The complete list of the 1000 most common French words

This list of the thousand most common French words is the result of a statistical analysis that we did on a large collection of French texts (including news articles and other articles on the internet).

You’ll notice plenty of French words that are similar to their English translations; those words make it easier to learn French (when you already speak English).

This vocabulary list is sorted by frequency, with the most common word appearing at the top of the list.

You will notice that frequently used words tend to be shorter, a phenomenon that holds true for most languages and which is known in linguistics as Zipf’s law of abbreviation or the brevity law.

The thousand most common French vocabulary words

Filter by word type
  1. le

    Le is the masculine form of the French definite article. It originates from the Latin demonstrative pronoun ille.

  2. de
  3. être
    (to be)
  4. un

    In this French frequency dictionary, the different forms of a word are represented by a single entry. French is a language with grammatical gender, and the indefinite article has a masculine form (“un”) and a feminine form (“une”).

  5. à
  6. avoir
    (to have)
  7. il
  8. ce
  9. en
  10. et

    The French word “et” comes directly from Latin. English speakers will recognize it in the Latin phrase “et cetera”, frequently abbreviated as “etc”.

  11. pour

    The word “pour” appears in the French word for “tip,” which is “pourboire” (that term literally means “for drinking”).

  12. pas
  13. son
  14. dans
  15. je
  16. se
    (itself, himself, herself)

    In French, the word “se” functions as a third-person reflexive pronoun. This word is frequently encountered because the French language has many reflexive verbs.

  17. lui
  18. sur
  19. par
  20. nous
  21. on
    (someone, some people, we)

    The French word “on” is a personal pronoun with no exact English equivalent. In some cases, it can be translated as “one” or “someone”, while in others, it can mean “people” or “they.” In informal conversation, this pronoun is also frequently used instead of the pronoun “nous” (which means “we”).

  22. au
    (contraction of “à le”)

    The French word “au” is a contraction of the preposition “à” (which means “to” or “at”) and the definite article “le.” When these two words are combined, the resulting contraction means “to the” or “at the”.

  23. ne
  24. tout
  25. vous
    (you - plural)
  26. faire
    (to do)
  27. avec
  28. plus
  29. pouvoir
    (to be able to)
  30. très
  31. mais
  32. aussi
  33. leur
  34. devoir
    (to have to)
  35. votre
  36. que
  37. notre
  38. donc
  39. bien
  40. aller
    (to go)
  41. également
  42. mon
  43. cela
  44. falloir
    (to need)
  45. autre
  46. y
  47. même
  48. nouveau

    You might have encountered the French adjective “nouveau” (new) in the term Art Nouveau, which refers to an artistic and architectural style from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

  49. deux
  50. bon
  51. premier
  52. me
  53. toujours
  54. encore
    (again, still)
  55. qui
  56. prendre
    (to take)
  57. rester
    (to stay)
  58. sans
  59. alors
  60. an

    The French word “an” (which means “year”) has the same origin as the Spanish word “año.” Both words come from the same Latin term.

  61. grand
  62. voir
    (to see)
  63. site
  64. français
  65. travail

    The French word “travail” and the Spanish word “trabajo” come from the same Latin term.

  66. naître
    (to be born)
  67. vouloir
    (to want)
  68. ou
  69. depuis
  70. jour
  71. temps

    The word “temps” appears in the title of a well-known novel by Marcel Proust: “À la recherche du temps perdu” (In Search of Lost Time).

  72. comme
  73. question
  74. personne

    “Personne” is a common French word that has several meanings. As a noun it means “a person”, but when used as a pronoun it means “no one”, or “nobody”.

  75. beaucoup
    (a lot)
  76. passer
  77. place
    (a place, a square)
  78. devenir
    (to become)
  79. vie

    The French word “vie” comes from the Latin word “vīta,” which you might recognize from the expression “curriculum vitae,” frequently abbreviated as CV.

  80. pourcent
  81. monde
  82. connaître
    (to know)
  83. groupe
  84. déjà
  85. attendre
    (to wait)
  86. [adverb]
  87. sous
  88. homme

    The French word “homme” looks a bit like the Spanish word “hombre.” That’s because these two words have the same Latin origin.

