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The 1000 most common Sanskrit words [Complete List]

We produced this list of the 1000 most common Sanskrit words through a statistical analysis of a large number of Sanskrit texts.

These texts include passages from the Mahabharata (a long epic narrative from ancient India), several of the Upanishads (ancient Indian religious and philosophical texts), as well as several yogic texts (including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika).

Sanskrit is an inflected language, meaning that word endings often change depending on grammatical cases. We did our best to convert the words from the texts into their dictionary form, before counting their occurrences and sorting them by frequency.

This Sanskrit vocabulary list is sorted by frequency, meaning that the words at the top of the list occur more frequently than those further down the list.

Many yoga-related vocabulary words appear among the thousand most common Sanskrit words. For those interested in that topic, we have an article on Sanskrit words used in Yoga.

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Here is the list of the 1000 most common Sanskrit words:

  1. (na)

    The Sanskrit word “न” (na) has the same origin as the Latin word “ne” and the English word “no”. Sanskrit and Latin belong to the Indo-European language family, and so does English.

  2. कर
    (doer, maker)
  3. एक

    In Yogic texts, the Sanskrit word “एक” (eka) often appears in the compound “एकाग्रता” (ekāgratā) which means “one-pointedness” and refers to focused, undivided attention.

  4. आदि
  5. (ca)
  6. समय
    (time, agreement)
  7. त्वम्
    (you (singular))
  8. कारण
    (cause, reason)
  9. पुत्र
  10. हि
  11. इदम्
  12. अस्ति
    (to be)
  13. मनुष्य
    (human, man)
  14. समान
    (equal, alike)
  15. तद्
  16. सर्व
    (all, every)

    The Sanskrit word “सर्व” (sarva) is the origin of the Pali word “sabba”. Pali and Sanskrit are related languages from ancient India. Sanskrit is the language of ancient Hindu texts; Pali is the language used in Theravada Buddhist texts.

  17. जा
    (offspring, descendants)
  18. यदि
  19. राजन्
  20. त्याग
    (renunciation, abandonment)
  21. देवता
    (deity, god)
  22. युद्ध
    (war, battle)
  23. श्रेष्ठ
    (best, most excellent)
  24. धर्म
    (duty, righteousness, religion)
  25. ब्राह्मण
  26. अहम्
  27. पुरुष
    (man, person, spirit)
  28. सदा
  29. श्लोक
    (sound, verse, stanza)
  30. शरीर

    There are several Sanskrit words that translate to “body”. The most common of these terms is probably “शरीर” (śarīra) but there is also the term “काय” (kāya).

  31. स्वरूप
    (true form, own nature)
  32. अध्याय
    (chapter, lesson)
  33. रूप
    (form, appearance)
  34. उत्तम
  35. गुण
  36. रथ

    The Sanskrit word “रथ” (ratha) translates to “chariot”. It is a common term in Sanskrit literature because chariots were used in the battles described in epic narratives such as the Mahabharata.

  37. बुद्धि
  38. इच्छा
  39. भाव
    (becoming, being)
  40. कार्य
    (work, task)
  41. वीर
    (hero, brave)
  42. प्रकृति
    (nature, primal matter)
  43. यज्ञ
    (Vedic sacrifice, ritual)
  44. (sa)
    (he, that)
  45. महर्षि
    (great sage)
  46. यद्
    (which, who, whatever, whichever)
  47. केवल
    (only, alone)
  48. अनुसार
  49. दिव्य
    (divine, celestial)
  50. धारण
    (holding, bearing, wearing)
  51. ज्ञान

    The pursuit of philosophical and spiritual knowledge is a central part of many ancient Sanskrit texts. This explains why the Sanskrit word “ज्ञान” (jñāna) (which means “knowledge”) is a frequently-occurring term in these texts.

  52. यत्
    (who, which, whichever)
  53. शक्ति
    (power, ability, strength)
  54. जगत्
    (world, universe)
  55. लोक
    (world, realm, people)
  56. अन्य
    (other, another)
  57. भवति
    (is, becomes)
  58. स्थित
    (situated, standing, existing)
  59. (ka)
    (who, what)
  60. दिन
  61. दान
    (giving, gift, charity)
  62. प्रिय
    (dear, beloved)
  63. विषय
    (subject, topic, matter)
  64. बाण
  65. शत्रु
  66. अनेक
    (many, numerous)
  67. धन
    (wealth, money)
  68. मार
    (killing, death)
  69. अधिक
    (more, excessive)
  70. इति
    (thus, so (often used to quote direct speech or denote the end of a statement))
  71. वस्तु
    (object, thing)
  72. रक्षा
    (protection, care)
  73. अर्थ
    (meaning, purpose, wealth)
  74. सेना
  75. भयंकर
    (terrifying, dreadful)
  76. अग्नि
  77. विशाल
    (wide, expansive, large)
  78. पृथ्वी
  79. प्राण
    (breath, life force)
  80. दृष्टि
    (sight, vision)
  81. राज

    The Sanskrit word “राज” (rāja) means “king”. Interestingly, this word appears in the name of a state in northern India, Rajasthan (which means “the Land of Kings”).

