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Full list of the 1000 most common German words

This list of the thousand most common German words comes from our statistical analysis conducted on an extensive collection of German-language documents, including news articles and other articles.

This list is sorted by frequency, with the words at the top being more common than those that appear further down the list.

In German, as in many languages, the most common words are often shorter than the less common ones. Linguists call this phenomenon the brevity law or Zipf’s law of abbreviation.

When German words are used in a sentence, they often change their endings due to grammatical gender and cases. To create this vocabulary list, we had to convert the words appearing in the texts into their dictionary form.

Resources for learning German include courses from Babbel, Pimsleur, and Rocket languages, as well as tutors from Italki.

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Here is the list of the 1000 most common German words:

  1. der

    The German definite article is at the top of this list. It can take many different forms depending on grammatical gender and cases. These forms are all grouped into one entry.

  2. sein
    (to be)
  3. ein
  4. werden

    In German, the verb “werden” is very common because it is used as an auxiliary verb to construct the future tense or express the passive voice.

  5. in
  6. sie
    (they, she)

    The German word “sie” is frequently used because this one word represents several different pronouns. It can correspond to the English pronoun “they”; it can also correspond to the pronoun “she.” And it can also be a formal “you” pronoun when capitalized.

  7. haben
    (to have)
  8. auf
  9. es
  10. und
  11. zu
  12. an
  13. mit
  14. für
  15. von
  16. sich
  17. dieser
  18. auch
  19. er
  20. nicht
  21. bei
  22. können
    (to be able)
  23. wir
  24. aus
  25. geben
    (to give)
  26. ich
  27. ihr
  28. sollen
    (should, to have to)
  29. nach
  30. um
  31. noch
  32. aber
  33. kein
  34. über
  35. neu
  36. kommen
    (to come)
  37. hier
  38. nur
  39. vor
  40. gehen
    (to go, to walk)
  41. durch
  42. Prozent
  43. gut
  44. dann
  45. so
  46. stehen
    (to stand)
  47. Jahr
  48. liegen
    (to lie, to be located)

    The German verb “liegen” means “to lie” in the sense of being positioned or located somewhere (but not in the sense of saying something untrue, the verb “lügen” refers to that).

  49. Euro
  50. groß
  51. müssen
    (to have to)
  52. jetzt
  53. finden
    (to find)
  54. weit
    (wide, large, far)

    “Weit” is a frequently used German word because it has a broad range of meanings. It can express distance, size, extent, or scope.

  55. wollen
    (to want)
  56. nun
  57. was
  58. unser
  59. machen
    (to make)
  60. wie
  61. als
  62. aller
  63. sehr
  64. wieder
  65. schon

    The German words schon (without umlaut) and schön (with umlaut) should not be confused. The former means “already” whereas the latter means “pretty”. Both appear in this German vocabulary list.

  66. bleiben
    (to remain)
  67. erster
  68. unter
  69. ab
  70. sehen
    (to see)
  71. immer
  72. dabei
    (nearby, besides)
  73. da
  74. mehr
  75. gegen
  76. dort
  77. deutsch
  78. jeder
  79. allerdings
    (however, certainly)
  80. oder
  81. bis
  82. man
  83. beginnen
    (to begin)
  84. zwei
  85. ganz

    As an adjective, “ganz” means “entire” or “whole”. For example, “das ganze Haus” translates to “the entire house.” But, when used as an adverb, the word “ganz” means “very” or “quite,” emphasizing a characteristic. For instance, “Er ist ganz nett” means “He is very kind.”

  86. heute
  87. bereits
  88. damit
    (in order to)
  89. mein
  90. also
  91. hoch
  92. jedoch
  93. Zeit
  94. Uhr
  95. außerdem
    (in addition)
  96. weiter
  97. dazu
    (in addition to)
  98. vieler
  99. gelten
    (to be valid)
  100. beide
  101. Tag
  102. erfolgen
    (to happen)
  103. seit
  104. natürlich

    The word “natürlich” can also be used as an adverb in which case it means “naturally” or “of course”.

  105. klein
  106. nehmen
    (to take)
  107. Mensch
    (person, human)

    In addition to meaning “human”, the German word “Mensch” can also be used as an interjection in which case it means “wow” or “gosh”.

  108. alle
  109. erhalten
    (to receive)
  110. zeigen
    (to point at)
  111. steigen
    (to climb, to rise)
  112. stellen
    (to place)
  113. führen
    (to lead)
  114. fallen
    (to fall)
  115. betragen
    (to be)
  116. gehören
    (to belong)
  117. rund

    The German word “rund” translates to “round” (when used as an adjective) or “approximately” (when used as an adverb).

  118. wichtig
  119. Kind
  120. zudem
  121. Seite

    The German word “Seite” has two possible meanings: it can mean “page”, and it can also mean “side”.

  122. Mann
  123. viel
    (a lot of)
  124. du

    In German, “du” is the informal second-person pronoun. In formal speech, the pronoun “Sie” (always capitalized) is used instead.