  89. rien
  90. venir
    (to come)
  91. résultat
  92. petit
  93. projet
  94. point
  95. dernier
  96. jeu
  97. euro
  98. mettre
    (to put)
  99. politique
  100. problème
  101. enfant

    The French word “enfant” (which means “child”) appears in the first verse of La Marseillaise (the national anthem of France): “Allons enfants de la Patrie..”

  102. quelque
  103. dire
    (to say)
  104. plusieurs
  105. aucun
  106. ville
    (city, town)
  107. chose
  108. entre
  109. commencer
    (to begin)
  110. après
  111. vraiment
  112. contre
  113. vers
  114. fin
  115. savoir
    (to know)
  116. France
    [proper noun]
  117. partie
  118. heure
  119. service
  120. situation
  121. ici
  122. cas
  123. pays
  124. important
  125. cours
    (the course, the rate)
  126. merci
  127. trois

    The word “trois” is in the title of a French novel by Alexandre Dumas “Les Trois Mousquetaires” (The Three Musketeers).

  128. prix
    (price, award)

    The French word “prix” has two different meanings. It can mean the price of something which is for sale. It can also refer to a prize, such as “le prix Nobel”, or “le prix Goncourt” (a literary prize).

  129. prévoir
    (to expect, to anticipate)
  130. seul
    (alone, lonely)
  131. public
  132. année
  133. peu
    (a little, not much, not very)
  134. lieu
  135. histoire
    (story, history)
  136. compte
  137. maintenant
  138. ensuite
    (afterwards, later, next)
  139. retour
  140. ainsi
  141. équipe
  142. mois
  143. recherche
  144. match

    Because of the important role of soccer in French culture, it is not surprising to find this word among the most common French words.

  145. chez
    (at, to)
  146. comment
  147. chaque
  148. photo
  149. trop
  150. information
  151. demande
  152. suivre
    (to follow)
  153. marché
  154. famille
  155. réponse
  156. droit
  157. nombreux
  158. système
  159. jamais
  160. bel
    (good-looking, pretty)
  161. formation
    (a training, a forming)
  162. coup
  163. ligne
  164. fait
  165. non
  166. forme
  167. mort
    (dead person)
  168. femme

    The French word “femme” is derived from the Latin word “fēmina.”

  169. film
  170. changer
    (to change)
  171. donner
    (to give)
  172. avant
  173. général
  174. affaire
  175. différent
  176. trouver
    (to find)
  177. semaine

    The French word “semaine” comes from the late Latin word “septimāna”, itself derived from the Latin word “septimus” meaning “seventh”.

  178. jeune
  179. page
  180. ouvrir
    (to open)
  181. entreprise
  182. perdre
    (to lose)

    The French verb “perdre” (to lose) has the same Latin origin as the English word “perdition.”

  183. tu
  184. ton
  185. Paris
    [proper noun]
  186. moment
  187. fort
  188. américain
  189. souvent
  190. assez
  191. million
  192. image
  193. vrai
  194. quel
  195. dollar
  196. septembre
  197. utiliser
    (to utilize)
  198. ci
  199. permettre
    (to allow)
  200. simple
  201. nom
  202. exister
    (to exist)
  203. moins
  204. titre
  205. parler
    (to talk)
  206. jouer
    (to play)

    The French verb “jouer” means “to play.” It has the same Latin origin as the verb “jugar” in Spanish.

  207. revenir
    (to come back)
  208. programme
    (a program)
  209. prochain
    (next, upcoming)
  210. porte
    (door, gate)
  211. joueur
  212. choix
  213. appeler
    (to call)
  214. cependant
  215. disponible
  216. juin
  217. exemple
  218. président
  219. activité
  220. maison
  221. comprendre
    (to understand)
  222. difficile
  223. tenir
    (to hold)
  224. début
  225. pourtant
  226. décision
  227. livre

    The French word “livre” originates from the Latin word “liber.” So does the English word “library.”

  228. acteur
  229. fois
  230. long
  231. mal
  232. mesure
  233. centre
  234. effet
  235. risque
  236. sembler
    (to seem)
  237. celui
    (the one)
  238. rencontre
    (encounter, meeting)
  239. produit
  240. société
  241. actuellement
  242. action
    (a deed)
  243. gouvernement
  244. technique
  245. niveau
  246. pourquoi
  247. qualité
  248. journée
  249. sortir
    (to go out)
  250. article
  251. janvier
  252. principal
  253. surtout
    (above all)
  254. suite
  255. plan
  256. désormais
    (from now on)
  257. toutefois
  258. possible
  259. octobre
  260. eau

    The French word “eau” originates from the Latin word “aqua.”

