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The complete list of the 1000 most common Welsh words

This list of the one thousand most common Welsh words is the result of a statistical analysis that we performed on a large number of Welsh texts.

This Welsh vocabulary list is sorted in decreasing order of frequency; this means that the words appearing at the top are more common than those appearing further down the list.

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Here is the list of the 1000 most common Welsh words:

  1. yn

    In addition to its use as a preposition, the Welsh word “yn” also serves as a particle that has many functions within the language, such as, for example connecting verbs and adjectives.

  2. y
    [definite article]

    Welsh has a definite article that can take several different forms (y, yr, and ’r). The Welsh language, however, does not use indefinite articles.

  3. bod
    (to be)
  4. a
  5. o
    (from, of)
  6. ar
  7. i
  8. ei
    [possessive adjective]
    (his, her, its)
  9. gan
    (by, with)
  10. cael
    (to get, to have)
  11. enw
  12. am
    (about, for)
  13. fel
    (like, as)
  14. mewn
  15. un
  16. eu
    [possessive adjective]
  17. ond
  18. neu
  19. wedi
    (after, having)
  20. gyda
  21. ym
    (around, about)
  22. ôl
    (trace, track)
  23. hefyd
    (also, too, as well)
  24. dod
    (to come)
  25. Cymru
    [proper noun]

    The Welsh language is native to Wales. Therefore it comes as no surprise that the Welsh word “Cymru” (which means “Wales”) is a very frequently used term.

  26. rhan
    (part, section)
  27. hyn
  28. pentref

    The Welsh word “pentref” means “village”. It is a combination of the words “pen” (meaning “head”) and‎ “tref” (meaning “town”). While the word “pentref” is the standard form, there is also a more colloquial variant of the word, which is “pentre”.

  29. hyd
    (length, duration)
  30. cynnwys
    (to include, contain)
  31. â
  32. nifer
  33. cyntaf
  34. rhwng
  35. at
    (to, towards)
  36. er
    (despite, although)
  37. defnyddio
    (to use)
  38. pan
  39. hynny
  40. Lloegr
    [proper noun]
  41. dros
    (over, across)
  42. hwn
  43. afon

    The Welsh word “Afon” means “river”. This is a useful word in the Welsh language because several important rivers flow through Wales, such as, for example, the River Severn (Afon Hafren), which is the longest in Great Britain. Other examples include the River Dee (Afon Dyfrdwy) and the River Wye (Afon Gwy).

  44. gwaith
  45. Saesneg
    (English (language))
  46. dinas
  47. de
  48. tua
    (towards, about)
  49. iaith

    When you learn a new language, one of the first words you become familiar with is the term “language” itself, and in Welsh that word is “iaith.”

  50. newydd
  51. dau
  52. grŵp
  53. erbyn
    (by, against)
  54. lle
    (place, where)
  55. byw
    (to live, adjective)
  56. ysgol
  57. yma
  58. cyfnod
  59. mwyaf
    (most, biggest)
  60. cyn
  61. llyfr
  62. gallu
  63. arall
  64. heddiw
  65. Cymraeg
    [proper noun]
  66. rhai
  67. pobl
  68. gwneud
  69. aelod
  70. ef
  71. byd
  72. wrth
  73. nid
  74. prif
  75. iddo
    (to him)
  76. na
  77. mynd
  78. eglwys
  79. ffilm
  80. fe
  81. hen
  82. trwy
  83. teulu
  84. iawn
  85. ardal
  86. ffurf
  87. ynys

    “Ynys” is a Welsh word that means “island”. In Wales, there are plenty of occasions to use this word due to the many islands situated along the country’s coastline. One famous example is Ynys Môn (the Isle of Anglesey) which has connections to Celtic mythology.

