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Full list of the 1000 most common Romanian words

This list of frequently used Romanian vocabulary words has been carefully prepared through a statistical analysis of a large collection of Romanian-language documents, including news articles and other online articles. By sorting the words based on their frequency of use, we aim to help language learners prioritize their learning by focusing on the words they are most likely to encounter in everyday situations.

Many of the 1000 most commonly used Romanian words are derived from Latin because Romanian is one of the Romance languages that evolved from Latin. Additionally, due to the proximity of several Slavic-speaking countries to Romania, there are also some commonly used Romanian words of Slavic origin.

This list can be further customized by filtering words based on their part of speech, such as nouns or adjectives, by simply clicking on the relevant buttons below.

Although there are fewer resources available for learning Romanian compared to some of the other Romance languages like Spanish, there are still some Romanian language learning resources.

For instance, Romanian is one of the languages available in the Pimsleur Language Program, and there are also Romanian tutors on the Italki site.

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Here is the list of the 1000 most common Romanian words:

  1. de
  2. avea
    (to have)

    This Romanian verb is also used as an auxiliary verb to form compound verb tenses, which explains why it is such a frequently used Romanian word. Its spelling resembles the French verb “avoir” because they both originate from the Latin verb “habere”.

  3. fi
    (to be)
  4. un

    This an indefinite article. In contrast, definite articles in Romanian are attached to the end of nouns, and as a result they do not appear in this list of the 1000 most common Romanian words.

  5. la
  6. în
  7. cu

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “cum” which means “with”. That Latin word appears in the academic expression “cum laude” which means “with honors”.

  8. din
  9. sine
    (himself, herself, itself)
  10. al
  11. care
  12. pe
  13. nu
  14. pentru
  15. mai
  16. el
  17. vrea
    (to want)
  18. [conjunction]
  19. său
    (his, her)
  20. ca
  21. eu
  22. [conjunction]
  23. ce
  24. acest
  25. putea
  26. an
  27. cel
  28. acesta
  29. acela
  30. lui
  31. sau
  32. tot
  33. face
  34. mult
    (much, a lot)
  35. dar
  36. și
  37. doi
  38. tu
  39. mare
  40. prin
  41. trebui
    (to need)
  42. iar
  43. după
  44. spune
    (to say)
  45. zi
  46. prim
  47. loc
  48. timp
  49. cum
  50. nou
  51. meu
  52. da
    (to give)
  53. foarte
  54. om
  55. dintre
  56. unul
  57. doar
  58. bun
  59. despre
  60. alt
  61. parte
  62. dacă
  63. nici
    (not even)
  64. acum
  65. lună
  66. bine

    The Romanian word “bine” means “well” or “good”. It has its roots in the Latin word “bonus”, which also means “good”. An example of a phrase using this word is “mă simt bine” which means “I feel good”.

  67. dată
  68. oră
  69. chiar
  70. România
    [proper noun]

    “România” is a common Romanian word because it is the name of the country itself, and its origins can be traced back to the Roman Empire. The Latin word “Romanus” meaning “of Rome” gave rise to the term “Romania,” which roughly translates to “land of the Romans.” The name “Romania” has been used to describe the region since the Middle Ages, and it became the country’s official name in 1862.

  71. peste
  72. persoană
  73. copil

    The Romanian word “copil” is of Slavic origin and means “child”. This term is the root of other Romanian vocabulary words, such as “copilărie” (childhood) and “copilăresc” (childlike).

  74. lucru

    The Romanian word “Lucru” translates to “thing” or “work” in English, and it is used to describe any object, task, or activity. The word “lucru” has its roots in the Latin word “lucrum,” which means “profit” or “gain.” In Romania, the term is widely used in everyday conversation, as well as in the business and academic sectors. For example, one might say “Am multe lucruri de facut” (I have many things to do)

  75. astfel
  76. lua
    (to take)
  77. când

    This Romanian word comes from the Latin word “quando” which is also the origin of the Spanish word “cuando”. (See the most common Spanish words)

  78. proiect
  79. trei
  80. unde

    The Romanian word “unde” is an adverb that means “where.” It is derived from the Latin “unde,” meaning “from where.” In Romanian, “unde” is commonly used in questions to ask for a location or a direction, such as in the phrase “unde ești?” (where are you?).

