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The complete list of the 1000 most common Japanese words

Below you will find a list of the one thousand most common Japanese vocabulary words. We constructed this list by analyzing a large number of Japanese language texts (news articles, and other online articles covering a wide variety of topics).

This list is sorted in decreasing order of frequency, so the words at the top of the list are more frequently-used than those at the bottom.

The purpose of this list is to serve as a tool for those who are learning Japanese so that they can focus on studying the most commonly used vocabulary words in order to reach fluency faster.

List of the 1000 most common Japanese vocabulary words

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  1. (da)
    (to be)
  2. する
    (to do)
  3. です
    (to be)
  4. いる
    (to be)

    The Japanese language makes explicit the distinction between animate and inanimate existence by using the verb “いる” (iru) for living entities and the verb “ある” (aru) for inanimate objects.

  5. (watashi)

    “私” (watashi) is not the only first-person pronoun in Japanese; there are also alternatives like “僕” (boku) and “俺” (ore) that can be used depending on the speaker's gender and the level of formality required.

  6. ある
    (to be)
  7. こと
    (a thing)
  8. (nani)
  9. それ
  10. なる
    (to become)
  11. この
  12. これ
    (this one)
  13. そう
  14. 言う
    (to tell)
  15. (kare)

    While the Japanese word “彼” (kare) usually means “he”, it can also refer to a boyfriend in casual conversations.

  16. どう
  17. いい
  18. (hito)
    (a person)
  19. あなた

    Within Japanese cultural norms, it is customary to use names and titles as the preferred way of addressing individuals, rather than relying on second person pronouns like “あなた”.

  20. (ore)

    The first person pronoun “俺” (ore) is considered informal and somewhat rough; it is more commonly used in informal or friendly conversations among males.

  21. その
  22. (kimi)
  23. やる
    (to do)
  24. 見る
    (to look)
  25. 行く
    (to go)
  26. いう
    (to say)
  27. くれる
    (to give)
  28. できる
  29. ここ
  30. お前
  31. 知る
    (to know)
  32. 来る
    (to come)
  33. もう
  34. (dare)
  35. (ima)
  36. (mono)
  37. けど
  38. 彼女
  39. (boku)

    The first-person pronoun “僕” (boku) is used by young men and boys in Japan; it can convey a sense of humility and politeness.

  40. あの
  41. 分かる
    (to understand)
  42. (toshi)
  43. (naka)
    (the middle)
  44. (mae)
    (the front)
  45. (toki)
  46. 聞く
    (to listen)
  47. 自分
  48. つく
    (to arrive)
  49. 持つ
    (to have)
  50. どこ
  51. そして
  52. (hanashi)
    (a story, a speech)
  53. そんな
    (that kind of thing)
  54. 出る
    (to go out, to leave)
  55. 必要
  56. なん
  57. 話す
    (to talk)
  58. 待つ
    (to wait)
  59. 出す
    (to put out, to issue)
  60. (kata)
  61. (ichi)
  62. 考える
    (to think)
  63. (ie)
    (a house)
  64. 死ぬ
    (to perish)
  65. (ki)
    (spirit, mood, air)
  66. 時間
  67. ちょっと
    (a little bit, somewhat)
  68. 本当
  69. 我々
  70. はい

    In Japanese, “はい” (hai) means “yes,” and the opposite is “いいえ” (iie), which means “no.” But it's interesting that “いいえ” (iie) isn't used as frequently in the language. That's because in Japanese culture, being polite and subtle is highly valued, and saying “no” directly can sometimes be seen as impolite or confrontational.

  71. まだ
  72. くださる
    (to give)
  73. そこ
  74. (hi)
    (a day)
  75. 世界
  76. 良い
  77. みる
    (to see)
  78. なぜ
  79. 使う
    (to use)
  80. 大丈夫
    (all right, okay)
  81. (ato)
    (the rear)
  82. こんな
    (like this)
  83. (otoko)
    (a man)
  84. (hoka)
  85. (te)
    (a hand)
  86. 仕事
    (a job, work)
  87. 問題
    (a problem)
  88. また
  89. 同じ
  90. 入る
    (to enter)
  91. 違う
    (to differ)
  92. 一緒
    (a combination)
  93. 会う
    (to meet)
  94. (youna)
  95. 作る
    (to make)
  96. みたい
    (to want to see)
  97. 戻る
    (to return)
  98. 今日
  99. 悪い
  100. 見つける
    (to find)
  101. (ko)
    (a child)
  102. あんた
  103. みんな
  104. すぐ
    (immediately, soon)
  105. 電話
    (a telephone)

    The Japanese word for “telephone” (電話) combines two characters: the first means “electric” and the second means “conversation.”

