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The complete list of the 1000 Most Common Latin Vocabulary Words

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We created this list of the 1000 most common Latin words through a statistical analysis of a large collection of ancient Latin texts, including:

Latin is a highly inflected language, so words appearing in texts often have different endings compared to their dictionary form. Lemmatization, a method from natural language processing, was applied to convert the terms to their dictionary form before counting their occurrences and sorting them by frequency.

This Latin vocabulary list is sorted by decreasing order of frequency, meaning that the words at the top are more common than those further down the list.

In Latin dictionaries, verbs are often indexed using the first-person singular form rather than the infinitive form. This is the convention that we followed in this vocabulary list.

Famous Latin quotes have been included for some of these vocabulary words to provide context. In addition, in cases where a Latin word is the root of an English word, this is sometimes mentioned in the commentary.

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List of the most common Latin vocabulary words

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Here is the list of the 1000 most common Latin words:

  1. sum
    (I am)

    In most languages, the verb “to be” ranks near the top of the list of most common words, and Latin is no exception.

  2. et

    An example of a Latin phrase containing this word is the expression: “adaequatio rei et intellectus” which means “correspondence of mind and reality”.

  3. qui

    This Latin pronoun is the origin of the words “qui” in French, “chi” in Italian, “quien” in Spanish, and “quem” in Portuguese.

  4. in
  5. is
  6. non

    An example of a Latin phrase containing this word is the saying: “palma non sine pulvere” which means “no victory without effort”.

  7. ut

    This Latin conjunction is followed by the subjunctive. It appears in this famous Latin phrase by the Roman poet Ovid: “ut ameris, amabilis esto” which means “to be loved, be lovable”.

  8. ad

    This word appears in a Latin expression which is used in English: “ad hoc” which means “not previously planned but created only for a particular purpose”.

  9. hic

    Latin is a language that doesn’t have definite or indefinite articles. However, demonstratives such as “hic”, “ille” and “is” are among the most common words in Latin.

  10. ab

    An example of a Latin phrase containing the preposition ab is “ab uno disce omnes” from Virgil's Aeneid. This phrase, which translates to “from one, learn all”, refers to situations where a universal truth can be learned by observing a single sample.

  11. cum

    This Latin preposition also appears in the academic expression “cum laude” meaning “with praise”.

  12. si

    An example of a Latin phrase containing this word is the saying: “omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina” which means “everything said is stronger if said in Latin”.

  13. facio
    (I do)
  14. dico
    (I say)

    This Latin verb is the root of the English word “diction” which refers to the style of enunciation when speaking.

  15. ille
  16. possum
    (I can)

    This Latin verb appears in the phrase “possunt quia posse videntur” by the Roman poet Virgil, which translates to “they can because they think they can”.

  17. omnis

    A noun form of This Latin word appears in the phrase “omnia vincit amor” by the Roman poet Virgil, which translates to “love conquers all”.

  18. suus
  19. de
  20. se

    This reflexive pronoun exists not only in Latin, but also in many Romance languages including French and Spanish.

  21. ex
    (from, out of)

    This word appears in the Latin phrase “Deus ex machina” which means “god from a machine”.

  22. ego

    In Latin, the word “ego” is simply the first-person singular pronoun.

  23. sed
  24. res

    The reason why this is such a common Latin word is that it has a wide range of meanings, including “thing,” “event,” and “issue.”

  25. ipse

    A declined form of this word appears in the Latin expression “ipso facto” which means “by the fact itself” and which refers to a direct consequence.

  26. atque
  27. tu

    In this ranking of the most common Latin words, not far below the first-person singular pronoun “ego”, we find the second-person singular pronoun “tu”.

  28. quod

    This word appears in the Latin phrase “quod erat demonstrandum” (abbreviated by its initials as QED) which is commonly used in mathematics and translates to “which was to be demonstrated”.

  29. enim
  30. habeo
    (I have)
  31. per

    In addition to being used as a preposition, this word also serves as a Latin prefix.

  32. aut

    This word appears in the following Latin phrase by Seneca, a Roman philosopher: “necesse est aut imiteris aut oderis” which means “you must either imitate or loathe the world”.

  33. alius

    The English words alien and alienate are derived from the Latin word alius.

  34. autem
  35. nec

    This Latin word appears in the expression “nec plus ultra” which literally means “nothing further beyond”, and which is used to refer to the “state of the art”.

  36. etiam
  37. quis

    An example phrase containing this Latin word is: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”. This phrase by the Roman poet Juvenal can be translated into English as “Who will watch the watchmen?”