  81. caz
  82. veni
    (to come)
  83. afla
    (to find out)
  84. întru
  85. ajunge
  86. fapt
  87. fiecare
  88. până
  89. pune
    (to put)
  90. exista
  91. stat
  92. problemă
  93. lume

    “Lume” is a Romanian word that means “world” or “people”. It comes from the Latin word “lumen” which means “light” or “radiance”. An example of this word used in a sentence is “În lumea asta, totul se schimbă.” (In this world, everything changes.)

  94. ultim
  95. vedea
    (to see)
  96. echipă

    This Romanian word is a borrowing of the French word “equipe”, which is among the most common French words.

  97. atunci
  98. ban
  99. declara
    (to declare)
  100. mic
  101. perioadă
  102. cadru

    The Romanian word “cadru” is a common term that means “frame”, “structure”, or “framework”. It comes from the French word “cadre”, itself derived from the Latin word “quadrus”, which means “square”.

  103. urmă
  104. articol
  105. moment
  106. public
  107. drept
  108. serviciu
  109. produs
  110. fel
  111. european
  112. casă
  113. zonă
  114. numai
  115. primi
    (to receive)
  116. număr
  117. cât
    (how much)
  118. crede
    (to believe)
  119. asemenea
  120. singur
  121. însă
  122. român
  123. important
  124. punct
  125. program
  126. aici
  127. fără
  128. sistem
  129. începe
    (to start)
  130. nivel
  131. sub
  132. cat
  133. spre
  134. ceva
  135. muncă

    The Romanian word “muncă” is of Slavic origin and means “work.” It is a frequently used term in Romanian, and it has many derived terms such as “muncitor” (worker), “muncă fizica” (physical work), “muncă intelectuală” (intellectual work), and “muncă de birou” (office work).

  136. milion
  137. orice
  138. potrivit
  139. companie
  140. nevoie
  141. trece
    (to pass)
  142. fată
  143. mod
  144. local
  145. pană
  146. deveni
    (to become)
  147. intra
    (to enter)
  148. între
  149. intru
  150. oferi
    (to offer)
  151. apă

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “aqua” which means “water”.

  152. lege
  153. partid
  154. eveniment
  155. centru
  156. părea
    (to look)
  157. către
  158. femeie
  159. valoare
  160. aduce
    (to bring)
  161. familie
  162. altul
    (the other)
  163. tău
  164. vedere
  165. politic
  166. Moldova
    [proper noun]

    The term “Moldova” frequently occurs in Romanian texts because it is the name of an independent country located next to Romania, which has Romanian as its official language.

  167. decât
  168. sta
    (to stay)
  169. duce
    (to lead)
  170. ci
  171. prea
  172. special
  173. aproape
  174. dori
    (to wish)
  175. urma
    (to follow)
  176. oară
    (a time)
  177. atât
    (so much)
  178. prezent
  179. merge
    (to go)
  180. firmă
  181. prezenta
    (to present)
  182. guvern
  183. cauză
  184. apoi
  185. folosi
    (to use)
  186. cameră
  187. director
  188. meci
  189. bază
  190. joc

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “iocus” which means “a joke”.

  191. viitor
  192. scrie
    (to write)
  193. vorbă
  194. realiza
  195. precum
  196. asupra
  197. general
  198. domeniu

    The Romanian word “domeniu” comes from the French word “domaine” and has several meanings depending on the context. One of the most common meanings of this word is “domain” or “field” in the sense of an area of activity or knowledge. But in the context of real estate, the word “domeniu” means “estate”.