  88. ystod
  89. dan
  90. hanes
  91. safle
  92. gogledd
  93. neidr
  94. mis
  95. sawl
  96. hun
  97. gwrywaidd
  98. perthyn
  99. gweld
  100. gwlad
  101. sef
  102. mynydd
  103. rhoi
  104. arbennig
  105. hon
    (this (feminine))
  106. gair
  107. mawr
  108. unig
    (lonely, only)
  109. creu
  110. ysgrifennu
  111. symud
  112. ennill
  113. copa
  114. ail
  115. llawer
    (a lot, much)
  116. nofel

    The Welsh word “nofel” comes from the English word “novel.” That’s why both terms look similar.

  117. adeilad
  118. cyhoeddi
  119. mai
    (that (introducing a clause))
  120. chwarae
    (to play)
  121. llyn

    The Welsh word “Llyn” (which means “lake”) is frequently used because Wales has many beautiful lakes, some of which have connections to Celtic mythology.

  122. mwy
  123. ers
  124. allan
  125. oes
    (age, era)
  126. planhigyn
  127. Cymreig
  128. marw
    (to die)
  129. diwedd
  130. math
    (type, kind)
  131. swydd
    (job, position)
  132. uchder
  133. dyn
  134. ag
  135. megis
    (like, as if)
  136. tro
  137. mab
  138. pob
  139. yno
  140. cadw
  141. adeiladu
  142. rhyfel
  143. weithiau
  144. dilyn
  145. brenin
  146. hi
  147. ger
  148. sefydlu
  149. felly
  150. tu
  151. ni
  152. mwyn
    (ore/ for the sake of)
  153. arfer
  154. aml
  155. dyma
    (here is/this is)
  156. rhif
  157. oherwydd
  158. dim
  159. gweithio
  160. dangos
    (to show)
  161. plant
  162. newid
    (to change)
  163. llai
  164. bardd
  165. gorllewin
  166. canol
  167. cwmni
  168. drwy
  169. yna
  170. môr

    “Môr” is a Welsh word that translates to “sea”. Its frequent use can be explained by the geography of Wales, and in particular, its extensive coastline that borders the Irish Sea.

  171. enwog
  172. galw
    (to call)
  173. cynnar
  174. ffwrdd
  175. cynrychioli
    (to represent)
  176. dal
    (to hold / still, persistent)
  177. oed
  178. ganddo
    [verb (possessive structure)]
    (he has)
  179. prifysgol
  180. chwedl
  181. codi
    (to lift, to raise)
  182. datblygu
    (to develop)
  183. arwain
    (to lead)
  184. benywaidd
  185. Alban
    [proper noun]
  186. bellach
    (now, no longer)
  187. cynhyrchu
    (to produce)
  188. heb
  189. bywyd
  190. olaf
  191. rheol
  192. sir
  193. gydag
  194. cenedlaethol
  195. Lladin
    [proper noun]
  196. blwyddyn
  197. cyrraedd
    (to arrive, to reach)
  198. mor
    (as, like)
  199. poblogaeth
  200. nad
    (that not)
  201. bach
  202. lleol
  203. gwas
  204. plwyf
  205. iddi
    (to her, to it)
  206. gorwedd
    (lie, rest)
  207. casgliad
  208. derbyn
    (receive, accept)
  209. cymryd
  210. lluosog
    (plural, multiple)
  211. dŵr
  212. ymddangos
  213. llywodraeth
  214. bychan
  215. tri
  216. ffordd
    (road, way)
  217. Mai
    [noun (proper noun)]
  218. papur
  219. ychydig
  220. rhaid
  221. priodi
    (to marry)
  222. traddodiad
  223. iddynt
    (to them)
  224. cyfrol
  225. uchaf
  226. cynnal
    (to maintain)
  227. tir
  228. amddiffyn
    (to defend)
  229. Chwefror
    [proper noun]
  230. dwyrain
  231. parhau
    (to continue)
  232. ystyried
    (to consider)
  233. uwch
  234. lladd
    (to kill)
  235. O
  236. cyffredin
  237. merch
  238. hir
  239. to
  240. Prydain
    [proper noun]
  241. adnabyddus
  242. gwyn
  243. rhestr
  244. unigryw
  245. enghraifft
  246. adnabod
    (to know)
  247. achos
  248. amser
  249. seneddol
  250. tref
  251. gerllaw
  252. Mawrth
    (March (month) or Mars (planet), depending on the context)
  253. urdd
    (order (as in a society or organization))
  254. hwnnw
    (that (one))
  255. golygu
    (to mean or to edit)
  256. troi
    (to turn)
  257. Rhagfyr
    [proper noun]
  258. geni
    (to be born)
  259. rhaglen
  260. Ionawr
    [proper noun]
  261. wedyn
  262. maes
  263. cyflwyno
    (to present)
  264. tîm
  265. arweinydd
  266. stori
  267. nhw
  268. etholiad
  269. nag
  270. pwysig
  271. os
  272. llawn
  273. da
  274. grym
  275. lefel
  276. lan
  277. cerdd
  278. unrhyw
  279. disgrifiad
  280. eto
  281. dydd
  282. ceisio
    (to try)
  283. hanner
  284. dechrau
    (to begin)
  285. rhedeg
    (to run)
  286. du
  287. pryd
  288. awdur
  289. cyfeirio
    (to refer)
  290. Ewrop
    [proper noun]
  291. ffin
  292. clwb
  293. casglu
    (to collect)
  294. ethol
    (to elect)
  295. tan
  296. uchel
  297. Gorffennaf
    [proper noun]

