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The 1000 most common Lithuanian Vocabulary words [Complete List]

This list of the 1000 most common Lithuanian vocabulary words was created by analyzing a large number of texts written in Lithuanian including news articles and other articles available on the internet.

Lithuanian is an inflected language which means that when words are used in sentences their endings often change according to the grammatical cases. For this reason, we converted the words to their dictionary form, before counting them and sorting them by frequency.

We provided comments for some of the words in the list, in order to give additional information about etymology, multiple meanings, and expressions in which they are used.

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Here is the list of the 1000 most common Lithuanian words:

  1. ir
  2. būti
    (to be)
  3. jis
  4. kad
  5. tas
  6. į
  7. kuris
  8. su
  9. [preposition]
  10. [pronoun]
  11. šis
  12. Lietuva
    [proper noun]

    According to one of the theories, this country name comes from the word “lietus” which means rain and refers to the weather in Lithuania often being rainy.

  13. savęs
  14. o
  15. galėti
    (to be able to)
  16. kaip
  17. ar
  18. metai
  19. tik
  20. apie
  21. visas
  22. ne
  23. bet
  24. kas
  25. turėti
    (to have)
  26. kitas
  27. taip
  28. vienas
  29. nuo
  30. daug
    (a lot)
  31. žmogus
  32. per
  33. labai

    Same as in English, this adverb is used to express a high degree. However, it can also be used as a one-word response to a question, for example, “- Ar tu mėgsti braškes? - Labai.” (- Do you like strawberries? - A lot).

  34. po
  35. dar
  36. jau
  37. kai
  38. dėl
  39. darbas
  40. toks
  41. tačiau
  42. bei
  43. iki
  44. diena
  45. pat
  46. vaikas
  47. [preposition]
  48. metas

    This noun is less common than “laikas”, however, there are a few sayings that Lithuanians use on a daily basis such as “Gyvenu čia jau kuris metas” (I live here for some time) and “Metas po meto” (As the time goes by).

  49. pats
  50. jei
  51. prie
  52. vieta
  53. laikas

    A few expressions are created with this noun: “Jau kuris laikas mes gyvename Vilniuje” (We have been living here for some time) or “Man laikas eiti” (It is time for me to go).

  54. nes
  55. reikėti
    (to need)
  56. tu
  57. be
  58. šalis
  59. net
  60. miestas
  61. sakyti
    (to say)
  62. naujas
  63. arba
  64. Vilnius
    [proper noun]
  65. gyvenimas
  66. nors
  67. jog
  68. koks
  69. namas
  70. kur
  71. dalis
  72. pasaulis
  73. pirmas
  74. kartas
  75. Europa
    [proper noun]
  76. čia
  77. ant
  78. tai
  79. dabar
  80. du
  81. skirti
  82. valstybė
  83. mokykla

    Mostly used to describe an educational facility, the word “mokykla” may also be used when talking about personal experiences, e.g. “gyvenimo mokykla” (school of life).

  84. projektas
  85. norėti
    (to want)

    A word originates from the noun “noras” which is translated as “a wish”. It can be used in daily conversations, e.g. “Aš noriu pasivaikščioti” (I want to take a walk), while to describe desires and dreams the verb “trokšti” is more appropriate.

  86. gerai
  87. Klaipėda
    [proper noun]
  88. centras
  89. pradėti
    (to start)
  90. pagal
    (according to)
  91. veikla
  92. svarbus
  93. moteris

    This noun is created from the word “motina” (a mother) and a few more commonly used words are formed from it, such as “moteriškumas” (femininity) or “moteriškas” (feminine).

  94. vykti
    (to go)

    Apart from the meaning of the physical movement, a present continuous form of this word “vyksta” translates as “taking place”. For example: “Šiandien vyksta įdomus renginys” (An interesting event is taking place today).

  95. rajonas
  96. kalba

    Besides being a noun, the word “kalba” may also be a form of the verb “kalbėti” (to talk). For example, “Dabar jie kalba apie politiką” (Right now they are talking about politics).

  97. jeigu
  98. vyras
  99. įmonė
  100. klausimas
  101. knyga
  102. dažnai
  103. sistema
  104. galimybė
  105. negalėti
  106. grupė
  107. tarp
  108. niekas
  109. teismas
  110. asmuo
  111. dirbti
    (to work)
  112. Kaunas
    [proper noun]
  113. kartu
  114. tikrai
  115. tam
  116. gyventojas
  117. geras

    Just like in English, this adjective could be used to describe an item of a high quality, a person, or a feeling. However, it may also be used as an expression “Geras!” meaning “Great!”