  82. बल
    (strength, power)
  83. सेवा
  84. सूर्य

    Yoga practitioners will recognize the Sanskrit word “सूर्य” (sūrya) because it appears in the name of a classic sequence of yoga postures called Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.

  85. नित्य
  86. वृक्ष
  87. भिन्न
    (different, split)
  88. भक्त
  89. वाचक
  90. शब्द
    (word, sound)
  91. जल
  92. सुन्दर
  93. आज
  94. मम
    (my, mine)
  95. युक्त
    (appropriate, connected)
  96. सह
    [preposition or indeclinable]
    (with, together)
  97. शास्त्र
    (treatise, scripture)
  98. अस्त्र
  99. भय
  100. आकाश
    (sky, space)
  101. शीघ्र
    (quick, fast)
  102. क्षत्रिय
    (member of the warrior class, Kshatriya)
  103. सम
    (equal, same)
  104. आज्ञा
    (command, order)
  105. नष्ट
    (lost, destroyed)
  106. सा
    (she, that (feminine))
  107. शोभा
    (beauty, splendor)
  108. द्वेष
    (hatred, enmity)
  109. सुख
    (happiness, comfort)
  110. पूर्ण
    (full, complete)
  111. वेद
    (knowledge, specifically refers to the ancient scriptures)
  112. वन
  113. आश्रम
    (hermitage, a stage of life)
  114. पद
    (foot, step, position)
  115. स्थान
  116. यथा
    (as, like)
  117. देव
  118. मान
    (honor, pride)
  119. पूजा

    Many ancient Sanskrit texts have a religious or spiritual focus. This is why the word “पूजा” (pūjā) —which means “worship”— frequently appears in these texts.

  120. दुःख
    (sorrow, suffering)
  121. भेद
    (difference, distinction)
  122. विचार
    (thought, reflection)
  123. वचन
    (word, speech)
  124. भोग
    (enjoyment, pleasure)
  125. साधन
    (means, instrument)

    The Sanskrit word “साधन” (sādhana) often refers to a practice aimed at achieving spiritual realizations.

  126. नाश
  127. तत्र
  128. स्त्री
  129. सत्य
  130. अवस्था
    (condition, state)
  131. अंश
    (part, portion)
  132. राज्य
  133. श्रद्धा
  134. ऋषि
  135. उपदेश
    (instruction, advice)
  136. वर
    (boon, best, bridegroom)
  137. दर्शन
    (philosophy, view, sight)
  138. क्रिया
  139. राक्षस
  140. कन्या
    (maiden, girl)
  141. तु
    (but, and)
  142. करोति
    (does, makes)
  143. प्रति
    (towards, against)
  144. पवित्र
    (pure, holy)
  145. तप
    (heat, austerity, penance)
  146. काम
    (desire, love)
  147. ब्रह्म
    (Brahma, sacred, Absolute)
  148. स्मरण
    (remembrance, memory)
  149. कर्तव्य
    (dutiful, obligatory)
  150. कौरव
    [noun/proper noun]
    (descendant of Kuru, Kaurava)
  151. कर्ण
    [noun/proper noun]
    (ear, Karna)
  152. प्रसन्न
    (pleased, clear, serene)
  153. काल
  154. पितृ
    (father, ancestor)
  155. हृदय
  156. सिद्ध
    (accomplished, perfected)
  157. तत्पश्चात्
    (afterwards, later)
  158. उत्तर
    (north, higher, answer)
  159. शस्त्र
  160. राग
    (attachment, passion, color)
  161. अभाव
    (non-existence, absence)
  162. उत्पत्ति
    (origin, creation)
  163. पाप
    (sin, evil)
  164. एष
    (this, these)
  165. अत्र
  166. वायु
    (wind, air)
  167. मुख
    (face, mouth)
  168. सभा
    (assembly, hall)
  169. शोक
    (grief, sorrow)
  170. गति
    (movement, speed, destination)
  171. पर्वत
  172. बहु
  173. एव
  174. पूर्व
    (eastern, former)
  175. क्रोध
  176. जिन
    (conqueror (commonly used as an epithet for Mahavira, the founder of Jainism))
  177. वर्ष
    (year, rain)
  178. पर
    (other, beyond)
  179. तस्य
    (his, her, its)
  180. भवन्ति
    ((they) are)
  181. सैनिक
  182. नेत्र
  183. आश्रय
    (shelter, refuge)
  184. अश्व
  185. प्रवेश
    (entry, entrance)
  186. यत्र
  187. वर्ण
    (color, class)
  188. स्थिति
    (position, condition)
  189. विद्या
    (knowledge, learning)
  190. गन्धर्व
    (celestial musician)
  191. नामक
  192. विजय
  193. आरम्भ
  194. ध्यान
  195. हन्ति
  196. अनन्त
    (endless, infinite)
  197. मूल
  198. माता
  199. मार्ग
    (path, way)
  200. सिंह
  201. व्रत
  202. समुद्र

    Two different Sanskrit words that can be translated as “ocean” are in this vocabulary list: “समुद्र” (samudra) and “सागर” (sāgara). As it appears higher on this list, the first of these two terms was more frequent in the texts that we analyzed.