    The Welsh word “Gorffennaf” refers to the month of July. It is a compound of the words “gorffen” (meaning “end”) and “haf” (meaning “summer”); so it literally translates to “end of summer”.

  298. diwylliant
  299. astudiaeth
  300. etholaeth
  301. castell

    The term “Castell” (which means “castle”) is a common Welsh word because Wales has plenty of castles and ancient medieval fortresses, including, for example, Conwy Castle and Caerphilly Castle.

  302. addysg
  303. arian
  304. digwydd
  305. cofrestru
  306. cyfan
  307. teledu
  308. gŵr
  309. ifanc
  310. corff
  311. sefyll
  312. haf
  313. gwahanol
  314. defnydd
  315. rhag
  316. honno
    (that one (feminine))
  317. coed
    [plural noun]
  318. tyfu
    (to grow)
  319. pen
  320. cyhoedd
  321. milwrol
  322. ymladd
    (to fight)
  323. dychwelyd
    (to return)
  324. sant
  325. [noun]
  326. naturiol
  327. agor
    (to open)
  328. ymlaen
  329. adeg
    (time, period)
  330. disgrifio
    (to describe)
  331. bryd
    (moment, time)
  332. ymuno
    (to join)
  333. cymdeithas
    (society, association)
  334. ystyr
  335. cylchgrawn
  336. rheoli
    (to control, manage)
  337. gwasanaeth
  338. llys
  339. rheilffordd
  340. sylw
  341. credu
  342. actor
  343. chwaraewr
  344. ffurfio
  345. cynulliad
  346. duw
  347. lliw
  348. medru
    (can/be able)
  349. canolfan
  350. lawr
  351. athro
  352. allanol
  353. diddordeb
  354. drama
  355. wyth
  356. tra
  357. llifo
    (to flow)
  358. Owain
    [proper noun]

    Owain is a Welsh male name that is often anglicized as Owen. For more, see this guide to Welsh boy names.

  359. rhyw
    (kind, sort)
  360. dynol
  361. dibynnu
    (to depend)
  362. fersiwn
  363. ras
    (racing contest)
  364. hydref
  365. gartref
    (at home/home)
  366. testun
  367. rhyddhau
    (to release)
  368. troedfedd
  369. canu
    (to sing)
  370. swyddog
  371. metr
  372. mesur
    (measure/to measure)
  373. Tachwedd
  374. system
  375. atal
    (to stop)
  376. cefn
  377. cerddoriaeth

    The English language derives the term “musician” from the word “music”. In Welsh, however, it’s the other way around: the term “cerddoriaeth” (which means “music”) comes from the word “cerddor” (which means “musician”).

  378. natur
  379. llun
  380. cipio
    (to capture)
  381. heddlu
  382. efallai
  383. presennol
  384. anifail

    Welsh is a Celtic language but there are a few Welsh words that were borrowed from Latin. The Welsh word “anifail” looks similar to its English translation, “animal”; that is because both terms come from the same Latin word.