  118. kelias
  119. šeima
  120. Rusija
    [proper noun]
  121. kaina

    A widely used expression is “Sumokėti didelę kainą” (To pay the price).

  122. komanda
  123. automobilis
  124. viskas

    Besides its main meaning, the word “viskas” could also be used in the context of something being finished, e.g. “Viskas, užbaigiau projektą” (It’s over, I have finished the project) or “Viskas, aš pavargau” (Enough, I am tired).

  125. gauti
  126. gal
  127. atlikti
    (to perform)
  128. padėti
    (to help)
  129. informacija
  130. lietuvis
  131. teigti
  132. programa
  133. istorija
  134. didelis
  135. tikras
  136. gyventi
    (to live)
  137. problema
  138. siekti
  139. būdas
  140. kol
  141. trys
  142. daryti
    (to do)
  143. įvairus
  144. kultūra
  145. darbuotojas

    The suffix “-ojas” is used to form nouns from verbs that often refer to an occupation or profession. The word “darbuotojas” is masculine, while the feminine form is “darbuotoja”.

  146. tekti
  147. mažai
  148. sveikata
  149. narys
  150. tada
  151. vanduo

    This noun is used for a variety of Lithuanian sayings. “Kaip vanduo nuo žąsies” (Causing no reaction, not affecting someone), “Kaip vanduo po ledu” (something happening slowly, with no visible progress) and “Devintas vanduo nuo kisieliaus” (A distant relative).

  152. savivaldybė
  153. pagrindinis
  154. žemė

    There are numerous meanings of this noun such as “Nusipirkau žemę šalia Vilniaus” (I bought land next to Vilnius), “Žemė yra Saulės sistemos planeta” (Earth is the planet of a solar system) or “Ši žemė yra skirta vazoninėms gėlėms” (This is the soil for flowers in the pot).

  155. mokslas
  156. rezultatas
  157. maistas
  158. ten
  159. liga
  160. įstatymas
  161. to
  162. atstovas
  163. antras
  164. savaitė
  165. seimas

    Seimas is the parliament of Lithuania.

  166. visuomenė
  167. dėmesys
  168. atrodyti
    (to look)
  169. pavyzdys
  170. tikslas
  171. dalykas
  172. policija
  173. skyrius

    This noun could have a variety of meanings such as “Knygos skyrius” (A book chapter), “Kardiologijos skyrius ligoninėje” (Cardiology department in a hospital), or “Naujas mano gyvenimo skyrius” (New chapter of my life).

  174. oras

    Mostly used when talking about the weather, declensions of the word “oras” are also part of a few sayings, such as “Sugalvotas iš oro” (unreasonable, invented without being based on facts) or “Pakibti ore” (being left with no results).

  175. ranka
  176. aplinka
  177. likti
    (to stay)
  178. veikti
    (to act)
  179. tiesiog
  180. universitetas
  181. manyti

    Apart from meaning “to think” this verb may also be translated differently depending on the context. Possible meanings include “to hope”, “to be sure about something” or “to intend to”.

  182. beveik
  183. nuomonė
  184. pagalba
  185. kalbėti
    (to speak)
  186. juk
    (after all)
  187. pasak
    (according to)

    A widely used synonym for this preposition with the same meaning is “anot”.

  188. bendras
  189. leisti
  190. bankas
  191. joks
  192. muzika
  193. produktas
  194. mažas
  195. kaimas
  196. apsauga

    This noun is created from “sauga” (security). Depending on the context, “apsauga” can be translated as “protection” (e.g. data protection) or “security” meaning safeguards / security workers.

  197. vėl
  198. tiesa
  199. taryba
  200. filmas
  201. amžius

    This noun has two meanings, one of which is the age of a person or animal, and the other one is a century. A few commonly used words are formed from “amžius”, e.g. “amžinas” (eternal) and “bendraamžis” (a peer, someone of the same age).

  202. kodėl
  203. ypač

    Many synonyms of this word exist and are widely used in the Lithuanian language, e.g. itin, labai, pirmiausia, nepaprastai.

  204. internetas
  205. pas
  206. matyti
    (to see)
  207. situacija
  208. visada
  209. kuo
  210. sritis
  211. gruodis
  212. partija
  213. sąlyga
  214. žodis

    A number of sayings using declension of the word “žodis” in different contexts exist, e.g. “Duodu žodį” (I promise) or “Laikytis savo žodžio” (To keep one’s promise).