  203. पशु
  204. योग्य
    (suitable, competent)
  205. भाग
    (part, share)
  206. वस्त्र
    (cloth, garment)
  207. पदार्थ
    (element, substance)
  208. नगर
  209. कथा
  210. संख्या
  211. सर्वत्र
  212. रहस्य
  213. सिद्धि
  214. पद्
    (word, step)
  215. पति
    (husband, lord)
  216. निवास
  217. वैश्य
    (member of the merchant, trader class)
  218. शुद्ध
  219. भूत
    (being, ghost)
  220. राजन
  221. मया
    (by me)
  222. सत्
    (true, existent)
  223. कुरु
    (do, make)
  224. मधुर
  225. स्नान
  226. भक्ति
  227. संसार
    (world, cycle of existence)
  228. भव
    (being, existence)
  229. मृत्यु
  230. देश
    (country, region)
  231. किम्
  232. तदा
    (then, at that time)
  233. प्रकाश
    (light, illumination)
  234. हेतु
    (cause, reason)
  235. प्रश्न
  236. मुक्त
    (liberated, freed)
  237. उपाय
    (means, strategy)
  238. तीर्थ
    (sacred pilgrimage place, ford)
  239. दिशा
  240. ग्रहण
    (eclipse, seizing, accepting)
  241. अभिप्राय
    (intention, meaning)
  242. प्रतिज्ञा
    (promise, vow)
  243. द्वार
  244. पितामह
  245. अपि
  246. संशय
  247. अधिकार
  248. चिन्तन
  249. वा
  250. कष्ट
  251. सहित
    (together with)
  252. अन्तःकरण
  253. योग
    (union, yoga)
  254. वृद्ध
  255. जीव
  256. विवाह
  257. स्थिर
  258. पत्नी
  259. वाणी
  260. निरन्तर
  261. कठिन
  262. तव
  263. गच्छ
  264. विधि
    (method, rule)
  265. हर्ष
  266. जीवन
  267. अज्ञान
  268. नर
  269. बालक
  270. धारा
  271. प्रदेश

    You might recognize a similarity between the Sanskrit word “प्रदेश” (pradeśa) and the name of the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. That is because this Sanskrit word has been borrowed by the Hindi language.

  272. वश
    (under control)
  273. द्वितीय
  274. दानव
  275. कुमार
    (boy, prince)
  276. उत्साह
  277. विश्वास
    (trust, belief)
  278. नदी
  279. एकत्र
    (together, in one place)
  280. अयम्
    (this (masculine))
  281. लोभ
  282. दत्त
    [past participle]
  283. कथन
    (saying, speaking)
  284. जीवित
  285. ईश्वर
    [noun, proper noun]
    (God, a deity)
  286. शाप
  287. अन्त
  288. पुण्य
    (virtue, merit)
  289. विनाश
  290. दोष
    (fault, defect)
  291. यात्रा
    (journey, travel)
  292. शल्य
    (thorn, shard, discomfort)
  293. हित
  294. कृत्वा
    [absolutive (verbal noun)]
    (having done)
  295. वेग
    (speed, velocity)
  296. मनोहर
    (charming, captivating)
  297. गर्भ
  298. देवी
  299. शरण
    (refuge, shelter)
  300. तात
  301. आनन्द
    (bliss, joy)
  302. रात्रि
  303. नमस्कार
    (greeting, salutation)
  304. पोषण
  305. ददाति
  306. स्व
    (self, own)
  307. मनस्
  308. गम्भीर
    (deep, profound)
  309. संयोग
    (union, conjunction)
  310. शिक्षा
    (education, instruction)
  311. गुरु
    (teacher, spiritual guide)
  312. अहंकार
    (ego, self-conceit)
  313. रमणीय
    (pleasing, delightful)
  314. भजन
    (devotion, service, worship)
  315. वसु
    (wealth, good, bright)
  316. चित्त
    (mind, consciousness)
  317. विकार
    (change, alteration, emotion)
  318. अनुभव
  319. जीत
  320. भर
    (burden, load)
  321. महत्
    (great, mighty)
  322. प्रजा
    (subjects, offspring, people)
  323. हर
    (to take away)
  324. गदा
    (club, mace)
  325. आत्मन्
    (self, soul, spirit)
  326. रत्न
    (gem, jewel)
  327. भूमि
    (earth, ground, land)
  328. नृप
    (king, ruler)
  329. कुशल
    (skilful, clever, proficient)
  330. मेघ
  331. सुन्दरी
    (beautiful (as an adjective) or beautiful woman (as a noun))
  332. द्वि
  333. भिक्षा
    (alms, begging)
  334. उपवास
  335. भोजन
    (food, meal)
  336. व्यवहार
    (conduct, behavior, practice)
  337. स्पर्श
  338. दैत्य
  339. सृष्टि
  340. ब्रह्मविद्या
    (knowledge of the ultimate reality, spiritual knowledge)
  341. क्षेत्र
    (field, domain, sacred place)
  342. भ्रातृ
  343. श्रवण
    (hearing, listening)
  344. प्रधान
    (principle, main)
  345. वध
    (killing, slaying)
  346. विश्व
    (world, universe, all, entire)
  347. मन्त्र
    (sacred utterance, incantation)
  348. कला
    (art, skill)
  349. नाग
    (snake, serpent)
  350. सर्प
  351. शिखर
    (peak, summit)
  352. बाल
    (child, young)
  353. खा
    (to eat)
  354. पक्ष
    (side, wing)
  355. शेष
    (remaining, rest, all that is left)
  356. वाच्
    (speech, voice)
  357. राजर्षि
    (royal sage, king who is also a sage)
  358. पुत्री
  359. आयुध
  360. तपस्
    (heat, penance, austerity)
  361. खेल
    (sport, play)
  362. आदर
  363. वृद्धि
    (growth, increase)
  364. कश्चित्
    (someone, anyone, some)
  365. शान्ति
  366. मस्तक
    (head, forehead)
  367. दृश्य
    (visible, that which is seen)
  368. आवश्यक
    (necessary, essential)
  369. उचित
    (appropriate, proper)
  370. दूर
    (far, distant)
  371. एतद्
    (this, these)
  372. ध्वज
    (flag, banner)
  373. मित्र
  374. सनातन
    (eternal, perpetual)
  375. संकल्प
    (resolve, determination)
  376. हस्त
  377. सदृश
    (similar, like)
  378. संदेह
    (doubt, suspicion)
  379. अवतार
    (incarnation, descent of a deity to earth)