  125. alt
  126. uns
  127. sprechen
    (to speak)
  128. Frau

    In German, the word “Frau” is also used as the conventional title of respect to address a woman, equivalent to the English “Mrs”. For instance, this word is often used when writing an email in German.

  129. anderer
  130. Unternehmen
  131. dafür
    (for that)
  132. ohne
  133. drei
  134. halten
    (to hold)
  135. ja
  136. möglich
  137. Million
    (a million)
  138. einfach
  139. Punkt
  140. bieten
    (to offer)
  141. bringen
    (to bring)
  142. Polizei
  143. bestehen
    (to succeed)
  144. zwischen
    (in between)
  145. dürfen
    (to be allowed to)
  146. zurück
  147. nächster
  148. Problem
  149. zweiter
  150. spielen
    (to play)
  151. etwas
  152. Bild
  153. statt
    (instead of)
  154. Ergebnis
  155. eigen
  156. Fall
  157. welcher
    (which one)
  158. laufen
    (to run)
  159. einiger
  160. erst
  161. Preis
  162. Stadt

    The German word “Stadt” means “city” and it appears in several compound nouns such as “Hauptstadt” (capital city), “Stadtleben” (city life), and “Innenstadt” (inner city). The word also appears in the name of the city “Darmstadt”.

  163. derzeit
  164. ihnen
  165. setzen
    (to put)
  166. erwarten
    (to expect)
  167. legen
    (to lay)
  168. ebenfalls
  169. sagen
    (to say)
  170. erreichen
    (to reach)
  171. stark

    The German adjective “stark” means “strong”. It is the antonym of the word “schwach” (which means “weak”). In colloquial German, the word “stark” means “awesome”.

  172. Ende
  173. entstehen
  174. Land
  175. Frage
  176. Haus
  177. ihm
  178. Spiel
  179. brauchen
    (to need)
  180. insgesamt

    The German word “insgesamt” is formed by combining “ins,” which is a contraction of “in das” (meaning “in the”), and “gesamt,” which translates to “total” or “whole.” The word “insgesamt" conveys the idea of something being considered in its entirety. It is used to express a comprehensive assessment.

  181. bitte
  182. ihn
  183. wegen
    (because of)
  184. zunächst
  185. Woche
  186. fordern
    (to demand)
  187. folgen
    (to follow)
  188. Leben
  189. etwa
  190. mir
  191. letzter
  192. leicht
    (not heavy, easy)
  193. entsprechend
  194. Arbeit
  195. befinden
    (to occupy a place)
  196. lang
  197. Teil
  198. Grund
  199. planen
    (to plan)
  200. Information
  201. selbst
  202. fehlen
    (to lack)
  203. Geld
  204. suchen
    (to search)
  205. schön

    “Schön” is a useful word for giving compliments in German. Note that this word should not be confused with the word “schon”. The latter, which does not have an umlaut, is a German adverb meaning “already”.

  206. richtig
  207. Deutschland
    [proper noun]
  208. sogar
  209. gewinnen
    (to win)
  210. schnell
  211. verlieren
    (to lose)
  212. mal
  213. schwer

    The adjective “schwer” means “heavy”. It is the antonym of the word “leicht” (which means “light”). The term “schwer” can also mean “difficult” and as such is a synonym of “schwierig”.

  214. arbeiten
    (to work)
  215. schließlich
    (in the end)
  216. ziehen
    (to pull)
  217. verschieden
  218. eigentlich
  219. bisher
    (so far)
  220. Zahl
  221. denn
  222. Angebot

    The word “Angebot” comes from the verb “bieten,” which means “to offer” in German. This term is commonly encountered in the context of sale offers and it is also frequently used in marketing to refer to promotional deals.

  223. Programm
  224. treffen
    (to meet)
  225. bekannt
  226. wer
  227. Stunde
  228. lassen
    (to let)
  229. tun
    (to do)
  230. Weg
  231. sterben
    (to die)
  232. besonders
  233. deshalb
  234. fast
  235. Welt
  236. Name
  237. dadurch
    (through it)
  238. bekommen
    (to get)
  239. inzwischen
    (in the meantime)
  240. Geschichte

    The German word “Geschichte” has two possible meanings: “story” and “history”.

  241. übernehmen
    (to take over)
  242. tragen
    (to carry)
  243. Aktie

    In financial news articles, it is common to come across the German word “Aktie,” which refers to a financial instrument known in English as a “share” or a “stock” of a company.

  244. Entscheidung
  245. Ziel
  246. danach
  247. nichts
  248. Monat
  249. fahren
    (to drive)
  250. fest
  251. dennoch
  252. spät
  253. Erfolg
  254. deutlich
  255. bestätigen
    (to confirm)
  256. nennen
    (to name)
  257. aktuell
  258. Platz
  259. kosten
    (to cost)
  260. vielleicht
  261. weniger
  262. Thema
  263. mich
  264. mehrere
  265. sorgen
    (to worry)

    In its transitive form this German verb means “to care for”, but in its reflexive form “sich sorgen” means “to worry”.