  215. sausis
  216. teatras
  217. valanda

    A widely used Lithuanian expression with this noun is “Laimės valanda” (Happy hour).

  218. klubas

    This noun has two equally common meanings which are “a club” and “a hip”.

  219. kartais
  220. žinoti
    (to know)
  221. kurti
    (to create)
  222. pabaiga
  223. sunkus
  224. pareigūnas
  225. pradžia
  226. prezidentas
  227. dokumentas
  228. ministerija
  229. pasakyti
    (to say)
  230. itin
  231. vardas
  232. bendruomenė
  233. komisija
  234. sportas
  235. šiandien
  236. reikalas
  237. priimti
    (to accept)
  238. pastatas
  239. rašyti
    (to write)
  240. kilti
    (to rise)
  241. patirtis
  242. rasti
    (to find)
  243. menas
  244. ministras
  245. bent
    (at least)
  246. draugas
    (a male friend)
  247. politika
  248. kūnas
  249. karas
  250. laukti
    (to wait)
  251. galva

    Similarly to English, in addition to its main meaning as a body part, the word “galva” may also be used in the saying “Šeimos galva” (A head of the family).

  252. jaunimas
  253. dalyvis
  254. spalis
  255. turtas

    Mostly used when describing wealth and assets, the word “turtas” can also be a part of the expression “Mano sūnus yra mano didžiausias turtas” (My son is my dearest / most cherished / most precious thing).

  256. gatvė
  257. planas
  258. forma

    Having two meanings this noun could be both translated as “a form” in the context of documents, for instance, “Tai yra forma užpildymui” (It is a form to fill in). But it could also mean “a shape” such as “Tokia sofos forma tinka mūsų interjerui” (Such a sofa shape fits our interior). Also, it could be used when talking about a baking pan, “Tai kepimo forma tortui” (It is a pan for cake baking).

  259. vyriausybė
  260. direktorius
  261. valdžia
  262. tuomet
  263. skaičius
  264. sąjunga
  265. aukštas

    When used as an adjective, the word aukštas is translated as “high” or “tall”, for example, “Tai aukštas bokštas” (This is a high tower) and “Šitas vyras yra aukštas’ (This man is tall). However, it can also be used as a noun and translated as “a floor”, for example, “Tai antras aukštas” (It is a second floor).

  266. įstaiga
  267. ūkis
  268. prekė
  269. tinklas

    The meaning of this noun depends on the context since it can be translated as “network” and “a net”, for instance, “Tai socialinis tinklas” (It is a social network) and “Tai tinklas žvejybai” (It is a fishing net).

  270. kovas
  271. santykis

    A singular form is used to talk about ratios. However, when used in the plural form “santykiai” it also has the meaning of “relationship”.

  272. vasara
  273. spalva
  274. rodyti
  275. jaunas
  276. mokestis
  277. teikti
    (to give, to provide)
  278. rugsėjis
  279. organizacija
  280. straipsnis

    The noun “straipsnis” can refer both to a magazine/newspaper article and a criminal code article.

  281. idėja
  282. priežastis
  283. miškas
  284. kada
  285. greitai
  286. sezonas
  287. vakaras

    There is a widely used expression “Dar ne vakaras” which is literally translated as “It is not evening yet” but has the meaning of still having a chance, having time to change the course of events.

  288. studentas
  289. mėnuo
  290. reikalingas
  291. būtinas
  292. byla
  293. tvarka
  294. kadangi
  295. mokytojas
  296. tekstas
  297. suprasti
    (to understand)
  298. mintis

    The word mintis could also be translated as “an idea”. For example, “Man kilo gera mintis” (I got a great idea). The plural form of this word is mintys.

  299. lėšos
  300. teritorija
  301. liepa
  302. vos
  303. technologija
  304. euras
  305. lapkritis
  306. akcija
  307. pinigai
  308. ateitis
  309. Vokietija
    [proper noun]
  310. širdis
  311. bažnyčia
  312. meilė
  313. imti
    (to take)
  314. vaizdas
  315. reikalavimas
  316. patvirtinti
    (to confirm)
  317. laikyti
    (to hold)
  318. eiti
    (to go)
  319. jūra
  320. klaida

    This noun is used both for errors (as in grammatical errors) and mistakes (as in life experiences), for instance, “Tai buvo didžiausia mano gyvenimo klaida” (This was the biggest mistake of my life).