  38. quam
  39. vel
  40. do
    (to give)

    In Latin, the verbs do and dono are synonyms. The English word donation comes from this Latin root.

  41. homo

    This Latin word appears in the expression “homo homini lupus” which means “man is a wolf to man”.

  42. idem
    (the same)
  43. multus
    (many, much)
  44. meus
  45. magnus
  46. quia
  47. tuus

    This is the possessive form of the pronoun “tu” which is higher up in this Latin frequency dictionary.

  48. noster
  49. tamen

    This word is a synonym of the term “sed” which appears higher up in this list of Latin words.

  50. ne
  51. pars
    (a part)
  52. causa
  53. tempus
    (a time)
  54. nomen
  55. filius
    (a son)

    The etymology of the English adjective filial can be traced back to the Latin word filius.

  56. unus

    The Latin word unus appears (in an inflected form) in the motto of the United States of America: “e pluribus unum” which translates to “out of many, one”.

  57. dies

    The accusative form of this Latin word appears in the expression “Carpe diem” which is translated as “seize the day”.

  58. ita
  59. nos
  60. locus
    (a place)

    The Latin term locus is the root of the English words location and local.

  61. pro

    The Latin phrase “quid pro quo”, which translates to “something in exchange for something else”, contains this preposition.

  62. modus
  63. rex

    Descendents of the Latin word “rex” are found in the Romance languages: “roi” in French, “re” in Italian, “rey” in Spanish, and “rei” in Portuguese.

  64. deus
  65. quidam
  66. debeo
    (to owe)
  67. iam
  68. primus
  69. terra
    (the Earth)

    The Latin word terra means either “the ground” or “the planet Earth” depending on the context. The English word terrestrial comes from this Latin root.

  70. nihil

    This Latin word is the root of the English word “nihilism”.

  71. pater

    The Latin word “pater” is the origin of the words “père” in French, “padre” in Italian, “padre” in Spanish, and “pai” in Portuguese.

  72. neque
  73. quoque
  74. corpus

    This Latin word is used in English in the context of linguistics, where it refers to a collection of written texts.

  75. ago
    (to act)

    This Latin verb is the origin of the French verb “agir” which features among the 1000 most common French words.

  76. iste
  77. quidem
  78. opus
  79. nisi
  80. populus
  81. nullus
  82. liber

    This basic Latin word is the root of the English word “library”.

  83. accipio
  84. vero
  85. inter

    This Latin preposition is also used as a prefix. It appears in English words such as “international” and “interdisciplinary”.

  86. bonum
  87. sicut
  88. genus
  89. duo
  90. totus
  91. animus
  92. nunc
  93. sine

    This word appears in a Latin expression used in English: “sine qua non” which refers to an indispensable condition.

  94. ante

    This Latin preposition appears, for example, in the expression “honestas ante honores” which means “honesty before glory”.

  95. dominus
  96. bellum

    This word appears in the Latin expression “casus belli”, which translates to “cause for war”.

  97. sic

    An example of a Latin phrase containing this word is the expression: “macte virtute sic itur ad astra” which means “those who excel, thus reach the stars”.

  98. ubi

    This Latin word appears in the saying “ubi amor, ibi dolor”, which translates to “where there is love, there is pain”.

  99. quaero
    (I ask)
  100. tam
  101. scribo
    (I write)

    This is the Latin root of the English verb “to inscribe”.

  102. aliquis

    The Latin word “aliquis” is the origin of the words “alguien” in Spanish, and “alguém” in Portuguese.

  103. post
  104. bonus
  105. alter
    (the other)
  106. nam
  107. credo
    (I believe)
  108. lex

    Descendents of this basic Latin vocabulary word are found in the Romance languages: “loi” in French, “legge” in Italian, “ley” in Spanish, and “lei” in Portuguese.

  109. ius
  110. ratio
  111. fides
  112. fero
  113. apud
  114. igitur
  115. an
  116. quasi
    (as if)
  117. manus

    The English adjective “manual” comes from this Latin word.

  118. lego

    Descendents of the Latin word “lego” are found in the Romance languages: “lire” in French, “leggere” in Italian, “leer” in Spanish, and “ler” in Portuguese.

  119. annus
  120. mitto
    (I send)
  121. super
  122. exercitus
  123. natura
  124. ergo

    An example of a Latin phrase containing this word is the argument by the French philosopher Descartes: “cogito, ergo sum” which translates to “I think, therefore I am”.

  125. domus
  126. tantum
  127. scio
    (to know)
  128. audio
    (I hear)
  129. actio
  130. mors
  131. contra
  132. tum
  133. intellego
    (I understand)
  134. summus
  135. publicus
  136. peto
    (I ask)

    This Latin verb is the root of the English word “petition”.