    If the Sanskrit word “अवतार” (avatāra) sounds familiar, that is because the English word “avatar” is derived from it.

  380. पान
  381. पण्डित

    The Sanskrit word “पण्डित” (paṇḍita) refers to a scholar. This term is the origin of the English word “pundit” which refers to an expert who gives their opinion in the media.

  382. प्रसाद
    (grace, blessing, offering)
  383. दशा
    (condition, state, phase)
  384. विशेष
    (special, distinct)
  385. चिन्ता
    (worry, anxiety)
  386. धैर्य
    (courage, patience)
  387. पश्चात्
    (after, behind)
  388. समर्थ
    (capable, powerful)
  389. असुर
    (demon, asura)
  390. केश
  391. कृपा
    (mercy, compassion)
  392. ऐश्वर्य
    (prosperity, wealth, sovereignty)
  393. जाति
    (birth, rank, species)
  394. उक्त
    (said, spoken)
  395. स्वर्ग
  396. त्रि
  397. लक्ष्य
    (target, goal, aim)
  398. सावधान
    (attentive, cautious)
  399. रोक
  400. स्वार्थ
  401. सप्त
  402. पताका
    (flag, banner)
  403. अक्षय
    (imperishable, indestructible)
  404. पुराण
    (ancient, old, legendary text)
  405. विधान
    (regulation, law)
  406. व्यर्थ
    (useless, futile)
  407. सूक्ष्म
    (subtle, fine)
  408. (pañca)
  409. चित्र
    (picture, painting)
  410. तामस
    (dark, inert (related to one of the three Gunas in Hindu philosophy))
  411. स्वप्न
  412. अनन्य
    (unique, non-other)
  413. प्राणायाम
    (breath control, yogic breathing)
  414. तेजस्
    (brilliance, radiance)
  415. पाठ
  416. स्तुति
  417. घोर
    (terrible, formidable)
  418. राष्ट्र
    (nation, state)
  419. लता
    (creeper, vine)
  420. तृप्त
    (satisfied, contented)
  421. कठोर
    (hard, harsh)
  422. भार
    (burden, weight)
  423. शाखा
  424. अद्य
  425. साधु
    (good, virtuous)
  426. वर्तमान
    (present (tense))
  427. क्षमा
    (forgiveness, patience)
  428. पार्थिव
    [adjective/proper noun]
    (earthly, terrestrial , belonging to Prithu or Partha (Arjuna))
  429. सेवक
    (servant, attendant)
  430. संयुक्त
    (united, combined)
  431. दीन
    (poor, wretched)
  432. स्वर
    (note, tone, sound)
  433. अग्निहोत्र
    (fire ritual)
  434. दश
  435. मणि
    (jewel or gem)
  436. अष्टक
    (octet or group of eight (sometimes refers to a religious ceremony))
  437. सहस्र
  438. गच्छति
  439. क्लेश
    (pain or affliction)
  440. स्नेह
    (affection or grease)
  441. परिणाम
    (result or change)
  442. आहार
    (food or intake)
  443. पाद
    (foot or quarter (in verse))
  444. विघ्न
    (obstacle or hindrance)
  445. हिंसा
    (harm or violence)
  446. (catur)
  447. पाल
    (protector or guardian)
  448. क्रूर
    (cruel or harsh)
  449. प्रमाद
    (negligence, error)
  450. अन्न
    (food, grain)
  451. अलंकृत
    (decorated, adorned)
  452. प्रभु
    (master, lord)
  453. कुपित
    (angry, enraged)
  454. (eka)
  455. भुजा
    (arm, branch)
  456. ब्रह्मचर्य
    (celibacy, student life)
  457. अतिथि
  458. मरण
  459. अनित्य
    (impermanent, transient)
  460. महत्त्व
    (greatness, glory)
  461. युग
    (age, era)
  462. आचार
    (conduct, behavior)
  463. नरक
  464. संतान
    (offspring, progeny)
  465. जितेन्द्रिय
    (conquered the senses)

    The Sanskrit term “जितेन्द्रिय” is a compound word consisting of two parts: “जित” (jita), which means “conquered” or “subdued”, and “इन्द्रिय” (indriya) which refers to the sense faculties (sight, touch, hearing, ..). The combined meaning refers to a goal of ascetics: to have “subdued the senses”.

