Adjectives modify nouns, while adverbs provide additional information about verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
Unlike adjectives, which change their endings depending on gender and grammatical case, adverbs are invariable — meaning that they remain unchanged regardless of how they are used in a sentence.
In German, there are five main types of adverbs: adverbs of manner, frequency, degree, time, and place.
Below are two diagrams depicting German phrases in which the adverb modifies the verb:
Remark about the direction of the arrows: These diagrams represent the syntactic structure of a sentence. The direction of the arrows goes from a head word to its dependent word.
Here are two examples of German phrases in which the adverb modifies the adjective:
Here is an example of a German phrase in which the adverb modifies another adverb:
Frequency adverbs are called Häufigkeitsadverbien in German. They provide information about the frequency of actions or events. Some common German frequency adverbs include “immer” (always), “nie” (never), “oft” (often), “selten” (rarely), “manchmal” (sometimes), and “ab und zu” (now and then).
Below is a table listing the most frequently used German adverbs of frequency.
Adverb | Translation |
immer | always |
ständig | constantly |
oft | often |
häufig | frequently |
üblicherweise | usually |
gewöhnlicherweise | usually |
manchmal | sometimes |
gelegentlich | occasionally |
zeitweise | at times |
selten | rarely, seldom |
keinmal | not once |
nie | never |
niemals | never |
Adverbs of degree (which are called Gradadverbien in German) provide information about the degree, intensity or level of something, and they can be used with verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Some common adverbs of degree in German include “sehr” (very), “etwas” (somewhat), “ziemlich” (quite), “überaus” (extremely), “völlig” (completely), and “absolut” (absolutely).
Adverb | Translation |
besonders | especially |
völlig | fully |
sehr | very |
ziemlich | quite |
nahezu | nearly, almost |
fast | almost |
beinahe | almost |
meistens | mostly |
meistenteils | mostly, for the most part |
großenteils | largely, mostly |
schwerlich | scarcely, hardly |
kaum | barely, hardly |
Adverbs of time are called Temporaladverbien in German. Their purpose is to provide information about when an event occurs.
Adverb | Translation |
jetzt | now |
sofort | immediately |
bald | soon |
zuvor | previously |
bereits | already |
zurzeit | currently |
zugleich | at the same time |
heute | today |
morgen | tomorrow |
damals | at that time (in the past) |
bisher | so far |
abends | in the evening |
nachts | at night |
nachmittags | in the afternoon |
morgens | every morning |
spätestens | at the latest |
neulich | recently |
derzeit | currently |
oftmals | oftentimes |
jederzeit | anytime |
neuerdings | recently, lately |
kürzlich | recently |
unlängst | recently |
letztens | last time, recently |
schleunigst | immediately, as soon as possible |
Adverbs of place (which are called Lokaladverbien in German) are used to provide information about where an event occurs. Some common adverbs of place in German include “hier” (here), “dort” (there), “links” (to the left), “rechts” (to the right), “oben” (above), and “unten” (below).
Adverb | Translation |
hier | here |
dort | there |
überall | everywhere |
draußen | outside |
unten | below |
oben | above |
innen | inside |
hinten | behind, in the back |
hinweg | away |
vielerorts | in many places |
In German, it is possible to form adverbs from nouns through the use of the suffix “-weise.” This suffix is added to the end of a noun to create an adverb that describes the manner in which an action is performed.
For example, the noun “Zeit” (meaning “time”) can be transformed into the adverb “zeitweise” (meaning “at times” or “for a time”). Similarly, the noun “Ausnahme” (meaning “exception”) can be transformed into the adverb “ausnahmsweise” (meaning “exceptionally”).
