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The 1000 most common Dutch words [Complete List]

I made this list of the thousand most common Dutch words by analyzing an large collection of Dutch-language texts including news articles and other articles from the internet.

Dutch is a Germanic language, and so is English. That’s why quite a few Dutch words are similar to English, for example: “boek” (book), “woord” (word), and “vriend” (friend).

Similar words like those are one of the reasons why Dutch isn’t too hard to learn when you already know English.

When you think of the Netherlands, you might picture tulips and windmills. But those words —“tulp” (tulip) and “windmolen” (windmill)— didn’t appear often enough in the texts that we analyzed to make it onto this list.

Neither did the word for “cheese” (“kaas” in Dutch).

Still, this list is full of useful Dutch words, like “mooi” (pretty), “fiets” (bicycle), and “vis” (fish).

Clearly, you’ll need to learn more than a thousand words to speak fluent Dutch. But this vocabulary list should get you started learning Dutch.

[Resources for learning Dutch include courses from Babbel and Pimsleur, as well as tutors from Italki.]
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Here is the list of the 1000 most common Dutch words:

  1. de
  2. het

    The Dutch word “het” is the definite article for nouns with the neuter grammatical gender.

  3. zijn
    (to be)

    The Dutch verb “zijn” (which means “to be”) also serves as an auxiliary verb to form compound tenses. That explains its frequent use.

  4. van

    Another reason why this is such a common Dutch word is that it often appears in Dutch names, for example “van Gogh”.

  5. een

    This is the indefinite article in Dutch. It stays the same regardless of the grammatical gender of the corresponding noun.

  6. en

    In Dutch, as in most languages, the most common words are generally short. This linguistic phenomenon is called the “brevity law” or “Zipf's law of abbreviation”.

  7. in
  8. op
  9. te
  10. met
  11. voor
    (in front of)

    Double vowels serve an important function in Dutch spelling, as they indicate long vowels. 22% of the Dutch words in this list contain a double vowel.

  12. worden
    (to become)

    The verb “worden” is also used to form the passive voice in Dutch sentences, further increasing its usage.

  13. dat
  14. hebben
    (to have)
  15. kunnen
    (to be able to)
  16. die
  17. je
  18. aan
  19. niet
  20. ook
  21. er
  22. u

    The Dutch language has both formal and informal “you” pronouns. The pronoun “u” is the formal one.

  23. om
  24. bij
  25. ik
  26. veel
  27. als
  28. door
  29. deze
  30. maar
  31. of
  32. naar
  33. dit
  34. dan
  35. uit
  36. hij
  37. al
  38. we

    In the Dutch language, the pronouns “we” and “wij” are synonyms, and both are frequently used.

  39. over
  40. nog
  41. gaan
    (to go)
  42. ze
  43. goed
  44. ons
  45. komen
    (to come)
  46. zullen

    The reason why the verb “zullen” is such a common Dutch word is that it is used to form the future tense.

  47. tot
  48. maken
    (to make)
  49. wat
  50. moeten
  51. jaar
    (a year)
  52. één
  53. wel
  54. ander
  55. zo
  56. groot
  57. geen
  58. staan
    (to stand)
  59. zich

    "Zich” is a reflexive pronoun that refers to the subject of the sentence or clause. As reflexive verbs are common in Dutch, “zich” is a frequently used word in everyday speech and writing.

  60. willen
    (to want)
  61. doen
    (to do)
  62. zien
    (to see)
  63. na
  64. nieuw
  65. wij
  66. nu
  67. vinden
    (to find)
  68. weer
  69. krijgen
    (to get)
  70. twee
  71. hun
  72. hier
  73. haar
  74. heel
  75. geven
    (to give)
  76. waar
  77. onder
    (below, among)
  78. mens
  79. mijn
  80. dus
  81. daar
  82. laten
    (to leave)
  83. laat
  84. zij
  85. tijd

    The letter combination “ij” is frequent in Dutch spelling. Nearly 9% of the words in this list contain this letter combination. In some ways, this pair of letters behaves as a single letter.

  86. dag

    In terms of spelling, this Dutch word is halfway between the English word “day” and the German word “Tag”. Dutch, English and German all belong to the linguistic family of Germanic languages.

  87. alleen
  88. hoe
  89. liggen
  90. tegen
  91. volgen
    (to follow)
  92. blijven
    (to stay)
  93. zitten
    (to sit)
  94. plaats
    (a place)
  95. weten
    (to know)
  96. eigen
  97. toch
  98. kind

    In Dutch, the word “kind” refers to a child. Interestingly, this word has an identical spelling and meaning in German as well. The only difference lies in the capitalization of the word: In German, all nouns are capitalized, including “Kind.”