  106. しかし
  107. もし
  108. 人間
  109. 場所
    (a place)
  110. なさる
    (to do)
  111. (tokoro)
    (a place)
  112. 子供
  113. (chikara)
  114. (ue)
    (the top)
  115. 無い
  116. こう
    (like this)
  117. 呼ぶ
    (to call)
  118. しまう
    (to put away)
  119. ところ
    (a place)
  120. 帰る
    (to go home)
  121. 見える
    (to appear)
  122. 入れる
    (to put in)
  123. 受ける
    (to receive)
  124. ただ
    (only, just)
  125. 生きる
    (to live)
  126. あれ
  127. よく
  128. (kane)
  129. わけ
    (a reason)
  130. 好き
    (favorite, liked)
  131. 少し
    (a bit)
  132. 全て
    (everything, all)
  133. (sei)
  134. (kuruma)
    (a car)

    Japan is a country with a large automotive industry. Japanese car manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan are known worldwide. It is no wonder that “車” (kuruma) is a common word in the Japanese language.

  135. 先生
  136. でる
    (to appear)
  137. 込む
    (to enter)

    The Japanese verb “込む” (komu) has several meanings including “to enter” and “to be crowded”.

  138. (tsugi)
  139. すむ
    (to finish)
  140. もっと
  141. 早い
  142. (bun)
  143. どんな
    (what kind)
  144. もらう
    (to get, to receive)
  145. とる
    (to take)
  146. 信ずる
    (to believe, to trust)
  147. 教える
    (to teach)
  148. 関係
    (a relationship)
  149. (aida)
    (an interval)
  150. 名前
    (a name)
  151. 可能
  152. いつ
  153. 始める
    (to start)
  154. とても
  155. 意味
    (a meaning)
  156. (mono)
    (a thing)
  157. 引く
    (to pull)
  158. 探す
    (to search)
  159. 助ける
    (to help)
  160. (onna)
    (a woman)
  161. (do)
  162. いつも
  163. 食べる
    (to eat)
  164. (kazu)
  165. 新しい
  166. 家族
    (a family)
  167. 通り
    (a street)
  168. 最後
  169. 女性
  170. 情報
  171. (kokoro)
    (heart, mind)
  172. 止める
    (to stop)
  173. 連れる
    (to lead)
  174. 心配する
    (shinpai suru)
    (to worry)
  175. 合う
    (to fit, to match)
  176. 人々
  177. 逃げる
    (to escape)
  178. (betsu)
  179. (ware)

    The Japanese pronoun “我” (ware) is found in some literary contexts, but it is less common than the pronoun “私” (watashi).

  180. 起きる
    (to wake up, to get up)
  181. 落ちる
    (to fall)
  182. 立つ
    (to stand, to rise)
  183. こっち
  184. 方法
  185. 理由
    (a reason)
  186. 見せる
    (to show)
  187. オレ
    (I, me)
  188. 研究
    (a study)

    Japan's prioritization of education, innovation, and technological advancement is seen in its dedication to research and development. This leads to a frequent use of the word “研究” (kenkyū) in the Japanese language.

  189. 忘れる
    (to forget)
  190. 最初
  191. 守る
    (to protect)
  192. すごい
  193. ずっと
  194. (ni)
  195. 事件
    (event, incident)
  196. 頼む
    (to ask, to request)
  197. 一人
    (one person)
  198. 続ける
    (to continue)
  199. つまり
    (in other words)
  200. (karada)
  201. 警察
  202. 人生

    Among the thousand most common Japanese words, four distinct terms correspond to the English word “life”. These terms are “人生” (jinsei), “命” (inochi), “生活” (seikatsu), and “生命” (seimei). Each has its nuances and usages, and the choice depends on factors such as whether one is discussing life from a philosophical or practical standpoint.

  203. (kuni)
    (a country)
  204. 書く
    (to write)
  205. (atama)
    (a head)
  206. 写真
    (a photograph)
  207. (kao)
    (a face, a reputation)
  208. 得る
    (to obtain)
  209. 全部
    (all, totally)
  210. 変わる
    (to change)
  211. まま
  212. 終わる
    (to end)
  213. 上げる
    (to increase)
  214. 部屋
  215. 多く
  216. 送る
    (to send)
  217. 着く
    (to arrive)
  218. (musume)
  219. (saki)
  220. (hon)
  221. (chichi)
  222. 理解する
    (rikai suru)
    (to understand)
  223. 切る
    (to cut)
  224. あいつ
    (that person)
  225. 覚える
    (to remember, to memorize)
  226. 息子
  227. 結婚する
    (kekkon suru)
    (to get married)
  228. ママ
  229. よし
  230. 飲む
    (to drink)
  231. 会社

    Japan has a highly developed corporate culture, and companies are central to the nation's economic structure. This is reflected in the common use of the word “会社” (kaisha) in Japanese.

