How to Write an Email or Letter in Hungarian

This guide to writing emails and letters in Hungarian starts with opening greetings and sign-off phrases (for formal and informal messages).

Then it covers specific examples, including thank-you cards, birthday cards, and wedding cards.

At the end of this article are complete examples of a formal email and an informal one.

How to start an email or a letter in Hungarian

Formal Greetings

The Hungarian word “Tisztelt” (which translates to “Dear”) is a formal way to address the recipient at the beginning of a message. For example: “Tisztelt Rónai Úr!” (Dear Mr. Rónai).

In some cases, the word “Kedves” (which also translates to “Dear”) can do the trick, as it can be both formal or informal. If using it formally though, always write the surname and given name of the person you are addressing. When writing an official letter, your best bet is to stick with «Tisztelt».

While these words can both be used, when addressing the person, you should always use «Ön», the honorific form of «Te» («you»).

When addressing someone in a formal letter, it is most polite to address them by their family name and then their gendered title («Tisztelt Kovács Úr!» – «Dear Mr Kovács!»).

If you’re writing a message to somebody you don’t know, it's best if you use the Hungarian equivalents of the English «To Whom It May Concern.» These are the following: «Tisztelt Hölgyem/Uram!» («Dear Mr/Ms!»), without adding any name.

Informal Greetings

If you’re writing to a friend or anybody you already know informally, you can use «Kedves» and then add the person’s first name after it.

Even in the context of an email, it's also completely fine if you just write «Szia!» («Hi!»). Also, «Sziasztok!» («Hi Guys!») works if you are addressing multiple people or forwarding your message to a team.

In a very informal setting, and I mean really informal, with a close friend, it's alright to use highly informal greetings as well, such as «Csá!»

In the case of an informal message, you can use the person’s first name after a greeting («Szia Tomi!» – «Hi Tom!»), but you can also just send the greetings without using any name whatsoever.

When you know the person and the message is informal, you’re allowed to use the familiar form («Te», «Tiéd» – «You», «Yours») when addressing them.

How to end an email or a letter in Hungarian

Sign-offs for formal messages

With most official or formal messages, the simplest way to end the letter is to write «Tisztelettel» (the Hungarian equivalent of «Best Regards») at the bottom of your text, followed by your full name (surname and given name are enough).

It's also fine to use «Üdvözlettel» («Goodbye») when ending a letter to someone who is more than a stranger but less than a friend, and who you are using the honorific speaking form with.

While some writing guides will claim that you should add things like «mielőbbi válaszában bízva» («awaiting your response») before «Tisztelettel», never add sentences like this. It comes off as tacky, annoying and can even give the impression of desperation.

Sign-offs for informal messages

Because informal messages are, well, informal, there are no rules about how to end a letter to a friend or partner. You don’t even have to end the message. After all, if you’re friends then you probably speak a lot to each other anyway, so it doesn’t make much sense to add an ending all the time.

If you do want to add an ending to an informal message, the best thing is to use «Üdv.» («Bye»). It's the short version of «Üdvözlettel» (Goodbye), which again, like «Kedves», can be both formal and informal.

Other useful Hungarian email phrases

There are a bunch of words you can use in Hungarian emails. Just like in any other language, don’t clutter your email with uninformative sentences.

That being said, there are some sentences that are worth adding to an email that can help. «Remélem jól van» («hope you are well») is a polite generic sentence that can help you build a good relationship with a stranger.

When sending an email attachment, you can write «mellékelve küldöm» («I am sending attached») or «csatolva megtalálja» («attached you can find»), followed by information about the files you are sending.

If there’s something important that doesn’t belong to the main message, you can add «Ui:» to the bottom of the email and a short message. It's like «by the way» or «PS» (post scriptum, postscript).

Specific types of Hungarian letters

How to write a postcard in Hungarian

When writing a postcard, it depends on who you’re addressing it to. If the person is a romantic love interest, you could go with a quote from a great Hungarian poet who wrote romantic poems. Endre Ady comes to mind, or Mihály Csokonai-Vitéz.

If you’re writing from a specific Hungarian location, you could go with a Hungarian writer who wrote something specific to that area, like Géza Gárdonyi and Eger. This nice touch is bound to impress.