  99. uur
    (the hour)
  100. zeggen
    (to say)
  101. werken
    (to work)
  102. houden
    (to keep)
  103. ver
  104. tussen
  105. nemen
    (to take)
  106. mee
  107. mogelijk
  108. per
  109. tijdens
  110. zoals
  111. gebruiken
    (to use)
  112. altijd
  113. zelf
  114. lang
  115. via
  116. bestaan
    (to exist)
  117. mooi
  118. mogen
    (be allowed to)
  119. drie
  120. leven
  121. omdat
  122. Nederland
    [proper noun]
    (The Netherlands)
  123. aantal
    (an amount, a number)
  124. hoog
  125. eens
  126. binnen
  127. belangrijk
  128. oud
  129. klein
  130. hem
  131. weinig
  132. af
  133. vaak
  134. verschillend
  135. echt
  136. beginnen
  137. steeds
  138. werk
  139. week
  140. snel
  141. iets
  142. spelen
    (to play)

    The Dutch verb “spelen” means “to play.” Interestingly, this word is quite similar to the German verb “spielen,” which has the same meaning. For more examples, see this article on the linguistic similarities and differences between Dutch and German.

  143. elk
  144. weg
  145. zeer
  146. bedrijf
  147. toen
  148. informatie
  149. vanaf
  150. echter
  151. man
  152. men
  153. deel
  154. mij
  155. volgens
    (according to)
  156. nodig
  157. gemeente
  158. samen
  159. enkel
  160. gebruik
  161. brengen
    (to bring)
  162. naam
  163. Nederlands
  164. vraag
  165. keer
  166. erg
  167. website
  168. zonder
  169. denken
    (to think)
  170. natuurlijk
  171. even
  172. elkaar
    (each other)
  173. huis
    (a house)

    The Dutch word “huis” means “house.” If you travel to the Netherlands, you’ll see some traditional Dutch houses like those canal houses in Amsterdam that often have pulley systems near the roof to lift large items, like furniture.

  174. terug
  175. vooral
  176. blijken
    (to turn out)
  177. want
  178. bekend
  179. kijken
    (to look)
  180. toe
  181. alles
  182. bieden
  183. lopen
    (to walk)

    The Dutch verb “lopen” translates to “to walk,” but it can also have other meanings depending on the context. For example, in some situations, “lopen” can mean “to leak” or “to run.”

  184. land
  185. stellen
  186. bijvoorbeeld
    (for example)
  187. foto
  188. welk
  189. net
  190. leuk
  191. groep
  192. boek
  193. ieder
  194. bepalen
    (to determine)
  195. wanneer
  196. rond
  197. zorgen
  198. vrouw
  199. manier
  200. me
  201. maand
    (a month)
  202. zeker
  203. lijken
  204. gewoon
  205. vallen
    (to fall)
  206. vragen
    (to ask)
  207. geval
  208. juist
  209. noemen
    (to call)
  210. gebied
  211. onderzoek
  212. probleem
  213. stad
  214. zelfs
  215. stuk
    (a piece)
  216. hand
  217. jong
  218. graag
  219. lid
  220. auto
  221. soort
  222. kiezen
    (to choose)
  223. mogelijkheid
  224. water
  225. naast
    (next to)
  226. daarom
  227. moment
  228. horen
    (to belong)
  229. organisatie
    (an organization)
  230. vanuit
  231. wie
  232. kort
  233. schrijven
    (to write)

    The Dutch verb “schrijven” means “to write.” It is interesting to note that this word is derived from the Latin verb “scribere,” which also means “to write.”

  234. geheel
  235. site
  236. zaak
  237. vier
  238. euro
  239. gebeuren
    (to happen)
  240. duidelijk
  241. achter
  242. school

    The word “school” is the same in English and Dutch. Words like this contribute to making Dutch easy to learn.

  243. wereld
  244. ruim
  245. product
  246. iedereen
  247. vast
  248. direct
  249. divers
  250. nooit
  251. prijs
  252. leren
    (to learn)
  253. laag
  254. sinds
  255. helemaal
  256. contact
  257. vrij

    The Dutch word “vrij” means “free” (in the sense of freedom or being unconstrained), whereas the Dutch word “gratis” means “free” (as in free of charge).