  321. energija
  322. litas
  323. kinas
  324. vasaris
  325. parama
  326. oda

    This noun has a double meaning since it can be translated both as skin and leather. For example, “Mano oda yra sausa” (My skin is dry) and “Tai yra natūrali oda” (It is genuine leather).

  327. kraštas
  328. galite
  329. kažkas
  330. kelionė
  331. Lenkija
    [proper noun]
  332. puikus
  333. telefonas
  334. akis

    Similarly to English, there is an expression “akis už akį” (Eye for an eye). One more saying that is commonly used is “Badyti akis” (To express your disapproval in a rude manner).

  335. kova
  336. gamta
  337. politinis
  338. paskutinis

    This adjective could be used in a variety of contexts, for example, “Aš esu paskutinis eilėje” (I am the last one in the queue), “Tai šio režisieriaus paskutinis filmas” (It is the last movie of this director) and “Paskutinis kartas” (One last time).

  339. Ukraina
    [proper noun]
  340. tauta
  341. gydytojas
  342. kitaip
  343. susitikimas
  344. tema
  345. senas
  346. birželis
  347. dauguma
  348. respublika
  349. uostas
  350. vairuotojas
  351. parkas
  352. įvykis
  353. nuolat
  354. nuotrauka
  355. siena

    Apart from its main meaning, this noun is also widely used when talking about country borders, for instance, “Tai yra Lietuvos siena” (This is a border of Lithuania).

  356. saugumas
  357. pastebėti
    (to notice)
  358. ieškoti
    (to search)
  359. pranešimas
  360. lygis
  361. šiol
  362. autorius
  363. institucija
  364. pareiga
  365. parduotuvė
  366. rytas
  367. gegužė
  368. biblioteka
  369. žaidimas
  370. transportas
  371. balandis

    Besides its main translation, the noun balandis is also a bird name of a pigeon. The plural of the word pigeon is balandžiai.

  372. statyba
  373. ryšys
  374. rugpjūtis
  375. jėga
  376. įvykti
  377. lengvai
  378. mirtis
  379. kompanija
  380. švietimas
  381. mama
  382. rinkimai
  383. vaistas

    A popular expression with this noun is “Vaistas nuo visų ligų” (Cure for all diseases) used when describing something positive and useful.

  384. pora

    This noun has a meaning of “a pair” as in “a pair of shoes”, however, it can also be used in the context of quantity, for example, “Yra pora dalykų, kuriuos aš turiu padaryti” (There are a couple of things that I have to do).

  385. daina
  386. naujiena
  387. naktis
  388. Latvija
    [proper noun]
  389. regionas
  390. krepšinis
  391. atsirasti
  392. tarsi
  393. vertinti
    (to appreciate)
  394. skelbti

    This verb is used to talk about news, ads, and announcements. Also, the noun “skelbimas” is created from it which means “an advertisement”.

  395. erdvė
  396. galbūt
  397. Jonas
    [proper noun]
  398. proga
  399. pakeisti
    (to change)
  400. įvertinti
  401. gamyba
  402. atsakyti
    (to reply)
  403. fondas
  404. muziejus
  405. vidus
  406. komentaras
  407. butas
  408. valdymas
  409. paprastas
  410. dovana

    In a different context, this noun may also mean “blessing”, for example, “Likimo dovana” (A blessing of fate).

  411. šiemet
    (this year)
  412. augti
    (to grow)
  413. ekonomika
  414. priežiūra
  415. galas
  416. niekada
  417. užtikrinti
    (to ensure)
  418. įtaka
  419. festivalis
  420. gana
  421. namai
  422. trečias
  423. panašus
  424. noras
  425. įdomus
  426. mergina
  427. gražus
  428. jūs

    Lithuanian language has formal and informal pronouns and “jūs” has two meanings depending on the letter it starts with. When written with a capital letter “Jūs” it is used to address someone in a formal way, both singular and plural. However, “jūs” refers to a group of people in an informal way.

  429. laivas
  430. finansinis
  431. baigti
    (to finish)
  432. mokėti
    (to pay)

    An exact translation of this verb depends on the context since it could be “to pay” and “to know”. for example, “Laikas mokėti už nuomą” (It is time to pay rent), but also “Tu privalai mokėti vairuoti” (You have to know how to drive).

  433. suma
  434. laukas

    This noun has two meanings, one of which is the field or terrain, however, its declension can also be used as “outside”, for instance, “Mes išėjome į lauką” (We went outside).