  232. 実際
  233. (kan)
  234. こちら
  235. 友達
  236. バカ
  237. パパ
  238. 変える
    (to change)
  239. 願う
    (to wish)
  240. 調べる
    (to investigate)
  241. 学校
  242. 重要
  243. 追う
    (to pursue)
  244. 捜査
  245. (shita)
  246. どういう
    (dou iu)
    (what kind of)
  247. (kore)
  248. あと
  249. 乗る
    (to get on)
  250. (soto)
  251. くらい
  252. かかる
    (to require)
  253. 愛する
    (to love)
  254. ドル
  255. 準備
  256. 買う
    (to buy)
  257. 下さる
    (give it to me)
  258. 言葉
  259. (kai)
  260. なに
  261. 願い
  262. 無理
  263. 起こる
    (to happen)
  264. 強い
  265. 約束する
    (yakusoku suru)
    (to promise)
  266. 確か
  267. 連絡
  268. 働く
    (to work)

    Hard work, dedication, and productivity are highly valued in Japan. In light of that, it is natural that the word “働く” (hataraku) is a frequently encountered term in the Japanese language.

  269. 大きな
  270. 素晴らしい
  271. 一度
    (one time)
  272. 相手

    The Japanese word “相手” can be used in both a friendly or a competitive context, as it can mean “partner” or “opponent”.

  273. (yume)
    (dream, aspiration)
  274. 安全
  275. 明日
  276. 危険
  277. やつ
  278. うまい
  279. 失う
    (to lose)
  280. 犯人
  281. 伝える
    (to tell)
  282. おる
  283. (ki)
  284. 返す
    (to return)
  285. 楽しい
  286. こいつ
    (this guy)
  287. 絶対
  288. どの
  289. 質問
  290. すぎる
    (to exceed)
  291. 動く
    (to move)
  292. (uso)
    (a lie)
  293. 説明する
    (setsumei suru)
    (to explain)
  294. 仲間
  295. 行う
    (to conduct)
  296. 怖い
  297. 結果
  298. 技術

    The Japanese word 技術 (gijutsu) means “technology”. The common use of this word reflects the emphasis that Japan places on technological progress and innovation in fields such as automotive manufacturing, electronics, and robotics.

  299. (yoru)
  300. 存在
  301. 対する
    (tai suru)
    (to be against)
  302. まず
  303. (muro)
  304. (kai)
  305. (tsuki)
  306. 初めて
    (first time)
  307. (inochi)
  308. 最高
    (the best)
  309. 置く
    (to put)
  310. 残る
    (to remain)
  311. (mizu)
  312. 長い
  313. 大きい
  314. 一番
    (number one)
  315. 状況
  316. どれ
    (which one)
  317. 高い
  318. 計画
  319. 読む
    (to read)
  320. 病院
  321. 友人
  322. (gaku)
  323. 確認
  324. 向かう
    (heading towards)
  325. 二人
    (two people, a couple)
  326. 聞こえる
    (to hear)
  327. 科学
  328. (koe)
  329. (bu)
  330. 生活
  331. (you)
  332. (shi)
  333. 簡単
  334. 場合
  335. 興味
  336. 行動
  337. きっと
  338. 全員
  339. ほしい
  340. ちゃんと
  341. 社会

    The Japanese word 社会(shakai) means “society”. The frequent use of this word reflects the importance of social harmony, group dynamics, and community in Japanese culture.

  342. (na)
    (given name)
  343. 言える
    (to be able to say)
  344. チーム
  345. (nama)
  346. (ban)
  347. 決める
    (to decide)
  348. システム
  349. どうぞ
  350. 寝る
    (to sleep)
  351. 深い
  352. 非常
  353. 開ける
    (to open)
  354. (michi)
  355. 去る
    (to leave)
  356. (fune)

    The Japanese word “船” (fune) means “ship”. Japan is an island nation that relies heavily on ships for fishing, trade, and transportation. That explains the widespread use of this word.

  357. 感ずる
    (to feel)
  358. 正しい
  359. (ten)
  360. 見つかる
    (to found)
  361. 証拠
  362. 離れる
    (to leave)
  363. 自身
  364. 発見
  365. 間違い
  366. (naga)
  367. 宇宙
  368. 解決
  369. 起こす
    (to wake up)
  370. 考え
  371. 飛ぶ
    (to jump)
  372. 父親
  373. 自由
  374. (machi)
  375. 多い
  376. 選ぶ
    (to choose)
  377. 痛い
  378. 最も
  379. (haha)
  380. (mukashi)
    (long ago)
  381. 大事
  382. 患者
  383. (nou)
  384. 一体
  385. 急ぐ
    (to hurry)
  386. (teki)
  387. 週間
  388. 気持ち
  389. 座る
    (to sit)
  390. 大学
  391. 捨てる
    (to dispose of)
  392. 渡す
    (to hand over)
  393. 大変
  394. 感謝する
    (kansha suru)
    (to thank)
  395. 野郎

    Given the importance of politeness in Japanese society, it’s surprising to see the slang term “bastard” (野郎) among the thousand most common words.

  396. 付く
    (to be attached to)
  397. 普通
  398. 住む
    (to live)
  399. 付ける
    (to wear)
  400. 消える
    (to disappear)
  401. 失礼

    In Japanese culture, etiquette, and politeness are highly valued. So why is “失礼” (shitsurei) a common Japanese word? Likely because this word allows people to acknowledge and apologize for any unintended lapses in politeness.