  258. zetten
    (to put)
  259. jou
  260. rijden
    (to drive)
  261. ongeveer
  262. extra
  263. daarnaast
  264. zoeken
    (to search)
  265. daarna
  266. zodat
    (so that)
  267. soms
  268. persoon
  269. ontstaan
    (to arise)
  270. leveren
    (to deliver)
  271. sterk
  272. zowel
  273. vorm
    (a form)
  274. bijna
  275. project
  276. niets
  277. enig
  278. waarin
  279. helpen
    (to help)
  280. geld
  281. voorzien
    (to provide)
  282. bijzonder
  283. kennen
    (to know)
  284. punt
  285. programma
    (a program)
  286. woning
  287. buiten
  288. verhaal
  289. vandaag
  290. artikel
  291. ontvangen
    (to receive)
  292. betalen
    (to pay)
  293. beide
  294. ruimte
  295. boven
  296. volledig
  297. ervaring
  298. prachtig
  299. halen
    (to fetch)
  300. uitvoeren
    (to execute)
  301. waarbij
  302. licht
    (a light)
  303. allemaal
  304. woord
  305. vorig
  306. jij
  307. vormen
    (to form)
  308. leiden
    (to lead)
  309. eerst
  310. misschien
  311. lekker
  312. partij
  313. betekenen
    (to mean)
  314. bouwen
    (to build)
  315. wedstrijd
  316. politie
  317. ontwikkelen
    (to develop)
  318. inmiddels
    (in the meantime)
  319. winnen
    (to win)
  320. lezen
    (to read)
  321. vervolgens
  322. paar
  323. speciaal
  324. daarbij
  325. spreken
    (to speak)
  326. omgeving
  327. resultaat
  328. open
  329. begin
  330. voorkomen
  331. gelden
    (to apply)
  332. tevens
  333. kans
  334. ontwikkeling
  335. dienen
    (to serve)
  336. klant
  337. pas
  338. plaatsen
    (to place)
  339. basis
  340. beeld
  341. langs
  342. kleur
  343. algemeen
  344. eerder
  345. wonen
    (to live)
  346. slechts
  347. recht
    (a right)
  348. namelijk
  349. totaal
  350. procent
  351. proberen
    (to attempt)
  352. iemand
  353. voelen
    (to feel)
  354. meter
  355. dienst
  356. aanwezig
  357. vertellen
  358. eten
    (to eat)
  359. plan
  360. kwaliteit
  361. opnemen
  362. plaatsvinden
    (to take place)
  363. familie
  364. onderdeel
  365. waardoor
  366. vijf
  367. hond
  368. Amsterdam
    [proper noun]
  369. organiseren
    (to organize)
  370. plek
  371. persoonlijk
  372. minuut
  373. eigenlijk
  374. aandacht
  375. kerk
  376. kost
  377. rol
  378. avond
  379. betreffen
    (to concern)
  380. uitbreiden
    (to expand)
  381. miljoen
  382. bereiken
    (to achieve)
  383. doel
  384. aflopen
    (to expire)
  385. vol
  386. activiteit
  387. anders
  388. kennis
  389. hoeven
    (to need)
  390. team
  391. hen
  392. terwijl
  393. belang
  394. oog
  395. bovendien
  396. pagina
  397. jullie
  398. gevolg
  399. grond
  400. systeem
  401. meestal
  402. muziek
  403. raken
    (to touch)
  404. nummer
  405. keuze
  406. uiteindelijk
  407. druk
  408. kaart
  409. waarom
  410. zorg
  411. kopen
    (to buy)
  412. eenvoudig
  413. richting
  414. ding
  415. staat
  416. vereniging
  417. zaterdag
  418. beetje
  419. september
  420. januari
  421. medewerker
  422. idee
  423. periode
  424. daarmee
  425. gratis

    “gratis” is a Dutch word that comes from Latin. It means “free” as in “free of charge” or “without cost”.

  426. kant
  427. geschikt
  428. mei
  429. hard
  430. genoeg
  431. eeuw
    (a century)
  432. dier
  433. Jan
    [proper noun]

    “Jan” is a common Dutch male name. If you’re interested in learning more about Dutch names, be sure to check out our guides on Dutch girl names and Dutch boy names.