  466. राजकुमार
  467. सागर
  468. अनाथ
    (orphaned, without a protector)
  469. बन्धु
    (relative, friend)
  470. अष्टादश
  471. असु
    (life-force, breath)
  472. कुल
    (family, clan)
  473. सफल
    (successful, fruitful)
  474. मृग
    (deer, animal)
  475. दुर्बल
    (weak, feeble)
  476. विष
  477. प्रार्थना
    (prayer, request)
  478. जरा
    (old age, decay)
  479. ज्ञात
    (known, familiar)
  480. पुनर्
  481. उपरि
    (above, over)
  482. असौ
  483. शासन
    (rule, order)
  484. दया
  485. करण
    (cause, mechanism)
  486. अधर्म
    (injustice, unrighteousness)
  487. तिथि
    (lunar day)
  488. नक्षत्र
    (star, constellation)
  489. संधि
    (junction, union)
  490. गत
    (gone, past)
  491. श्वेत
  492. शोभित
    (adorned, radiant)
  493. कमल
  494. रथी
  495. चरण
    (foot, step)
  496. उन्मत्त
    (intoxicated, crazed)
  497. कान्ति
    (luster, beauty)
  498. साक्षात्कार
  499. जात
  500. सत्कार
    (respect, hospitality)
  501. प्रमुख
    (foremost, chief)
  502. दग्ध
    (burnt, consumed by fire)
  503. दुर्ग
    (fort, fortress)
  504. शान्त
    (calm, peaceful)
  505. संस्कार
    (rite, sacrament, cultural conditioning)
  506. दूत
    (messenger, envoy)
  507. स्वतन्त्र
    (independent, free)
  508. दृष्ट
    (seen, beheld, perceived)
  509. आदित्य
    (sun, son of Aditi (in the plural, refers to the Adityas, a group of solar deities))
  510. संग्राम
    (battle, war)
  511. एवम्
    (thus, so, in this manner)
  512. नियम
    (rule, restriction)
  513. क्षण
    (moment, instant)
  514. सन्
    (being, existing (used as an indeclinable in compound forms))
  515. अक्षर
    (syllable, indestructible (also refers to letters of the alphabet))
  516. अस्मद्
    (I, we (first person pronoun))
  517. हानि
    (loss, decay)
  518. भविष्य
  519. कपट
    (deceit, trickery)
  520. जायते
    (is born, is produced)
  521. असिद्धि
    (non-achievement, failure)
  522. सप्तम
  523. आधार
    (support, base)
  524. उपासक
    (worshipper, devotee)
  525. आशा
    (hope, expectation)
  526. पात्र
    (vessel, recipient)
  527. प्रहार
    (strike, blow)
  528. अधिपति
    (lord, master)
  529. तर्पण
    (satiation, offering (especially of water to ancestors))
  530. अनुग्रह
    (grace, favour)
  531. सूत
    (charioteer, bard)
  532. मातृ
  533. रुचि
    (taste, interest)
  534. अभि
    (towards, over)
  535. प्रारम्भ
    (beginning, commencement)
  536. संध्या
    (twilight, evening)
  537. मांस
    (flesh, meat)
  538. प्रभा
    (light, aura, lustre)
  539. संयम
    (self-control, restraint)
  540. यदा
  541. पुष्ट
    (nourished, strong, healthy)
  542. निद्रा
  543. विज्ञान
    (science, knowledge)
  544. निन्दा
    (blame, scorn)
  545. आसक्त
    (attached, fond)
  546. पुष्प
  547. शुक्र
  548. सुवर्ण
  549. ज्येष्ठ
    (eldest, senior)
  550. गृह
    (house, home)
  551. प्रथम
  552. ब्राह्म
    (related to Brahma)
  553. प्रतिष्ठित
    (established, famous)
  554. अनुराग
    (affection, love)
  555. चतुर्
    (skillful, smart, clever)
  556. सखा
  557. आशीर्वाद
  558. स्पष्ट
    (clear, explicit)
  559. मास
  560. हीन
    (deprived of, lacking)
  561. कदाचित्
  562. जित
    (one who has conquered)
  563. खड्ग
  564. कृत
    (done, made)
  565. पुरोहित
  566. यन्त्र
    (machine, apparatus)
  567. आचार्य
    (teacher, preceptor)
  568. भवन
    (building, abode)
  569. शून्य
    (zero, empty, void)
  570. शयन
    (lying down, resting)
  571. (ṣaṭ)
  572. घन
    (dense, solid, cube)
  573. रण
    (battle, war)
  574. जानाति
    (knows, understands)
  575. धातु
    (element, root)
  576. माया
    (illusion, magic)
  577. मद
    (pride, intoxication)
  578. हल
  579. द्व
  580. प्रवाह
    (flow, stream, current)
  581. द्वादश
  582. ग्लानि
    (fatigue, tiredness, distress)
  583. वाहन
  584. उदाहरण
  585. वाक्य
  586. पश्चिम
  587. महात्मन्
    (great soul, noble person)
  588. ग्रह
    (planet, celestial body)
  589. विभाग
    (division, part, section)
  590. पीठ
    (seat, pedestal)
  591. श्याम
    (dark-colored, black)
  592. तरुण
    (young, youthful)
  593. आवश्यकता
    (necessity, requirement)
  594. मनन
    (contemplation, thought)
  595. सत्त्व
    (essence, reality, virtue)
  596. किरण
    (ray, beam of light)
  597. ताप
    (heat, sorrow)
  598. मानव
    (human, man)
  599. सम्पत्ति
    (wealth, property)
  600. नि
    (down, in, into)
  601. बाहु
    (arm, branch)
  602. भस्म
    (ash, powder)
  603. प्रयत्न
    (effort, attempt)
  604. मोह
    (delusion, infatuation)
  605. मल
    (dirt, filth)
  606. धारणा
    (holding, support, conception)