  266. leben
    (to live)
  267. Minute
  268. einmal
  269. Beispiel
  270. kurz
  271. Ort
  272. jung
  273. helfen
    (to help)
  274. gleich

    When used as an adjective, the word “gleich” can mean “equal” or "same.” For example, “Wir haben die gleiche Idee” means “We have the same idea.” When used as an adverb, the word “gleich” can mean “right away”. For example, “Ich komme gleich” means “I'm coming right away”.

  275. vier
  276. Kosten
  277. schaffen
    (to create)
  278. genau
  279. Familie
  280. Projekt
  281. dauern
    (to last)
  282. wählen
    (to choose)
  283. rechnen
    (to count)
  284. handeln
    (to act)
  285. bilden
    (to form)
  286. Mitarbeiter
  287. entscheiden
    (to decide)
  288. nie
  289. Schule
  290. bislang
    (so far)
  291. Folge
    (consequence, sequence)
  292. Mitglied
  293. Einsatz
  294. schließen
    (to shut down)
  295. Markt
  296. damals
    (at that time, in those days)
  297. Wert
  298. unterschiedlich
  299. starten
    (to start)
  300. schreiben
    (to write)
  301. Berlin
    [proper noun]
  302. gesamt
  303. fünf
  304. zählen
    (to count)
  305. wachsen
    (to grow)
  306. leider

    The adverb “leider” comes from the word “Leid” which means “sorrow”. The word “Leid” appears, for example, in the title of one of Goethe’s novels, “Die Leiden des jungen Werthers” (The Sorrows of Young Werther).

  307. Zukunft

    The German word “Zukunft” originates from the verb “kommen” which means “to come”.

  308. davon
    (from it)
  309. zusätzlich
  310. teilen
    (to share)
  311. zusammen

    In German, the words “zusammen” and “gemeinsam” are synonyms.

  312. unterstützen
    (to support)
  313. oft
  314. voll
  315. frei
  316. Entwicklung
  317. weiterhin
  318. Internet
  319. heißen
    (to be named, to mean)

    The most basic usage of the verb “heißen” is to indicate someone's name. In addition, the verb “heißen” can also be used to express the significance of something. For instance, “Das heißt, dass…” translates to “That means that…”.

  320. früh
  321. treten
    (to step)
  322. Verein
  323. besonderer
  324. verletzen
    (to hurt)
  325. berichten
    (to relate)
  326. einzeln
  327. nutzen
    (to use)
  328. anders
  329. kaum
  330. Gruppe
  331. wohl
  332. Buch

    The German word “Buch” is similar to its English counterpart. There are many similarities between German and English, as they are both Germanic languages.

  333. Rolle
  334. Hand
  335. schlecht
  336. Gespräch
  337. sofort
  338. Kunde
  339. sinken
    (to sink)
  340. kennen
    (to know)
  341. gerade

    In German, the word “gerade” can also be used as an adverb in which case it means “just” or “now”.

  342. wo
  343. Umsatz
  344. Person
  345. Mai
    (May - the month)
  346. Milliarde
  347. hinter
  348. ändern
    (to change)
  349. offen
  350. wissen
    (to know)
  351. wirklich
  352. dagegen
    (against it)
  353. anschließend
  354. dritter
  355. neben
    (next to, alongside)
  356. Recht
    (a right)
  357. September
  358. drohen
    (to threaten)
  359. Regierung
  360. Stelle
  361. gerne
    (gladly, with pleasure)
  362. weisen
    (to point)
  363. warten
    (to wait)
  364. einer
  365. entsprechen
    (to correspond)
  366. Angabe
  367. zahlreich

    The word “zahlreich” is a compound adjective derived from the combination of “Zahl” (meaning “number”) and “reich” (meaning “rich”). In German, this word literally translates to “rich in numbers.”

  368. solcher
  369. verwenden
    (to use)
  370. während
  371. Bereich
  372. Möglichkeit
  373. Bank
  374. Antwort
  375. Team
  376. positiv
  377. Wort
  378. vergangen
  379. freuen
    (to gladden)

    The German verb “freuen” is related to the adjective “froh” which means “glad”. This verb means “to gladden”. It is often used in its reflexive form, “sich freuen”, in which case it means “to be glad”.

  380. enthalten
    (to contain)
  381. Straße
  382. erscheinen
    (to appear)
  383. reichen
    (to reach, to suffice)
  384. Freitag
  385. somit
  386. Donnerstag
  387. Datum

    The German word “Datum” is directly borrowed from Latin, but the original Latin word means “gift”. Although German is a Germanic language and not a Latin-based language, there are still some similarities between German and Latin.