  199. nume
  200. primar
  201. patru
  202. trecut
  203. rezultat
  204. afacere
  205. deja
  206. alege
    (to choose)
  207. spital
  208. domn
  209. alegere
  210. drum
  211. acolo
  212. consiliu
  213. activitate
  214. ajuta
    (to help)
  215. rămâne
    (to remain)
  216. Europa
    [proper noun]
  217. Cluj
    [proper noun]

    The word “Cluj” is often encountered in Romanian texts because it is part of the name of Cluj-Napoca, a city located in the northwestern part of Romania, in the region of Transylvania.

  218. cine
  219. încă
  220. nimic
  221. calitate
  222. membru
  223. acel
  224. curs
  225. teren
  226. mediu
  227. vorbi
    (to talk)
  228. participa
    (to participate)
  229. vreme
  230. principal
  231. ministru
  232. cere
    (to ask)
  233. lucrare
  234. economic
  235. greu
  236. ales
  237. tip
  238. frumos

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “formosus” which means “beautiful”.

  239. final
  240. decizie
  241. necesar
  242. simplu
  243. social
  244. personal
  245. minut
  246. minister
  247. stradă
  248. organiza
  249. medic
  250. motiv
  251. fond
  252. ajutor
  253. contract
  254. arăta
    (to show)
  255. apărea
    (to appear)
  256. sumă
  257. imagine
  258. club
  259. sită
  260. grup
    (a group)
  261. pleca
    (to leave)
  262. album
  263. continua
    (to continue)
  264. elev
  265. material
  266. studiu
  267. plus
  268. concurs
  269. printre
  270. permite
  271. idee
  272. pierde
    (to lose)
  273. proces
  274. astăzi
  275. asigura
    (to ensure)
  276. putere
  277. oficial
  278. fost
  279. reprezenta
    (to represent)
  280. tânăr
    (young man)
  281. găsi
    (to find)
  282. lider
  283. termen
  284. ieri

    The Romanian word “ieri” is an adverb that means “yesterday.” It is derived from the Latin word “heri,” which also means “yesterday.”

  285. categorie
  286. formă
  287. schimba
    (to change)

    The Romanian word “schimba” is a verb that means “to change” or “to exchange” in English. It is derived from the Latin word “cambio,” which means “to exchange.”

  288. deschide
    (to open)
  289. juca
    (to play)
  290. liber
  291. post
  292. cap
  293. conform
    (according to)
  294. uita
    (to forget)
  295. film
  296. stare
  297. vechi

    In the Romanian language, the word “vechi” is an adjective that means “old”. This term originates from the Latin language, specifically from the word “vetulus”, which carries the same meaning of “old”.

  298. considera
    (to consider)
  299. total
  300. roman
  301. septembrie
  302. săptămână
  303. conducere
  304. pagină
  305. plan
  306. dezvoltare
  307. lung
  308. poate
  309. vot
  310. limbă

    This common Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “lingua” which means “language”.

  311. zice
    (to say)
  312. [pronoun]
  313. metru
  314. succes
  315. jur
  316. jos
  317. cuvânt
  318. lucra
    (to work)

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “lucubro” which means “to work at night”.

  319. culoare
  320. temă
  321. foto
  322. propune
    (to propose)
  323. rând
  324. diferit
  325. tare
  326. istorie
  327. model
  328. conduce
    (to lead)
  329. acord
  330. carte
  331. posibil
  332. direct
  333. crea
    (to create)
  334. deoarece
  335. trimite
    (to send)
  336. masă

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “mensa” which means “a table”.

  337. încerca
    (to try)
  338. serie
  339. nimeni
    (no one)
  340. comisie
  341. listă
  342. prieten

    The Romanian word “prieten” is a noun of Slavic origin that translates to “friend” in English. Derived terms include “prietenie” (friendship) and “prietenos” (friendly).

  343. parlament
  344. înainte
  345. zece
  346. scop
  347. cinci
  348. sport
  349. probabil
  350. interes
  351. medical
  352. mie
  353. act
  354. magazin

    The Romanian word “magazin” translates to “shop” or “store” in English. This term has been borrowed from the French language: it comes from the French word “magasin.”

