This guide covers over a hundred Italian compliments for all kinds of situations, from romantic to platonic. At the end, there is a section on how to respond to compliments in Italian.
The Italian language makes it easy to express a high degree of enthusiasm. For example, when “bella” (the Italian word for “beautiful”) is not enough, a suffix is added to produce the superlative form, “bellissima,” which translates to “very beautiful” or “most beautiful.”
Note that Italian is a gendered language, so the endings of adjectives change according to gender. For instance, the adjective “bellissima” is feminine, while “bellissimo” is the masculine version.
Below is a table with Italian compliments for a girl or woman.
Italian compliment | translation |
Sei bellissima | You look beautiful |
Sei una bella donna | You’re a beautiful woman |
Sei una bella ragazza | You’re a beautiful girl |
Sei uno spettacolo | You’re a sight to behold |
Sei carina | You’re pretty |
Sei stupenda | You’re stunning. |
Sei splendida | You’re gorgeous |
Sei meravigliosa | You’re wonderful |
Sei uno schianto | You’re a real knockout |
Sei una vera bomba | You’re a real bombshell |
Come sei bella | How beautiful you are |
Sei talmente bella da togliere il fiato | You're so breathtakingly beautiful |
Sei più bella di un angelo | You’re more beautiful than an angel |
Sei così bella da rendere gelose le stelle | You’re so beautiful you make the stars jealous |
Sei molto attraente | You’re very attractive |
Sei molto affascinante | You’re charming |
Sei intrigante | You’re fascinating |
Sei ammaliante | You’re bewitching |
Sei eccezionale | You’re extraordinary |
Sei seducente | You’re seductive |
Sei perfetta | You’re perfect |
Sei straordinaria | You’re amazing |
Sei incantevole | You’re enchanting |
Sei un incanto | You're such a charm |
Sei mozzafiato | You’re breathtaking |
Sei magnifica | You're magnificent |
Sei sensazionale | You're sensational |
Sei di un’altra categoria | You’re in a different class |
Sei sensuale | You’re sensual |
Sei molto sexy | You’re so sexy |
Be mindful of the context. Some compliments may be appropriate when chatting on a dating app, but they may be inappropriate in more formal settings.
Another way to generate Italian compliments is to use the following sentence pattern: « Ti trovo » + adjective. (« Ti trovo… » tranlates to « I find you… »)
For example, here are some Italian compliments (for women) that are constructed with this sentence pattern:
There are so many possibilities for Italian compliments. Here are some more compliments for women:
Italian | Translation |
Hai degli occhi stupendi | You have beautiful eyes |
Hai degli occhi da cerbiatta | You have doe eyes |
Hai uno sguardo magnetico | You have magnetic eyes |
Il tuo sorriso è contagioso | Your smile is contagious |
Il tuo sorriso è il sole della mia vita | Your smile is the sunshine of my life |
Hai un corpo da favola | You have a great body |
Potrei guardarti per tutto il giorno | I could look at you all day |
Mi fai sciogliere come neve al sole | You make me melt like snow in the sun |
Italian guys and men like being complimented too. They want to be desired and admired just as much as girls and women do. We've gathered some common phrases and expressions to compliment their look in the table below.
Italian | Translation |
Sei un bel ragazzo | You're a handsome guy |
Sei un bell’uomo | You’re a good-looking man |
Sei bellissimo | You're so handsome |
Sei molto carino | You’re so cute |
Sei molto in forma | You're very fit |
Hai un bel fisico | You have a great body |
La tua risata è contagiosa | Your laugh is infectious |
Sei un Adone | You're an Adonis |
Sei un ragazzo d’oro | You're a golden boy |
Sei un uomo d'oro | You're a golden man |
Here are some other sweet compliments you can give to your man that will make him feel like he’s king of his castles.
Italian | translation |
Insieme a te mi sento al sicuro | With you, I feel safe and secure |
Come farei senza di te? | What would I do without you? |
Dove sei stato tutta la mia vita? | Where have you been all my life? |
Sei la mia persona preferita al mondo | You’re my favorite person in the world |
Mi sento fortunata ad averti nella mia vita | I am so lucky to have you in my life |
Now we’ll focus on how to give genuine, sincere compliments to friends and people you value and admire. Check out the table below to find lots of examples!
Italian | Translation |
Sei il mio migliore amico (male) | You’re my best friend |
Sei la mia migliore amica (female) | You’re my best friend |
Sei un caro amico (male) | You’re a dear friend |
Sei una cara amica (female) | You’re a dear friend |
Sei un amico eccezionale (male) | You’re an amazing friend |
Sei un’amica eccezionale (female) | You’re an amazing friend |
Sei molto in gamba | You’re a capable person |
Sei un bravo ragazzo | You’re a good boy |
Sei una brava ragazza | You’re a good girl |
Sei molto simpatico (male) | You’re so nice |
Sei molto simpatica (female) | You’re so nice |
Sei una bella persona | You’re a beautiful person |
Amo il tuo senso dell’umorismo | I love your sense of humor |
Emani positività | You radiate positivity |
Mi sento a mio agio con te | I feel at ease with you |
Posso essere me stesso con te | I can fully be myself with you |
Sei molto divertente | You’re so much fun |
È uno spasso stare con te | It's a blast hanging out with you |
Mi capisci come nessun’altro al mondo | You understand me like nobody can |
Do you want to express how much you like a beautiful couple with a compliment? Here are a few examples of phrases which can be used to compliment a couple in Italian in a way that they will surely appreciate.