  434. verwachten
    (to expect)
  435. moeilijk
  436. oplossing
  437. richten
    (to direct)
  438. geboren
  439. voorbeeld
  440. eind
  441. ouder
  442. situatie
  443. gegeven
  444. hierbij
  445. leggen
    (to lay)
  446. dood
  447. band
  448. melden
    (to report)
  449. veranderen
    (to change)
  450. stichting
  451. beschikbaar
  452. film
  453. markt
  454. uiteraard
    (of course)
  455. starten
    (to start)
  456. maart
  457. huidig
  458. genieten
    (to enjoy)
  459. april
  460. terecht
  461. dragen
    (to wear)
  462. reden
  463. oktober
  464. verzorgen
    (to take care of)
  465. zoek
  466. hoogte
  467. bezig
  468. cursus
  469. opnieuw
  470. juni
  471. gebouw
  472. centrum
  473. opleiding
  474. regelmatig
  475. actief
  476. half
  477. hart
  478. trekken
    (to pull)
  479. Frans
  480. indien
  481. beschrijven
    (to describe)
  482. zwaar
  483. vroeg
  484. tekst
  485. dorp

    The Dutch word “dorp” has the same Germanic origin as the German word “Dorf” (which also means “village”). This word also appears in the names of some Dutch villages like Nieuwdorp (which means “new village”).

  486. besluiten
    (to decide)
  487. politiek
  488. heerlijk
    (wonderful, delicious)
  489. overlijden
  490. thuis
    (at home)
  491. reactie
  492. lichaam
  493. rekening
    (bill, invoice)

    “Rekening” is a common Dutch word because it is the Dutch term for “bill” or “invoice”, and is frequently used in everyday transactions. Examples of usage of the word "rekening" in Dutch include: "Mag ik de rekening, alstublieft?" (Can I have the bill, please?) and "Ik heb de rekening al betaald" (I have already paid the bill).

  494. vrijdag
  495. Amerikaans
  496. middel
  497. dezelfde
    (the same)
  498. optreden
    (a performance)
  499. hierdoor
  500. Europees
  501. wijze
  502. verkopen
    (to sell)
  503. seizoen
    (a season)
  504. hiervoor
  505. verschijnen
    (to appear)
  506. behandeling
  507. november
  508. locatie
  509. gelijk
  510. slecht
  511. advies
  512. zoveel
    (so much)
  513. meerdere
  514. God
    [proper noun]
  515. duren
  516. materiaal
  517. der
  518. openen
    (to open)
  519. vader
  520. voldoende
  521. functie
  522. geleden
  523. toekomst
  524. financieel
  525. vriend

    The Dutch noun “vriend” translates to “friend.” Interestingly, this word is quite similar to its English counterpart, except for the use of the letter’ v’ instead of ‘f’. To learn more about this, see this article on the similarities and differences between Dutch and English.

  526. feit

    The Dutch word “feit” means “a fact.” Interestingly, this word originates from French, where the noun “fait” also means “a fact.”

  527. centraal
  528. gelukkig
  529. december
  530. wensen
    (to wish)
  531. moeder
  532. waarde
  533. samenwerking
  534. publiek
  535. regio
  536. opdracht
  537. enorm
  538. gezellig
  539. leerling
  540. daardoor
  541. eventueel
  542. betrekken
    (to involve)
  543. aanbieden
    (to offer)
  544. tuin
    (a garden)
  545. helaas

    “Helaas” is an adverb in Dutch that means “unfortunately.” Interestingly, this word originates from French, where the term “hélas” also means “unfortunately.”

  546. ja
  547. verliezen
  548. internationaal
  549. beschikken
  550. Duits
  551. einde
  552. bevinden
    (to be located)
  553. hieronder
  554. juli
  555. minister
    (a minister)
  556. inwoner
  557. hopen
    (to hope)
  558. club
  559. aansluiten
    (to connect)
  560. stap
  561. online
  562. winkel
    (a shop)
  563. waarvan
  564. meteen
  565. zondag
  566. actie
  567. sociaal
  568. compleet
  569. gesprek
  570. vanwege
    (because of)
  571. maandag
  572. niveau
  573. groeien
  574. succes
  575. kracht
  576. donderdag
  577. bekijken
  578. zes
  579. passen
    (to suit)
  580. bezoek
  581. lijn
    (a line)
  582. praktijk
  583. onderwerp
  584. bedoelen
    (to mean)
  585. tellen
    (to count)
  586. kamer
    (a room)
  587. zin

    The Dutch word “zin” can have different meanings depending on the context. It can mean “sense” or “meaning,” but it can also refer to “desire” or “inclination.” For instance, the phrase “Ik heb zin in een kopje koffie” translates to “I desire a cup of coffee.”