  137. sequor
  138. puto
  139. aio
    (to say)
  140. malum

    Depending on the length of the first vowel, this Latin word can either mean “an evil” or “an apple”.

  141. miles
    (a soldier)

    This Latin term is the root of the English words “military” and “militia”.

  142. magis

    An example of a Latin saying containing this adverb is: “amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas” which translates to “Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend”.

  143. inquam
    (I say)
  144. pono
    (to place)
  145. propter
  146. sive
  147. gens
  148. aliqui
  149. relinquo
    (to abandon)
  150. sub

    This preposition is also used as a prefix that appears in English words such as “submarine” and “subtitle”

  151. loquor

    This Latin term is the root of the English word “loquacious” which means “chatty”.

  152. licet

    This Latin term is the root of the English word “illicit”.

  153. uterque
  154. dum
  155. Dei
    [proper noun]
  156. castra
  157. minus
  158. Deus
    [proper noun]
  159. morior
    (I die)
  160. reddo
  161. teneo
  162. iudicium
  163. ceterus
  164. mens
  165. quoniam
  166. gero
    (I carry)
  167. frater
  168. solus
  169. cognosco
  170. dux
  171. usque
  172. tantus
    (so much)
  173. respondeo
  174. pecunia
  175. solum
  176. consilium
  177. utor
    (I use)
  178. soleo
  179. ordo
  180. nascor

    The Latin word “nascor” is the origin of the words “naître” in French, “nascere” in Italian, “nacer” in Spanish, and “nascer” in Portuguese.

  181. secundum
    (according to)
  182. semper
  183. caelum

    The Latin word “caelum” is the origin of the terms “ciel” in French and “cielo” in Spanish.

  184. praesto
  185. duco
    (I lead)

    This verb is related to the noun “dux” which means “leader”.

  186. satis
  187. medius
  188. iudex
  189. recipio

    The resemblance between the Latin word “recipio” and the English word “recipe” is not random. The two words are etymologically related.

  190. sanctus
  191. deinde
  192. cor

    This Latin word appears for example in the phrase “cor ad cor loquitur” which translates to “heart speaks to heart".

  193. talis
  194. mater
  195. mos
  196. proprius
  197. certus
  198. regnum
  199. tres
  200. refero
  201. patior
    (I suffer)
  202. appello
  203. inde
  204. sententia
  205. ideo
  206. gratia
  207. quisque
  208. tunc
  209. iudico
    (I judge)
  210. usus
  211. singulus
  212. oportet
  213. capio
    (I take)

    This Latin word is found for example in the phrase “aquila non capit muscas” which translates to “an eagle doesn't catch flies” and means that an important person doesn't deal with things which are insignificant.

  214. finis
  215. heres
  216. princeps
  217. unde
  218. contineo
    (I hold)
  219. anima
  220. officium
  221. potestas
  222. trado
  223. ager
  224. oculus
  225. urbs
    (a city)

    This Latin vocabulary word is the root of the English adjective “urban”.

  226. adhuc
  227. similis
  228. labor

    The Latin word labor appears in the phrase “labor omnia vincit” by the Roman poet Virgil, which translates to “hard work conquers all”.

  229. persona
  230. suscipio
  231. ob
  232. occido
  233. Dominus
    [proper noun]
  234. aqua

    The Latin word “aqua” is the origin of the terms “eau” in French, “acqua” in Italian, “agua” in Spanish, and “água” in Portuguese.

  235. nemo
    (no one)
  236. littera
  237. postea
  238. nosco
    (I know)
  239. ibi
  240. caro
  241. ignis

    This Latin word is similar to the Sanskrit word “agní” which also means “fire”. In fact, Latin and Sanskrit are both languages from the Indo-European family, and they originate from a common ancestor language called the Proto-Indo-European language. See this article on Latin vs Sanskrit.

  242. Deo
    [proper noun]
  243. quantum
  244. principium
  245. uxor
    (a wife)
  246. urbis
  247. communis
  248. species
  249. placeo
    (to please)
  250. honor
  251. ullus
  252. pax

    This Latin word is the origin of the French word “paix”, which has preserved the final letter ‘x’ but made it silent. It is also the origin of the words “pace” in Italian, “paz” in Spanish, and “paz” in Portuguese.

  253. amicus

    This simple Latin vocabulary word is the origin of the words “ami” in French, “amico” in Italian, as well as “amigo” in Spanish and in Portuguese.

  254. hereditas
  255. humanus
  256. quando

    The Latin word “quando” is the origin of the words “quand” in French, “quando” in Italian, “cuando” in Spanish, and “quando” in Portuguese.