  355. actual
  356. preciza
    (to specify)
  357. sută
  358. biserică
  359. criză
  360. cultură
  361. exemplu
  362. cont
  363. puternic
  364. vreun
  365. mesaj
  366. măsură
  367. Dumnezeu
    [proper noun]
  368. octombrie
  369. produce
    (to produce)
  370. ridica
  371. ocupa
    (take up)
  372. ochi

    The Romanian word “ochi” derives from the Latin “oculus”. Both these terms translate to “an eye” in English.

  373. mamă
  374. scoate
    (take out)
  375. cale
  376. medie
  377. clasă
  378. plăcea
  379. financiar
  380. stabili
    (to establish)
  381. profesor
  382. altfel
  383. lăsa
    (to leave)
  384. bucura
  385. vineri
  386. destul
  387. scurt
  388. dosar
  389. efect
  390. lega
  391. anumit
  392. plin
  393. azi
  394. sală
  395. hotel
  396. unu
  397. întreg
  398. vârstă
  399. complet
  400. ocazie
  401. noiembrie
  402. Mihai
    [proper noun]

    “Mihai” is a widely-used Romanian male name. It is associated with several famous historical figures in Roman history, including Prince Mihai Viteazul, a ruler of Wallachia in the late 16th century.

  403. cerere
  404. iunie
  405. transport
  406. sat
  407. acasă
    (at home)
  408. societate
  409. majoritate
  410. rapid
  411. acorda
    (to grant)
  412. muzică
  413. reveni
    (to return)
  414. acces
  415. publica
    (to publish)
  416. duminică
  417. miliard
  418. sens
  419. decide
  420. adresă
  421. control
  422. sigur
  423. mondial
  424. iulie
  425. explica
    (to explain)
  426. dintru
  427. Gheorghe
    [proper noun]
  428. piesă
  429. telefon
  430. obiectiv
  431. natural
  432. document
  433. rol
  434. fotbal
  435. martie
  436. economie
  437. american
  438. joi
  439. lansa
    (to launch)
  440. capitală
  441. continuare
  442. tratament
  443. schimb
  444. artă
  445. taxă
  446. partener
  447. deci
  448. uniune
  449. depune
    (to lodge)
  450. sezon
  451. kilometru
  452. extrem
  453. municipiu
  454. aprilie
  455. august
  456. subiect
  457. imediat
  458. comună
  459. aplica
    (to apply)
  460. cam
  461. aspect
  462. coleg
  463. afirma
  464. energie
  465. suflet
  466. început
  467. premiu
  468. schimbare
  469. departe
  470. comun
  471. celălalt
    (the other)
  472. următor
  473. împotriva
  474. clar
  475. decembrie
  476. campionat
  477. întâmpla
    (to happen)
  478. copie
  479. cineva
  480. lângă
  481. vară
  482. crește
    (to grow)
  483. lipsă
  484. maxim
  485. descoperi
  486. curte
  487. piele

    The Romanian word “piele” means “skin,” and it can refer to human skin, animal hides, and leather. The origin of this word can be traced back to the Latin term “pellis”, which has a similar meaning.

  488. aer
  489. sus
  490. sursă
  491. cultural
  492. normal
  493. picior
  494. ianuarie
  495. privire
    (a look)
  496. posibilitate
  497. concert
  498. forma
    (to form)
  499. interior
  500. plată
  501. venit
  502. însemna
    (to mean)
  503. cuprinde
  504. corp
  505. apartament
  506. auzi
    (to hear)

    The Romanian verb “auzi” means “to hear” and it originates from the Latin verb “audio,” which has a similar meaning.

  507. divers
  508. premier
    (prime minister)
  509. antrenor
  510. mijloc
  511. citi
    (to read)
  512. raport
  513. împreună
  514. universitate
  515. seamă
  516. pas
  517. jucător
  518. risc
  519. semna
    (to sign)
  520. Ion
    [proper noun]

    “Ion” is a Romanian male name that has been used for generations. It is also associated with several famous historical figures in Romanian history, such as Ion Creangă, a renowned writer from the region of Moldova.

