German compliments: the guide for romantic & platonic situations

In German culture, compliments are given slightly less often than in American culture. But there are many social situations where a thoughtful compliment can be appropriate —and they may serve as an icebreaker.

This guide has sections that cover German compliments for women, men, friends, couples, and coworkers. The last section discusses how to respond to a compliment in German.

German compliments for a woman

Compliments related to beauty

Compliments related to a woman’s beauty are among the most common, particularly in romantic situations.

German compliments that praise the beauty of a woman can be constructed, for example, by combining one of the three sentence beginnings listed below with an adjective from the table below it.

German English
toll great
hübsch pretty
schön beautiful
wunderschön beautiful” but more emphatic than “schön
umwerfend staggering, dazzling
süss sweet
atemberaubend breathtaking
natürlich natural
zauberhaft enchanting
hinreißend ravishing

An example of a sentence constructed this way is «Ich finde dich atemberaubend.» It means “I find you breathtaking”.

Adding an adverb for emphasis

Additional emphasis can be added to the German compliments constructed above by placing an adverb in front of the adjective.

Adverb Example
«Ich finde dich echt umwerfend.»
(I find you really staggering.)
«Du siehst heute wirklich hübsch aus.»
(You look really pretty today.)
«Du bist sehr süss.»
(You are very sweet.)

A more in-depth discussion of adverbs is provided in this guide to German adverbs.

Compliments related to personality

To construct German compliments that praise a woman's personality, we can use the same sentence fragments as previously but combined this time with positive personality adjectives from the table below:

German English
einzigartig one-of-a-kind, unique
toll great
sympathisch sympathetic, friendly, affable
unglaublich incredible
bemerkenswert remarkable
beeindruckend impressive
schlagfertig quick-witted
rücksichtsvoll compassionate
engagiert dedicated

For example: «Du bist einzigartig» – You are one-of-a-kind

More compliments for a woman

Naturally, there are also plenty of German compliments that are not constructed according to the formula outlined above. Here are some examples of German sentences that may be used to give compliments.

German compliments for a man

Women are not the only ones who can appreciate a thoughtful compliment, men can enjoy them too.

Compliments on the physique of men often relate to their strength and fitness.

One method for generating German compliments for a man is to combine one of the sentence fragments listed below with an adjective like the ones in the following table:

German English
gutaussehend good-looking, handsome
stark strong
sportlich sporty
muskelös muscular
klasse great

Of course, your recognition beyond superficial attributes will stroke any man’s ego. You could compliment him on some of his personality traits by using the following German adjectives:

German English
sympathisch sympathetic, friendly
mutig brave
witzig funny
einzigartig unique
toll great
aufmerksam thoughtful
charismatisch charismatic
charmant charming
einfühlsam sensitive
großherzig literally big-hearted, meaning kind-hearted
gutmütig good-natured, kind
romantisch romantic

Note that most adjectives pertaining to someone’s character or personality are actually gender-neutral and could be used for a woman as well.

Here are some more German phrases that can be used to compliment a man:

Compliments for friends

A romantic intention is not necessary to give a compliment. Platonic compliments are suitable for friends. Only use them if you are sincere, though. Otherwise, you might come off as trying too hard.

The use of the formulation «du bist» (“you are”) rather than «Ich finde dich» (“I find you”), produces a more neutral and appropriate tone for a compliment without underlying romantic intentions. The result is a sentence that is less flattery and more of a factual statement.

To construct a German compliment for a friend, one could start with the sentence fragment «du bist» followed by a descriptive adjective, like the ones in the following table:

German English
beliebt popular
diskret discreet
ehrlich honest
hilfreich helpful
geduldig patient
lässig cool / chill / laidback
klug smart
lieb nice
nett nice
schlau witty
zugänglich approachable

Another way of complimenting a friend would be in the description of their fashion. This could be done by combining the sentence fragment «Ich mag» (I like …) with words from the table below:

German English
deinen Look your look
deinen Stil your style
deine Schuhe your shoes
deine Frisur your hairdo
dein Kleid your dress
deinen Mantel your coat
deinen Hut your hat
deine Ohrringe your earrings

Complimenting someone doesn’t always have to pertain to their appearance or character. For instance, should you ever get invited into a friend’s home, you could praise them using the following German phrases:

How to compliment a couple in German

Are your friends a couple? Here are a few examples of phrases which can be used to compliment a couple in German:

German compliments at work

While feedback on performance in the workplace generally takes the form of written evaluations, the occasional spoken words of encouragement and praise can help maintain a high level of motivation in the team.

Remark: The German language has both an informal “you” pronoun, which is “du”, as well as a formal “you” pronoun which is “Sie” (it is capitalized). German verbs are conjugated differently depending on the pronoun.

The examples below use the informal pronoun, but in a more formal setting, particularly with people we don’t know well, it is appropriate to use formal pronouns.

If you are working in Germany or with a German client, you might hear the following compliments:

Compliments for coworkers can also be created by combining the sentence fragment «Du bist sehr» (you are very…) with one of the following adjectives:

German English
fleißig hard-working, diligent
gründlich thorough
pünktlich punctual
zuverlässig dependable, reliable
sorgfältig meticulous, careful
hilfsbereit helpful
organisiert organized
proaktiv proactive
großzügig generous
ehrlich honest, sincere
begabt talented, skilled, gifted

In German culture, acknowledgment for a job well done can be somewhat limited– after all, it is generally expected that a task should be completed according to the assignment.

Unusual German compliments

Some German idioms that function as compliments do not have an equivalent in other languages. Here are a few examples:

How to respond to a compliment in German

In addition to being able to give appropriate compliments in various situations, it is important to know how to receive them gracefully as well.

The most common and gracious way to accept a compliment is simply to thank the person in front of you.

But what if you are not quite sure if the person means it? Here are ways to respond quite casually:

You may find yourself in a more formal situation, and as such, here are multiple ways to respond to a compliment in German:


Conveying genuine emotions as a non-native speaker can be daunting. But don’t let it discourage you. Everyone appreciates a friendly, intentional, and well-meaning compliment.

There are also terms of endearment used among people who are close. The following guide covers German terms of endearment and affection.

Now that you have learned the basics of German compliments and how to receive them graciously, why not include one the next time you write an email in German?