  257. spiritus
  258. constituo
  259. hos
  260. redeo
  261. siue
  262. legatum
  263. tertius
  264. ars
  265. cogo
    (I force)
  266. libertas
  267. fructus
  268. probo
  269. transeo
  270. vos
  271. aetas
  272. quisquam
  273. possessio
  274. reliquus
  275. mulier
    (a woman)

    The Latin word “mulier” is the origin of the words “moglie” in Italian, “mujer” in Spanish, and “mulher” in Portuguese.

  276. sanguis
  277. iubeo
    (to command)
  278. pes
    (a foot)
  279. eo
  280. coepi
    (I began)
  281. videtur
  282. nox

    This basic Latin vocabulary word is the origin of the words “nuit” in French, “notte” in Italian, “noche” in Spanish, and “noite” in Portuguese.

  283. magne
  284. lux

    This basic Latin vocabulary word is the origin of the words “luce” in Italian, “luz” in Spanish, and “luz” in Portuguese.

  285. senatus
  286. simul
    (at the same time)
  287. paro
  288. promitto
    (I promise)
  289. secundus
  290. signum
  291. spes

    This is the noun form of the verb “spero”.

  292. itaque
  293. ostendo
  294. bene
  295. os
  296. iustus
  297. restituo
  298. patrius
  299. peccatum

    The Latin word “peccatum” is the origin of the words “péché” in French, “peccato” in Italian, in addition to “pecado” in Spanish and ib in Portuguese.

  300. imperator
  301. maneo
  302. malus
  303. praedico
  304. sentio
    (I feel)
  305. auctor
  306. adversus
  307. numquam
  308. uerus
  309. mons
  310. testamentum
  311. pertineo
    (I belong)
  312. tamquam
    (as if)
  313. sermo

    This Latin word is the root of the English word “sermon”.

  314. imperium
  315. quicumque
  316. numerus
  317. sensus
  318. Domini
    [proper noun]
  319. forma
  320. oratio
  321. instituo
  322. potius
  323. fortuna

    This Latin word appears in the saying “audentes fortuna iuvat”, which translates to “fortune favors the bold”.

  324. arma
  325. infero
  326. proximus
  327. propono
  328. alienus

    In terms of its etymology, this word simply comes from the word “alius” which means “other”.

  329. sacer
  330. gloria
  331. poena
  332. sapientia

    This Latin word appears in the saying “beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam”, which translates to “blessed is the man who finds wisdom”.

  333. fundus
  334. praecipio
  335. defero
  336. supra
  337. forte
  338. doceo
    (I teach)
  339. cura
  340. offero
  341. vobis
  342. cunctus
  343. scientia
  344. salus
  345. possideo
  346. Deum
    [proper noun]
  347. mundus
  348. praesum
  349. consto
  350. quisquis
  351. consul
  352. consulo
  353. adeo
  354. superior
  355. equus
    (a horse)

    This Latin noun is the root of the English adjective “equestrian” which means “related to horseback riding”.

  356. pretium
  357. caput
  358. nolo
    (I do not want)
  359. diligo
  360. muto
  361. quantus
    (how many)
  362. amor

    The Latin word “amor” is the root of the English adjective “amorous”.

  363. auctoritas
  364. confero
  365. exemplum
  366. par
  367. amo
    (I love)

    This word also appears in the phrase “si vis amari ama” by the philosopher Seneca, which translates to “if you want to be loved, love”.

  368. prohibeo
    (I forbid)

    The English words “prohibit” and “prohibition” come from this Latin word.

  369. sto
    (I stand)
  370. altus
  371. prior
  372. circa

    This Latin preposition is also used in English.

  373. vita

    This is a Latin word which many English speakers will recognize because it appears (in an inflected form) in the Latin term “Curriculum vitae” which is commonly abbreviated as CV.

  374. scilicet
    (of course)
  375. casus
  376. consequor
  377. quilibet
  378. longus
  379. verbis
  380. efficio
  381. appareo
    (I appear)
  382. materia
  383. sumo
    (I take)
  384. legio
    (a legion)
  385. curo
  386. quattuor
  387. mare
  388. timeo
    (I fear)
  389. paucus
  390. proelium
    (a battle)
  391. hinc
  392. nego
    (I deny)
  393. sol

    This Latin vocabulary word is the origin of the words “soleil” in French, “sole” in Italian, as well as “sol” in Spanish and Portuguese.

  394. libero
  395. tot
    (so many)
  396. prius
  397. mereo
  398. tollo
  399. plerusque
  400. absum
  401. lingua

    This Latin word appears in the expression “lingua franca” which means “common language”.