  261. professionnel
  262. créer
    (to create)
  263. avril
  264. région
  265. social
  266. moi
  267. national
  268. texte
  269. selon
    (according to)
  270. juillet
  271. tête
  272. pratique
  273. offrir
    (to offer)
  274. recevoir
    (to receive)
  275. mars
    (March - the month)
  276. européen
  277. ailleurs
    (somewhere else)
  278. poursuivre
    (to chase)
  279. enfin
  280. pendant
  281. sujet
  282. solution
  283. certain
  284. mai
  285. réaliser
    (to carry out, to make)
  286. saison
  287. ensemble
  288. raison
  289. développement
  290. meilleur
  291. liste
  292. but
  293. mot
  294. plutôt
    (rather, instead)
  295. école
  296. lancer
    (to throw)
  297. état
  298. carte
  299. international
  300. musique
  301. novembre
  302. base
  303. club
  304. main

    The French word “main” has the same origin as the Spanish word “mano.” Both come from the Latin word “manus”.

  305. dossier
    (folder, file, case)

    The French word “dossier” can refer to a “file” as in a set of documents related to a project or a person. In computer terminology, this word refers to a “folder”, while the French word “fichier” refers to a computer file.

  306. membre
  307. environ
  308. devant
    (in front)
  309. fonction
  310. décembre
  311. arriver
    (to arrive)
  312. ça
    (it, that)

    An interesting bit of trivia: the pronoun “ça” appears twice in the short first sentence of the French novel “Journey to the End of the Night”, a sentence which reads “Ça a débuté comme ça”.

  313. mise
  314. février
  315. reprendre
    (to resume, to take back)
  316. date
  317. modèle
  318. vivre
    (to live)
  319. chiffre
    (a digit)
  320. conseil
    (an advice, a council)
  321. besoin
  322. loi
  323. étude
  324. couleur
  325. gens
    (some group of people)
  326. objectif
  327. deuxième
  328. rapport
    (report, ratio)
  329. découvrir
    (to discover)
  330. idée
  331. succès
  332. jusque
  333. guerre
  334. rôle
  335. valeur
  336. agir
    (to act)
  337. rendre
    (to return)
  338. sécurité
  339. puis
  340. victoire
  341. ancien
  342. crise
  343. tour

    The word “tour” is one you will likely see if you travel to Paris. Why? Because of the Eiffel Tower (“La Tour Eiffel” in French).

  344. dès
  345. annoncer
    (to announce)
  346. croire
    (to believe)
  347. côté
  348. minute
  349. vue
  350. gros
  351. nuit
  352. parfois
  353. association
  354. aide
  355. travailler
    (to work)
  356. obtenir
    (to obtain)
  357. force
  358. complet
    (full, complete)
  359. départ
  360. plein
  361. moyen
    (a method, a means)
  362. si
  363. dur
  364. partir
    (to leave)
  365. cause
  366. route
  367. visite
  368. donnée
  369. débat
  370. opération
  371. loin
  372. réseau
  373. police
  374. vente
  375. répondre
    (to answer)
  376. terminer
    (to end)
  377. local
  378. économique
  379. condition
  380. choisir
    (to choose)
  381. finir
    (to finish)
  382. août
  383. quatre
  384. proposer
    (to propose)
  385. servir
    (to serve)
  386. arrêter
    (to stop)
  387. expérience
    (experience, experiment)
  388. gestion
  389. population
  390. nombre
  391. mouvement
  392. présent
  393. type
  394. retrouver
    (to find again)
  395. accord
    (an agreement)
  396. version
  397. langue
    (a language)
  398. présenter
    (to present)
  399. gagner
    (to win)
  400. corps
  401. voilà
    (there is)
  402. salle
  403. secteur
  404. terrain
  405. posséder
    (to own)
  406. mieux
  407. demander
    (to ask)
  408. mourir
    (to die)
  409. direction
  410. porter
    (to carry)
  411. terre

    The French word “terre” comes from the Latin word “terra”. The English word “terrestrial” has the same etymology, as it also originates from the same Latin root.