  385. diwrnod
  386. medr
  387. llong
  388. oddi
  389. agos
  390. gwaed
  391. holl
  392. gêm
  393. gwerin
  394. gyrfa
  395. gwleidydd
  396. golau
  397. dyddio
    (to date)
  398. bryn
  399. gadael
    (to leave)
  400. diweddar
  401. nod
    (mark / goal)
  402. serch
  403. can
    (to sing / noun)
  404. arwynebedd
    (surface area)
  405. modd
    (manner / way)
  406. nodi
    (to mark / to note)
  407. chwe
  408. darn
  409. e
    (he / it)
  410. cysylltu
    (to connect)
  411. poblogaidd
  412. albwm
  413. lleoli
    (to locate / to situate)
  414. marwolaeth
  415. dyffryn
  416. miliwn
  417. gwyfyn
  418. llinell
  419. haul
  420. mwyafrif
  421. Cymry
    [proper noun]
    (Welsh people)
  422. gweithredu
    (to operate, to act)
  423. buddugoliaeth
  424. person
  425. tywysog
  426. llygad
  427. Mehefin
    [proper noun]
  428. Rhys
    [proper noun]
    (Rhys (Welsh male name))
  429. gwybod
    (to know)
  430. amrywiol
  431. unwaith
  432. pedwar
  433. neuadd
  434. glo
  435. astudio
    (to study)
  436. llwyddo
    (to succeed)
  437. elfen
  438. trydydd
  439. traeth
  440. prin
  441. undeb
  442. syniad
  443. rhanbarth
  444. cyfarfod
  445. llyfrgell
  446. cryf
  447. saith
  448. cyfeiriad
  449. dweud
  450. cau
  451. eang
  452. symbol
  453. car
  454. siarad
  455. brawd
  456. is
  457. Medi
    [proper noun]

    The Welsh word “Medi” refers to the month of September. The term comes from the verb “medi” which means “to reap”; that is because September is a month during the harvest period.

  458. ymhlith
  459. llaw
  460. rhannu
    (to share, to divide)
  461. gwreiddiol
  462. gwrthryfel
  463. gwraig
  464. ychwanegu
    (to add)
  465. Dafydd
    [proper noun]
  466. capel
  467. eisteddfod
    (a Welsh festival of literature, music and performance)
  468. cynllun
  469. beth
  470. personol
  471. Ffrangeg
    (French (language))
  472. gwyrdd

    The Welsh word “gwyrdd” means “green”, one of the main colors of the flag of Wales which represents a red dragon on a green and white background.

  473. coch
  474. faint
    (how much, how many)
  475. llawysgrif
  476. lawer
  477. cyfraith
  478. cynnig
  479. deg
  480. bwyd
  481. gorchymyn
  482. dull
  483. cysylltiad
  484. digon
  485. llosgi
  486. cyffredinol
  487. tuag
  488. rownd
  489. banc
  490. ochr
  491. Hydref
    [proper noun]
  492. wythnos
  493. hoyw
  494. canrif
  495. gân
  496. hynafol
  497. gorau
  498. tywydd
  499. hunain
  500. darllen
  501. oddeutu
  502. pum
  503. milltir
  504. busnes
  505. duwies
  506. cytundeb
  507. prifddinas
    (capital city)

    The Welsh word “prifddinas” means “capital city”. It is formed from the word “dinas” (meaning “city”), to which the prefix “prif-” (meaning “main” or “chief”) is added. Cardiff, by the way, is the capital of Wales.

  508. sioe

    Languages that are in contact often borrow words from each other. For example, the Welsh word “sioe” is borrowed from the English word “show”; in the process, the spelling was adapted to reflect Welsh phonetics.