  402. utique
  403. dignitas
  404. qualis
  405. puer
    (a child)

    This Latin vocabulary word can be recognized as a root in the English word “puerile” which means “childish and immature”.

  406. statim
  407. multitudo

    This Latin word contains the Latin “multi-” which means “more than one”.

  408. munus
  409. necesse
  410. occupo
    (I occupy)
  411. aeternus
  412. exsisto
  413. cur
  414. familia
  415. posterus
  416. traho
  417. significo
  418. condicio
  419. studium
  420. at
  421. memoria
  422. ira

    This Latin noun is the root of the English word “irate”.

  423. iniurius
  424. intra
  425. item
  426. defendo
    (to defend)
  427. nomino
  428. multo
  429. lapis
    (a stone)
  430. periculum

    The Latin word “periculum” is the origin of the words “péril” in French, “pericolo” in Italian, “peligro” in Spanish, and “perigo” in Portuguese.

  431. cogito
    (I think)
  432. auris
  433. status
  434. motus
  435. audeo
    (I dare)

    This Latin verb is related to the noun “audax” meaning “bold” and “daring”. This term can be identified as a root in the English word “audacity”.

  436. ultimus
  437. iusum
  438. quippe
  439. committo
    (I commit)
  440. concedo
  441. parens
  442. verba
  443. ingredior
  444. uiuo
  445. omnino
  446. pereo
    (I perish)
  447. certe
  448. auxilium
  449. desum
  450. sacerdos
  451. praeter
  452. vitae
  453. verum
  454. templum
  455. Romani
    [proper noun]
  456. saepe
  457. ingenium
  458. adsum
  459. addo
    (I add)
  460. longe
  461. oro
  462. facies
  463. pugna
    (a fight)

    That this term is among the most common Latin words is perhaps a sign that the Roman civilization was not always the most peaceful. This term can be recognized as a root in the English word “pugnacious”.

  464. utrum
  465. ultra
  466. dubito

    This word appears in the Latin proverb “ubi dubium, ibi libertas” which means “where there is doubt, there is freedom”.

  467. dolor
  468. intersum
  469. iustitia
  470. membrum
  471. accido
    (I happen)
  472. necessitas
  473. haud
  474. aer
  475. eligo
  476. colo
  477. flumen
  478. apostolus
  479. depono
  480. procedo
    (I proceed)
  481. copia
  482. venit
  483. Israhel
    [proper noun]
  484. mox
  485. decem
  486. diu
    (for a long time)
  487. praetor
  488. permitto
  489. postquam
  490. rursus
  491. aurum

    In the periodic table of the elements, the symbol for gold, "Au", comes from the Latin word aurum.

  492. spero
    (I hope)

    The Latin word spero gave rise to the terms “espérer” in French, “sperare” in Italian, as well as “esperar” in Spanish and Portuguese.

  493. beatus
  494. tandem
  495. exterior
  496. fere
  497. regio
  498. quamvis
  499. futurus
  500. error
  501. angelus
  502. clarus

    The Latin word “clarus” is the origin of the words “clair” in French, “chiaro” in Italian, as well as “claro” in Spanish and in Portuguese.

  503. dexter
  504. egredior
  505. sustineo
  506. insula
  507. miser
  508. accedo
  509. plus
  510. ample
  511. plenus

    This Latin word is the root of the English word “plenary”, most commonly used in the expression “plenary session” which refers to a session of a conference where all participants are expected to be present.

  512. retineo
  513. deduco
  514. misceo
    (I mix)
  515. armis
  516. viri
  517. iter
    (a journey)
  518. ignoro
    (I do not know)
  519. fortis

    A related form of this Latin adjective appears in the expression “calamus gladio fortior” which means “the pen is mightier than the sword”.

  520. gradus
  521. donec
  522. amitto
  523. praesidium
  524. existimo
  525. dono
  526. etsi
  527. beneficium
  528. irascor
    (I am angry)
  529. filia

    This basic Latin word is the origin of the words “fille” in French, “figlia” in Italian, “hija” in Spanish, and “filha” in Portuguese.