  607. अन्तर
    (difference, distinction)
  608. कपोत
    (pigeon, dove)
  609. कल्पना
  610. कीट
    (insect, worm)
  611. मोक्ष
    (liberation, release (from the cycle of rebirth in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism))
  612. सप्तदश
  613. अतीत
    (past, bygone)
  614. उन्नति
    (progress, elevation)
  615. साधारण
    (ordinary, common)
  616. खान
    (mine (as in a coal mine, diamond mine, etc.))
  617. मानसिक
    (mental, psychological)
  618. भावित
    (cultured, developed, considered)
  619. चतुर्थ
  620. अन्त्र
    (intestine, internal organ)
  621. नव
  622. स्मृति
    (memory, traditional text)
  623. वृत्ति
    (occupation, behavior)
  624. गो
    (a cow)
  625. कीर्ति
    (fame, reputation)
  626. प्राचीन
    (ancient, old)
  627. ग्रन्थ
    (book, scripture)
  628. नौ
    (boat, ship)
  629. म्लेच्छ
    (barbarian, foreigner)
  630. पौत्र
  631. आस्तिक
    (believer in God)
  632. न्याय
    (justice, jurisprudence, logic)
  633. आसन
    (seat, posture)
  634. दण्ड
    (staff, punishment)
  635. लोप
    (omission, disappearance)
  636. कदा
  637. श्येन
    (hawk, falcon)
  638. प्रसिद्ध
    (famous, celebrated)
  639. आसीत्
    [verb (past tense)]
    (was, existed)
  640. साध्य
    (achievable, accomplishable)
  641. निर्णय
    (decision, conclusion)
  642. शील
    (habit, conduct, character)
  643. साहस
    (courage, boldness)
  644. अति
    (over, beyond, very)
  645. भिक्षु
    (monk, ascetic)
  646. प्रीति
    (affection, love)
  647. नीच
    (low, vile)
  648. पतन
    (falling, descent)
  649. अव
    (down, off, away)
  650. सती
    (virtuous woman, sometimes refers to a faithful wife)
  651. स्वयम्
    (self, oneself, personally)
  652. धीवर
  653. चोर
  654. भग
    (fortune, prosperity)
  655. अवति
    (protects, preserves)
  656. शुक
  657. उद्यान
    (garden, park)
  658. घोष
    (sound, noise)
  659. घात
    (killing, slaying)
  660. अङ्ग
    (limb, body part)
  661. बृहत्
    (great, large, mighty)
  662. गर्जन
    (roaring, thundering)
  663. बहुमूल्य
    (very valuable, precious)
  664. चरित्र
    (character, history, conduct)
  665. जनपद
    (country, district, territory)
  666. पाक
    (cooking, ripeness)
  667. सौभाग्य
    (good fortune, luck)
  668. अच्छ
    (clear, pure, bright)
  669. वि
    (apart, without, away)
  670. गिर्
    (speech, voice, word)
  671. स्वास्थ्य
  672. मुहूर्त
    (auspicious moment)
  673. आलस्य
  674. गुप्त
    (hidden, secret)
  675. शूर
    (brave, heroic)
  676. परीक्षा
    (examination, test)
  677. शिथिल
    (slack, loose)
  678. क्षीण
    (attenuated, weakened)
  679. संलग्न
    (attached, clinging)
  680. विमान
    (chariot, or temple)
  681. चन्दन
  682. द्यूत
    (gambling, game of dice)
  683. माला
    (garland, necklace)
  684. प्रस्तुत
    (prepared, presented)
  685. धूर्त
    (sly, cunning)
  686. दारुण
    (fierce, cruel)
  687. मूर्ख
    (fool, ignorant person)
  688. (dvau)
  689. तृतीय
  690. हंस
  691. दक्षिणा
  692. द्वीप
  693. अहिंसा
  694. अन
    (not, without)
  695. मूत्र
  696. दिवस
  697. शुश्रूषा
    (service, attend to)
  698. प्राकृत
    (natural, vernacular)
  699. दक्षिण
    (southern, right)
  700. परा
    (the highest, distant, beyond)
  701. रसना
    (tongue, taste)
  702. जनक
    (father, progenitor)
  703. आवृत
    (covered, enveloped)
  704. कम्
    (how much, how many)
  705. शारीरिक
    (bodily, corporeal)
  706. उदर
    (belly, abdomen)
  707. घोट
  708. वाम
    (left, sinister, beautiful)
  709. नख
    (nail, claw)
  710. जन
    (person, individual)
  711. असत्
    (non-existence, falsehood)
  712. श्रुति
    (ear, Vedic revelation, what is heard)
  713. भरण
    (bearing, carrying, maintaining)
  714. अक्षौहिणी
    (a large army unit in ancient Hindu texts)
  715. कर्तृ
    (doer, maker)
  716. मुख्य
    (principal, chief, main)
  717. विपरीत
    (opposite, contrary)
  718. तीक्ष्ण
    (sharp, fierce, hot)
  719. मत्स्य
  720. माहात्म्य
    (greatness, majesty, glory)
  721. उपनिषद्
    (Upanishad (a group of sacred Hindu writings))
  722. प्राप्य
    (to be obtained, acquirable)
  723. सत्संग
    (company of the good or the wise)
  724. गृहस्थ
    (householder, one in the second stage of life according to Hindu ashrama system)
  725. औषध
    (medicine, herb)
  726. पूरक
    (filler, completing)
  727. अपान
    (a type of vital air in the body responsible for the elimination functions)
  728. समावेश
    (inclusion, assembly, merger)
  729. परिमाण
    (measurement, extent, size)
  730. गन्ध
    (smell, odor, fragrance)
  731. महाभूत
    (great element)