  435. tūkstantis

    When referring to the quantity that is one thousand, it is not required to use “one” in the Lithuanian language: “tūkstantis žmonių” and “vienas tūkstantis žmonių” has an identical meaning of “one thousand people”.

  436. pajamos
  437. kiekis
  438. minutė
  439. žmones
  440. atsakymas
  441. trečiadienis
  442. pacientas
  443. Dievas
    [proper noun]
  444. patikti
  445. skaityti
    (to read)
  446. sostinė
  447. renginys
  448. tėvas
  449. meras
  450. vartoti
  451. objektas
  452. televizija
  453. sulaukti
  454. nacionalinis
  455. daiktas
  456. asmeninis
  457. veidas
  458. koja
  459. žiūrėti
  460. apskritis
  461. funkcija
  462. vienintelis
  463. ligoninė
  464. savininkas
  465. negu

    A commonly used synonym with the exact same meaning is“nei”.

  466. tradicija
  467. vakarai
  468. žiema
  469. gyvūnas
  470. futbolas
  471. balsas
  472. lietuviškas
  473. Kristus
    [proper noun]
  474. pastatyti
    (to build)
  475. keturi
  476. verslininkas
  477. procentas
  478. sveikas

    Used to describe a good physical condition, this word is also a greeting in Lithuanian meaning “Hello” when referring to a male. When addressing a woman, it is changed to “Sveika”.

  479. pozicija
  480. langas
  481. ekonominis
  482. grįžti
  483. gimnazija
    (high school)
  484. vadinti
    (to call)
  485. tvirtinti
  486. Amerika
    [proper noun]
  487. Prancūzija
    [proper noun]
  488. pienas
  489. žmona
  490. riba
  491. kraujas
  492. literatūra
  493. aiškus
  494. kam
  495. ilgas
  496. kunigas
  497. komitetas
  498. naudingas
  499. prašyti
    (to ask for, to request)
  500. žiūrovas
  501. stalas
  502. mokslininkas
  503. keisti
    (to change)
  504. duoti
    (to give)
  505. elektroninis
  506. maždaug
  507. garsas
  508. važiuoti
    (to ride)
  509. kompiuteris
  510. technika
  511. eismas
  512. praktika
  513. laisvė
  514. deja
  515. zona
  516. medicina
  517. pirmadienis
  518. ateiti
    (to come)
  519. plėtra
  520. augalas
  521. šaltinis

    With its main meaning being “the source” this word is also translated as “spring water”.

  522. šviesa
  523. administracija
  524. rusas
  525. gyvybė
  526. rūšis
  527. stebėti
    (to observe)
  528. galvoti
    (to think)
  529. skaitytojas
  530. metras
  531. durys

    A noun “door” only exists in a plural form in the Lithuanian language.

  532. faktas
  533. pirkti
    (to buy)
  534. ypatingas
  535. statyti
    (to build)
  536. privalėti
    (have to)
  537. pavasaris
  538. pirkimas
  539. lengvas

    The meaning of this adjective depends on the context since it can be translated as “easy” and “lightweight”.

  540. motina
  541. dabartinis
  542. gyvas
  543. linija
  544. gamintojas
  545. blogas
  546. antradienis
  547. ratas
  548. kitoks
  549. miestelis
  550. patarimas
  551. nauda
    (use, benefit)
  552. galimas
  553. sūnus
  554. galia
  555. Palanga
    [proper noun]
  556. stiprus
  557. kelis

    In a certain context, the word “kelis” is a declension of “keli” (a few). For example, “Aš nupirkau kelis daiktus” (I bought a few things).

  558. mokytis
    (to learn)
  559. šeštadienis
  560. valgyti
    (to eat)
  561. temperatūra
  562. kandidatas
  563. interesas
  564. paštas
    (post office)
  565. istorinis
  566. posėdis
  567. laiškas
  568. laipsnis
  569. pamoka
  570. Italija
    [proper noun]
  571. žurnalistas
  572. mašina
  573. grožis
  574. ketvirtadienis
  575. autobusas
  576. įrašas

    Similar to the English language, this noun has a meaning of a record as in a document and also a musical record.

  577. partneris
  578. plaukas

    There are a few expressions with the declension of the noun “plaukas”: “Per plauką” (A close call) and “Įvairaus plauko žmonės” (All sorts of people).

  579. kūrėjas
  580. baltas
  581. apygarda
  582. terminas
  583. kreditas
  584. kryptis
  585. Estija
    [proper noun]
  586. bauda
  587. kasdien
  588. sodas
  589. greitis
  590. nuotaika
  591. plotas
  592. lankytojas
  593. vertybė
  594. sodyba

    This noun is used to describe a private house in the countryside while the phrase “kaimo sodyba” (homestead in a village) normally refers to a homestead for rent.