  588. zoon
  589. overheid
  590. provincie
  591. combinatie
  592. daarvoor
  593. woensdag
  594. uniek
  595. internet
  596. sluiten
    (to close)
  597. precies
  598. best
  599. wit
  600. zwart
  601. normaal
  602. bevatten
    (to contain)
  603. overigens
  604. tien
  605. augustus
  606. kosten
    (to cost)
  607. waarschijnlijk
  608. wet
  609. dagelijks
  610. deelnemer
  611. bestuur
  612. rest
  613. februari
  614. waarop
  615. welkom
  616. wachten
    (to wait)
  617. draaien
    (to turn)
  618. voeren
  619. hoofd
  620. onderwijs
  621. breed
  622. bank
    (bank, bench)
  623. baan
    (a track)
  624. waarmee
  625. tonen
    (to show)
  626. makkelijk
  627. verschil
  628. nadat
  629. dinsdag
  630. spel
  631. relatie
  632. groen

    The word “groen” is commonly used in Dutch because it represents the color “green”, which is important in Dutch culture for its connection to nature, sustainability, and environmentalism. This word is also linked to the Dutch political party “GroenLinks” (GreenLeft).

  633. modern
  634. natuur
  635. beperken
    (to limit)
  636. voldoen
    (to satisfy)
  637. veilig
  638. warm
  639. afspraak
  640. buurt
  641. rood

    The Dutch word “rood” means “red”. It’s one of the three colors of the Dutch flag, which is red, white, and blue. The French flag has the same three colors. In the French flag, the strips are vertical; in the Dutch flag, they are horizontal.

  642. toevoegen
    (to add)
  643. afsluiten
  644. bijdrage
  645. overzicht
  646. bezoeken
    (to visit)
  647. maximaal
  648. deur
  649. heen
  650. bedrag
  651. les
  652. klaar
  653. voordeel
  654. leeftijd
  655. jongen
    (a boy)
  656. speler
    (a player)
  657. stand
  658. model
  659. wens
  660. stoppen
    (to stop)
  661. proces
    (a process)
  662. immers
    (after all)
  663. antwoord
  664. circa
  665. ervoor
  666. regel
  667. ziekenhuis
    (a hospital)
  668. bericht
  669. geschiedenis
  670. energie
  671. positief
  672. rust
  673. klacht
  674. Utrecht
    [proper noun]
  675. rustig
  676. gevoel
  677. jaarlijks
  678. Europa
    [proper noun]
  679. nacht
  680. gemiddeld
  681. feest
  682. afstand
  683. titel
  684. behoren
    (to belong)
  685. aangeven
    (to indicate)
  686. bezoeker
  687. heer
    (a gentleman)
  688. hulp
  689. straat
  690. helft
  691. openbaar
  692. bedragen
  693. digitaal
  694. verdwijnen
    (to disappear)
  695. realiseren
  696. aldus
  697. vakantie
  698. oprichten
    (set up)
  699. kilometer
  700. onderzoeken
    (to research)
  701. verbinden
    (to connect)
  702. spraak
  703. lokaal
  704. lijst
  705. links
  706. technisch
  707. partner
  708. boom
  709. nationaal
  710. afhankelijk
  711. hotel
  712. hiermee
  713. midden
    (in the middle)
  714. regelen
  715. gemakkelijk
  716. daarvan
  717. nou
  718. plant
  719. voorzitter
  720. Rotterdam
    [proper noun]
  721. ooit
  722. keuken
  723. diep
  724. specifiek
  725. zichzelf
  726. start
  727. vlak
  728. werknemer
    (an employee)
  729. ontwerp
  730. techniek
  731. allerlei
    (all kinds of)
  732. hetzelfde
    (the same)
  733. flink
  734. slag
  735. ondersteunen
    (to support)
  736. zomer
  737. momenteel
  738. duur

    The Dutch adjective “duur” means “expensive.” Interestingly, this word is similar to the corresponding Danish adjective, which is “dyrt.” For more on this, see this article on the linguistic similarities and differences between Danish and Dutch.