Adverb | formation |
teilweise (partially) | Teil + -weise |
beispielsweise (for example) | Beispiel + -weise |
vergleichsweise (comparatively) | Vergleich + -weise |
schrittweise (gradually) | Schritt + -weise |
schätzungsweise (approximately) | Schätzung + -weise |
zeitweise (at times) | Zeit + -weise |
vorzugsweise (preferably) | Vorzug + -weise |
ausnahmsweise (exceptionally) | Ausnahme + -weise |
versuchsweise (experimentally) | Versuch + -weise |
näherungsweise (approximately) | Näherung + -weise |
behelfsweise (provisionally) | Behelf + -weise |
reihenweise (serially) | Reihe + -weise |
gruppenweise (in groups) | Gruppen + -weise |
scharenweise (in droves) | Scharen + -weise |
portionsweise (in portions) | Portion + -weise |
löffelweise (by the spoonful) | Löffel + -weise |
absatzweise (intermittently) | Absatz + -weise |
abschnittsweise (in sections) | Abschnitt + -weise |
schichtweise (in layers) | Schicht + -weise |
stapelweise (in batches) | Stapel + -weise |
haufenweise (in heaps) | Haufen + -weise |
stückweise (piecemeal) | Stück + -weise |
stückchenweise (piecemeal) | Stückchen + -weise |
fallweise (case by case) | Fall + -weise |
hordenweise (in hordes) | Horde + -weise |
ansatzweise (to some extent) | Ansatz + -weise |
stellenweise (in places) | Stelle + -n- + -weise |
zwangsweise (compulsorily) | Zwang + -s + -weise |
wahlweise (alternatively) | Wahl + -weise |
probeweise (on a trial basis) | Probe + -weise |
In German, there are also many adverbs which were formed by adding the suffix “-erweise” to an adjective. Here is a list of the most commonly used ones:
Adverb | formation |
möglicherweise (possibly) | möglich + -erweise |
normalerweise (normally) | normal + -erweise |
glücklicherweise (fortunately) | glücklich + -erweise |
üblicherweise (usually) | üblich + -erweise |
blöderweise (stupidly) | blöd + -erweise |
verständlicherweise (understandably) | verständlich + -erweise |
idealerweise (ideally) | ideal + -erweise |
erstaunlicherweise (surprisingly) | erstaunlich + -erweise |
notwendigerweise (necessarily) | notwendig + -erweise |
bedauerlicherweise (regrettably) | bedauerlich + -erweise |
leichtsinnigerweise (carelessly) | leichtsinnig + -erweise |
logischerweise (logically) | logisch + -erweise |
überraschenderweise (surprisingly) | überraschend + -erweise |
irrtümlicherweise (mistakenly) | irrtümlich + -erweise |
fälschlicherweise (wrongly) | fälschlich + -erweise |
unglücklicherweise (unfortunately) | unglücklich -erweise |
missbräuchlicherweise (improperly) | missbräuchlich + -erweise |
typischerweise (typically) | typisch + -erweise |
zufälligerweise (coincidentally) | zufällig + -erweise |
unnötigerweise (unnecessarily) | unnötig + -erweise |
eigenartigerweise (strangely) | eigenartig + -erweise |
charakteristischerweise (characteristically) | charakteristisch + -erweise |
natürlicherweise (naturally) | natürlich + -erweise |
untypischerweise (atypically) | untypisch + -erweise |
bezeichnenderweise (characteristically) | bezeichnend + -erweise |
freundlicherweise (kindly) | freundlich + -erweise |
irrsinnigerweise (insanely) | irrsinnig + -erweise |
dummerweise (stupidly) | dumm + -erweise |
ehrlicherweise (honestly) | ehrlich + -erweise |
komischerweise (funnily) | komisch + -erweise |
lustigerweise (funnily) | lustig + -erweise |
traurigerweise (sadly) | traurig + -erweise |
betrüblicherweise (unfortunately) | betrüblich + -erweise |
richtigerweise (rightly) | richtig + -erweise |
erfreulicherweise (happily) | erfreulich + -erweise |
begreiflicherweise (understandably) | begreiflich + -erweise |
unverständlicherweise (incomprehensibly) | unverständlich + -erweise |
witzigerweise (funnily) | witzig + -erweise |
dämlicherweise (foolishly) | dämlich + -erweise |
klugerweise (wisely) | klug + -erweise |
intelligenterweise (intelligently) | intelligent + -erweise |
schlauerweise (cleverly) | schlau + -erweise |
naiverweise (naively) | naiv + -erweise |
merkwürdigerweise (oddly enough) | merkwürdig + -erweise |
seltsamerweise (strangely) | seltsam + -erweise |
interessanterweise (interestingly) | interessant + -erweise |
gewöhnlicherweise (usually) | gewöhnlich + -erweise |
unsinnigerweise (nonsensically) | unsinnig + -erweise |
sinnvollerweise (sensibly) | sinnvoll + -erweise |
vernünftigerweise (reasonably) | vernünftig + -erweise |
ungewöhnlicherweise (unusually) | ungewöhnlich + -erweise |
unfreundlicherweise (unkindly) | unfreundlich + -erweise |
unhöflicherweise (rudely) | unhöflich + -erweise |
unzulässigerweise (inadmissibly) | unzulässig + -erweise |
ungerechtfertigterweise (unjustifiedly) | ungerechtfertigt + -erweise |
ewigerweise (forever) | ewig + -erweise |
gleicherweise (likewise) | gleich + -erweise |
ungerechterweise (unjustly) | ungerecht + -erweise |
gerechterweise (justly) | gerecht + -erweise |
klassischerweise (classically) | klassisch + -erweise |
verbotenerweise (illegally) | verboten + -erweise |
klarerweise (obviously) | klar + -erweise |
Understanding the different types of adverbs in German and their functions can significantly enhance your ability to communicate accurately and effectively. By using adverbs correctly, your sentences can provide more precise information about the meaning and context, making your language more fluent and natural-sounding.