  595. Alytus
    [proper noun]
  596. elgesys
  597. kalnas
  598. aikštė
  599. bandyti
    (to try)
  600. penktadienis

    All names of the days of the week in the Lithuanian language are made by combining a day number with the word “diena” (day). In this case, it is “penktas” (the fifth) plus “diena” (day).

  601. teisinis
  602. savaitgalis
  603. kainuoti
    (to cost)
  604. Marija
    [proper noun]
  605. politikas
  606. saulė
  607. sektorius
  608. metodas
  609. nusikaltimas
  610. stovėti
    (to stand)
  611. pelė
  612. ekipa

    With its synonym being “komanda”, this noun is mostly used when referring to sports teams.

  613. naudojimas
  614. viltis
    (to hope)

    Depending on the context, the word “viltis” could be a noun or a verb. For example, it is a noun in the phrase “Mano paskutinė viltis” (My last hope), but it is a verb in “Mums reikia viltis, jog jis grįš” (We have to hope that he comes back).

  615. auka

    There are two meanings this noun may have, one of which is “a victim” and the other one is “donation to the church”.

  616. kovoti
    (to fight)
  617. alus
  618. parduoti
    (to sell)
  619. skirtumas
  620. bendrauti
    (to communicate)
  621. para

    The meaning of this word is a 24-hour day. When describing a time of the day, the noun “diena” is used. For example, “Nuo jo dingimo praėjo viena para” (One day has passed since he has gone missing), but “Šiandien graži diena” (It is a beautiful day today).

  622. Maskva
    [proper noun]
  623. rytai

    Besides its main translation, the word “rytai” is also the plural form of “rytas” (morning).

  624. džiaugsmas
  625. radijas
  626. aiškinti
    (to explain)
  627. savybė
  628. žingsnis

    As in English, there is an expression “step by step” created with this word: “Žingsnis po žingsnio”.

  629. rimtas
  630. pensija
  631. valdyti
  632. šitas
  633. žala
  634. vaikinas
  635. atidaryti
    (to open)
  636. seniai
    (long ago)
  637. jaustis
    (to feel)
  638. link

    This preposition must always be followed by a noun or personal pronoun, for example, “Einu link tavęs” (I am going towards you).

  639. tikėti
    (to believe)
  640. mirti
    (to die)
  641. pergalė
  642. kategorija
  643. žaisti
    (to play)
  644. brolis
  645. greitas
  646. detalė
  647. keliauti
    (to travel)
  648. alkoholis
  649. laisvas
  650. pokalbis
  651. rašytojas

    Formed from the verb “rašyti” (to write) this is a noun in its masculine form. The feminine form is created by changing the ending to “-a”: “rašytoja”.

  652. šeimininkas
  653. lėktuvas
  654. premjeras
    (prime minister)
  655. trumpas

    Used to describe a physical feature this adjective could also be in the context of a short term such as “Trumpas filmas” (A short movie).

  656. elgtis
    (to behave)
  657. lenkas
  658. neseniai
  659. vėjas

    A popular expression with this noun is “Vėjas galvoje” (Reckless).

  660. sėkmė
  661. reikšmė
  662. Baltarusija
    [proper noun]
  663. ginklas
  664. stovykla
  665. puslapis
  666. savas
  667. abu
  668. mergaitė
  669. patarti
    (to advise)
  670. nafta
  671. girdėti
    (to hear)
  672. protas
  673. kiemas
  674. žydas
  675. mėsa
  676. pavojus
  677. šimtas
  678. adresas
  679. malda
  680. aktorius
  681. šokis
  682. patiekalas
  683. skundas
  684. siela
  685. vaisius

    Besides its main meaning, the noun “vaisius” could also be used in the context of the result of something, for example, “Mano darbo vaisius” (The result of my work).

  686. Kinija
    [proper noun]
  687. sala
  688. virš
  689. virtuvė
  690. saugus
  691. daržovė
  692. mylėti
    (to love)
  693. sportininkas
  694. fotografija

    This noun has two meanings one of which is photography as an art, and the other one is a picture. A commonly used synonym to refer to a picture is “nuotrauka”.