  509. unigol
  510. amlwg
  511. man
  512. pennaeth
  513. talaith
  514. sicrhau
  515. cartref
  516. traddodiadol
  517. aros
  518. hedfan
    (to fly)
  519. canfod
  520. addoli
  521. ymdrech
  522. llwyddiannus
  523. byddin
  524. maint
  525. gweinidog
  526. byr
  527. gradd
  528. awgrymu
  529. barn
  530. gweithiwr
  531. ymgyrch
  532. celf
  533. adroddiad
  534. adar
  535. trefnu
  536. cyngor
    (council, advice)
  537. gwres
  538. gosod
    (to place, to set)
  539. melyn
  540. [noun]
  541. ymerodraeth
  542. chwarel
  543. record
  544. cryn
    (strong, stout)
  545. fi
    (I, me)
  546. offeiriad
  547. heibio
    (past, by)
  548. sefyllfa
    (situation, position)
  549. cerddor
  550. honni
    (to claim, to assert)
  551. gwybodaeth
    (information, knowledge)
  552. cyfrannu
    (to contribute)
  553. hwy
    (they, them)
  554. eich
    (your (plural/formal))
  555. digwyddiad
    (event, incident)
  556. diwethaf
  557. cwrs
  558. chwaer
  559. llwyn
  560. arddangos
    (display, show)
  561. neb
  562. tynnu
    (pull, draw)
  563. Affrica
    [proper noun]
  564. gwleidyddol
  565. arglwydd
  566. difrifol
  567. sych
  568. achosi
  569. oren
    (orange (fruit or color))
  570. helaeth
    (extensive, wide)
  571. bwriad
  572. gweriniaeth
  573. coedwig

    The Welsh word “Coedwig” means “forest”. It is a frequently used term because there are many forests in Wales, including, for example, Coed y Brenin (King's Forest) and Afan Forest Park.

  574. sêr
  575. Groeg
    [proper noun]
  576. dioddef
  577. talu
  578. stryd
  579. erioed
  580. crug
  581. cytuno
  582. cant
  583. gardd
  584. llywydd
  585. gwerthu
  586. blynedd
  587. llall
  588. isel
  589. dadlau
  590. dewis
  591. dyddiad
  592. baner
  593. parc
  594. llwyr
  595. llwybr
  596. blodyn
  597. Ffrengig
  598. economaidd
  599. awr
  600. awyr
  601. hylif
  602. pren
  603. gofyn
    (to ask)
  604. cemeg
  605. angen
  606. teitl
  607. cred
  608. cyfoes
  609. amrywio
    (to vary)
  610. haearn
  611. nesaf
  612. staff
  613. bron
  614. coleg
  615. profi
    (to test or to prove)
  616. tebyg
  617. gorffen
  618. radio
  619. rhyngwladol
  620. darlun
  621. pont
  622. Ebrill
    [proper noun]
  623. pwnc
  624. diwydiant
  625. cadwyn
  626. arwydd
  627. America
    [proper noun]
  628. rhyddid
  629. cyhoeddus
  630. criw
  631. llafur
  632. enwi
  633. gwasanaethu
  634. gweddill
  635. noson
  636. gwobr
  637. mil
  638. ugeinfed
    [ordinal number]
  639. croes
    [noun, adjective]
    (cross, crossed)
  640. cynghrair
  641. anfon
    (to send)
  642. meddal
  643. ymchwilio
    (to investigate)
  644. ir
  645. draw
    (over there, far, to the other side)
  646. beirniad
    (critic, judge)
  647. addoliad
  648. glas
  649. amgylch
  650. ymgais
  651. hoff
  652. cariad

    The Welsh word “cariad” means “love”. It is quite different from the corresponding Irish word which is “grá”. Despite both of them being Celtic languages, Welsh and Irish are languages with significant differences in vocabulary.

  653. pump
  654. cyfarwyddwr
  655. gwefan
  656. Almaeneg
    [proper noun]
  657. llysenw
  658. ysbrydol
  659. sylfaen
  660. dosbarth
  661. teithio
    (to travel)
  662. chwech
  663. tŵr
  664. safonol
  665. geiriadur

    The Welsh word “geiriadur” means “dictionary.” An English-Welsh dictionary can be useful when you learn Welsh.