  388. daher
    (from there)
  389. Verfügung

    The word “Verfügung” is formed by applying the suffix “-ung” to the verb “verfügen” which means “to dispose of”. It also means “enactment” or “decree”.

  390. enden
    (to end)
  391. international
  392. sicher
    (secure, certain)

    The meaning of the adjective “sicher” ranges from safety to reliability and certainty. Its first meaning is “secure” or “safe” — for instance, “Sicherheitsdienst” means “security service”. Its second meaning is “sure” or “certain” — for example, “selbstsicher” means “self-confident”.

  393. eher
  394. Mannschaft
  395. entwickeln
    (to develop)
  396. ergeben
  397. Täter
  398. direkt
  399. erhöhen
    (to heighten)
  400. gestern
  401. Abend
  402. gemeinsam
  403. Chance

    “Chance” is a word that the German language has borrowed from French. In fact, this word appears among the most common French words.

  404. Hilfe
  405. Kritik
  406. Firma
  407. anbieten
    (to offer)

    “Anbieten” is a separable verb which means that in simple tenses the prefix “an-” is separated and placed at the end of the sentence. For more about this, see this guide to German prefix verbs.

  408. Schaden
  409. politisch
  410. erneut
  411. klar
  412. Lösung

    The noun “Lösung” is derived from the verb “lösen,” which means “to loosen” or “to solve.” The etymology of this word draws a connection between untangling or loosening a knot and discovering a solution to a problem.

  413. europäisch
  414. April
  415. Veranstaltung
  416. Situation
  417. feiern
    (to celebrate)
  418. Film
  419. Sache
    (thing, affair)
  420. bauen
    (to build)
  421. trotzdem
  422. möchten
    (to want)
  423. sitzen
    (to sit)
  424. Oktober
  425. komplett
  426. Blick
  427. Wasser
  428. denken
    (to think)
  429. betreffen
    (to concern)
  430. warum
  431. bald
  432. Januar
  433. Geschäft
  434. Kirche
  435. Aufgabe
  436. gegenüber
    (opposite to)
  437. folgend
  438. Montag
  439. wirken
    (to function)
  440. benötigen
    (to require)
  441. Idee
  442. vorsehen
    (to plan, to provide)
  443. öffnen
    (to open)
  444. Titel
  445. bedeuten
    (to mean)
  446. Juni
  447. Sonntag
  448. Auto

    “Auto” is a frequently-used German word because automobile manufacturing is a big industry in Germany with renowned brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Volkswagen.

  449. Fahrzeug

    The German word “Fahrzeug” is a compound noun composed of two parts: “fahren,” which means “to drive,” and “Zeug,” which translates to “thing”.

  450. reagieren
    (to react)
  451. Gebäude
  452. abschließen
    (to end)
  453. schlagen
    (to hit)
  454. bestimmen
    (to determine)
  455. März
  456. Verfahren
  457. laut
  458. erfolgreich
  459. Raum
  460. Schritt
  461. Wahl

    In the German language, the term “Wahl” can refer to both a choice or selection as well as to an electoral process.

  462. Gemeinde
  463. völlig
  464. sechs
  465. gering
  466. endlich
  467. Anfang
  468. einsetzen
    (to put in)
  469. innerhalb
  470. Gast
  471. zehn
  472. lediglich
  473. Wunsch
  474. Kurs
  475. pro
  476. Termin
  477. wenig
  478. eben
  479. ähnlich
  480. System
  481. Schüler
  482. Erfahrung
  483. schwierig
  484. Opfer
  485. darauf
    (upon that, after that)
  486. Teilnehmer
  487. informieren
    (to inform)
  488. Meter
  489. Politik
  490. sonst
  491. fragen
    (to ask)
  492. Tier
  493. stammen
    (to descend)
  494. Bericht
  495. ermitteln
    (to ascertain)
  496. Plan
  497. beenden
    (to finish)
  498. mittlerweile
  499. Regel
  500. gelingen
    (to succeed)
  501. allein
  502. Eltern
  503. gebären
    (to give birth)
  504. Auge
  505. Urteil
  506. beschäftigen
    (to occupy, to employ)
  507. November
  508. jeweils
    (in each case)
  509. Musik

    “Musik” is a common German word because for centuries music has held a significant place in Germany and in neighboring German-speaking countries, such as Austria. German composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven are known worldwide. And Mozart's native language was German, as he resided in an area that later became Austria.

  510. dienen
    (to serve)
  511. öffentlich
  512. Berliner

    The word “Berliner” refers to a person from Berlin, the capital of Germany. This word appeared in the famous speech made by President John F. Kennedy in Berlin in 1963 in which he declared, “Ich bin ein Berliner” (which means “I am a Berliner”). This statement expressed solidarity and support for the people of Berlin during the Cold War.