  402. 隠す
    (to hide)
  403. 最近
  404. (ken)
  405. カード
  406. 頑張る
    (to strive)
  407. (tsuma)
  408. データ
  409. 救う
    (to save)
  410. 責任
  411. 今度
    (next time)
  412. (in)
  413. ゲーム
  414. 生まれる
    (to be born)
  415. たくさん
    (a lot)
  416. 全く
  417. 小さな
  418. 状態
  419. 戻す
    (to return)
  420. 感じ
  421. (oto)
  422. 十分
  423. さて
  424. 元気
  425. 終わり
  426. 幸せ
  427. (san)
  428. (iro)
  429. 年間
  430. 面白い
  431. 映画

    The Japanese word for “movie” (映画) is a frequently used term. Japan produces plenty of movies, and you might have seen classics like Godzilla, Rashomon, and Tokyo Story.

  432. あんな
    (that kind of thing)
  433. (kuchi)
  434. ひどい
  435. 関する
    (to be related)
  436. 調査
  437. 過ぎる
    (to pass)
  438. まさか
    (no way)
  439. 政府
  440. 経験
  441. 現在
    (the current)
  442. 被害
  443. (moto)
    (cause, origin)
  444. 学ぶ
    (to learn)
  445. 残す
    (to leave)
  446. 携帯
    (cell phone)
  447. 払う
    (to pay)
  448. 時代
  449. (ba)
  450. 今夜
  451. 上がる
    (to go up)
  452. 貴方
  453. 博士
  454. 未来
  455. (ou)
  456. やっぱり
    (on second thoughts)
  457. 始まる
    (to begin)
  458. 協力
  459. (hen)
  460. 刑事
  461. 母親
  462. (kusuri)
  463. 歩く
    (to walk)
  464. 似る
    (to resemble)
  465. 想像
  466. 黙る
    (to shut up)
  467. (hikari)
    (a light)
  468. 組織
  469. わたし
  470. 弁護
  471. 開く
    (to open)
  472. 選択
  473. 完全
  474. 答える
    (to answer)
  475. 怒る
    (to get angry)
  476. 逮捕する
    (taiho suru)
    (to arrest)
  477. 昨日
  478. 影響
  479. (dai)
  480. かなり
    (quite, fairly)
  481. 記録
  482. 破壊
  483. 売る
    (to sell)
  484. 着る
    (to wear)
  485. 許す
    (to forgive)
  486. 犯罪
  487. 盗む
    (to steal)
  488. (chi)
  489. 戦争
  490. 成功

    Japanese culture holds success in high regard, leading to a strong emphasis on hard work, achievement, and perseverance. This is why “成功” (seikō) is a commonly encountered word in everyday conversations as well as in professional settings.

  491. 利用する
    (riyō suru)
    (to use)
  492. 難しい
  493. カメラ
  494. 秘密
  495. (kaze)
  496. ドア
  497. 気づく
    (to notice)
  498. 報告
  499. (kyaku)
  500. 現れる
    (to appear)
  501. 残念
  502. さらに
  503. (rei)
  504. 活動
  505. 記憶
  506. 治療
  507. 過去
  508. (ai)
  509. おかしい
  510. させる
    (to let)
  511. 真実
  512. 少ない
  513. 価値
  514. ひと
  515. 捕まえる
    (to catch)
  516. 認める
    (to admit)
  517. (shin)
  518. おまえ
  519. ぐらい
  520. 現実
  521. 目的
    (the purpose)
  522. 効果
  523. (yaku)
  524. (uchi)
  525. 生物
    (living thing)
  526. エネルギー
  527. 大統領

    The Japanese word “大統領” (daitōryō) is commonly used to refer to a country's president. It is formed by combining two elements: “大” (dai), meaning “great”, and “統領” (tōryō), meaning “leader”.