    The Sanskrit word “महाभूत” (mahābhūta) can be translated as “great element”. Some ancient Sanskrit texts —for instance, some of the Upanishads— refer to the following five “great elements”: earth, water, fire, air, and space. The corresponding five Sanskrit terms occur frequently enough to appear in this vocabulary list.

  732. अपरा
    (inferior, other)
  733. कल्प
    (era, aeon, a long period of time)
  734. वातावरण
    (atmosphere, environment)
  735. रमते
    (plays, enjoys, indulges)
  736. विलक्षण
    (strange, extraordinary, distinct)
  737. दीर्घ
    (long, prolonged)
  738. आयु
    (life, span, longevity)
  739. उल्लेख
    (mention, reference)
  740. घोषणा
    (announcement, declaration)
  741. आयुर्वेद
    (Ayurveda (the traditional Hindu system of medicine))
  742. उत
    (and, moreover, also)
  743. अक
    (fault, defect)
  744. ऋण
    (debt, obligation)
  745. वंश
    (lineage, family, bamboo)
  746. वटवृक्ष
    (banyan tree)
  747. तीव्र
    (intense, sharp)
  748. दम
    (self-control, restraint)
  749. शम
    (calmness, tranquility)
  750. तन्तु
    (thread, filament)
  751. वृत्त
    (circle, behavior, character)
  752. कथम्
    (how, in what manner)
  753. गिरिका
    (small hill, pebble)
  754. सात
    (virtuous, good)
  755. कच्छप
    (turtle, tortoise)
  756. सोम
    (Soma (ritual drink, plant or the moon in Vedic times))
  757. वसति
    (dwells, resides)
  758. अशुभ
    (inauspicious, dirty)
  759. दुर्लभ
    (rare, difficult to obtain)
  760. पृथु
    (broad, wide)
  761. स्तोत्र
  762. जन्तु
  763. मग्न
    (submerged, absorbed)
  764. स्वाद
  765. सम्
    (together, complete)
  766. धीर
    (brave, calm, steady)
  767. नमस्ते
    (a respectful greeting)
  768. बाह्य
    (external, outward)
  769. तुल्य
    (equal, similar)
  770. बोधयति
    (awakens, informs)
  771. अष्ट
  772. मलिन
    (dirty, soiled)
  773. पुर
    (city, fortress)

    The Sanskrit word “पुर” (pura) refers to a city or a fortress. This word appears in the name of the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan, Jaipur, which literally means Jai's City (in homage to Maharaja Jai Singh II, who established the city).