  521. grad
  522. spate
  523. accident
  524. animal
  525. reducere
  526. Ioan
    [proper noun]
  527. efectua
  528. sportiv
  529. sediu
  530. include
  531. Alba
    [proper noun]
  532. grav
  533. localitate
  534. simți
    (to feel)
  535. parc
  536. construi
  537. mereu
  538. petrece
  539. cercetare
  540. stea
  541. festival
  542. dolar
  543. central
  544. recomanda
    (to recommend)
  545. purta
    (to wear)
  546. teatru
  547. gol
  548. românesc
  549. recent
  550. deosebit
  551. adevărat
  552. consilier
  553. republică
  554. luptă

    The Romanian word “luptă” means “fight” or “struggle”, and it can refer to physical struggle or any other type of confrontation. This term originates from the Latin word “lucta”, which has a similar meaning, and it is used in various contexts in Romanian, such as martial arts and political activism.

  555. curent
  556. noapte

    The Romanian noun “noapte” translates to “night” in English. It is a common vocabulary word that has its roots in the Latin language. Specifically, “noapte” is derived from the Latin word “noctem,” which is the accusative form of “nox” which means “night.”

  557. asigurare
  558. etcetera
  559. plăti
  560. Nicolae
    [proper noun]
  561. regiune
  562. inclusiv
  563. abia
  564. sector
  565. tocmai
  566. discuta
    (to discuss)
  567. bancă
  568. implica
  569. rest
  570. muri
    (to die)
  571. Traian
    [proper noun]
  572. parlamentar
  573. poveste
  574. exact
  575. Germania
    [proper noun]
  576. Mircea
    [proper noun]
  577. salariu
  578. prinde
    (to catch)
  579. ori
  580. alături
  581. text
  582. imi
  583. stil
  584. mână

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “manus” which means “a hand”.

  585. beneficia
    (to benefit)
  586. pensie
  587. accepta
    (to accept)
  588. solicita
  589. cost
  590. practic
  591. seara
    (in the evening)
  592. gratuit
  593. detaliu
  594. Vasile
    [proper noun]
  595. cod
  596. ruga
    (to pray)
  597. reduce
  598. grijă
  599. sâmbătă
  600. încheia
  601. unic
  602. odată
  603. victorie
  604. electoral
  605. opinie
  606. semn
  607. Adrian
    [proper noun]
  608. dezvolta
    (to develop)
  609. modificare
  610. floare
  611. intrare
  612. sprijin
  613. titlu
  614. circa
  615. fizic
  616. dispune
  617. vota
    (to vote)
  618. cupă

    The word “cupă” is a Romanian word that means “cup”. This term is often used in sports, especially football (soccer), where it refers to a competition, such as the World Cup.

  619. transforma
    (to transform)
  620. obiect
  621. situa
  622. trafic
  623. spera
    (to hope)

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “spero” which means “to hope”.

  624. linie
  625. istoric
  626. autor
  627. zilnic
  628. comercial
  629. realizare
  630. bărbat
  631. alb

    “Alb” is a Romanian adjective that means “white”. It comes from the Latin word “albus”, which also means “white”.

  632. poză
  633. datorie
  634. perfect
  635. regulă
  636. ambii
  637. Rusia
    [proper noun]
  638. suferi
    (to suffer)
  639. lumină
  640. constitui
    (to constitute)
  641. numi
    (to name)
  642. fotografie
  643. seară

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “serus” which means “late”.