  528. 求める
    (to demand)
  529. (machi)
  530. 必ず
  531. たぶん
  532. (inu)
  533. レベル
  534. (hō)
  535. さっき
    (some time ago)
  536. 変化
  537. 近く
  538. 事実
  539. 男性
  540. 能力
  541. (asa)
  542. 組む
    (to assemble)
  543. 事故
  544. 若い
  545. 動物
  546. 走る
    (to run)
  547. 間違う
    (to make a mistake)
  548. 装置
  549. 精神
    (spirit, mind)
  550. 進む
    (to move on)
  551. 飛行
  552. 全然
    (not at all)
  553. 直す
    (to fix)
  554. 以外
    (other than)
  555. 張る
    (to stretch)
  556. 答え
  557. 美しい
  558. 突く
    (to poke)
  559. やがる
  560. とおり
  561. 大切
  562. 自然
  563. (tomoni)
  564. (umi)
  565. (mu)
  566. 姿
  567. 特別
  568. 示す
    (to show)
  569. 医者
  570. 手伝う
    (to help)
  571. 打つ
    (to strike)
  572. 互い
    (each other)
  573. (ka)
  574. 失敗
  575. 命令
  576. 今回
    (this time)
  577. 勝つ
    (to win)
  578. (chi)
  579. (tsumi)
  580. 経済
  581. 警官
    (police officer)
  582. 止まる
    (to stop)
  583. 違い
  584. (tou)
  585. 例えば
    (for example)
  586. 任せる
    (to entrust)
  587. 冗談
  588. チャンス
  589. なり
    (to become)
  590. (sen)
  591. 女の子
    (onna no ko)
  592. (katachi)
  593. 環境
  594. 気分
  595. 生徒
  596. 監視
  597. あそこ
    (that place)
  598. 回る
    (to turn)
  599. 紹介する
    (shoukai suru)
    (to introduce)
  600. さま
  601. 移動する
    (idou suru)
    (to move)
  602. (kabe)
  603. 困る
    (to have trouble with)
  604. 手術
  605. 唯一
  606. 後ろ
  607. (imouto)
    (younger sister)
  608. 実験
  609. 毎日
    (every day)
  610. 用意
  611. 都市

    In Japan, a substantial portion of the population lives in urban areas, including cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. The importance of urbanization in Japan is reflected in the wide usage of the word “都市” (toshi) in Japanese.

  612. (kagi)
  613. 開発
  614. おかげ
    (thanks to you)
  615. テレビ
    (tv set)
  616. 食う
    (to eat)
  617. (tane)
  618. 現場
  619. 一部
  620. 番号
  621. 子ども
  622. (mi)
  623. 細胞
  624. 運転
  625. 続く
    (to continue)
  626. 以前
  627. 主義
    (principle, doctrine)
  628. (shima)

    The word “島” (shima) —which translates to “island”— is common in the Japanese language because Japan is a country that consists of an archipelago of several large islands and thousands of smaller ones.

  629. (fuku)
  630. 嬉しい
  631. よろしく
    (nice to meet you)
  632. (mai)
  633. 参加
  634. 助け
  635. 信用
  636. 裁判
  637. (go)
    (a word)
  638. 特に
    (toku ni)
  639. (otto)
  640. 奪う
    (to take away)
  641. (shiki)
  642. モンスター
  643. 個人
  644. 泣く
    (to cry)
  645. 社長
  646. 原因
  647. (otouto)
    (younger brother)
  648. 信頼

    Trust is a fundamental value in Japanese culture, both in personal relationships and business interactions. That explains the prevalence of the term “信頼” (shinrai) in the Japanese language.

  649. どっち
  650. そいつ
    (that one)
  651. 武器
  652. 音楽

    From traditional Japanese instruments like the shamisen to contemporary J-pop and electronica, Japan's music scene is a testament to the country's ability to preserve its cultural roots while embracing innovation. The Japanese word “音楽” (ongaku) and its synonym “ミュージック” (myūjikku) both refer to “music”.

  653. 済む
    (to finish)
  654. 消す
    (to erase)
  655. 小さい
  656. 嫌い
  657. 申し訳
    (apology, excuse)

    Politeness and the preservation of harmonious relationships are highly valued in Japanese culture. In particular, making proper apologies is a fundamental part of social etiquette. This is the reason behind the prevalence of the term “申し訳” (mōshiwake) in the Japanese language.

  658. 関わる
    (to be involved)
  659. (yama)

    The term “山” (yama) —which means “mountain”— is a common Japanese word because Japan has a very mountainous landscape, with mountains covering about 70% of the country. Mount Fuji is an iconic symbol of this landscape.

  660. まるで
    (as if)
  661. 部分
  662. しっかり
  663. 両親
  664. 保護
  665. 先輩

    In Japanese culture, hierarchy, respect for elders, and seniority play a significant role, not only in educational institutions but also in workplaces, sports clubs, and other social settings. This explains the widespread use of the word “先輩” (senpai) in the Japanese language.

  666. (shuu)
  667. 太陽
  668. 押す
    (to push)
  669. 希望
  670. (gun)
  671. 反応
  672. 気付く
    (to notice)
  673. 決まる
    (to be decided)
  674. 人物
  675. 貸す
    (to lend)
  676. 人類
  677. 成長
  678. 邪魔
  679. マジ
  680. 全体
  681. 笑う
    (to smile)
  682. 描く
    (to draw)
  683. 本物
  684. 政治
  685. 駄目
    (no good)
  686. 意識
  687. (ki)
  688. 本気
  689. 限り
    (as long as)
  690. 運ぶ
    (to carry)
  691. 医療
    (medical care)
  692. (hana)
  693. 抜ける
    (to get out)
  694. ビデオ
  695. 高校
    (high school)
  696. 落とす
    (to drop)
  697. 期待
  698. 遺伝
  699. メール
  700. 教育
  701. 遊ぶ
    (to play)
  702. 管理
  703. 注意
  704. 無事
  705. 過ごす
    (to spend)
  706. 予定
  707. 降りる
    (to get off)
  708. ドラゴン

    It might be surprising, but the word “ドラゴン” (doragon) is common in the Japanese language because dragons are frequently depicted in Japanese folklore and art, and they hold a central role in many traditional festivals.