  530. esse
  531. praebeo
  532. nescio
    (I do not know)
  533. potior
  534. vi
  535. ferrum
  536. prope
  537. quamquam
  538. metus
  539. recte
  540. saeculum
  541. unusquisque
    (each one)
  542. antiquus
  543. timor
  544. cado
    (I fall)
  545. competo
  546. servus
    (a servant)
  547. interim
    (in the meantime)
  548. color
  549. initium
  550. fugio
    (I flee)
  551. nobilis
  552. inferus
  553. spatium
  554. paulus
  555. inimicus
  556. scriptura
    (a writing)
  557. rogo
  558. persequor
  559. dimitto
  560. fama
  561. meritum
  562. acies
  563. subeo
  564. postulo
  565. statuo
  566. sapiens
  567. necessarius
  568. tribuo
  569. creditor
  570. multum
    (a lot)
  571. dos
  572. sacrificium
  573. religio
  574. impleo
  575. naturalis
  576. ecce
  577. aperio
    (to uncover)
  578. actus
  579. mensura
  580. episcopus
  581. defungor
  582. umquam
  583. contingo
  584. vis
  585. centum
    (a hundred)
  586. exigo
    (I demand)
  587. sedeo
  588. iterum
  589. imago
  590. condo
  591. forum

    This Latin word is the same as its English counterpart. English is a Germanic language which has not evolved from Latin, however there are still many English vocabulary words which come from Latin.

  592. murus
  593. iussus
  594. mortalis
  595. viam
  596. dignus
  597. consule
  598. propheta
  599. laudo
  600. excipio
  601. aliquando
  602. nuntio
  603. tanto
  604. origo
  605. pietas
  606. disco
    (to learn)
  607. uero
  608. Domino
    [proper noun]
  609. semen
  610. gigno
  611. vir

    This Latin word resembles the Sanskrit word “vira”. Both Latin and Sanskrit are languages that derive from the Proto-Indo-European language. For more on this, see this comparison of Latin and Sanskrit.

  612. rego
    (I rule)
  613. denique
  614. specto
  615. confiteor
    (I confess)
  616. abeo
  617. pugno
  618. taceo
    (I am silent)
  619. falsus
  620. affero
    (I bring)
  621. nondum
    (not yet)
  622. lignum
  623. damnum
  624. consisto
  625. similitudo
  626. parum
  627. censeo
    (I think)
  628. soror
  629. uoco
  630. substantia
  631. magistro
  632. cedo
  633. profero
  634. descendo
    (to descend)
  635. ascendo
    (I go up)
  636. edo
    (I eat)
  637. instruo
  638. obligo
  639. crimen
  640. ora
  641. extra
  642. impero
    (I command)
  643. dispono
  644. delinquo
  645. femina

    This Latin word is the origin of the French word “femme” which also means “woman”.

  646. praetereo
  647. intro
  648. philosophus
  649. decedo
  650. huiusmodi
  651. obtineo
  652. militia
  653. contrarius
  654. fatum
  655. quinque
  656. numero
  657. civitatem
  658. campus
  659. illic
  660. perpetuus
  661. repeto
  662. praeda
  663. percipio
    (I perceive)
  664. intellectus
  665. Caesar
    [proper noun]
  666. integer
  667. mando
  668. culpa

    This Latin word can be recognized as a root in the English word “culprit”.

  669. contraho
  670. loco
  671. animal
  672. regius
  673. supero
  674. ii
  675. testis
  676. corrumpo
  677. furor
  678. tutor
  679. incertus
  680. coniungo
  681. quartus
  682. creatura
  683. velut
    (as if)
  684. amplus
  685. admitto
  686. tempto
  687. aufero
  688. exspecto
  689. via
  690. praefero
  691. quin
  692. gladius

    The Latin term “gladiator” is derived from this word.

  693. iuxta
    (next to)

    This Latin preposition can be recognized as a root in the English word “juxtaposition”.

  694. Christi
    [proper noun]
  695. capus
  696. lumen
  697. damno
  698. resisto
  699. Romanis
    [proper noun]
  700. magister
  701. pateo
  702. scelus
  703. creo
  704. civitates
  705. discedo
    (I leave)
  706. exhibeo
  707. merces

    This is the Latin root of the English word mercenary.

  708. laus

    This Latin word is the origin of the Italian word “lode”. As a Romance language, Italian derives from Latin, hence the similarities between Italian and Latin.

  709. consuetudo
    (a custom)
  710. quemadmodum
  711. diabolus
  712. regno
  713. concipio
  714. videri
  715. cupio
  716. civitate
  717. facultas
  718. nimius
    (too much)
  719. habitus
  720. arbitror
  721. desidero
    (I miss)
  722. iungo
  723. sedes
  724. deficio
  725. convenit
  726. definio
    (I define)
  727. pauper
  728. emptor

    This word appears in the famous Latin expression “caveat emptor”, which translates to “let the buyer beware”.