  412. financier
  413. voici
    (here is)
  414. noir
  415. changement
  416. particulièrement
  417. sortie
  418. course
  419. entendre
    (to hear)
  420. dimanche
  421. personnel
  422. beau
  423. appel
  424. contrat
  425. libre
  426. presse
    (the press)
  427. particulier
  428. habitant
    (an inhabitant)
  429. écrire
    (to write)
  430. oeil
    (an eye)
  431. assurer
    (to assure)
  432. lien
  433. vite
  434. enquête
  435. quand

    This common French adverb has the same origin and meaning as the Spanish word “cuando” and the Italian word “quando” —these are all derived from the Latin term “quandō”.

  436. humain
  437. contrôle
  438. vendredi
  439. voiture

    The French word “voiture” (which means “car”) is frequently used despite the advanced state of public transport (subways, fast trains, etc.) in France. Hopefully, given the growing environmental efforts, the word “vélo” (which means “bicycle”) will also someday appear among the thousand most common French words. Unfortunately, that is not yet the case.

  440. production
  441. fête
    (a holiday, a party)
  442. commune
    (a town)
  443. chef
    (manager, boss)

    The French word “chef” is also used in English in the context of culinary arts. This word has a broader meaning in French, as it also refers to a boss or a manager. As a result of this additional meaning, this term ranks highly among the most frequently used French words.

  444. mauvais
  445. période
  446. victime
  447. haut
  448. série
  449. poste
    (post office, job)

    Depending on its grammatical gender, the French word “poste” can mean “post office” (when it is feminine) and “job” (when it is masculine).

  450. document
  451. détail
  452. méthode
  453. part
    (a hare)
  454. fille
    (a girl)
  455. durée
  456. traitement
  457. réussir
    (to succeed in)
  458. véritable
    (real, genuine)
  459. laisser
    (to leave)
  460. second
  461. village
  462. position
  463. scène
  464. troisième
  465. juste
  466. excellent
  467. domaine
  468. continuer
    (to continue)
  469. création
  470. samedi
  471. marque
  472. publier
    (to publish)
  473. message
  474. organisation
  475. vidéo
  476. total
  477. client
  478. lundi
  479. réalité
  480. organiser
    (to organise)
  481. te
    (yourself, you)

    The French pronoun te is used instead of tu for the grammatical case corresponding to a direct or indirect object. It is also used as the reflexive second-person singular pronoun.

  482. Europe
    [proper noun]
  483. cinq
  484. pièce
  485. pied

    The French word “pied” has the same Latin root as the English word “pedestrian.”

  486. sentir
    (to smell, to feel)
  487. voyage
    (travel, journey)
  488. santé
  489. rapidement
    (quickly, fast)
  490. origine
  491. clair
  492. soirée
  493. allemand
  494. [adverb]
  495. spectacle
  496. principe
  497. art
  498. mercredi
  499. ordre
  500. atteindre
    (to attain)
  501. actuel
  502. communication
  503. nécessaire
  504. partager
    (to share)
  505. père
  506. plaisir
  507. gratuit
    (free of charge)

    In the English language, the word “free” is used both in the sense of “freedom” and in the sense of “without cost”. In French, there are two different vocabulary words: “libre” for the first meaning, and “gratuit” for the second. Both of these are among the most frequently used French words.

  508. classe
  509. élève

    In French, the word “élève” is often used to refer to a younger student, while the word “étudiant” is often used when referring to a student who has graduated high school.

  510. parti
    (political party)
  511. campagne
    (countryside, campaign)
  512. source
  513. simplement
  514. propre
  515. court
  516. culture
    (farming, growing, culture)
  517. analyse
  518. seulement
  519. blanc
  520. certains
  521. application
  522. rue
  523. fond
  524. commentaire
  525. parent
  526. emploi
  527. presque
  528. auteur
  529. chambre
  530. voie
  531. autorité
  532. plupart
    (most of, the majority)
  533. notamment

    In a professional context, the French adverb “notamment” is often used to introduce specific examples. When used in that way, it can be translated to English as “in particular.”

