to keep)
  81. voor
  82. julle

    This word is the plural “you” pronoun in Afrikaans. It originates from the Dutch pronoun “jullie”

  83. kind
  84. lewe
  85. geen
  86. volg
    (to follow)
  87. weet
    (to know)
  88. egter
  89. saam
  90. hier
  91. plaas
  92. sien
    (to see)
  93. want
  94. tyd
  95. omdat
  96. tussen
  97. man
  98. oud
  99. wanneer
  100. staan
    (to stand)
  101. dink
    (to think)
  102. drie
  103. reg
  104. lank
  105. bly
    (to stay)
  106. eie
  107. kyk
    (to look)
  108. u

    Afrikaans is a language that has both a formal and an informal “you” pronoun. The pronoun “u” is the formal one.

  109. almal
  110. week
  111. plek
    (a place)
  112. vrou
  113. help
    (to help)
  114. grond
  115. hoog
  116. dis
  117. iets
  118. dier
  119. woord
  120. seker
  121. huis
    (a house)
  122. glo
    (to believe)
  123. mag
  124. sit
    (to sit)
  125. sonder
  126. vra
  127. veral
  128. belangrik
  129. verlede
  130. verskil
  131. moontlik
  132. maand
    (a month)
  133. geld
  134. skryf
    (to write)
  135. probleem
  136. heer
  137. eers
  138. daardie
  139. besluit
    (to decide)
  140. lees
    (to read)
  141. vind
    (to find)
  142. paar
  143. bestaan
    (to exist)
  144. bekend
  145. tydens
    (while, during)
  146. regering
  147. water
  148. altyd
  149. wêreld
  150. ver
  151. praat
    (to talk)
  152. bring
    (to bring)
  153. ding
  154. miljoen
  155. sodat
    (so that)
  156. skool
  157. kerk
  158. speel
    (to play)
  159. ontvang
    (to receive)
  160. Namibië
    [proper noun]

    Namibia is a country located in southern Africa, with Afrikaans as one of its official languages.

  161. hand
    (a hand)
  162. dalk
  163. nasionaal
  164. probeer
    (to try)
  165. binne
    (inside, within)
  166. leer
    (to learn)
  167. vier
  168. nooit
  169. Afrikaans
  170. tweede
  171. iemand
  172. naam
  173. boek
  174. klein
  175. [verb]
    (to lie)
  176. vandag
  177. vraag
  178. pad
  179. koop
    (to buy)
  180. groep
  181. lyk
    (to appear, to seem)
  182. slegs
  183. lig
  184. lid
  185. dood
  186. diens
  187. bied
    (to offer)
  188. niks
  189. sluit
    (to close)
  190. kos
  191. persoon
  192. jonk
  193. vol
  194. manier
  195. wys
    (to show)
  196. veel
  197. besig
  198. loop
    (to walk)
  199. vroeg
  200. staat
  201. vertel
    (to tell)
  202. groei
    (to grow)
  203. seun
  204. soek
    (to search)
  205. vorm
    (a form)
  206. behoort
    (to belong)
  207. tans
  208. lewer
  209. genoeg
  210. maklik
  211. liefde
  212. voel
    (to feel)
  213. laaste
  214. natuurlik
  215. uitvoer
  216. gemeenskap
    (a community)

    Many words in Afrikaans are derived from Dutch, including "gemeenskap." In Dutch, "gemeenschap" means "community," and this meaning has carried over into Afrikaans.