Or, you could go with something formulaic, explaining how nice your vacation is, using expressions like «remek időnk van» (we’re having nice weather) or «hiányzol» (missing you).

How to write a thank you card in Hungarian

Hungarian has many ways of expressing gratitude. The easiest way to write a thank you card (köszönetkártya) is to focus on who you’re addressing and why.

It doesn’t always have to be very specific. The most general and formulaic way of expressing your gratitude in Hungarian is to just write «köszönet mindenért» (thank you for everything). This works well if you don’t want to get into too many details.

How to write a birthday card in Hungarian

There are a lot of ways you can wish someone a happy birthday. «Boldog születésnapot» (happy birthday), «boldog szülinapot» (happy birthday) work equally well.

«Isten éltessen» (may God give you a long life) is also appropriate, although bear in mind that not everyone is religious in Hungary.

Besides this, adding a short poem to your birthday card, especially from a talented, well-known Hungarian poet, is also a great touch that will surely give a good impression.

How to write a wedding card in Hungarian

Complementing the bride – «a világ legszebb menyasszonyának» (for the most beautiful bride in the whole wide world) is a good idea for such an occasion.

Like with greetings cards in general, more isn’t always better. One of the best things you can write is: «tartsatok ki egymás mellett és szeressétek egymást amíg éltek» (stay together and love each other for as long as you live.»)

A simple, thoughtful yet touching message, which shows that you wish the bride and groom much love and a long, happy marriage.

Hungarian email/ letter example

To help you get a better feel for writing a message in Hungarian, we’ll show you a short example of a formal one and an informal one, along with their translations.

Example of a formal email

Tisztelt Rónai Úr! Köszönöm szépen megkeresését.

Nagy öröm számomra, hogy szakmai önéletrajzom felkeltette érdeklődését.
Az interjú tekintetében leginkább a délutáni, kora esti órák felelnek meg nekem. Gondolok itt a délután 16:00-19:00 közötti intervallumra.
Amennyiben ez Önnek is megfelel, várom válaszát és egyeztetünk, email vagy telefon keretén belül.
Zoomon is megoldható.

Tisztelettel és köszönettel,
Csepreghy Xaviér
Translation: Dear Mr Rónai! Thank you for your letter.

It is excellent that my CV has attracted your interest.
Regarding the interview, I am available in the afternoon and early evening.
I am thinking of an interval between 16:00 and 19:00.
If this fits with your schedule, I await your response and we will discuss the matter further, either by email or on the phone.
Zoom is also good for me.

Best Regards,
Xaviér Csepreghy

Example of an informal email

Csá Haver!

Hallod, nagyon jó volt a nyaralás. Príma helyünk volt, az Aruba Five Star Resort. Jó áron tudtuk elcsípni, akciósan. Az időnk is tökéletes volt. Mondták az egyik nap, lehet lesz vihar, de elmaradt. Eljutottunk a szomszéd szigetre is.

Amúgy angolul mindenki beszél, mobillal is lehet kb mindenhol fizetni. Az árak is jók, kicsit drága de tűrhető. Neked nagyon bejönne, legközelebb együtt is utazhatnánk, tényleg fasza hely. Kipróbáltuk a búvárkodást is, fasza volt az is. Úsztam a halakkal! : D Tisztára mint a filmekben.

Na, hozzuk már össze a talit valamelyik nap. Jövő Héten ráérek, még szabin vagyok. Beszélünk majd, hívjál és toljuk majd ezerrel.
Translation: Hi Bro!

You hear, the vacation was really great. We had a fantastic place, in the Aruba Five Star Resort. We got it reasonably cheap, at a discount price. Our weather was perfect. One day they said there’d be a storm, but it never came. We got over to the neighboring island too.

By the way, everyone speaks English, and you can pay with a smartphone literally everywhere. The prices are good, a little expensive though, but not bad. You’d really like it, let’s travel there together sometime, it's a great place. We tried snorkeling too, which was great fun. I swam with the fish! : D It was like the movies.

Well, let’s meet up one of these days. I’m free next week, I’m still on leave. Talk to you soon, call me and we’ll roll.