  774. अभय
  775. हरण
    (taking away, seizing)
  776. आगम
    (traditional doctrine, arrival)
  777. मध्य
    (middle, centre)
  778. क्रम
    (sequence, order)
  779. माल
    (garland, necklace)
  780. दल
    (petal, leaf, part)
  781. होम
    (ritual sacrifice)
  782. दातृ
    (giver, donor)
  783. अन्तर्
    (inside, within, difference)
  784. निर्दोष
    (faultless, blameless)
  785. मूर्छा
    (fainting, unconsciousness)
  786. क्षेम
    (well-being, security)
  787. तृप्ति
    (satisfaction, contentment)
  788. यत्न
    (effort, endeavour)
  789. केयूर
    (armlet, bracelet)
  790. अंगद
    (armlet, bracelet)
  791. बन्ध
    (bond, tie, connection)
  792. चतुर
    (clever, skillful)
  793. मदिरा
    (wine, alcohol)
  794. स्यात्
    [verb (optative mood)]
    (may be, should be, perhaps)
  795. उलूक
  796. अन्यथा
  797. कति
    (how many, some)
  798. धूप
    (incense smoke, fragrance)
  799. सुगन्ध
  800. बान्धव
    (relative, kin)
  801. आतिथ्य
  802. कम्बल
    (blanket, shawl)
  803. अट्टालिका
    (palace, mansion)
  804. सुरक्षा
    (protection, security)
  805. भूषण
    (ornament, decoration)
  806. उत्सव
    (festival, celebration)
  807. अन्तःपुर
    (inner chambers of a palace, harem)
  808. संवत्सर
  809. पलाश
    (leaf or petal)
  810. बलि
    (offering, sacrifice)
  811. रोष
  812. व्यय
  813. गिरि
  814. घृ
    (ghee (clarified butter))
  815. पूर
  816. कम्पित
  817. वाद
    (speech, argument)
  818. अचल
  819. शाल
  820. शय्या
  821. वैदिक
  822. दरद
    (pain, toothache)
  823. भद्र
    (blessed, auspicious)
  824. कुक्कुर
  825. तिल
    (sesame seed)
  826. जूत
  827. किल
    (indeed, certainly)
  828. कण्ठ
  829. स्वर्ण
  830. राजपुत्र
  831. ईश
    (lord, master)
  832. अर्क
    (flash of lightning, sun)
  833. रवि
  834. इच्छति
    (desires, wishes)
  835. शूल
    (spear, trident)
  836. स्मर
    (memory, recollection)
  837. हर्षित
    (delighted, joyful)
  838. स्वस्ति
    (well-being, auspiciousness)
  839. निर्भर
  840. अक्रूर
    (not cruel, gentle)
  841. इतिहास
    (history, epic)
  842. बाला
    (girl, young woman)
  843. गोदान
    (the gift of a cow)
  844. लज्जा
    (modesty, shame)
  845. यशस्
    (fame, glory)
  846. शिला
    (rock, stone)
  847. दन्त
  848. मर्यादा
    (boundary, limit, propriety)
  849. स्वस्थ
    (healthy, calm)
  850. द्रविड
    [proper noun/adjective]
  851. साम
    (Sama Veda, a sacred chant)
  852. पीन
    (stout, full, plump)
  853. परिवार
  854. निष्ठा
    (devotion, fidelity, firmness)
  855. श्रोत्र
  856. अंकुश
    (a tool for directing elephants)
  857. हरिण
  858. नास्ति
    (is not, there is no)
  859. भ्रमण
    (roaming, wandering)
  860. मूढ
    (deluded, foolish)
  861. अपहरण
    (abduction, stealing)
  862. भूतल
    (ground, surface of the earth)
  863. उपादान
    (material, cause, ingredient)
  864. भीत
    (afraid, terrified)
  865. भान
    (light, brightness)
  866. महिष
  867. वैश्वानर
    (relating to all men, universal)
  868. उमा
    (goddess Parvati, light, tranquility)
  869. लोहित
    (red, made of copper)
  870. शौर्य
    (heroism, valor)
  871. उमापति
    (Lord of Uma (Shiva))
  872. सीता
    (furrow, a goddess, name of wife of Lord Rama)
  873. मह
    (to grow, to honor)
  874. उज्ज्वल
    (bright, brilliant, luminous)
  875. चक्र
    (wheel, circle, disc)
  876. नाक
    (sky, heaven)
  877. स्तन
    (breast, chest)
  878. रस
    (juice, essence, taste, sentiment)
  879. वैष्णव
    (relating to Vishnu, a follower of Vishnu)
  880. प्रास
    (spear, dart)
  881. भाति
    (to shine, appear)
  882. छल
    (deceit, fraud)
  883. संदेश
    (message, order)
  884. छिन्न
    (torn, cut off)
  885. अज
  886. जन्मन्
    (birth, origin)
  887. अस्तित्व
  888. अन्धकार
  889. प्रतिष्ठा
    (establishment, position)
  890. बाधा
    (obstacle, hindrance)
  891. ओषधि
    (herb, medicinal plant)
  892. ध्रुव
    (the pole star, constant, fixed)
  893. पराकाष्ठा
    (extreme limit, pinnacle)
  894. प्राणिन्
    (living being, creature)
  895. अन्ति
    (end, border)
  896. मेधा
    (intelligence, wisdom)
  897. कठिनता
    (hardness, difficulty)
  898. नौका
  899. समत्व
    (equanimity, evenness)
  900. क्षोभ
    (agitation, disturbance)
  901. मूर्खता
  902. आरोप
    (allegation, accusation)
  903. रोग
  904. सांख्य
    (a school of Indian philosophy, enumeration)
  905. आराम
    (rest, comfort)
  906. समाज
  907. उपयोगिन्
  908. उच्च
    (high, lofty)
  909. अनुवाद
    (interpretation, recitation, translation)
  910. आख्यान
    (narrative, story)
  911. बिल
  912. जय
  913. अक्षोभ्य
    (unshakable, imperturbable)
  914. रेणु
    (particle of dust)
  915. आहत
    (struck, beaten)
  916. कम्प
    (tremor, shaking)
  917. द्रुम
  918. बिभर्ति
    (bears, carries, sustains)
  919. वसुधा
    (the earth)
  920. फेन
    (foam, froth)
  921. मन्त्रिन्
    (minister, counsellor)
  922. प्रपितामह
  923. सौम्य
    (gentle, mild, benign)
  924. पर्ण
  925. चन्द्र
  926. त्वरि
    (to hurry, to hasten)
  927. ख्यात
    (renowned, famous)
  928. वेष
    (attire, costume, dress)