  534. entrée

    The French word “entrée” is used in the U.S. to refer to the main course of a meal. In French, however, it refers to the first course of a meal. This word has other additional meanings in French: for instance, it can mean “entrance.”

  535. commande
    (an order)
  536. finalement
    (in the end)
  537. lire
    (to read)
  538. concerner
    (to concern)
  539. varier
    (to vary)
  540. envoyer
    (to send)
  541. milieu
    (the center, the middle)

    The word milieu in French word has several meanings: it can mean “the middle” as in “the center”, but it can also mean the “background” someone comes from.

  542. avis
    (opinion, announcement)
  543. logiciel
  544. mission
  545. coût
  546. limite
  547. hausse
  548. bilan
  549. intérieur
  550. présentation
  551. ami
  552. charge
  553. ouvert
  554. internet
    (the Internet)
  555. ministre
  556. directeur
  557. bas
  558. nature
  559. espace
  560. mode

    “La mode” (the French word for “fashion”) comes up a lot because Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world, with famous French brands like Dior, Vuitton, and Chanel.

  561. construction
  562. réaction
  563. préférer
    (to prefer)
  564. rapide
  565. face
  566. situer
    (to locate)
  567. inscrire
    (to inscribe)
  568. milliard
    (a billion)
  569. outil
  570. combat
    (struggle, fight)
  571. paraître
    (to appear)
  572. chemin
  573. règle
  574. attention
  575. chance
  576. manque
  577. marquer
    (to mark)
  578. confiance
  579. or
  580. double
  581. confirmer
    (to confirm)
  582. personnage
  583. intéressant
  584. relation
  585. élément
  586. jeudi
  587. reconnaître
    (to recognize)
  588. historique
  589. prêt

    The French adjective “prêt” means “ready.” If you go clothes shopping in France, you might see this word in the compound term prêt-à-porter (which literally means “ready-to-wear”) as opposed to haute couture, which is custom-made and tailored for the individual.

  590. toucher
    (to touch)
  591. étape
  592. siège

    The French word “siège” means “seat” (where you sit down). By extension, it can also refer to the headquarters of an organization.

  593. mardi
  594. effectuer
    ( to perform, to carry out)
  595. consulter
    (to consult)
  596. facile
  597. proposition
  598. unique
  599. durer
    (to last)
  600. artiste
  601. anglais
  602. rouge
  603. terme
    (an end, a term)
  604. pression
  605. décéder
    (to pass away)
  606. justice
  607. penser
    (to think)
  608. commission
  609. rêve
  610. cliquer
    (to click)
  611. critique
  612. séance
  613. doute
  614. connaissance
  615. inscription
  616. officiel
  617. zone
  618. mère
  619. payer
    (to pay)
  620. possibilité
  621. oublier
    (to forget)
  622. siècle
  623. accès
  624. mondial
  625. prison
    (jail, prison)
  626. remettre
    (to put back)
  627. université
  628. marche
  629. car
  630. structure
  631. responsabilité
  632. apparaître
    (to appear)
  633. poser
    (to put down)
  634. construire
    (to build)
  635. droite
    (right side)
  636. phénomène
  637. animal
  638. liberté

    The French word “liberté” appears in the motto of the French Republic: “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.”

  639. prise
  640. journal
  641. objet
  642. accueillir
    (to welcome)
  643. discussion
  644. baisse
  645. fixer
    (to fasten)
  646. bois

    The French word “bois” means “wood” (both in the sense of the material and in the sense of an area with lots of trees). Just as New York has Central Park, Paris has two large forested areas on each side of the city: the Bois de Boulogne (west of Paris) and the Bois de Vincennes (east of Paris).

  647. aimer
    (to love)
  648. erreur
  649. carrière
  650. tomber
    (to fall)
  651. bientôt
  652. naturel
  653. événement
  654. apprendre
    (to learn)
  655. banque
  656. journaliste
    (a journalist)
  657. intérêt
  658. cœur

    The French word “cœur” (which means “heart”) is generally spelled with a ligature (the two first vowels are combined). This word appears in the name of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Montmartre (in the north of Paris).

  659. peine
    (penalty, punishment, suffering)
  660. essayer
    (to try)
  661. totalement
    (totally, completely)
  662. compter
    (to count)
  663. accepter
    (to accept)
  664. conséquence
  665. soir
  666. test
  667. placer
    (to place)
  668. cadre

    The French word “cadre” can mean “frame,” “scope,” or “context.” It also refers to an executive or a manager.