  217. graag
    (gladly, willingly)
  218. wet
  219. betaal
  220. einde
  221. noem
    (to mention)
  222. naby
  223. dorp
  224. polisie
  225. weg
  226. daarna
  227. agter
  228. bou
    (to build)
  229. oog
  230. lekker
  231. waarin
  232. vinnig
  233. mooi
  234. wen
    (to win)
  235. produk
  236. besoek
    (to visit)
  237. gees
  238. vyf
  239. trek
    (to pull)
  240. verstaan
    (to understand)
  241. Afrika
    [proper noun]
  242. hoop
    (to hope)
  243. dra
    (to wear)
  244. pas
  245. buite
  246. bietjie
    (a bit)
  247. voorkom
    (to prevent)
  248. kort
  249. druk
    (to print, to press)
  250. laag
  251. ken
    (to know)
  252. projek
  253. val
    (to fall)
  254. wag
    (to wait)
  255. ry
    (to drive)
  256. prys
  257. party
  258. bybel
  259. leef
    (to live)
  260. hoor
    (to hear)
  261. hoof
  262. hoekom
  263. antwoord
  264. proses
  265. swart
  266. dikwels
  267. universiteit
  268. verloor
    (to lose)
  269. mark
  270. bedryf
  271. rol
  272. onthou
    (to remember)
  273. middel
  274. teenoor
  275. besef
    (to realize)
  276. artikel
  277. voordat
  278. watter
  279. aarde
  280. krag
  281. wit
  282. hart
  283. vriend
  284. sommer
  285. stem
    (to vote)
  286. vlak
  287. naweek
  288. aanvaar
    (to accept)
  289. derde
  290. kies
  291. soms
  292. gemeente
  293. niemand

    This Afrikaans word is the same in Dutch and in German. It also appears among the most common Dutch words and the most common German words.

  294. inwoner
    (inhabitant, resident)
  295. Maart
  296. vat
    (to take)
  297. politiek
  298. duur
  299. langs
  300. April
  301. dankie
  302. bees
  303. familie
  304. skaap

    "Skaap" is a common word in Afrikaans because sheep farming has played a significant role in the history and economy of South Africa. Sheep farming was introduced to the country by European settlers, and it quickly became a popular and profitable agricultural activity.

  305. vas
  306. kop
  307. oop
  308. verbeter
    (to improve)
  309. ses
  310. organisasie
  311. elkeen
  312. September
  313. stuk
    (a piece)
  314. jaarliks
  315. toekoms
  316. rus
    (to rest)
  317. toon
  318. taal
  319. vader
  320. hond
  321. ja
  322. minuut
    (a minute)
  323. kans
  324. gister
  325. sommige
  326. plase
  327. kompetisie
  328. ma
  329. waarvan
    (of which)
  330. November
  331. tree
  332. aand
  333. werker
  334. Pretoria
    [proper noun]

    Pretoria is one of the largest cities in the country of South Africa.

  335. spesiaal
  336. storie
  337. Augustus
  338. volk
  339. veld
    (a field)
  340. verhouding
    (relation, relationship)
  341. situasie
  342. Januarie
  343. heilig
  344. trou
    (to marry)
  345. foto
  346. swak
  347. Oktober
  348. pa
  349. reën
  350. Desember
  351. sorg
    (to care)
  352. gedagte
  353. soort
    (sort, type)
  354. Junie
  355. byvoorbeeld
    (for example)
  356. Julie
  357. graad
  358. seisoen
  359. eet
    (to eat)
  360. waarheid
  361. kontak
  362. bak
  363. mos
  364. Saterdag
  365. gelukkig
  366. draai
    (to turn)
  367. Mei
  368. oomblik
  369. waarskynlik
  370. Vrydag
  371. asof
  372. geskiedenis
  373. bo
  374. sonde
  375. warm
  376. beskou
    (to regard)
  377. persoonlik
  378. tien
  379. perd
  380. leser
  381. liggaam
  382. Februarie
  383. presies
  384. luister
    (to listen)
  385. uur
  386. bul
  387. speler
  388. gesin
  389. motor
  390. beperk
    (to restrict)
  391. leier
  392. enkel
  393. verhaal
  394. streek
  395. optree
    (to act)
  396. bank
  397. nuus
  398. nee
  399. vleis
  400. skrywer
  401. mielie
  402. daai
  403. reël
  404. verslag
  405. vers
    (a verse)
  406. dogter
  407. bid
    (to pray)
  408. slaan
  409. eenvoudig
  410. Johan
    [proper noun]
  411. koning
  412. tye
  413. erken
    (to acknowledge)
  414. Afrikaner
  415. moenie
    (do not)
  416. vrug
    (a fruit)
  417. mening
    (an opinion)
  418. musiek
  419. melk
  420. ag
  421. voorbeeld
  422. brand

    In Afrikaans, there is a distinction between the words “vuur” and “brand”. Although both these words translate to the English term “fire”, the latter refers to a destructive fire.