  666. argraffiad
  667. gogleddol
  668. prynu
    (to buy)
  669. parch
  670. theatr
  671. ymysg
  672. golygydd
  673. gwerth
  674. pwy
  675. dosbarthu
  676. newyddion
  677. cofnod
  678. ymgyrchu
  679. crefyddol
  680. chwyldro
  681. erthygl
  682. ildio
  683. ychwanegol
  684. ysbyty
  685. perthynas
  686. priodas
  687. canwr
  688. torri
  689. euog
  690. cae
  691. arwr
  692. mur
  693. treulio
  694. amgylchedd
  695. cyflwynydd
  696. awdurdod
  697. aber
    (estuary, confluence)
  698. cylch
  699. claf
  700. plaid
    (party (political))
  701. ble
  702. ffair
    (fair (as in a market))
  703. enfawr
    (huge, enormous)
  704. amgueddfa

    The Welsh word “amgueddfa” means “museum.” If you travel to Wales, you might visit the National Museum Cardiff or the St Fagans National Museum of History.

  705. senedd
  706. carreg
  707. ieuenctid
  708. brwydr
  709. glyn
  710. adran
  711. map
  712. canlyniad
  713. mabwysiadu
  714. cangen
  715. osgoi
  716. Pasg
  717. amcangyfrif
  718. cwch
  719. dylanwad
  720. heblaw
  721. gwesty
  722. cyflogi
  723. cwestiwn
  724. cymdeithasol
  725. ehangu
  726. Rhufeinig

    The Welsh adjective “Rhufeinig” means “Roman.” The Roman Empire (“Ymerodraeth Rufeinig” in Welsh) extended all the way to Wales, and if you travel to Wales, you might see some Roman ruins, like those in the city of Caerleon.

  727. diflannu
  728. colli
  729. asgwrn
  730. pa
  731. bara
  732. uwchben
  733. hawl
    (right (as in a right or entitlement))
  734. gwallt
  735. blaidd
  736. caer
    (fort or castle)

    “Caer” is a Welsh word that means “fort”. Many towns with “Caer” in their names, such as Caerphilly and Caernarfon, are sites of ancient Roman forts or medieval strongholds.

  737. gaeaf
  738. rhain
  739. ymddeol
    (to retire)
  740. Efrog
    [proper noun]
  741. Awst
    [proper noun]
  742. ffrwyth
  743. darlledu
    (to broadcast)
  744. gwastad
  745. siop
  746. chwilio
    (to search)
  747. datblygiad
  748. ai
    [particle (used in questions etc.)]
    (whether (also an interrogative particle in some contexts))
  749. llenyddol

    The adjective “llenyddol” (which means “literary”) is a useful Welsh term because Wales has an important literary heritage that includes the Mabinogion, a collection of ancient Welsh stories.

  750. twll
  751. dyfodol
  752. achub
    (to save)
  753. ymwneud
    (to be involved)
  754. gwarchod
    (to guard/to protect)
  755. cofio
    (to remember)
  756. cyfoethog
  757. fy
  758. disgwyl
    (to wait/to expect)
  759. cam
  760. olynol
  761. celfyddyd
  762. gwella
    (to improve/to heal)
  763. rhwydwaith
  764. Gwyddeleg
    [proper noun]
    (Irish (language))

    The Welsh word “Gwyddeleg” refers to the Irish language. Both Welsh and Irish are Celtic languages, but their vocabulary differs significantly. See for instance how the most frequently used Irish words differ from the corresponding Welsh words.

  765. cefnfor
  766. sianel
  767. annog
    (to encourage)
  768. siopa
    (to shop)
  769. ceffyl

    Not all languages have the word for “horse” among their most common words. But Welsh does, and that word is “ceffyl.”

  770. mewnol
  771. peiriant
  772. nos
  773. seiclo
  774. amryw
  775. anghywir
  776. fferm
  777. gwrthrych
  778. aur
  779. sut
  780. brodorol
  781. tymor
  782. canlynol
  783. eithaf
  784. bwrdd
  785. bro
  786. ysgrif
  787. brwydro
  788. cystadlu
  789. telyn

    The Welsh word “Telyn” refers to the harp (the musical instrument). It is one of the national symbols of Wales and it is part of the country’s musical traditions.