  709. 使える
    (to be usable)
  710. 取引
  711. 正直
  712. (byou)
  713. どちら
  714. 不明
    (not clear)
  715. 犠牲
  716. たった
  717. (kizu)
  718. 立てる
    (to stand up)
  719. (gou)
  720. 集める
    (to collect)
  721. 歴史
  722. 決して
  723. (shina)
  724. 結局
    (in the end)
  725. (hoshi)
  726. (oya)
  727. 楽しむ
    (to enjoy)
  728. 銀行
    (gin kou)
  729. 当然
    (tou zen)
    (of course)
  730. 突然
    (totsu zen)
  731. 感情
    (kan jou)
  732. 証明
    (shou mei)
  733. 料理
    (ryou ri)
    (cooking, cuisine)
  734. ボス
    (bo su)
  735. 思える
    (to seem)
  736. 亡くなる
    (naku naru)
    (to die)
  737. 従う
    (to follow)
  738. ちょうど
    (chou do)
  739. (kan)
  740. 無駄
  741. 提供する
    (teikyou suru)
    (to provide)
  742. (mimi)
  743. 負ける
    (to lose)
  744. 明らか
  745. 魔法
  746. (ude)
  747. 多分
  748. 代わり
  749. ロボット
    (robo tto)

    Japan has been a pioneer in the field of robotics, which explains the presence of the term “ロボット” (robotto) among the most frequently used Japanese words.

  750. 少年
  751. 古い
  752. アイデア
  753. 素敵
  754. 結構
  755. あたし
    (a ta shi)

    The Japanese first-person pronoun “あたし” (atashi) is typically classified as women's speech. This pronoun provides a relaxed, cute, and friendly way for a young woman to refer to herself. In formal settings, the pronoun “私” (watashi) would be used instead.

  756. 爆発
    (baku hatsu)
  757. 地域
    (chi iki)
  758. メッセージ
    (messe ji)
  759. あらゆる
    (ara yuru)
  760. おそらく
    (o so ra ku)
  761. 合わせる
    (a wa seru)
    (to match)
  762. (ani)
    (older brother)
  763. 連中
    (ren chuu)
  764. 感じる
    (to feel)
  765. デザイン
    (de zai n)
  766. 主人
    (shu jin)
  767. ビル
  768. 瞬間
  769. 傷つける
    (to hurt)
  770. 閉じる
    (to close)
  771. 隠れる
    (to hide)
  772. (sora)
  773. 健康
  774. いくら
    (how much)
  775. 企業
  776. いろいろ
  777. 専門
  778. (kan)
  779. 機能
  780. 戦い
  781. ウソ
  782. 奥さん
  783. 生命
  784. いっぱい
  785. (en)
  786. 映像
  787. リスト
  788. 大人
  789. 忙しい
  790. 兄弟
  791. 借りる
    (to borrow)
  792. 動き
  793. 最悪
  794. 赤ちゃん
  795. 向こう
  796. 要る
    (to need)
  797. 完璧
  798. 機会
  799. 反対
  800. 任務
  801. 喜ぶ
    (to be happy)
  802. テスト
  803. 静か
  804. (jou)
  805. 向ける
    (to direct)
  806. 心臓
  807. 警備
  808. 大好き
    (really like)
  809. (bai)
  810. 支配
  811. 作品
    (the work)
  812. 通す
    (to pass)
  813. 物語
  814. (zen)
  815. 複雑
  816. 上手い
  817. (ko)
  818. 自己
  819. (shi)
  820. 捜す
    (to search)
  821. プログラム
  822. ホテル

    The Japanese word for “hotel” (ホテル) comes from English. If you travel to Japan, you see all kinds of hotels, from inexpensive capsule hotels to high-end hotels, like the Park Hyatt Tokyo (featured in the movie “Lost in Translation”).