  513. hart
  514. Höhe
  515. durchführen
    (to perform)
  516. herrschen
    (to rule)
  517. eröffnen
    (to open)
  518. stimmen
    (to be right)
  519. gar
    (at all, even)
  520. meist
    (most of)
  521. Besucher
  522. verhindern
    (to prevent)
  523. Staat
  524. Mittwoch
  525. verbinden
    (to join)
  526. geschehen
    (to happen)
  527. echt
  528. Februar
  529. aufnehmen
    (to pick up)
  530. euch
  531. Kopf
  532. modern
    (to decay, to rot)
  533. verfügen
    (to decree)
  534. Gericht
  535. kostenlos
    (without cost)

    The adjective “kostenlos” is formed by applying the suffix -los (which means “without”) to the noun Kosten which means “costs”. Consequently, this word literally means “without cost”.

  536. melden
    (to report)
  537. Dienstag
  538. Grenze
  539. einzig
  540. hinzu
    (in addition)
  541. interessant
  542. August
  543. Interesse
  544. Juli
  545. Art

    The German word “Art” translates to “type,” “kind,” or “manner” in English. It can refer to a specific way of doing something. This term appears in compound nouns such as “Denkart” (way of thinking) and “Lebensart” (way of life).

  546. zwar
  547. zahlen
    (to pay)
  548. Vertrag
  549. erforderlich
  550. Leistung
  551. Druck
  552. brechen
    (to break)
  553. Text
  554. zuvor
  555. Leute
  556. Dezember
  557. Spaß
  558. Foto
  559. liefern
    (to supply)
  560. Partei
  561. Mark
  562. Feuerwehr
    (fire brigade)

    The German noun “Feuerwehr” translates to “fire brigade” in English. It is a compound word consisting of “Feuer” meaning “fire” and “Wehr” meaning “defense”.

  563. stecken
    (to put)
  564. falsch
  565. Angst
  566. Inhalt
  567. besitzen
    (to own)
  568. verändern
    (to change)
  569. Region
  570. funktionieren
    (to work)
  571. veröffentlichen
    (to publish)
  572. Gesellschaft
  573. Spieler
  574. vorhanden
  575. Homepage
  576. schauen
    (to look)
  577. Zähler
  578. Stimme
    (voice, vote)
  579. manchmal
  580. Detail
  581. lehnen
    (to lean)
  582. einstellen
    (to set up)
  583. schätzen
    (to estimate)
  584. acht
  585. Antrag
  586. lange
  587. Anlage
  588. scheinen
    (to shine)
  589. jedenfalls
    (in any case)
  590. überhaupt
    (at all)
  591. hoffen
    (to hope)
  592. jeweilig
  593. persönlich
  594. Vorwurf
  595. knapp
  596. lösen
    (to solve, to loosen)
  597. Sicherheit
  598. Studie
  599. Produkt
  600. gleichzeitig
  601. verstehen
    (to understand)
  602. Untersuchung

    The noun Untersuchung is derived from the verb untersuchen (which means “to investigate”).

  603. ermöglichen
    (to make possible)
  604. Karte
  605. Jahrhundert

    “Jahrhundert” is another German compound noun. It is formed from Jahr (“year”) and Hundert (“hundred”).

  606. jugendliche
  607. toll
  608. Beitrag
  609. hängen
    (to hang)
  610. Betrieb
  611. richten
    (to direct)
  612. diesmal
    (this time)
  613. Tür
  614. umfassen
    (to encompass)
  615. vorbei
  616. notwendig
  617. sieben
  618. hören
    (to hear)
  619. niemand
  620. Vorschlag
  621. dein
  622. erkennen
    (to recognize)
  623. erheblich
  624. verbessern
    (to enhance)
  625. Maßnahme
    (measure, tactic)
  626. langsam
  627. Vorstand
    (board of directors)
  628. Beamter
  629. Papier
  630. absolut
  631. Tor

    “Tor” is a German word that means “gate” or “archway”. This word appears, for example, in the name of a historical monument, the “Brandenburger Tor” —also known as the Brandenburg Gate— which is located in the heart of Berlin, Germany. It was constructed in the neoclassical architectural style, inspired by the Acropolis in Athens, and it features a statue of a chariot drawn by four horses on top.

  632. Gesetz
  633. Arzt
  634. Gesicht
  635. Nacht
  636. Konzern
    (business group)
  637. Qualität
  638. je
  639. ansonsten
  640. speziell
  641. besuchen
    (to visit)
  642. darüber
    (above it, about it)
  643. Gerät
  644. teilweise

    The adverb teilweise is formed by adding the suffix -weise to the noun Teil (which means part “part”). This is covered in more detail in this guide to German adverbs.