  739. schip
  740. verbeteren
    (to improve)
  741. vertrekken
    (to leave)
  742. training
  743. voordat
  744. stem
  745. heten
    (to be named)
  746. voet
  747. toepassing
  748. restaurant
  749. student
  750. fijn
  751. ideaal
  752. officieel
  753. behandelen
    (to deal with)
  754. sturen
    (to send)
  755. schade
  756. uitvoering
  757. effect
  758. afdeling
  759. eigenaar
  760. begrijpen
    (to understand)
  761. adres
  762. prima
  763. voorwaarde
  764. versie
  765. stijgen
    (to rise)
  766. bestellen
    (to order)
  767. tegenwoordig
  768. route
  769. regering
    (a government)
  770. inzetten
  771. hoewel
  772. gedurende
  773. brief

    The Dutch word “brief” means “letter” in the sense of a written message that is sent to someone. On a related note, see this guide on how to write a letter or an email in Dutch.

  774. toepassen
    (to apply)
  775. perfect
  776. invloed
  777. overleg
  778. ervaren
    (to experience)
  779. rijk
  780. gezond
  781. serie
  782. raad
    (a council)
  783. vervangen
    (to replace)
  784. gezin
  785. ondanks
  786. kop
  787. paard
    (a horse)
  788. bewoner
  789. thema
  790. risico
  791. Engels
  792. vestigen
    (to settle)
  793. landelijk
  794. verdienen
    (to deserve)
  795. geloven
    (to believe)
  796. patiënt
  797. uitstekend
  798. dergelijk
  799. taal
  800. computer
  801. orde
  802. kunst

    Surely you have heard of famous Dutch painters like Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Van Gogh. So, you’re probably not surprised to see “kunst” (the Dutch word for “art”) in this list of common words.

  803. last
  804. reageren
    (to react)
  805. meisje
  806. ontdekken
    (to discover)
  807. ervan
  808. blij
  809. interessant
  810. reis
  811. bus
  812. professioneel
  813. apart
  814. terrein
  815. eiland
  816. zon
  817. beweging
  818. slachtoffer
  819. weekend
  820. stof
    (substance, topic)

    In Dutch, the word “stof” can refer to a physical substance that has mass and takes up space, such as dust, dirt, or fabric. However, it can also refer to matter more abstractly, such as a subject matter or material for study.

  821. dochter

    The Dutch word “dochter” translates to “daughter” in English. Interestingly, the spelling of this Dutch word is halfway between the English word “daughter” and the German word “Tochter”. This is because Dutch, English, and German are all part of the Germanic language family, and they share many similarities in vocabulary.

  822. economisch
  823. plaat
  824. geweldig
  825. lucht
    (air, sky)
  826. Duitsland
    [proper noun]

    The word “Duitsland” often appears in Dutch news articles because refers to Germany, an important neighboring country of the Netherlands. Germany is one of the Netherlands' biggest trading partners. That is why this word is often used when talking about trade and international relations.

  827. hiervan
  828. doordat
  829. inderdaad
  830. nieuws
  831. hangen
    (to hang)
  832. presenteren
    (to present)
  833. oorlog
  834. beroep
    (a profession)
  835. taak
  836. ministerie
  837. drinken
    (to drink)
  838. evenement
  839. België
    [proper noun]

    België is a frequently-used Dutch word because it is the Dutch name for the country of Belgium. Belgium is a neighboring country of the Netherlands, and Dutch is one of the official languages spoken in Belgium, alongside French and German.

  840. maatregel
  841. krant
  842. reeds
  843. werkgever
    (an employer)
  844. wijk
  845. fout

    The Dutch noun “fout” refers to an “error” or “mistake”. Interestingly, the origin of this Dutch word can be traced back to the French language, where the word “faute” has a similar meaning.

  846. Haag
    [proper noun]

    The term “Haag” frequently appears in Dutch texts because it is part of the name of the capital city of the Netherlands, which is officially known as “Den Haag” in Dutch. In English, the city is referred to as “The Hague”. Due to its significance in government, politics, and international relations, particularly as the home of several international organizations and courts, the word “Haag” often pops up in Dutch news articles and conversations.

  847. leiding
    (leadership, pipe)

    “Leiding” is a common Dutch word because it has multiple meanings and uses. As a noun, it can mean “leadership,” “management,” “guidance,” or “pipe” (as in plumbing). It is also commonly used in compound words, such as “bedrijfsleiding” (company management) and “waterleidingen” (water pipes).

  848. los
  849. zeven
  850. type
  851. acht
  852. aanbod
  853. datum
  854. sfeer
  855. zogenaamd
  856. maat

    The Dutch word “maat” has multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to a person’s buddy, but it can also refer to a size or measurement. Additionally, “maat” is also a term for a deckhand or mate on a ship.