  729. cesso
  730. aequus
  731. aestimo
  732. perdo
  733. fundo
  734. doctrina
  735. comparo
  736. porta
  737. mora
  738. praefectus
  739. cibus
  740. remitto
    (to remit)
  741. adhibeo
  742. male
  743. ingens
  744. dirigo
  745. dubius

    The Latin word dubius is the origin of the English word dubious.

  746. expedio
  747. oppono
    (I oppose)
  748. modicus

    This Latin adjective is the origin of the French adjective “modique”. As a Romance language, French comes from Latin, hence the similarities between French and Latin.

  749. praeceptum
  750. verbum

    This Latin word appears in the expression “acta non verba” which means “deeds not words”.

  751. interrogo
  752. socius
  753. senatum
  754. potentia
  755. pario
  756. sors
  757. conficio
  758. fraus
  759. adicio
  760. transfero
  761. puella
    (a girl)
  762. stella
    (a star)

    This Latin word is the root of the English adjective “stellar”.

  763. tracto
  764. pariter
  765. opinio
  766. cito
  767. incipio
    (I begin)
  768. demonstro
    (I show)
  769. facilis
  770. facile
  771. Christo
    [proper noun]
  772. misericordia
  773. iulianus
  774. opprimo
  775. plebs
  776. arbor
    (a tree)

    The Latin word “arbor” is the origin of the words “arbre” in French, “albero” in Italian, “árbol” in Spanish, and “árvore” in Portuguese.

  777. tribunus
  778. quomodo
  779. fidelis
  780. viginti
  781. procurator
  782. nitor
  783. turba
  784. differo
  785. cursus
  786. disciplina
  787. honestus
  788. exceptio
    (an exception)
  789. compono
  790. aliter
  791. veluti
  792. consulatus
  793. impono
  794. diligenter
  795. conspectus
  796. utilis
  797. custodio
  798. Romam
    [proper noun]
  799. sufficio
  800. profectus

    The Latin word “profectus” is the origin of the words “profit” in French, “profitto” in Italian, “provecho” in Spanish, and “proveito” in Portuguese.

  801. hora
  802. exeo
  803. coram
  804. finio
    (I finish)
  805. quaestio
  806. fuga
  807. magnitudo
  808. videlicet
  809. lateo
  810. arbitrium
  811. emo
  812. vera
  813. Christus
    [proper noun]
  814. noceo
  815. dolus
  816. subito
  817. hodie
  818. habito
  819. effectus
  820. rescribo
  821. hostis
    (the enemy)
  822. cumque
  823. ecclesia
  824. decerno
    (I decide)
  825. caedes
  826. quotiens
  827. perfectus
  828. pronuntio
  829. considero
    (I consider)
  830. epistula
  831. destino
  832. quies
  833. provinciae
  834. confirmo
  835. ictus
  836. Christum
    [proper noun]
  837. proficiscor
  838. tenebra
  839. Caesaris
    [proper noun]
  840. praetorium
  841. saepius
  842. testimonium
  843. felix

    This basic Latin adjective is the origin of the words “felice” in Italian and “feliz” in Spanish and Portuguese. It is also the root of the English term “felicity”.

  844. occurro
  845. cognitio
  846. caelestis
  847. voluntate
  848. utilitas
  849. intendo
  850. miror
  851. Romae
  852. stipulatio
  853. venire

    This Latin verb is used in a famous Latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar: “Veni, vidi, vici” which means “I came, I saw, I conquered”.

  854. antequam
  855. odium
  856. iaceo
  857. tego
    (I cover)
  858. profecto
  859. exitus
  860. vix
  861. durus
  862. aedes
  863. cultus
  864. oleum
  865. adduco
  866. contendo
  867. tango
  868. congrego
  869. impedio
  870. septem
  871. creator
  872. civitatis
  873. pecco
    (I sin)
  874. armo
  875. induco
  876. continuus
  877. mirus
  878. debitor
  879. insum
  880. careo
  881. quanto
  882. primo
  883. penitus
  884. tantummodo
  885. como
  886. desero
    (I leave)
  887. praemium
  888. orbis

    This Latin word is the root of the English word “orbit” which refers to a circular or elliptical recurring trajectory.

  889. excito
  890. expugno
  891. cogitatio
  892. impetro
  893. equis
  894. iuro
  895. philosophia

    Philosophia is a word that the Latin language borrowed from Ancient Greek. Ancient Rome had its share of philosophers, including Marcus Aurelius and Seneca. It is hard to know if philosophy played as significant a role in ancient Rome as it did in ancient Greece, but it played enough of a role for this term to appear among the most common Latin words.