  645. Samstag
  646. offiziell
  647. Verhandlung
  648. Rest
  649. selten
  650. verkaufen
    (to sell)
  651. Unterstützung
  652. rein
  653. präsentieren
    (to present)
  654. rufen
    (to call)
  655. Wohnung
    (residence, apartment)
  656. Union
  657. Auswahl
  658. bestimmt
  659. Sieg
  660. kündigen
    (to give notice, to cancel a contract)
  661. Konzept
  662. Börse
    (stock exchange)
  663. Fahrer
  664. Mädchen

    The German word “Mädchen” means “girl”. It is derived from the High German noun “Magd” which means “maid” plus the diminutive “-chen”. Here, by adding this diminutive the grammatical gender of this word changes from feminine to neuter. In fact, the gender of German nouns is often related to the word ending.

  665. Ermittlung
  666. per
  667. Hintergrund
  668. Kraft
  669. Form
  670. nämlich
  671. Bundesregierung
    (federal government)
  672. Krieg
  673. sichern
    (to secure)
  674. weltweit
  675. Mutter
  676. vorstellen
    (to represent, to introduce)
  677. Tat
  678. passieren
    (to happen)
  679. verlaufen
    (to get lost)
  680. Gewinn
  681. lernen
    (to learn)
  682. sperren
    (to close off, to bar)
  683. verlangen
    (to ask for)
  684. individuell
  685. Ursache
  686. daraufhin
  687. lesen
    (to read)
  688. bisherig
  689. deutsche
  690. technisch
  691. Wirtschaft
  692. erzielen
    (to achieve)
  693. entscheidend
  694. warnen
    (to warn)
  695. Sprache

    The German word “Sprache” has similar forms in several other Germanic languages. In Swedish for instance, the corresponding word is “språk”. See this language comparison of German and Swedish.

  696. Schwerpunkt
  697. teuer
  698. privat
  699. gestalten
    (to shape)
  700. Staatsanwaltschaft
    (public prosecutor's office)
  701. leiden
    (to suffer)
  702. Gott
  703. Experte
  704. Lage
  705. Risiko
  706. Stimmung
  707. Unfall
  708. vollständig
  709. benutzen
    (to use)
  710. ebenso
    (just the same, equally)
  711. Aktion
  712. viele
  713. Sommer
  714. Vorteil

    The German word “Vorteil” (advantage) and its antonym “Nachteil” (disadvantage) are both derived from the word “Teil,” which means “part”. The former term contains the prefix “vor-” (meaning “in front of”), while the latter contains the prefix “nach-” (meaning “after” or “behind”).

  715. zuletzt
  716. gründen
    (to build)
  717. Diskussion
  718. schwach
  719. lieben
    (to love)
  720. erstellen
    (to create)
  721. Farbe
  722. Gefahr
  723. ständig
  724. Band
  725. scheitern
    (to fail)
  726. Herr

    The word “Herr” is a more formal synonym of the word “Mann” which means “man”. It is also used as the conventional title of respect to address a man, equivalent to the English term “Mr”.

  727. mindestens
    (at least)
  728. prüfen
    (to examine)
  729. Ausstellung
  730. Richtung
  731. rot
  732. Voraussetzung
    (assumption, requirement)
  733. grüne

    The adjective “grüne” is also used as a proper noun to describe the green political party in Germany: “die Grünen”.

  734. hin
  735. Liste
  736. täglich
  737. nötig
  738. beschließen
    (to conclude)
  739. häufig
  740. Grundlage
  741. Kampf
  742. konkret
  743. Sinn
  744. Nachmittag
  745. Trainer
  746. Tod
  747. Fehler
  748. Suche
  749. Bau
  750. breit
  751. Modell
  752. fördern
    (to further)
  753. Fenster
  754. Klasse
  755. Freund
  756. Besuch
  757. normal
  758. Behörde
  759. ausschließen
    (to exclude)
  760. Analyst
  761. ruhig
  762. Nachricht
  763. lassen
    (to allow, to let)
  764. Saison
  765. geraten
    (to turn out)
  766. Wettbewerb
  767. zumindest
    (at least)
  768. erfahren
  769. Kontakt
  770. Vater
  771. Krise
  772. Erwartung
  773. profitieren
    (to benefit)
  774. Zug

    The primary meaning of the German word “Zug” is “train.” It is a common word because Germany has an extensive railway network, and trains are a popular mode of transportation within the country.

  775. fortsetzen
    (to continue)
  776. erleiden
    (to suffer)
  777. einrichten
    (to establish)
  778. Wochenende
  779. kritisieren
    (to criticize)
  780. Werk

    The German words “Werk” and “Arbeit” are often both translated to “work” in English, but their meanings differ. The term “Werk” refers to the result of working (like a work of art, a literary work, or an achievement), whereas “Arbeit” refers to the act of working, focusing on labor or effort.

  781. wechseln
    (to change)
  782. Verlust
  783. Änderung
  784. Medium
  785. Stück
  786. heutig
  787. zufrieden
  788. Liebe
  789. Bahn
    (route, railway)

    The most common meaning of the word “Bahn” in German refers to a railway. This term appears in the name of the German national railway system, known as “Deutsche Bahn” (German Railways).