  790. dwywaith
  791. darganfod
  792. esbonio
  793. lled
    (width, adjective)
  794. ein
  795. golygfa
    (view, scene)
  796. cyfieithu
  797. addasu
  798. siart
  799. siaradwr
  800. hallt
  801. Duw
  802. esgob
  803. blaen
  804. gwahaniaethu
  805. dymuno
  806. dathlu
  807. deddf
  808. ambell
    (some, occasional)
  809. eira
  810. union
  811. archwilio
    (to inspect)
  812. adrodd
    (to report)
  813. cyfrif
  814. drws
  815. bwyta
    (to eat)
  816. penderfynu
    (to decide)
  817. ocsigen
  818. darlunio
    (to illustrate/picture)
  819. cyfraniad
  820. ledled
  821. ymarfer
    (to practice)
  822. gwyddor
  823. perfformiad
  824. wyneb
  825. taflu
    (to throw)
  826. swyddfa
  827. olwyn
  828. cul
  829. craig
  830. cân
  831. chweched
    [ordinal number]
  832. peth
  833. mynychu
  834. cymorth
  835. gwahaniaeth
  836. golwg
    (look, view)
  837. olew
  838. poeth
  839. fideo
  840. carbon
  841. edrych
  842. deuddeg
  843. unigolyn
  844. dial
  845. syml
  846. ogof
  847. cyfreithiol
  848. sgwâr
  849. gwahardd
    (ban, prohibit)
  850. cysyniad
  851. effeithio
    (to affect)
  852. cyflawni
    (to achieve)
  853. sillaf
  854. hyrwyddo
    (to promote)
  855. le
  856. gwenith
  857. llafar
  858. hwnt
  859. disgybl
  860. canolog
  861. ymgeisio
    (to apply)
  862. diddorol
  863. dadleuol
  864. prawf
  865. Rhiannon
    [proper noun]

    Rhiannon is a widely used female name in the Welsh language. For more examples, refer to this guide on Welsh girl names.

  866. mynwent
  867. Rwsia
    [proper noun]
  868. ysgafn
    (light (in weight))
  869. iechyd
  870. chi
    (you (plural or formal))
  871. ffatri
  872. aflwyddiannus
  873. tiwb
  874. anghydfod
  875. hydrogen
  876. march
  877. gafael
    (to grasp)
  878. manwl
  879. graddio
    (to grade)
  880. ffrind
  881. gofod
  882. fan
  883. Caerfyrddin
    [proper noun]
  884. anaf
  885. gorchuddio
    (to cover)
  886. cig
  887. bachgen
  888. gwely
  889. dysgu
    (to learn)
  890. egwyddor
  891. datgan
  892. iarll
  893. cwm
  894. arf
  895. ffynnon
    (spring (water source))
  896. clyfar
  897. dwyn
  898. cyfateb
  899. paratoi
  900. post
  901. dafad
  902. sail
  903. cofrestr
  904. llu
    (host (large number))
  905. heddwch
  906. nawr
  907. bedd
  908. athrawes
    (teacher (female))
  909. cludo
  910. effaith
  911. oriel
  912. ysgrifen
    (to write)
  913. nant
  914. bae
  915. dwbl
  916. meddwl
  917. offer
  918. pwynt
  919. cywydd
    (type of traditional Welsh verse)
  920. tunnell
  921. dosbarthiad
  922. cyfrifiad
  923. hwyr
  924. ci
  925. Almaen
    [proper noun]
  926. hil
  927. llwyddiant
  928. copi
  929. technoleg
  930. oer
  931. disgyn
    (to fall)
  932. melys
  933. mynnu
    (to insist)
  934. dail
  935. sefydlog
  936. adennill
    (to recover)
  937. tiriogaeth
  938. pawb
  939. glaw

    Rainy weather is not an unusual occurrence in Wales. That’s why the Welsh word “glaw” (which means “rain”) is commonly used.