  896. adquiro
  897. accuso
  898. procul
    (at a distance)
  899. occulo
  900. terminus
  901. societas
  902. servum
  903. vere
  904. laboro
  905. vestra
  906. edico
  907. rectus
  908. effundo
  909. praeterea
  910. instrumentum
  911. voce
  912. pendeo
  913. circulus
    (a circle)
  914. manifestus
  915. expono
  916. sane
  917. natio
  918. voluit
  919. nonnullus
  920. remaneo
  921. immo
  922. certamen
  923. orior
    (I rise)
  924. obsidio
  925. mas
  926. Hierusalem
    [proper noun]
  927. interdico
  928. Romano
    [proper noun]
  929. legatio
  930. perduco
  931. monstro
  932. erro
  933. mille
  934. colligo
  935. quare
  936. proprie
  937. prodeo
  938. tempero
  939. umbra
    (a shadow)

    This Latin word is the root of the English word “umbrella”.

  940. viris
  941. Italia
    [proper noun]
  942. flamma
  943. felicitas
  944. pupillus
  945. moneo
    (I advise)
  946. nonne
  947. sacramentum
  948. simplex
  949. Romanos
    [proper noun]
  950. pector
  951. possessor
  952. decet
  953. neglego
  954. incido
  955. adoro
  956. suburbanus
  957. testor
  958. obligatio
  959. supplex
  960. auro
  961. Romanorum
    [proper noun]
  962. idoneus
  963. olim
    (once upon a time)
  964. reperio
    (I find)
  965. prudentia
  966. divina
  967. porro
  968. indico
    (I indicate)
  969. extendo
    (I extend)
  970. gratus

    An inflected form of this adjective appears in the Latin expression “persona non grata” which literally means “person not pleasing” and which refers to an “unwelcome person”.

  971. fallo
  972. valde
  973. mandatum
  974. requiro
  975. argumentum
  976. prex
  977. succedo
  978. triginta
  979. videntur
  980. discrimen
  981. emitto
  982. testator
  983. commendo
    (I recommend)
  984. experior
    (I try)
  985. paco
  986. celebro
  987. amnis
  988. memoro
  989. tergo
  990. commodus
  991. furtum
  992. interficio
  993. quiesco
    (I rest)
  994. vim
  995. praeparo
  996. videatur
  997. vitam
  998. sino
  999. matrimonium
  1000. Paulus
    [proper noun]
  1001. exerceo
  1002. spons
  1003. momentum
  1004. comedo
  1005. excello
  1006. comprehendo
  1007. priusquam
  1008. praepono
  1009. virtute
    (by virtue)
  1010. impendo
  1011. desino
  1012. curia
  1013. poeta
  1014. vestrum
  1015. occasio
  1016. prosum
  1017. consumo
    (I consume)
  1018. penes
  1019. semel
  1020. subicio
  1021. munio
  1022. rapio
  1023. pontifex
  1024. urbes
  1025. oppugno
  1026. circuitus
  1027. gaudeo
  1028. Romanus
  1029. repens
  1030. subdo
  1031. impetus
  1032. turbo
  1033. opinor
  1034. duplex
  1035. latro

    The Latin word “latro” is the root of the English word “larceny” which is a synonym of “theft”.

  1036. paternus

    This adjective is derived by adding the suffix “-nus” to the noun “pater” which means “father”.

  1037. protinus
  1038. licentia
    (a license)
  1039. respicio
  1040. aequor
  1041. principis
  1042. adiungo
    (I add)
  1043. argentum
  1044. turpis
  1045. condemno
    (I condemn)
  1046. inclino
  1047. ejus
  1048. difficilis
  1049. ciuitas
  1050. titulus
  1051. nimis
    (too much)
  1052. inanis
  1053. parco
  1054. ordino
  1055. virorum
  1056. patro
  1057. desiderium
  1058. punio
  1059. ripa
  1060. animo
  1061. pignus
  1062. ultro
  1063. nuptiae
  1064. clamo
  1065. tempestas
  1066. praemitto
  1067. iniquus
  1068. excedo
  1069. separo
  1070. vult
  1071. memini
    (I remember)
  1072. declino
  1073. supplicium
  1074. distinguo
    (I distinguish)
  1075. minuo
  1076. plane
  1077. sublimis
  1078. donum
  1079. militaris
  1080. Italiam
    [proper noun]
  1081. terror
  1082. pondus
  1083. terrenus
  1084. sapio
  1085. prae
  1086. defensio
  1087. universa
  1088. reficio
  1089. frumentum
  1090. agnosco
    (I recognize)
  1091. orator
  1092. cornus
  1093. cerno
  1094. defensor
  1095. recedo
  1096. educo
  1097. Iudas
    [proper noun]