  857. vaststellen
    (to determine)
  858. optimaal
  859. veroorzaken
    (to cause)
  860. verwijderen
    (to remove)
  861. lukken
    (to succeed)
  862. link
  863. grens

    The Dutch word “grens” comes from German, where the corresponding word is spelled “Grenze.” That German word originates from the Polish word “granica” (which also means “border”).

  864. duurzaam
  865. toegang
  866. medium
  867. wijzen
    (to point)
  868. inhoud
  869. verplichten
    (to oblige)
  870. initiatief
  871. motor
  872. netwerk
  873. opleveren
  874. inzicht
  875. aanpassen
    (to adjust)
  876. praten
    (to talk)
  877. veiligheid
  878. gast
  879. vermelden
    (to mention)
  880. meenemen
  881. verantwoordelijk
  882. inclusief
  883. begeleiden
    (to accompany)
  884. noodzakelijk
  885. gebruiker
  886. strijd
  887. missen
    (to miss)
  888. collega
  889. beschermen
    (to protect)
  890. rechts
  891. klik
  892. toenemen
    (to increase)
  893. overal
  894. brand
  895. karakter
    (a character)
  896. cultuur
  897. instelling
  898. gang
    (hallway, corridor)
  899. voorbij
  900. behoefte
    (a need)
  901. werkzaamheid
  902. ziekte
  903. wetenschappelijk
  904. verandering
  905. standaard
  906. museum

    The Dutch word “museum” is the same as in English. Both these words come from Latin. The frequent use of this term in Dutch makes sense because many tourists travel to the Netherlands and visit the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum (which are both in Amsterdam).

  907. liefde
  908. bevestigen
    (to confirm)
  909. rechter
  910. niemand
    (no one)
  911. opbouwen
    (to build up)
  912. dankzij
    (thanks to)
  913. morgen
  914. top
  915. ondernemer
  916. behalen
    (to achieve)
  917. minimaal
  918. voormalig
  919. voorstel
  920. wijn
  921. gedeelte
  922. besluit
  923. veld
    (a field)
  924. begeleiding
  925. baseren
    (to base)
  926. slaan
    (to beat)
  927. bouw
  928. oorzaak
  929. mede
  930. verleden
    (the past)
  931. onderhoud
  932. tafel
  933. jezelf
  934. pand
  935. Groningen
    [proper noun]

    The word Groningen frequently appears in Dutch texts because it is the name of a province in the Netherlands. It is also the name of a city that is that province’s capital.

  936. moeite
  937. gisteren
  938. steen
  939. college
  940. termijn
  941. verwerken
    (to process)
  942. telefoon
  943. verzoek
  944. vrijwel
  945. uitmaken
  946. beleid
  947. vertrouwen
  948. Frankrijk
    [proper noun]
  949. zingen
    (to sing)
  950. verband
    (a connection)

    “Verband” is a frequently used Dutch word because it has multiple common meanings. For example, it can mean “connection”, such as a logical or causal connection between things, and it can also mean “bandage”.

  951. dicht
  952. plezier
  953. dik
  954. historisch
  955. zee

    The Dutch word “zee” translates to “sea” in English and is a commonly used word in Dutch. This is not surprising given that the Netherlands has a long coastline. The sea has played a considerable role in Dutch history. In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic was one of the leading sea powers in the world which enabled the country to become prosperous.

  956. Belgisch
  957. blauw
  958. daarin
  959. ondersteuning
  960. bron
  961. opstellen
    (line up)
  962. eveneens
  963. burgemeester
  964. mening
    (an opinion)
  965. bal
  966. ontwerpen
    (to design)
  967. vrijwilliger
  968. opdrachtgever
  969. geluid
  970. station
  971. verkoop
  972. oorspronkelijk
  973. zichtbaar

    “Zichtbaar” is a Dutch adjective that means “visible”. It is derived from the German adjective “sichtbar”.

  974. bekendmaken
    (to announce)
  975. waaronder
    (under which)
  976. wind
  977. maal
  978. Peter
    [proper noun]
  979. positie
  980. militair
  981. praktisch
  982. methode
  983. stijl
  984. gelegenheid
  985. deelnemen
    (to participate)
  986. vliegen
    (to fly)
  987. binnenkort
  988. produceren
    (to produce)
  989. vergeten
    (to forget)
  990. koffie
  991. steken
  992. lief
  993. fiets

    If you travel to the Netherlands, you’ll see bicycles nearly everywhere. Cycling is a popular mode of transportation there, and that explains why the word “fiets” (which means “bicycle” in Dutch) is very common.