  423. omstandigheid
  424. nader
    (to approach)
  425. sterf
    (to die)
  426. gooi
    (to throw)
  427. stryd
  428. hoeveel
    (how much)
  429. vry
  430. pragtig
  431. beweeg
    (to move)
  432. droog
  433. amp
    (an office)
  434. kantoor
  435. voet
  436. koud
  437. miskien
  438. sewe
  439. reis
    (travel, journey)
  440. verby
  441. broer
  442. been
  443. diep
  444. roep
    (to call)
  445. kleur
    (a color)
  446. Zimbabwe
    [proper noun]

    Zimbabwe is located to the north of the country of South Africa.

  447. positief
  448. vrees
  449. ongelukkig
  450. berig
  451. sleg
  452. onderwyser

    This common term is based on another word from this Afrikaans vocabulary list: That word is “onderwys” and it means “education”.

  453. oes
  454. reeks
    (a series)
  455. gas
  456. hospitaal
  457. daagliks
  458. beeld
  459. wonderlik
  460. breek
    (to break)
  461. amptelik
  462. Maandag
  463. provinsie
  464. gesprek
  465. bydrae
  466. rand
  467. klaar
  468. verkeer
  469. nag
  470. wyn

    South Africa is one of the major wine-producing countries, which explains why this word appears in this list of common Afrikaans vocabulary words.

  471. gevoel
  472. spel
  473. teken
    (to sign)
  474. Amerika
    [proper noun]
  475. tydperk
  476. agt
  477. onderwys
  478. skuld
  479. brief
  480. wild
  481. sin

    This vocabulary word is what language learners call a “false friend”. Although it resembles a common English word, it has a completely different meaning.

  482. ministerie
  483. veilig
  484. gesond
  485. skiet
  486. rooi
  487. gesig
  488. skielik
  489. grens
  490. Kaapstad
    [proper noun]

    Kaapstad is the name of the city of Cape Town in the Afrikaans language.

  491. misdaad
  492. verklaar
    (to explain)
  493. hemel
  494. vrede
  495. kuier
    (to visit)
  496. wyd
  497. beampte
  498. ekonomie
  499. hoofsaaklik
  500. stad
  501. personeel
  502. oggend
  503. invloed
  504. tel
    (to count)
  505. môre
  506. slaap
    (to sleep)
  507. Limpopo
    [proper noun]

    This word is the name of a province in South Africa, and it is also the name of a river that borders that province.

  508. darem
  509. verminder
    (to reduce)
  510. sing
    (to sing)
  511. steel
    (to steal)
  512. bloed
  513. bydra
    (to contribute)
  514. bok

    In Afrikaans, the word "bok" means “goat” but it is also used to refer to a variety of different species of antelopes that are found in South Africa.

  515. swaar
  516. drink
  517. ryk
  518. nasie
  519. materiaal
  520. faktor
  521. meisie
  522. moontlikheid
  523. geleë
  524. vergeet
    (to forget)
  525. Johannes
    [proper noun]
  526. sag
  527. deesdae
    (these days)
  528. kultuur
  529. Amerikaans
  530. mis
    (to miss)
  531. energie
  532. Sondag
  533. Dinsdag
  534. klink
    (to sound)

    An example of an Afrikaans phrase containing this verb is “Dit klink goed” which means “That sounds good”.

  535. aangaan
    (to go on)
  536. Donderdag
  537. koper

    This Afrikaans vocabulary word has two possible meanings: “buyer” and “copper”.

  538. gang
    (passage, passageway)
  539. koerant
  540. vars
  541. Woensdag
  542. suster
  543. lys
  544. berg
  545. tegnologie
  546. Pieter
    [proper noun]
  547. ewig
  548. hoërskool

    This Afrikaans word is a combination of the word “hoër” which means “higher” and the word “skool” which means “school”.

  549. mond
  550. kunstenaar
  551. Europa
    [proper noun]
  552. gewild
  553. donker
  554. fees
  555. lug
  556. getal
    (a number)
  557. natuur
  558. vis
  559. Botha
    [proper noun]

    This word is an Afrikaans surname.