Italian | Translation |
Siete bellissimi insieme | You guys look amazing together |
Siete così innamorati | You look so in love |
Vi completate l'un l'altro | You complete each other |
Siete fatti l’uno per l’altro | You belong together |
Siete fatti per stare insieme | You’re meant to be |
Siete una bella coppia | You’re a beautiful couple |
Siete il ritratto dell'amore | You guys are the definition of love |
Siete la mia coppia preferita | You guys are my favorite couple |
There are so many ways to compliment how somebody looks. In the table below you will find several examples that will help you. Have a look at them and start improving your Italian!
Italian | Translation |
Stai benissimo! | You look fantastic! |
Ti trovo in splendida forma! | You look in good shape! |
Ti trovo in forma smagliante! | You look in good shape! |
Ti trovo bene! | You look fantastic! |
Quel vestito ti sta d'incanto | That dress looks awesome on you |
Adoro il tuo stile | I really like your sense of style |
Mi piace molto come ti vesti | I really like how you dress |
Mi piace il tuo nuovo taglio | I like your new haircut |
Questo colore ti dona molto | This color really suits you |
Che bel vestito, dove l’hai preso? | What a beautiful dress, where did you get it? |
People love to be appreciated for their personal qualities, skills, and abilities as much as for how they look. Here are some examples of different ways to do this.
Italian | Translation |
Hai molto talento | You're very talented |
Sei molto coraggioso / coraggiosa | You’re so brave |
Sei una persona schietta e sincera | You’re a sincere and honest person |
Sei molto dolce | You’re very sweet |
Sei generoso / generosa | You’re generous |
Sei molto gentile | You’re very kind |
Sei molto premuroso / premurosa | You’re very thoughtful |
Sei tenero / tenera | You’re caring |
Sei affettuoso / affettuosa | You’re loving |
Sei intelligente | You’re intelligent |
Sei sveglio / sveglia | You’re smart |
Sei brillante | You’re clever |
Sei astuto / astuta come una volpe | You’re as sly as a fox |
Sei scaltro / scatra | You’re shrewd |
Sei una persona sveglia e arguta | You’re a smart and witty person |
Sei una persona vincente | You’re a successful person |
Sei divertente | You’re funny |
Sei vivace | You’re lively |
Sei molto paziente | You’re so patient |
Sei assennato / assennata | You’re sensible |
Sei saggio / saggia | You’re wise |
Sei un genio | You’re genius |
Sei elegante | You’re elegant |
Sei molto creativo / creativa | You’re very creative |
Sei molto interessante | You're very interesting |
Sei affidabile | You’re trustworthy |
Sei indipendente | You’re independent |
Sei grande | You rock |
Sei il migliore / la migliore | You’re the best |
Hai un bel carattere | You have a good temperament |
È bello passare del tempo insieme a te | You’re nice to be around |
Genuine, well-thought-out, positivity-boosting compliments can go a long way in the workplace. Knowing how to compliment your coworkers, team members, collaborators, and employees is an important skill to have at work.
In the table below, you will find lots of different ways to do this. Have a look, and get prepared for the next time you need to compliment someone on their work!
Italian | Translation |
Ottimo lavoro! | Good job! |
Complimenti! | My compliments! |
Congratulazioni! | Congratulations! |
Chapeau | Thumbs up |
Ben fatto! | Well done! |
Bravo! (male) | Well done! |
Brava! (female) | Well done! |
Sei stato bravissimo! (male) | You did very well! |
Sei stata bravissima! (female) | You did very well! |
Hai fatto un ottimo lavoro | You did a great job |
Il tuo contributo è stato prezioso | Your contribution has been valuable |
Te lo sei meritato | You earned it |
Sono fiero di te | I’m proud of you |
Sono molto orgoglioso di te | I’m so proud of you |
Il tuo duro lavoro è stato ripagato | Your hard work paid off |
By complimenting someone on their belongings, one can show one’s appreciation for that person’s good taste. Here are some phrases to do this in Italian.
Italian | Translation |
Hai una bellissima casa | You have a beautiful home |
Che bella casa! | What a beautiful home you have! |
Che bella macchina! | What a beautiful car you have ! |
Che bella moto! | What a beautiful motorbike! |
Hai buon gusto, complimenti! | You have good taste. My compliments! |
Complimenti per l'arredamento | Exquisite choice of decor |
After receiving a compliment, it is polite to say something in order to show your appreciation. Here we'll introduce you to phrases that you can use to do this. Take a look!
Grazie, è molto gentile da parte tua | Thanks, that’s very kind of you |
Grazie, mi fa molto piacere che tu lo dica | Thank you, that's so nice of you to say |
Grazie, lo apprezzo molto | Thank you, I appreciate that |
Grazie, le tue parole mi lusingano | Thank you, your words flatter me |
Thanks, you too | Grazie, anche tu |
Grazie | Thank you |
Grazie mille | Thank you very much |
Molte grazie | Many thanks |
Grazie davvero | Thanks, I really mean it |
Grazie di cuore | Thanks with all my heart |
Grazie dal profondo del cuore | Thank you from the bottom of my heart |
Grazie, troppo gentile | Thank you, too kind |
Grazie, un complimento detto da te vale doppio | Thank you, a compliment from you is worth a dozen from anyone else. |
After showing your appreciation, you could then return the compliment by saying something nice about the other person.
For example:
Complimenti for making it to the end of this lesson!