  790. schwarz
  791. längst
    (long ago)
  792. Hamburg
    [proper noun]
  793. wünschen
    (to wish)
  794. Bedeutung
  795. tief
  796. Sachschaden

    The word Sachschaden is a compound noun created from Sache (“thing”) and Schaden (“damage”). It is a German vocabulary word that is most often used when dealing with insurance claims.

  797. erklären
    (to explain)
  798. hingegen
    (on the other hand)
  799. gern
  800. Meinung
  801. zugleich
    (at the same time)
  802. herzlich

    The adjective herzlich is formed by adding the suffix -lich to the noun Herz (“heart”). You will find this word most commonly used in the phrase “Herzlich Willkommen” which means “warm welcome”.

  803. Zusammenarbeit

    “Zusammenarbeit” is a compound noun formed by combining the adverb zusammen (“together”) and the noun Arbeit (“work”).

  804. tatsächlich

    The word tatsächlich can be used either as an adjective or as an adverb. It is formed by applying the suffix -lich to the noun Tatsache (“fact”).

  805. Zeitung
  806. ziemlich
  807. darin
    (in it)
  808. schützen
    (to defend)
  809. los
  810. Reise
  811. grundsätzlich
    (fundamental, on principle)
  812. Trend
  813. leisten
    (to perform a task)
  814. verschwinden
    (to disappear)
  815. meinen
    (to think)
  816. vertreten
    (to represent)
  817. rücken
    (to move)
  818. Technik
  819. trotz
    (in spite of)
  820. Mal
  821. Körper
  822. Unterschied
  823. Mehrheit
  824. behandeln
    (to treat)
  825. Material
  826. Runde
  827. Luft
  828. begrüßen
    (to welcome)
  829. Fan
  830. Grad
  831. Spur
  832. drehen
    (to turn)
  833. glauben
    (to believe)
  834. erweitern
    (to extend)
  835. Alternative
  836. Mittel
  837. Arbeitsplatz
  838. äußern
    (to express)
  839. Europa
    [proper noun]
  840. erfüllen
    (to fill)
  841. Wetter
  842. Boden
  843. erleben
    (to experience)
  844. Hinweis
  845. zuerst
  846. sogenannter
  847. offenbar
  848. wann
  849. München
    [proper noun]

    München (Munich in English) frequently appears in German language texts because it is the name of the capital of Bavaria, a state in southern Germany that is famous for its Oktoberfest (an annual festival that takes place from late September to the first weekend in October where visitors can enjoy local beer).

  850. Streit
  851. werfen
    (to throw)
  852. entdecken
    (to discover)
  853. Start
  854. Beginn
  855. verlassen
    (to leave)
  856. Morgen
  857. fertig
  858. zuständig
  859. leiten
    (to lead)

    The German verb “leiten” and the English verb “to lead” are cognates, which means that both terms originate from a common etymological ancestor.

  860. Menge
  861. Licht
  862. finanziell
  863. amerikanisch
  864. sparen
    (to save up)
  865. erstmals
    (for the first time)
  866. endgültig

    The German adjective “endgültig” is formed by combining the noun “Ende” which means “end” and the word “gültig” which means “valid”.

  867. insbesondere
    (in particular)
  868. Haben
  869. Rahmen
  870. günstig

    The adjective “günstig” is formed by adding the suffix “-ig” to the noun “Gunst” which means “favor”. It can also mean “affordable” or “cheap”. As such this German word is frequently used in advertisements.

  871. geplant
  872. Produktion
  873. wesentlich
  874. organisieren
    (to organize)
  875. Feuer
  876. Verletzung
  877. Soldat
  878. verhalten
  879. festnehmen
    (to arrest)
  880. ausschließlich
  881. Funktion
  882. Zuschauer
  883. gefährlich
  884. betreiben
    (to operate)
  885. Michael
    [proper noun]
  886. Baum
  887. bezahlen
    (to pay)
  888. beteiligen
    (to participate)
  889. laufend
  890. Kontrolle
  891. nah
  892. Gefühl
  893. wirtschaftlich
  894. Anmeldung
  895. anzeigen
    (to display)

    The verb “anzeigen” can also mean “to report someone” in the context of law.

  896. Vorjahr
    (previous year)
  897. begleiten
    (to accompany)
  898. Traum
  899. sozial
  900. Auftrag
  901. Wagen
  902. überprüfen
    (to check)
  903. hierzu
  904. regelmäßig
  905. Bürger
  906. Veränderung
  907. Ausgabe
  908. Dorf
  909. beschreiben
    (to describe)
  910. historisch
  911. dich
  912. Vergleich
  913. Prozess

    The German word “Prozess” can mean either “process” or “trial”. For example, this term serves as the title of a novel by the German-speaking author Franz Kafka, titled “Der Prozess” (The Trial).