  560. rigting
  561. hang
    (to hang)
  562. karakter
  563. see
  564. beweging
  565. straat
  566. welkom
  567. gevaar
  568. vreemd
  569. koninkryk
  570. oortuig
    (to convince)
  571. mee
  572. vuur
  573. groen
  574. nooi
  575. oorleef
    (to survive)
  576. Zuma
    [proper noun]

    This word is an Afrikaans surname.

  577. Johannesburg
    [proper noun]

    This word is the name of a very large city in South Africa. Afrikaans is one of the official languages of South Africa.

  578. namens
    (on behalf of)
  579. tafel
  580. asseblief
  581. droom
  582. veiling
  583. kamer
    (a room)
  584. korrek
  585. vlug
  586. Engels
    [proper noun]
    (the English language)
  587. dokter
  588. vertrek
    (to leave)
  589. siel
  590. klub
  591. oorlog
  592. lag
    (to laugh)
  593. kamp
  594. kuns
  595. area
  596. kruis
  597. eenheid
  598. laai
    (to load)
  599. belofte
  600. blou
  601. minstens
    (at least)
  602. Kaap
    [proper noun]
  603. huwelik
  604. gras
  605. goud

    “Goud” is a common word in Afrikaans because gold has played a significant role in the history and economy of South Africa. South Africa is one of the world’s largest producers of gold, and gold mining has been a significant industry in the country for over a century.

  606. vel
  607. winter
  608. dokument
  609. lam
  610. gratis
  611. klomp
  612. geslag
  613. sout
  614. klere
  615. brood
  616. gesondheid
  617. bang
  618. opkom
    (to come up)
  619. veiligheid
  620. rugby
  621. open
    (to open)
  622. koring
  623. oral
  624. nege
  625. verdwyn
    (to disappear)
  626. wind
  627. vryheid
  628. gebed
  629. skerp
  630. klim
    (to climb)
  631. Jesus
    [proper noun]
  632. stof
  633. rivier
  634. Piet
    [proper noun]
  635. vlieg
    (to fly)
  636. skoot
  637. vertrou
    (to trust)
  638. vierde
  639. vyand
    (an enemy)
  640. jag
    (to hunt)
  641. tuin
    (a garden)
  642. begrip
  643. geluk
  644. arm
  645. vakansie
  646. impak
  647. Bloemfontein
    [proper noun]

    This word is the name of a large city in South Africa.

  648. hardloop
  649. God
    [proper noun]
  650. aankom
  651. voël
    (a bird)
  652. goedkeur
    (to approve)

    This verb is related to the noun “goedkeuring” which means “approval”.

  653. Australië
    [proper noun]
  654. muur
  655. jul
  656. rond
  657. handhaaf
    (to maintain)
  658. jaag
  659. saad
  660. burger
  661. eendag
    (one day)
  662. eiers
  663. regs
  664. Duitsland
    [proper noun]

    Duitsland is the name of the country Germany in the Afrikaans language.

  665. ly
    (to suffer)
  666. oom
  667. tak
  668. rug
  669. pyn
  670. eeu
  671. gedig
  672. China
    [proper noun]
  673. wetenskap
  674. inderdaad
  675. siek
  676. kommissie
    (committee, commission)
  677. nommer
  678. olie
  679. moeder
  680. betekenis
  681. metode
  682. boom
  683. digter
  684. effek
  685. orde
  686. wetenskaplik
  687. dik
  688. letterlik
  689. hulpbron
  690. tuis
    (at home)
  691. liedjie
  692. skaars
  693. herinner
    (to remind)
  694. uitstel
    (to postpone)
  695. Gauteng
    [proper noun]

    This word is the name of a province in the country of South Africa. This province contains Johannesburg, which is the country’s largest city. Afrikaans is one of the several languages spoken in Johannesburg.

  696. Joubert
    [proper noun]

    This word is a surname that is relatively common in South Africa.

  697. Kruger
    [proper noun]

    This word is a surname that originates from German and is fairly common in South Africa.