  823. (utsuwa)
  824. マイク
  825. 残り
  826. ニュース
  827. ゆっくり
  828. 我が
  829. 少女
  830. 担当
    (in charge)
  831. 信じる
    (to believe)
  832. 襲う
    (to attack)
  833. 振る
    (to shake)
  834. (soba)
  835. 神経
    (nerve, sensitivity)
  836. 使用する
    (to use)
  837. (kubi)
  838. やっと
    (at last)
  839. 優しい
  840. 判断
  841. 色々
  842. 支援
  843. (kyuu)
  844. (ari)
    (possession, existence)
  845. 向く
    (to turn towards)
  846. (shi)
  847. そっち
    (that way)
  848. パーティー
  849. 半分
  850. まさに
  851. 試す
    (to try)
  852. 馬鹿
  853. 当たる
    (to hit)
  854. 抜く
    (to pull out)
  855. 周り
  856. 一方
    (one side, on the one hand)
  857. (tabi)
  858. 様子
  859. 生む
    (to produce)
  860. (e)
  861. 召喚
  862. すでに
    (sude ni)
  863. 近い
  864. 思い
  865. 基本
  866. 親父
  867. 建物
  868. 誕生
  869. 検査
  870. 食事
  871. 通る
    (to pass through)
  872. 学生
  873. (warai)
    (a laugh, lol)
  874. 恐怖
  875. 作戦
  876. (mori)
  877. 方向
  878. 意見
  879. 下がる
    (to go down)
  880. (neko)
  881. 狙う
    (to aim)
  882. 悪魔
  883. (hone)
  884. グループ
  885. 教授
  886. 昨夜
    (last night)
  887. プロジェクト
  888. 暴力
  889. 勉強する
    (benkyou suru)
    (to study)
  890. 世話
  891. 最大
  892. (i)
  893. (shi)
  894. 申す
    (to say)
  895. (tamashii)
  896. (ryou)
  897. 最終
  898. 集中する
    (shuuchuu suru)
    (to concentrate)
  899. 文化
  900. 市民
  901. ブラック
  902. 触る
    (to touch)
  903. 同様
  904. 触れる
    (to touch)
  905. 越える
    (to surpass)
  906. しかも
  907. 離す
    (to separate)
  908. 新た
  909. (sake)
  910. (kaname)
  911. (zai)
  912. 遅れる
    (to be late)
  913. (chiisai)
  914. コード
  915. 迎える
    (to welcome)
  916. 契約
  917. (kyoku)
  918. ご覧
    (take a look)
  919. 悲しい
  920. 暮らす
    (to live)
  921. しばらく
    (for a while)
  922. 動かす
    (to move)
  923. 殴る
    (to hit)
  924. ショー
  925. ネット
  926. はっきり
  927. 取れる
    (to can be taken)
  928. みな
  929. 了解
    (an understanding)
  930. (hako)
  931. 許可
  932. 諦める
    (to give up)
  933. 一生
  934. 運命
  935. モデル
  936. 容疑
  937. コーヒー
  938. 運動
  939. 規模
  940. 特定
  941. (koi)
  942. (hi)
  943. 眠る
    (to sleep)
  944. 資金
  945. 掛ける
    (to hang)
  946. 会議
  947. (iru)
  948. 語る
    (to talk)
  949. 特殊
  950. (ane)
  951. 権利
  952. 吹く
    (to blow)
  953. 謝る
    (to apologize)

    Japanese culture places great importance on humility and respect, and offering apologies is considered an essential way of resolving conflicts and admitting one's mistakes. This explains the frequent use of the word “謝る” (ayamaru) in the Japanese language.

  954. (shin)
  955. なくなる
    (to disappear)
  956. 何者
  957. 事務
    (office work)
  958. 速い
  959. 正確
  960. 疑問
  961. ポイント
  962. (uta)
  963. 物質
  964. (kyoku)
  965. 手紙
  966. 訓練
  967. 狂う
    (to go crazy)
  968. 地獄
  969. 目標
    (the goal)
  970. 貴様
  971. 以来
    (since then)
  972. レッド
  973. 障害
  974. 渡る
    (to cross)
  975. 今朝
    (this morning)
  976. 部下
  977. 倒す
    (to knock down)
  978. 同時
  979. 惑星
  980. 調子
  981. 当時
    (at that time)
  982. ロック
  983. 沢山
  984. 届く
    (to reach)
  985. 助かる
    (to be saved)
  986. 歌う
    (to sing)
  987. 集まる
    (to get together)
  988. 安心
    (peace of mind)
  989. 疑う
    (to doubt)
  990. 有名
  991. 文字
  992. そろそろ
  993. (kagami)
  994. (kata)
  995. 平和
  996. 決定
  997. 直接
  998. 巨大
  999. 施設
  1000. (ban)
  1001. ベッド
  1002. 投げる
    (to throw)
  1003. いらっしゃる
    (to come)
  1004. いま
  1005. マシン
  1006. 作業
  1007. コンピュータ
  1008. キス
  1009. (mado)
  1010. ビジネス
  1011. 可愛い
  1012. 雇う
    (to hire)
  1013. ボール
  1014. それぞれ
  1015. 飛ばす
    (to fly)
  1016. 発動
  1017. 異なる
    (to differ)
  1018. 電気
  1019. 追跡する
    (to track)
  1020. ミス
  1021. 外す
    (to remove)
  1022. 将来
  1023. (man)
    (ten thousand)
  1024. (tori)

    The Japanese word for “bird” (鳥) is written with the same character as in Chinese. But the pronunciation is quite different: “tori” in Japanese and “niǎo” in Chinese.