  994. collectie
  995. bewust

    The Dutch word “bewust” is an adjective that translates to “aware” in English. This term comes from the German word “bewusst”.

  996. gat
    (hole, gap)
  997. afbeelding
  998. automatisch
  999. wellicht
  1000. kantoor
  1001. productie
  1002. sport
  1003. verklaren
    (to explain)
  1004. boot

    The Dutch word “boot” (which translates to “boat” in English) is frequently used because there are many ports in the Netherlands, including the Port of Rotterdam, the largest in Europe and one of the busiest in the world. In addition, the Port of Amsterdam is another important hub for cargo and passenger traffic.

  1005. controle
  1006. blad

    “Blad” is a Dutch word with multiple meanings. It can mean “leaf,” as in a part of a plant, but it can also mean “page” or “magazine” in certain contexts.

  1007. trouwen
    (to marry)
  1008. succesvol
  1009. commissie
  1010. tekenen
    (to draw)
  1011. studie
    (a study)
  1012. gezicht
  1013. discussie
  1014. vis
  1015. merk
  1016. zacht
  1017. eis
  1018. Nederlander
    (a dutchman)
  1019. zelfstandig
  1020. rondom
  1021. pakken
    (to grab)
  1022. huid
  1023. trein

    The Netherlands has a well-developed train system and an extensive railway network. You can easily travel by train from the Netherlands to nearby countries, like Germany, Belgium, and France. As you’d expect, the Dutch word for “train” is widely used.

  1024. tijdelijk
  1025. gezamenlijk
  1026. vogel
  1027. honderd
  1028. tip
  1029. handig
  1030. verkrijgbaar
  1031. middag
  1032. adviseren
  1033. ergens
  1034. arm

    In Dutch, the word “arm” is a homonym which has two distinct meanings. As a noun, it means “arm,” referring to a limb of the body. On the other hand, when used as an adjective, it can mean “poor” or “destitute.” The context in which the word is used determines its meaning.

  1035. directeur
  1036. aanbrengen
    (to apply)
  1037. overig
  1038. strand

    The Dutch word “strand” (which translates to “beach” in English) is often used because the Netherlands has over 400 kilometers of coastline, with numerous beaches that attract tourists from around the world. Some examples of Dutch beaches include the famous Scheveningen beach (in The Hague) and the Zandvoort beach, located just a short train ride from Amsterdam.

  1039. gedachte
  1040. dubbel
  1041. Vlaams

    The word “Vlaams” is a Dutch adjective that refers to Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern region of Belgium.

  1042. oplossen
    (to solve)
  1043. publiceren
    (to publish)
  1044. koning
    (a king)

    The Dutch term “koning” (which translates to “king” in English) is often used because the Netherlands has had kings for centuries. Today, the Dutch royal family holds a ceremonial position in Dutch society and serves as a symbol of national unity. The word “koning” is also frequently used in the expression “Koningsdag” (King's Day), a national holiday that celebrates the birthday of the king.

  1045. voornamelijk
  1046. achtergrond
  1047. slagen
    (to succeed)
  1048. bespreken
    (to discuss)
  1049. slapen
    (to sleep)
  1050. eindigen
    (to end)
  1051. tegenover
  1052. personeel
  1053. spoor
  1054. bijeenkomst
  1055. dak
  1056. opvallen
  1057. invullen
  1058. verlaten
    (to leave)
  1059. maatschappelijk
  1060. werking
  1061. populair
  1062. nauwelijks
  1063. uitspraak
  1064. ernstig
  1065. gedrag
  1066. voorstellen
    (to introduce)
  1067. opzicht
  1068. behoorlijk
  1069. hoop
  1070. burger
  1071. lastig
  1072. onderneming
  1073. behalve
  1074. opgeven
    (to report)
  1075. controleren
    (to check)
  1076. rapport
    (a report)
  1077. erop
  1078. indruk
  1079. optie
  1080. Brits
  1081. kader
  1082. verbinding
  1083. bewegen
    (to move)
  1084. verkrijgen
    (to obtain)
  1085. volwassen
  1086. voorlopig
  1087. service
  1088. kunstenaar
  1089. eindelijk
  1090. samenleving
  1091. park
  1092. uitzicht
  1093. principe
  1094. bevolking
  1095. medisch
  1096. rekenen
    (to calculate)
  1097. steun
  1098. broer
  1099. vergadering
  1100. ronde