  644. termina
    (to finish)
  645. probă
  646. penal
  647. proprietar
  648. marca
    (to mark)
  649. sănătate
  650. vizita
    (to visit)
  651. lemn
  652. gen
  653. tehnic
  654. consum
  655. inimă
  656. repede
  657. utilizare
  658. corect
  659. regim
  660. real
  661. adăuga
    (to add)
  662. profesional
  663. cunoaște
    (to know)
  664. februarie
  665. ziar
  666. miercuri
  667. contact
  668. liceu
    (secondary school)
  669. jumătate
  670. structură
  671. aparat
  672. impune
    (to impose)
  673. militar
  674. privat
  675. modern
  676. dragoste
  677. legal
  678. realitate
  679. iarnă
  680. foc
  681. rău

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “reus” which means “guilty”.

  682. victimă
  683. gândi
    (to think)
  684. element
  685. transmite
    (to transmit)
  686. indiferent
  687. Alexandru
    [proper noun]
  688. efort
  689. revistă
  690. trage
    (to shoot)
  691. atrage
    (to attract)
  692. verde

    This common Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “virdis” which means “green”.

  693. kilogram
  694. obicei
  695. negru
  696. propunere
  697. bate
    (to beat)
  698. volum
  699. câte
  700. utiliza
    (to use)
  701. complex
  702. moarte
  703. reprezentant
  704. cumpăra
    (to buy)
  705. oricum
  706. parcurs
  707. prevedea
  708. respecta
    (to respect)
  709. as
  710. fiu

    This common Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “filius” which means “son”.

  711. Italia
    [proper noun]
  712. pregăti
    (to prepare)
  713. aur

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “aurum” which means “gold”. That word appears in the list of most common Latin words.

  714. examen
  715. natură
  716. opri
    (to stop)
  717. procuror
  718. sarcină
  719. popor
    (a people)
  720. ordine
  721. organizare
  722. secol
  723. durată
  724. specific
  725. Constantin
    [proper noun]
  726. activ
  727. cazare
  728. comunicare
  729. restaurant
  730. utilizator
  731. afecta
    (to affect)
  732. sînt
  733. popular
  734. minim
  735. vin
  736. gaz
  737. electric
  738. ulterior
  739. disponibil
  740. credit
  741. turism
  742. partidă
  743. rezolva
    (to resolve)
  744. suficient
  745. muzeu
  746. colaborare
  747. niciodată
  748. Maria
    [proper noun]
  749. uneori
  750. extern
  751. doamnă
  752. legătură
  753. notă
  754. treabă
  755. bloc
  756. sud
  757. evident
  758. prelua
    (to take over)
  759. analiză
  760. juridic
  761. trupă
  762. plantă
  763. vis

    “Vis” is a basic Romanian vocabulary word that refers to a dream or a vision. This word is believed to have originated from the Latin term “visum,” which means “a vision”.

  764. scor
  765. limită
  766. toamnă
  767. liberal
  768. interesant
  769. fiscal
  770. întreba
    (to ask)
  771. minte
  772. caracter
  773. fruct
  774. așa
  775. pt
  776. observa
    (to notice)
  777. aproba
    (to approve)
  778. rus
  779. Andrei
    [proper noun]
  780. design
  781. clădire
    (a building)
  782. scris
  783. german
  784. facultate
  785. industrie
  786. Craiova
    [proper noun]

    "Craiova" is a common Romanian word because it is the name of a significant city in southwestern Romania. The city of Craiova is the capital of Dolj County, and its name is derived from the Romanian word "crai", meaning "king." The Museum of Oltenia, which has many historical artifacts, is an important tourist attraction in Craiova.

  787. arunca
  788. teritoriu
  789. întrebare
  790. video
  791. capacitate
  792. invita
    (to invite)
  793. Radu
    [proper noun]
  794. atinge
    (to touch)
  795. convinge
    (to convince)
  796. televiziune
  797. locuitor
  798. întoarce
    (to return)
  799. căuta
    (to search)
  800. tur
  801. birou
  802. guvernare
  803. unitate
  804. acuza
    (to accuse)
  805. fază
  806. mobil
  807. deputat
  808. organism
  809. refuza
    (to refuse)
  810. serios
  811. apropiere
  812. carne

    This Romanian word is the same as the corresponding Spanish word. Both are descendents of the Latin word “caro”. See here for more vocabulary similarities between Romanian and Spanish.