  669. apprécier
    (to appreciate)
  670. candidat
  671. interdire
    (to forbid)
  672. tableau
    (a painting)

    The French word “tableau” can mean “painting” (like, for example, the Mona Lisa, which, by the way, is called La Joconde in French). This word can also refer to a writing board like the one in a classroom.

  673. étranger

    The French adjective “étranger” might look familiar because it appears (as a noun) in the title of a novel by Albert Camus: “L'Étranger” (The Stranger).

  674. contenir
    (to contain)
  675. moteur
  676. produire
    (to produce)
  677. véhicule
  678. voix

    The French “voix” can mean “voice” or “vote.” It comes from the Latin word “vōx.”

  679. rare
  680. sens
  681. différence
  682. matière
    (a material)
  683. peuple

    If you visit the Louvre museum in Paris, you’ll see the word “peuple” in the title of a famous painting by Eugène Delacroix: “La Liberté guidant le peuple” (Liberty Leading the People).

  684. quoi
  685. près
  686. garde
    (a guardian)
  687. environnement
  688. piste
    (a track)
  689. Pierre
    [proper noun]
  690. genre
    (a kind)
  691. suffire
    (to suffice)
  692. réel
  693. quartier
    (neighbourhood, district)

    The French word “quartier” refers to a neighborhood, like, for example, the “Quartier latin” (Latin Quarter) in Paris.

  694. élection
  695. policier
  696. thème
  697. tarif
  698. évidemment
  699. constituer
    (to constitute)
  700. courant
  701. essentiel
  702. lettre
  703. suivant
  704. gauche
    (the left)
  705. train

    Learning French is made simpler by those French words (such as “train”) that are the same in French and English. In English, I am not sure if this is one of the thousand most common words —but in French, it is. That makes sense because you can travel all over France by train (sometimes you do have to do a detour via Paris, though).

  706. évolution
  707. mémoire
  708. processus
    (a process)
  709. disparaître
    (to disappear)
  710. parcours
  711. néanmoins
  712. couple
  713. signe
  714. commun
  715. approche
  716. représenter
    (to represent)
  717. air
  718. communauté
  719. débuter
    (to start)
  720. intervenir
    (to intervene)
  721. signer
    (to sign)
  722. exposition
    (exhibition, show)
  723. peur
  724. procédure
  725. Jean
    [proper noun]
  726. utilisation
  727. fournir
    (to provide)
  728. défense
  729. croissance
  730. demeurer
    (to remain)
  731. science
  732. bureau
  733. matin
  734. réunion
  735. réserver
    (to reserve)
  736. album
  737. canadien
  738. étudiant
  739. surprise
  740. vendre
    (to sell)
  741. manifestation

    The French word “manifestation” shows up in the news a lot. That’s because it refers to a protest (a demonstration), and those occur often in France. When you travel to France, read the news to know if there’s a protest going on because that can sometimes cause public transportation to be on strike.

  742. bref
    (in short)
  743. généralement
  744. transport
  745. mener
    (to lead)
  746. procès
  747. soutenir
    (to support)
  748. fils
  749. heureux
  750. démarche
    (an approach, a move)
  751. magnifique
  752. fermer
    (to shut)
  753. relever
    (to stand up, to raise)
  754. contact
  755. sport
  756. protection
  757. feu
  758. disposition
  759. espérer
    (to hope)
  760. préparer
    (to prepare)
  761. parole
  762. maladie
  763. positif
  764. style
  765. note
  766. argent

    “Argent” is the French word for “silver” (a precious metal). As a result, this word is also used to refer to money in French.

  767. économie
  768. spécial
  769. développer
    (to develop)
  770. chien
  771. référence
  772. divers
  773. préparation
  774. franc

    “Franc” is the name of the currency that was used in France before the adoption of the euro.