  914. weg
  915. Reihe
  916. Hersteller
  917. belegen
    (to document)
  918. Glück
  919. Einrichtung
  920. kämpfen
    (to fight)
  921. Mitte
  922. Präsident
  923. Junge
  924. aktiv
  925. vermeiden
    (to avoid)
  926. Wirkung
  927. durchaus
  928. Regelung
  929. Ausbildung
  930. verbieten
    (to forbid)
  931. Handel
  932. eng
  933. greifen
    (to grab)
  934. klettern
    (to climb)
  935. Behandlung
  936. Nachfrage
  937. zerstören
    (to destroy)
  938. Schutz
  939. Artikel
  940. automatisch
  941. Service
  942. Publikum
  943. Bevölkerung
  944. beraten
    (to discuss)
  945. Parlament
  946. stets
  947. Strecke
  948. Protest
  949. vielmehr
  950. unterdessen
  951. Forderung
    (a demand)
  952. umfangreich
  953. Führung
  954. zentral
  955. jährlich
  956. Computer
  957. massiv
  958. reden
    (to talk)
  959. Bewegung
  960. kaufen
    (to buy)
  961. retten
    (to rescue)
  962. Vorbereitung
  963. Gegner
  964. neun
  965. erlauben
    (to allow)
  966. gesetzlich
  967. Hund
  968. verdienen
    (to earn)
  969. festlegen
    (to determine)
  970. Anteil
  971. Kunst

    The term “Kunst” (meaning “art”) is a common German word because art has played an important role in German-speaking countries for centuries. In addition to famous musicians such as Mozart, and famous writers such as Goethe, several well-known visual artists were native German speakers, for example, Paul Klee, Otto Dix, and Caspar David Friedrich.

  972. Hotel
  973. mussten
    (had to)
  974. passen
    (to fit)
  975. Vorstellung
  976. Fahrt
  977. sowie
    (such as)
  978. fühlen
    (to feel)
  979. lauten
    (to sound)
  980. recht
    (to the right)
  981. weitgehend
  982. Hälfte
  983. klingen
    (to ring)
  984. Prüfung
  985. Branche
  986. Peter
    [proper noun]
  987. empfehlen
    (to recommend)
  988. untersuchen
    (to investigate)
  989. Zeitpunkt

    “Zeitpunkt” is a compound noun formed by combining the noun “Zeit” (which means “time”) and the noun “Punkt” (which means “point”). As such, it refers to a specific point in time.

  990. Wachstum
  991. Position
  992. russisch
  993. möglicherweise
  994. Verantwortung
  995. Anfrage
  996. ablehnen
    (to decline)
  997. übrigens
    (by the way, apart from that)
  998. Ausnahme
  999. bitten
    (to request)
  1000. hierbei
  1001. Reaktion
  1002. erinnern
    (to remind)
  1003. stoßen
    (to push)
  1004. wohnen
    (to reside)
  1005. Zimmer
  1006. zustimmen
    (to agree)
  1007. immerhin
    (anyhow, after all)
  1008. mancher
    (many, some)
  1009. Partie
  1010. ehemalig
  1011. Beratung
  1012. erheben
    (to raise)
  1013. vermutlich
  1014. Verkauf
  1015. praktisch
  1016. unklar
  1017. eindeutig
  1018. Koalition
  1019. Linie
  1020. indes
  1021. Museum
  1022. verfolgen
    (to pursue)
  1023. gefährden
    (to endanger)
  1024. bestellen
    (to order)
  1025. plötzlich
  1026. Partner
  1027. bedürfen
    (to require)
  1028. Anspruch
    (claim, demand)
  1029. Thomas
    [proper noun]
  1030. erleichtern
    (to facilitate)
  1031. laden
    (to load)
  1032. Weise
  1033. Polizist
  1034. Freude
  1035. Zeichen
  1036. Anstieg
  1037. Planung
  1038. Schiff

    The German word “Schiff” (meaning “ship”) is frequently used because Germany has nearly 1500 miles of coastline and Germany's largest seaport, Hamburg, is the third-largest in Europe (after Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Antwerp in Belgium).

  1039. geeignet
  1040. aufgrund
    (because of)
  1041. Natur
  1042. klären
    (to clear up)
  1043. stattdessen
  1044. scharf
  1045. übrig
    (remaining, residual)
  1046. Aufbau
  1047. niedrig
  1048. verzichten
    (to give up)
  1049. Nähe
  1050. rennen
    (to run)
  1051. Schweizer
    (a Swiss person)
  1052. erzählen
    (to tell)
  1053. ausbauen
    (to extend)
  1054. reduzieren
    (to reduce)
  1055. leer
  1056. wahr
  1057. Herbst

    The German word “Herbst” (meaning “autumn”) has the same etymological ancestor as the English word “harvest”. Both terms can be traced back to the Proto-West Germanic language.

  1058. jederzeit
    (anytime, always)

    The adverb “jederzeit” is formed by combining the pronoun “jeder” (which means “any”) and the noun “Zeit” (which means “time”).

  1059. fliegen
    (to fly)
  1060. riesig