  813. durere
  814. completa
    (to complete)
  815. radio
  816. standard
  817. carieră
  818. nord
  819. intern
  820. vină
  821. porni
    (to start)

    In Romanian, the verb “porni” means “to start” or “to initiate”. For example, the phrase “Am pornit calculatorul” means “I started the computer”.

  822. deloc
  823. ști
    (to know)
  824. urca
  825. responsabil
  826. securitate
  827. eficient
  828. trăi
    (to live)

    The Romanian word “trăi” is a verb of Slavic origin which can be translated to English as “to live”. Here are some examples of its usage: the phrase “a trăi ca un boem” (to live like a bohemian) refers to a carefree and unconventional lifestyle, while the phrase “trăiește clipa” (live in the moment) emphasizes the importance of enjoying life and not worrying about the future.

  829. candidat
  830. uman
  831. actor
    (an actor)
  832. deschidere
  833. participare
  834. bilet
  835. obligatoriu
  836. bucurie
  837. mandat
  838. anume
  839. anterior
  840. păcat

    The Romanian word “păcat” is derived from the Latin word “peccatum” and both these terms translate to “sin” in English. It refers to an immoral act that goes against religious or moral principles and is used in both religious and secular contexts in Romania. The word reflects the country’s cultural heritage, as Romania is predominantly an Orthodox Christian country. Additionally, păcat is commonly used in everyday conversations to express disappointment or regret, similar to the English phrase “what a shame.”

  841. promova
    (to promote)
  842. permanent
  843. unit
  844. prezentare
  845. lipsi
    (to lack)
  846. răspunde
  847. drag

    “Drag” is a Romanian word of Slavic origin that means “dear” or “beloved,” and it is often used as a term of endearment towards family members, friends, or romantic partners.

  848. merita
  849. acoperi
    (to cover)
  850. pat
  851. prefera
    (to prefer)
  852. cartier
  853. ins
  854. întâlni
    (to meet)
  855. resursă
  856. constata
  857. soare
  858. exprima
    (to express)
  859. costa
    (to cost)
  860. adică
  861. strategie
  862. pur
  863. Oradea
    [proper noun]

    The word “Oradea” is often seen in Romanian texts because it is the name of a city located in the northwestern part of Romania, near the border with Hungary. With a population of over 200,000 inhabitants, Oradea is one of the major cities in the region of Transylvania.

  864. aduna
    (to gather)
  865. dovedi
    (to prove)
  866. viață
  867. cunoscut
  868. fura
    (to steal)
  869. tăia
    (to cut)
  870. medicament
  871. anual
  872. comunist
  873. comunitate
  874. context
  875. test
  876. Emil
    [proper noun]
  877. demonstra
  878. personaj

    The Romanian word “personaj” means “character” or “personage” in English. It is commonly used in literature, film, and theater to refer to a fictional or dramatic character. The origin of the word “personaj” is from the French word “personnage”, which means “character”.

  879. larg
  880. introduce
  881. unire
  882. adopta
    (to adopt)
  883. prevedere
  884. război
  885. numeros
  886. determina
    (to determine)
  887. cer
    (sky, heaven)

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “caelum” which means “sky” or “heaven”.

  888. Iulia
    [proper noun]
  889. impozit
  890. tată
  891. aminti
    (to remember)
  892. gură
  893. secret
  894. Prahova
    [proper noun]

    “Prahova” is a term that often appears in Romanian texts because it is the name of a Romanian county with several tourist attractions, including the Peles Castle, built with beautiful neo-Renaissance architecture. The county is named after the Prahova River, which flows through it.