  775. manquer
    (to lack)
  776. souhaiter
    (to wish)
  777. six
  778. chercher
    (to look for)
  779. église
  780. gérer
    (to manage)
  781. taille
    (a size)
  782. établir
    (to set up, to establish)
  783. complètement
  784. engager
    (to commit)
  785. difficulté
  786. ouverture
  787. bleu
  788. métier
  789. enseignement
  790. entrer
    (to enter)
  791. décider
    (to decide)
  792. amour
  793. manière
  794. passage
    (the act of going through a place)
  795. oeuvre
    (work of art)
  796. appartenir
    (to belong to)
  797. soleil
  798. mètre
  799. participation
  800. professeur
  801. propos
    (topic, subject)
  802. footballeur
  803. vote
  804. participer
    (to participate)
  805. façon
  806. aider
    (to help)
  807. Internet
    [proper noun]
    (the Internet)
  808. explication
  809. informatique
    (computer science)
  810. blesser
    (to wound)
  811. protéger
    (to protect)
  812. composer
    (to consist of)
  813. performance
  814. réalisation
  815. entier
  816. Suisse
    [proper noun]
  817. François
    [proper noun]

    This is a common French name which is related to the name Francis.

  818. édition
  819. comité
  820. rejoindre
    (to join)
  821. atelier
  822. quotidien
    (a daily, everyday situation)
  823. sélection
  824. présence
  825. syndicat
    (union, trade union)
  826. stratégie
  827. regard
  828. bienvenue
  829. époque
  830. ceci
  831. caractère
  832. football
  833. dépendre
    (to depend)
  834. phase
  835. lumière

    The French word “lumière” means “light”. Here’s an interesting bit of trivia: Paris is sometimes referred to as “la ville lumière” (the City of Light).

  836. esprit
  837. Dieu
    [proper noun]
  838. former
    (to form)
  839. perspective
  840. reprise
  841. Michel
    [proper noun]
  842. bâtiment
  843. âge
  844. parfait
  845. respecter
    (to respect)
  846. tendance
  847. souffrir
    (to suffer)
  848. catégorie
  849. médecin
  850. hôpital
  851. ajouter
    (to add)
  852. avenir
  853. italien
  854. théâtre
  855. Nicolas
    [proper noun]
  856. espèce
  857. majorité
  858. bourse
    (purse, stock market)
  859. violence
  860. cinéma
  861. parmi
  862. culturel
  863. lecture
  864. diriger
    (to supervise, to manage, to steer)
  865. table
  866. sorte
    (a kind)
  867. conseiller
  868. énorme
  869. numéro
  870. acte
  871. enjeu
    (the stakes)
  872. négociation
  873. chacun
  874. industriel
  875. scénario
  876. valoir
    (to be worth)
  877. adresse
  878. installation
  879. remplacer
    (to replace)
  880. refuser
    (to refuse)
  881. suisse
  882. extérieur
  883. exceptionnel
  884. commercial
  885. tel
  886. stage
  887. cher
    (dear, expensive)
  888. compétition
  889. département

    The word “département” is frequently used in French because it refers to an administrative unit of France (there are about a hundred of them).

  890. révolution

    The documents analyzed while creating this French frequency dictionary are much much more recent than 1789 (the year the French Revolution started), yet the term “révolution” is still a frequently used French word.

  891. paix
  892. durant
  893. souvenir
  894. classique
  895. ouvrage
  896. attente
    (an expectation, a wait)
  897. accident
  898. faible
  899. taux
  900. surface
  901. logique
  902. avance
  903. machine
  904. défi
  905. lier
    (to link)
  906. technologie
  907. champ

    If you visit Paris, you will certainly see the word “champ”  because of the Champs-Élysées, the most famous avenue in the city.

  908. mer
  909. battre
    (to beat)
  910. proche
  911. partenaire
  912. fichier
  913. réduire
    (to reduce)
  914. entretien
    (interview, maintenance)
  915. capitale
    (capital city)
  916. accueil
    (welcome, greeting)
  917. complexe
  918. matériel
  919. vacances
    (holidays, vacation)
  920. partout
  921. majeur
  922. physique
  923. définir
    (to define)
  924. Allemagne
    [proper noun]
  925. indispensable
  926. derrière
  927. frais
  928. extrêmement
  929. garder
    (to keep)
  930. tourner
    (to turn)
  931. secret
  932. grave
  933. vieux
  934. installer
    (to install)
  935. château

    The French word “château” (which means “castle”) is a frequently used term because there are many castles in France, including the Château de Versailles and also the many castles in Bordeaux, like Château Margaux.