  698. rekord
  699. kontrak
  700. bed
  701. seën
    (a blessing)
  702. hoender
  703. sigbaar
  704. praktyk
  705. deelname
  706. dame
  707. onmoontlik
  708. oorbly
    (to remain)
  709. beskerming
  710. distrik
  711. vaar
    (to sail)
  712. kat
  713. vriendelik
  714. kwaad
  715. mik
    (to aim)
  716. toerisme
  717. strek
    (to stretch)
  718. kalf
    (a calf)
  719. verenig
    (to unite)
  720. vreet
    (to eat)

    The Afrikaans language has two different verbs which translate to the English verb “to eat”. These two verbs are “eet” and “vreet”, and the difference is that the latter one is negative: it implies that one is stuffing one’s self.

  721. inhoud
  722. lyf
  723. Mpumalanga
    [proper noun]

    This word is the name of a province in the country of South Africa.

  724. parlement
  725. vermaak
  726. gevaarlik
  727. profeet
  728. perfek
  729. solank
    (as long as)
  730. dam
  731. waardeer
    (to appreciate)
  732. studeer
    (to study)
  733. Vrystaat
    [proper noun]
  734. regter
  735. spog
    (to boast)
  736. André
    [proper noun]
  737. braai
  738. klip
  739. klem
  740. afstand
  741. respek
  742. oefen
  743. begroting
    (a budget)
  744. geboorte
  745. Petrus
    [proper noun]
  746. gedigte
  747. koei
  748. bal
    (a ball)
  749. risiko
  750. bruin
  751. opname
  752. engel
  753. verskoning
  754. tydelik
  755. myn

    “Myn” is a frequently-used word in Afrikaans because it refers to a mine, an important industry in South Africa. In South Africa, there are gold, diamonds, platinum, and coal mines.

  756. Marais
    [proper noun]
  757. regeer
    (to rule)
  758. laerskool
    (primary school)
  759. rekenaar
  760. vinger
  761. terrein
  762. voedsel
  763. dryf
    (to drive)
  764. bydraag
  765. bottel
  766. ouens
  767. belasting
  768. bundel
  769. suid
  770. vark
  771. kombuis
  772. trap
  773. kar
  774. Coetzee
    [proper noun]
  775. oplos
    (to solve)
  776. somer
  777. tempel
  778. kandidaat
  779. opdaag
  780. suiker
  781. dreig
    (to threaten)
  782. onbekend
  783. weerstand
  784. Francois
    [proper noun]
  785. onderhoud
  786. sleutel
  787. geel
  788. vragmotor
  789. roer
  790. vandeesweek
    (this week)
  791. graf
  792. vore
  793. baba
  794. aanbod
  795. winkel
    (a shop)
  796. konteks
  797. meerderheid
  798. dans
  799. noord
  800. ore
  801. skouer
  802. bestanddeel
  803. verwysing
  804. vloei
    (to flow)
  805. wese
  806. uitstalling
  807. wond
  808. hok
  809. beseer
    (to hurt)
  810. kaart
  811. blaar
  812. eerlik
  813. restaurant
  814. teel
  815. groet
  816. bladsy
  817. verdagte
  818. onnodig
  819. rakend
  820. doof
  821. aanvaller
  822. maag
  823. nek
  824. maan
  825. les
  826. iewers
  827. kam
  828. baseer
    (to base)
  829. laas
  830. preek
  831. venster
  832. kanker
  833. konsep
  834. bekostig
  835. pot
  836. huur
  837. toestemming
  838. Danie
    [proper noun]
  839. pret
  840. demokrasie
  841. skat
  842. skei
    (to separate)
  843. koffie
  844. wiel
  845. reënval
  846. middag
  847. draad
  848. salaris
  849. Frans
  850. Frankryk
    [proper noun]
  851. klank
  852. elektrisiteit
  853. glimlag
  854. blomme
  855. aanbeveling
  856. hoofstad
  857. wortel
  858. stemme
  859. dade
  860. vertaling
  861. bewerkstellig
  862. renoster

    The most common Afrikaans vocabulary words reflect the local fauna and flora. Not many other languages have the term for “rhinoceros” appear among their 1000 most common words. But the reason might simply be that this is also the name of a river in South Africa.

  863. hout
  864. grootword
    (to grow up)

    This verb is formed by combining two Afrikaans vocabulary words: the term “groot” which means “big”, and the verb “word” which means “to become”.