  695. jaunuolis
    (young man)
  696. pirkėjas
  697. baldas
  698. Ispanija
    [proper noun]
  699. netekti
    (to lose)
  700. biuras
  701. dvasinis
  702. dvaras
  703. ruduo
  704. gėrimas
  705. dangus
  706. auksas

    The Lithuanian language has a very common saying with this noun which is “Ne viskas auksas, kas auksu žiba” (All that glitters is not gold). Also, a declension of the word “auksas” is used in one more expression meaning spoiling someone - “apipilti auksu”.

  707. avarija
  708. aptarti
    (to discuss)
  709. pilietis
  710. kultūrinis
  711. didinti
  712. kvapas
  713. vadovauti
    (to lead)
  714. akademija
  715. kalendorius
  716. pasaka
    (fairy tale)

    There is an expression with this noun, “Sena pasaka” which is used when describing something you are already bored of.

  717. artimas
  718. anglas
    (an englishman)
  719. skola
  720. didžiulis
  721. ežeras
  722. Antanas
    [proper noun]
  723. drauge
  724. svoris
  725. doleris
  726. ko
  727. pilnas
  728. prezidentė
  729. buvęs
  730. misija
  731. duona
  732. šiltas
  733. perduoti

    Having one meaning this verb may be used in two different contexts, for example, “Prašau perduoti man druską” (Please give me the salt) and “Mes turime perduoti svarbią informaciją” (We have to transmit important information).

  734. lapas

    This noun has two meanings such as a leaf or a sheet of paper.

  735. pritarti
    (to approve)

    The noun “pritarimas” (an approval) is created from this verb.

  736. Dalia
    [proper noun]

    Dalia is a Lithuanian girl’s name.

  737. asmenybė
  738. žuvis

    “Kaip žuvis vandenyje” is a common Lithuanian expression that has the meaning of someone feeling confident in certain circumstances.

  739. elektra
  740. keistas
  741. vandenis

    This is the name of the zodiac sign which is created by using the word “vanduo” (water).

  742. grąžinti
    (to return)

    The word “grąža” is created from this verb which means “change” in the context of receiving change after making a payment.

  743. Švedija
    [proper noun]
  744. sudėtis
  745. Turkija
    [proper noun]
  746. atrasti
    (to discover)
  747. Paulius
    [proper noun]
  748. takas
  749. paruošti
    (to prepare)

    Similar to English, this verb has a few meanings, amongst which are meal preparation (“Paruošti vakarienę” Prepare dinner), work-related topics (“Paruošti prezentaciją” Prepare a presentation) or housekeeping jobs (“Paruošti kambarį svečiams” Prepare a room for guests).

  750. pasakojimas
  751. sumokėti
    (to pay)
  752. laimingas
  753. kava
  754. dukra
  755. aktualus
  756. vyskupas
  757. Utena
    [proper noun]
  758. informacinis
  759. albumas

    This noun may refer to a music album as well as an album with pictures.

  760. tiesioginis
  761. patogus

    Besides mostly being used in the context of well-adapted for consumption, the word “patogus” may also refer to something favorable or convenient such as “Patogus sprendimas” (A convenient solution).

  762. mokyti
    (to teach)
  763. saugoti
    (to protect)
  764. paminklas
  765. juosta
  766. svajonė
  767. vokietis
  768. daugiausiai
  769. kambarys
  770. esate
  771. turistas
  772. Kalėdos
    [proper noun]
  773. upė

    This noun is also often used as a traditional Lithuanian female name.

  774. surasti
    (to find)

    With its main meaning being to physically find or to detect, this verb may also be used in the context of finding a meaning or purpose, for example, “Surasti išeitį” (To find a solution).

  775. išeiti
  776. emocija
  777. aliejus
  778. popierius

    A plural form which is “popieriai” (papers) is used in a common expression “Blogi popieriai” (Something is going wrong).

  779. žvaigždė

    Same as in the English language, this noun can refer to an astronomical object or a famous person.

  780. penki
  781. tiltas
  782. pelnas
  783. norite
  784. kilometras
  785. Anglija
    [proper noun]
  786. kūdikis
  787. laimė
  788. trasa
  789. blogai
  790. liaudis
  791. poetas
  792. gėlė
  793. malonus
  794. centrinis
  795. balsuoti
    (to vote)
  796. garbė
  797. santuoka
  798. ūkininkas
  799. stiklas

    A common expression with this noun is “Kaip stiklas” (As a glass) used to describe something clean and spotless.