  1025. 通信
  1026. (yamai)
  1027. 依頼
  1028. (migi)
  1029. (mune)
  1030. 兵士
  1031. 進化
  1032. (fuku)
  1033. 他人
  1034. ルール
  1035. 繰る
    (to repeat)
  1036. 世紀
  1037. 事態
  1038. (hidari)
  1039. 壊す
    (to break)
  1040. 投資
  1041. チェックする
    (to check)
  1042. 詳しい
    (familiar, detailed)
  1043. 化学
  1044. 手段
  1045. 辞める
    (to quit)
  1046. (ana)
  1047. 自ら
  1048. 一般
  1049. 位置
  1050. 避ける
    (to avoid)
  1051. 苦労する
    (to work hard)
  1052. (kami)
  1053. 扱う
    (to handle)
  1054. 旅行
  1055. 解放する
    (to release)
  1056. リーダー
  1057. 正義
  1058. 到着する
    (to arrive)
  1059. 地下
  1060. あるいは
  1061. 足りる
    (to suffice)
  1062. 単純
  1063. 相談
  1064. 平気
    (unconcerned, calm)
  1065. 指示
  1066. 侵入
    (intrusion, invasion)
  1067. 吸う
    (to inhale)
  1068. スピード
  1069. トラック
  1070. 巻く
    (to roll)
  1071. 危ない
  1072. 市場
  1073. 替える
    (to change)
  1074. 緊急
  1075. もたらす
    (to bring)
  1076. (ura)
  1077. 加える
    (to add)
  1078. (tonari)
  1079. 記事
  1080. 永遠
  1081. 信号
  1082. 知識
  1083. 行為
  1084. 弱い
  1085. くせ
  1086. 新聞
  1087. 種類
  1088. 実行
    (performance, practice)
  1089. オフィス
  1090. 頂く
    (to receive)
  1091. (minami)
  1092. クラブ
  1093. (nushi)
  1094. 裏切る
    (to betray)
  1095. 開始
  1096. (kami)
  1097. 放す
    (to let go)
  1098. 行方
  1099. 会話
  1100. 掃除

    In Japanese culture, cleanliness is highly valued, both at home and in public spaces. This is why 掃除 (sōji) is a common term in Japanese.

  1101. (jutsu)
  1102. 国家
  1103. 壊れる
    (to break)
  1104. 知れる
    (to know)
  1105. 増える
    (to increase)
  1106. 面倒
  1107. 死亡
  1108. つながる
    (to connect)
  1109. 証言
  1110. 偶然
    (by chance)
  1111. 途中
    (in the middle)
  1112. 発生する
    (hassei suru)
    (to occur)
  1113. 不思議
  1114. 疲れる
    (to be tired)
  1115. デート
  1116. ファイル
  1117. (kai)
  1118. 進める
    (to proceed)
  1119. 教師
  1120. ようこそ
  1121. (taka)
  1122. 誘う
    (to invite)
  1123. 破る
    (to break)
  1124. (uwasa)
  1125. 回す
    (to turn)
  1126. (cha)
  1127. (uma)
  1128. 寒い
  1129. 分析
  1130. (sakana)

    If you have traveled to Japan —or even just been to a Japanese restaurant— you know that fish is one of the staples of Japanese cuisine. It makes sense that the word for “fish” (魚) is a frequently used term in Japanese.

  1131. ナイフ
  1132. 尋ねる
    (to ask)
  1133. (ten)
  1134. 内容
  1135. 中心
  1136. 段階
  1137. 育てる
    (to nurture)
  1138. 身体
  1139. 不安
  1140. 姉ちゃん
  1141. 卒業
  1142. 距離
  1143. 当てる
    (to guess)
  1144. スター
  1145. 授業
  1146. 医師
  1147. 夕食
  1148. 一致する
    (to agree)
  1149. 目撃
  1150. 既に
  1151. 芸術
  1152. 構造
  1153. 流す
    (to flow)
  1154. 苦しむ
    (to suffer)
  1155. ほんの
  1156. ほか
  1157. 異常
  1158. 練習
  1159. インターネット
  1160. スーツ
  1161. 無し
  1162. 評価
  1163. 撮影する
    (to photograph)
  1164. テクノロジー
  1165. もしもし
  1166. ネットワーク
  1167. 切れる
    (to expire)
  1168. 赤い
  1169. かつて
    (once upon a time)
  1170. 最低
  1171. 幸運
    (good luck)
  1172. 抱く
    (to embrace)
  1173. 望み
  1174. 予想
  1175. 殿
  1176. 再び
  1177. 兄ちゃん
  1178. 処理
  1179. 程度
  1180. マーク
  1181. (ne)
  1182. けれど
  1183. サービス
  1184. うるさい
  1185. 奇妙
  1186. 恐ろしい
    (terrible, horrible)
  1187. 工場
  1188. 知り合い
  1189. 利益
  1190. クラス
  1191. 育つ
    (to grow up)
  1192. 慣れる
    (to get used to it)
  1193. 実現する
    (jitsugen suru)
    (to realize, to implement)
  1194. 疲れ
  1195. 時々
    (toki doki)