  940. gwyddbwyll
  941. dillad
  942. dodrefn
  943. gramadeg
  944. gwleidyddiaeth
  945. anghytuno
    (to disagree)
  946. ffrwd
  947. llwyd
  948. cynffon
  949. safon
  950. Llanelli
    [proper noun]
    (Llanelli (a town in Wales))
  951. methu
    (to fail)
  952. sgil
  953. cefnogaeth
  954. Caernarfon
    [proper noun]
    (Caernarfon (a town in Wales))
  955. tud
    (side (in the sense of aspect or page))
  956. Beibl
  957. protest
  958. nodyn
  959. uniongyrchol
  960. dinistrio
    (to destroy)
  961. uno
    (to unite)
  962. adain
  963. arweiniad
  964. unfed
    [ordinal number]
    (first (in a sequence))
  965. anrhydedd
  966. gwrthod
    (to refuse)
  967. gwin
  968. erfyn
    (to implore/beg)
  969. diolch
    (thank(s)/to thank)
  970. carnedd
  971. ffug
  972. cyfuno
    (to combine)
  973. rheolwr
  974. cymal
  975. cysgu
    (to sleep)
  976. cefnogi
    (to support)
  977. terfynol
  978. cwpan
  979. canolbarth
    (midlands/central region)
  980. academi
  981. parcio
    (to park/parking)
  982. cychwyn
    (to start)
  983. gyrrwr
  984. tudalen
  985. mosg
  986. brig
  987. enillydd
  988. plygu
  989. maen
  990. eistedd
  991. peintio
  992. oedolyn
  993. rhagor
  994. graff
  995. dwfn
  996. hynod
  997. amrywiaeth
  998. Cristnogol
  999. ymgeisydd
  1000. diniwed
  1001. hawdd
  1002. clod
  1003. melin
  1004. w
  1005. metel
  1006. symudiad
  1007. ymosod
  1008. maeth
  1009. perthnasol
  1010. gwrthwynebiad
  1011. tocyn
  1012. arolwg
  1013. trin
  1014. delio
  1015. biolegol
  1016. uned
  1017. awyren
  1018. buddugol
  1019. tad
  1020. cofnodi
  1021. munud
  1022. ffrio
  1023. ymateb
  1024. addas
  1025. trwm
  1026. platfform
  1027. pysgota
  1028. tân
  1029. uwchradd
  1030. cynnydd
  1031. trafod
  1032. perfformio
  1033. cyfle
  1034. meddiannu
  1035. sedd
  1036. defnyddiwr
  1037. pridd
  1038. gwrthgymdeithasol
  1039. ti
  1040. afreolaidd
  1041. taith
  1042. dwys
  1043. mam
  1044. brenhinol
  1045. anhysbys
  1046. ymyl
  1047. lein
  1048. arddangosfa
  1049. caru
    (to love)
  1050. gorsaf
  1051. cop
  1052. llen
  1053. eisiau
    (to need, want)
  1054. llanw
  1055. clywed
    (to hear)
  1056. cwmpas
    (scope, circumference)
  1057. dawn
    (gift, talent)
  1058. Olympaidd
  1059. peri
    (to cause)
  1060. argraffu
    (to print)
  1061. datrys
    (to solve)
  1062. cell
  1063. therapi
  1064. sudd
  1065. anodd
  1066. oni
  1067. apêl
  1068. Llydaweg
    [proper noun]

    The Welsh word “Llydaweg” refers to Breton, a language native to the Brittany region in the west of France. Both Welsh and Breton are Celtic languages.

  1069. degawd
  1070. dyna
    (that (there))
  1071. gwrthdaro
  1072. diogelwch
  1073. cynhadledd
  1074. penderfyniad
  1075. ffurfiol
  1076. llif
  1077. del

    The Welsh adjective “del” (which means “pretty”) is a useful vocabulary word; it is often used when giving compliments in Welsh.

  1078. trwyn
  1079. tylwyth
    (family or clan)
  1080. ewythr
  1081. ŵyr
  1082. fas
  1083. araf