  800. unikalus
  801. karštas
  802. kažkoks
  803. baimė
  804. žiedas

    This word has several meanings from flowers to jewelry. for example, “Išsiskleidė didelis rožės žiedas” (A big rose has blossomed) while a different meaning could be “Tai mano sužadėtuvių žiedas” (This is my engagement ring). Furthermore, an intersection roundabout is also called “žiedas”.

  805. mokytoja
  806. sėdėti
    (to sit)
  807. viešbutis
  808. atgal
  809. restoranas
  810. įspūdingas

    This masculine adjective is formed by adding the suffix “-ingas” to the word “įspūdis” (impression). The feminine adjective has an ending “-a”: įspūdinga.

  811. Andrius
    [proper noun]
  812. strategija
  813. vynas
  814. Petras
    [proper noun]
  815. metalas
  816. tol
  817. profesija
  818. variklis

    This noun can be used in such an expression as “Mano gyvenimo variklis” (The engine of my life) when talking about one’s biggest motivation.

  819. Japonija
    [proper noun]
  820. Jėzus
    [proper noun]
  821. būdingas
  822. profesorius
  823. srautas
  824. banga

    With its main meaning being an ocean wave, “banga” may also refer to an abstract event, for example, “Nauja populiarumo banga” (A new wave of popularity).

  825. gimtadienis

    This noun is a combination of words “gimti” (to be born) and “diena” (a day).

  826. sekmadienis
  827. vaikystė
  828. brangus

    This adjective may have a few different meanings. It is mostly used in the context of being expensive, for example, “Brangus laikrodis” (An expensive watch). However, it may also be a reference to a person that is dear to you and used in the following way: “Mano brangus tėvas” (My dear father).

  829. arbata
  830. gerti
    (to drink)
  831. žmogų
  832. sovietas
  833. keleivis
  834. privatus
  835. raudonas
  836. numeris
  837. klavišas
  838. kanalas
  839. sniegas

    “Kaip pernykštis sniegas” is a common Lithuanian saying used when talking about something that has no importance or meaning to you.

  840. kodeksas
  841. truputis
  842. poezija
  843. bankrotas
  844. mediena
  845. šaka
    (a branch)

    A widely used Lithuanian expression with this noun is “Nepjauk šakos, ant kurios sėdi”. It is literally translated as “Do not cut the branch you are sitting on” meaning “Do not complicate your situation”.

  846. analizė
  847. laikraštis
  848. konstitucija
  849. iššūkis
  850. vitaminas
  851. visur
  852. prietaisas
  853. receptas
  854. Izraelis
    [proper noun]
  855. paukštis
  856. juodas
  857. gimti
    (to be born)

    A few sayings of various meanings with different forms of “gimti” are used in Lithuanian such as “Man gimė idėja” (I came up with an idea) or “Gimiau iš naujo” (I was reborn, refreshed).

  858. abejonė
  859. bendradarbiauti
  860. ciklas
  861. religija
  862. keistis
    (to change)
  863. kamera
  864. Sirija
    [proper noun]
  865. katedra
  866. šiaip
  867. lova
  868. apimtis
  869. Norvegija
    [proper noun]
  870. įrenginys
  871. gerbėjas
  872. pagarba
  873. aptikti
  874. šaltas
  875. bėgti
    (to run)

    Similar to English, this Lithuanian verb could be used in the context of someone running as well as when talking about running water. For example, “Iš čiaupo bėga vanduo” (Water is running from the tap).

  876. krantas
  877. atmintis
  878. pernelyg

    This adverb is always followed by an adjective, for instance, “Ši kaina yra pernelyg didelė” (This price is too high) or “Ši dėžė yra pernelyg maža” (This box is too small).

  879. užtekti
  880. dešimt
  881. smagus
  882. įrašyti
    (to record)
  883. sėkmingas
  884. padanga
  885. kviesti
    (to invite)

    Mostly used when talking about invitations to a certain gathering, the verb “kviesti” may also appear in the context of calling for help, for example, “Kviesti policiją” (To call the police).

  886. uždaryti
    (to close)
  887. dailininkas
  888. parlamentas
  889. archyvas
  890. ramybė
  891. mastas
  892. Graikija
    [proper noun]
  893. svetimas
    (other people's)
  894. nutarimas
  895. vakar
  896. skaičiuoti
    (to count)
  897. Tomas
    [proper noun]
  898. Algirdas
    [proper noun]

    Algirdas is a Lithuanian male name (see our article on Lithuanian names).

  899. katalikas
  900. pavardė
  901. klausti
    (to ask)
  902. kasa
  903. ginti
  904. pažinti
  905. federacija
  906. aparatas
  907. kolega