  936. efficace
  937. régulièrement
  938. degré
  939. ressource
  940. riche
  941. discours
  942. commerce
  943. sûr
  944. occasion
  945. sérieux
  946. finale
    (a final)
  947. instant
  948. chanson
  949. régional
  950. montant
    (a amount)
  951. preuve
  952. contenu
  953. militaire
  954. visage
  955. annonce
    (announcement, advertisement)
  956. lutte
  957. bord
  958. soutien
  959. scolaire
    (scholastic, academic)
  960. maître
  961. final
  962. intervention
  963. juge
  964. avantage
  965. priver
    (to deprive)
  966. immédiatement
  967. électronique
  968. conférence
  969. somme
  970. scientifique
  971. entièrement
  972. dépasser
    (to exceed)
  973. parfaitement
  974. silence
  975. vérité
  976. musée

    When you travel to Paris, you see the word “musée” (museum) a lot because it is a city with so many museums, from well-known ones like the Louvre to lesser-known ones like the Musée Jacquemart-André.

  977. hôtel

    In addition to its primary meaning of “hotel”, the French word “hôtel” is also used in several expressions, such as “hôtel de ville” (city hall) and “hôtel particulier” (private mansion).

  978. arme
    (a weapon)
  979. réforme
  980. employer
    (to use)
  981. concours

    The French word “concours” means “competition” or “contest.” This word also refers to entrance exams in higher education (such as business and engineering schools), as well as exams for getting hired in public sector jobs.

  982. propriété
  983. quitter
    (to leave)
  984. vent
  985. original
  986. idéal
  987. moyenne
    (the average)
  988. adapter
    (to adapt)
  989. évoluer
    (to evolve)
  990. autant
    (so much, as much)
  991. frère

    The French word “frère” means “brother.” It comes from the Latin word “frāter,” which is also the origin of the English word “fraternity.”

  992. rencontrer
    (to meet)
  993. contraire
  994. britannique
  995. maintenir
    (to maintain)
  996. regarder
    (to look at)
  997. exercice
  998. malheureusement
  999. modifier
    (to change)
  1000. subir
    (to suffer)
  1001. étudier
    (to study)
  1002. feuille
  1003. augmenter
    (to increase)
  1004. avancer
    (to advance)
  1005. territoire
  1006. élever
    (to raise)
  1007. établissement
  1008. option
  1009. fruit
  1010. échange
  1011. revanche
    (revenge, rematch)
  1012. concept
  1013. vin

    France produces a lot of wine, so it is not surprising that the word “vin” (which means “wine”) is frequently used.

  1014. roi
  1015. capacité
    (ability, capability, skill)
  1016. priorité
  1017. montrer
    (to show)
  1018. découverte
  1019. précédent
  1020. supérieur
  1021. stade
  1022. obligatoire
  1023. responsable
  1024. oui
  1025. monter
    (to climb, to go up)
  1026. régime
    (regime, diet)

    The French word “régime” can mean “regime.” But often, when you come across this word, it’s in the context of nutrition, and in that case, it means “diet.”

  1027. médical
  1028. perte
  1029. collectif
  1030. central
  1031. disque
  1032. sportif
  1033. réflexion
  1034. vitesse
  1035. limité
  1036. largement
  1037. téléphone
  1038. épreuve
  1039. énergie
  1040. Québec
    [proper noun]
  1041. tard
  1042. initiative
  1043. lourd
  1044. uniquement
  1045. ambiance
  1046. parc
  1047. arrêt
    (a stop)
  1048. danger
  1049. réussite
  1050. net
  1051. jardin

    “Jardin” is a word you’ll see when you open a map of Paris. The “Jardin des Tuileries” (Tuileries Garden) and the “Jardin du Luxembourg” (Luxembourg Garden) are two very nice public parks in the city center.

  1052. contacter
    (to contact)
  1053. faute
  1054. fonds
  1055. ciel
  1056. éviter
    (to avoid)
  1057. compagnie
  1058. unité
  1059. faux
  1060. joli
  1061. transfert
  1062. vert
  1063. dessus
    (the top of something)
  1064. producteur
  1065. agréable
  1066. arrivée
  1067. civil