  865. breed
  866. traan
  867. weermag
  868. afsonderlik
  869. di
  870. aartappel

    This word comes from the term “aarde” which means “earth” combined with the term “appel” which means “apple”. This common Afrikaans word is constructed the same way as the corresponding French term: “pomme de terre”.

  871. vergewe
    (to forgive)
  872. geur
  873. geveg
  874. vriendin
  875. lede
  876. huil
    (to cry)
  877. verlies
  878. wingerd

    “Wingerd” is a common word in Afrikaans because viticulture, or grape-growing, is an important agricultural activity in South Africa. The country has a long history of wine-making, dating back to the arrival of the first European settlers in the 17th century.

  879. blanke
  880. Mandela
    [proper noun]
  881. goedkeuring

    This noun is related to the verb “goedkeur” which means “to approve”.

  882. vanaand
  883. fliek
  884. rower
  885. saal
  886. koppie
  887. Egipte
    [proper noun]
  888. byt
    (to bite)
  889. ongeag
  890. grondslag
  891. atmosfeer
  892. resep
  893. nes
  894. lok
  895. olifant
  896. mensdom
  897. herinnering
  898. seks
  899. asem
  900. Malan
    [proper noun]
  901. tand
  902. duisend
  903. honderd
  904. gat
  905. volwassene
    (an adult)
  906. kus
  907. trofee
  908. verf
    (to paint)
  909. rook
  910. tee
  911. ondergaan
    (to undergo)
  912. teater
  913. lied
  914. moeg
  915. apartheid
  916. waai
    (to wave)
  917. landdros
    (a magistrate)
  918. buur
  919. netwerk
  920. stoel
  921. bedrog
  922. toespraak
    (an address)
  923. veg
    (to fight)
  924. pyp
  925. vertaal
    (to translate)
  926. voeding
  927. helder
  928. rolprent
  929. student
  930. papier
  931. Andries
    [proper noun]
  932. trein
  933. sekonde
  934. patroon
  935. nêrens
  936. vliegtuig

    The root of this word is the verb “vlieg” which means “to fly”.

  937. stede
  938. woestyn
  939. twintig
  940. horing
  941. aanbieding
  942. koeël
  943. baklei
    (to fight)
  944. egpaar
  945. verwant
  946. springbok
  947. vuil
  948. spruit
  949. priester
  950. sent
  951. woonstel
    (an apartment)
  952. Willem
    [proper noun]
  953. stasie
  954. hawe
  955. Botswana
    [proper noun]
  956. tronk
  957. temperatuur
  958. lof
  959. reguit
  960. leeu

    There are several reasons for this term appearing among the most common words. The first reason is that wildlife, such as lions, do live in some of the Afrikaans-speaking regions. The second reason is that this term is also the name of a South African rugby team.

  961. blind
  962. Angola
    [proper noun]
  963. ontbyt
  964. Christen
  965. botter
  966. bors
  967. pla
  968. maat
  969. tannie

    This term comes from the word “tante” which means “aunt”. In South Africa, the word “tannie” is used to refer to an older female authority figure.

  970. plesier
  971. ooi
  972. mes
  973. aanbid
    (to worship)
  974. dak
  975. belydenis
  976. vyfde
  977. tou
  978. swaard
  979. pers
    (a press)
  980. oond
  981. herken
  982. oortuiging
  983. duisternis
  984. Pienaar
    [proper noun]
  985. sand
  986. stroop
  987. uitvind
    (find out)
  988. geboue
  989. gans
  990. verwoes
    (to devastate)
  991. kaas
  992. bos
  993. stilte
  994. snaaks
  995. boon
  996. vak
  997. kampioenskap
  998. ruim
  999. soldate
  1000. strand
  1001. wapen
  1002. appèl
  1003. vloer
    (a floor)
  1004. waarheen
    (where to)
  1005. lip
  1006. ryp
  1007. pan
  1008. storm
  1009. kosbaar
  1010. Jannie
    [proper noun]
  1011. film
  1012. kroon
    (to crown)
  1013. koek
  1014. staking
  1015. Durban
    [proper noun]
  1016. geantwoord
  1017. eeue
  1018. twaalf
  1019. appel
  1020. buurman
  1021. leë