  895. înscrie
  896. aliment
  897. privi
    (to look)
  898. institut
  899. ulei
  900. confirma
    (to confirm)
  901. poartă
  902. management
  903. aplicare
  904. baie
  905. evaluare
  906. Transilvania
    [proper noun]

    "Transilvania" is a common Romanian word because it refers to a region in the central part of Romania known for its beautiful landscapes and historical sites. The name "Transylvania" comes from Latin and means "the land beyond the forest". The region has many important historical sites, such as Bran Castle, also known as Dracula's Castle. This castle is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Romania and is famous for its connection to the legend of Count Dracula. Another important historical site in Transylvania is the medieval city of Sighișoara, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  907. pensiune
  908. viteză
  909. Elena
    [proper noun]
  910. contra
  911. presupune
  912. măcar
  913. avantaj
  914. iubi
    (to love)
  915. pierdere
  916. consuma
    (to consume)
  917. temperatură
  918. pericol

    The origin of this Romanian word is the Latin word “periculum” which means “danger”.

  919. palat
  920. contribui
    (to contribute)
  921. asculta
    (to listen)
  922. scădea
    (to decrease)
  923. rece
  924. aeroport
  925. cînd
  926. bogat
  927. iubire
  928. superior
  929. parcare
  930. opt

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “octo” which means “eight”.

  931. înalt
  932. lot
  933. tehnologie
  934. libertate
  935. obliga
  936. Ungaria
    [proper noun]

    "Ungaria" is a frequently-used Romanian word because it refers to Hungary, a neighboring country to Romania.

  937. Cristian
    [proper noun]
  938. parcă
    (as if)
  939. trecere
  940. lovi
    (to hit)
  941. datorită
    (due to)
  942. artist
  943. bolnav
  944. cursă
  945. sfat
  946. răspuns
  947. informa
    (to inform)
  948. civil
  949. inca
  950. gata
  951. interesa
    (to interest)
  952. aprecia
  953. față
  954. proprietate
  955. avion
  956. conflict
  957. plajă
  958. turistic
  959. slab
  960. dublu
  961. povesti
  962. suport
  963. similar
  964. autoritate
  965. recunoaște
    (to recognize)
  966. judecată
  967. sfânt
  968. străin
  969. absolut
  970. dovadă
  971. presiune
  972. gust
  973. util
  974. adevăr
  975. manager
  976. suna
    (to sound)
  977. închide
    (to close)
  978. modifica
  979. mană
  980. ridicat
  981. misiune
  982. agricol
  983. curat
  984. atitudine
  985. sef
  986. provoca
  987. ieși
  988. lapte

    This Romanian word is derived from the Latin word “lac” which means “milk”.

  989. adresa
    (to address)
  990. evita
    (to avoid)
  991. stadion
  992. set
  993. calcul
  994. doctor
  995. des
  996. dreaptă
  997. pământ
  998. secundă
  999. încredere
  1000. dans
  1001. petrecere

    “Petrecere” is Romanian word that means “party” or “celebration”. It is a widely used term to describe social gatherings and festivities. Here is an example of this word used in a sentence: “Ne-am distrat la petrecere” (We had fun at the party).

  1002. site
  1003. factor
  1004. pacient
  1005. ordin
  1006. păstra
    (to keep)
  1007. scaun
  1008. dificil
  1009. rezulta
    (to result)
  1010. profil
  1011. ascunde
    (to hide)
  1012. electronic
  1013. procent
  1014. minunat
  1015. scăpa
    (to escape)
  1016. francez
  1017. voce

    This Romanian word is the same in Italian. Both are descendents of the Latin word “vox”. See here for more linguistic similarities between Romanian and Italian.

  1018. spirit
  1019. voluntar
  1020. fan
  1021. părere
  1022. profit
  1023. ideal
  1024. țară
  1025. comandă
  1026. brand
  1027. exterior
  1028. viu
  1029. Florin
    [proper noun]
  1030. dura
  1031. protest
  1032. lunar
  1033. scandal
  1034. altceva
    (something else)
  1035. indica
    (to indicate)
  1036. excelent
  1037. finaliza
  1038. identifica
    (to identify)
  1039. start
  1040. Sorin
    [proper noun]